vishalmahtani · 1 year
Prasad Karmarkar - A teacher, A Guru or a life changing experience
Prasad Karmarkar - the name alone brings a smile on my face. I don’t think I relate to him as a human, but more as an experience. Yes of course he is a human, but what stays with you every time you are in his presence is the experience of living completely. I met Prasad in 2009 in Dubai where I attended a reiki level 1 with him. I still remember him entering the room in all white clothes and sitting on a seating in front of the room and looking at each of the participants in the eye with a smile. There was an instant connection with him and there was a peace and calm that I felt, knowing I was home. I joined reiki 1 when I was in a very disturbed state after a breakup with my then girlfriend, more so finding out she was cheating on me. I had not been able to sleep for almost 6 days before the seminar, and after the 1st day (of 2 days) I was able to sleep for 4 to 5 hours in that night. By the end of the 2nd day I was so calm and peaceful inside that I was able to move towards normalcy in life. This experience made me move towards prasad and eventually multiple such experiences gave me to courage to say he is my GURU, and the one person who I go to any time I am stuck or just any time I need a shoulder to cry on. I don’t meet him much but his teachings over the years have become embedded in me and as I said its the experience of Prasad that I live in, I now clearly know the difference between right and wrong, and also understand the Karmic implications between taking the choices of right and wrong. I have over the past 15 years done multiple training's with Sir as I call him, and the most life changing is the 3 years LTP which completely transforms you from who you are to who you wish to become, don’t get me wrong I am not saying my life is perfect now, but now every-time a situation comes up, I am extremely ready and aware on how to deal with it. The teachings and life learnings are now a part of my DNA, and my approach or response to any such incident is very different and mature to what I used to be. This helps me avoid conflict and even in the worse of all situations, I end up making friends who stay with me for the longest times. Another thing I want to talk about is the “SILENT INTENSIVE” - this is a 4 day intensive in which you are in complete silence for 4 full days, probably like a Vipasana but again nothing like anything else I have seen or attended. There is a very high level of discipline in every training that Prasad does, and he always reminds us that our smallest actions are a reflection to the BIG work we do out there. A simple example is how we eat. I could go on and on, but as he and his teachings are an experience more then a person, I feel people need to be a part of it, no words can justify them In gratitude to the Universe for giving me a GURU like no other."
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