visual--kraft · 28 days
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visual--kraft · 28 days
The absolute upper limit of what can be considered affordable for a home is 4x your income. Ideally it should be 3x, but 4x is the limit for reasonably stretching your budget.
Using Sacramento as an example, median home price is about $510k, and median household income is about $85,000
That number for Sacramento is 6x, and that's for a middling city with middling employment prospects. So the entire city for almost everyone living there is by definition unaffordable. And that's not as bad as it gets
Let's look at Toronto. Median income is around $91,000, median home price is just over $1,100,000. That's a ratio of 12:1. You would need to be making a quarter of a million dollars just to be able to qualify for a mortgage.
For a home to be affordable, one of two things need to happen: 1) incomes need to rise astronomically overnight or 2) home prices need to crash astronomically overnight
In Sacramento, that means the median income needs to double (to $170k per year), or home prices need to crash by 50%
In Toronto, that means incomes need to quadruple (to $370k per year) or home prices need to crash about 75%
This is how bad the housing crisis is. I don't think people truly understand the gravity of how bad it is. Home prices should not be this high. Incomes should not be this low. Look back 100 years and you won't find a time when affordability was this bad for everyone everywhere. Things must change
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visual--kraft · 28 days
#tbh i never thought of this
#posting to spread awareness
everyone dunking on that automated fleshlight sex toy needs to remember that disabled people get horny too ok 💜
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visual--kraft · 28 days
My dad was dealing with some mixed feelings so I told him "In therapy when something is too complicated to do a simple 'pro and contra list' we sometimes do an excercise where you imagine all these mixed feelings around a table in some kind of conference, letting each tell their bit and you leading the debate."
and my dad didn't really respond and just stared ahead so I kept preparing lunch. Until a few minutes later when he suddenly piped up: "I am having a bad time at the conference"
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visual--kraft · 30 days
vegans making honey a bee labour issue is the funniest thing imaginable because like, you picked the one animal that has already unionised
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visual--kraft · 30 days
I don’t even care who fucking wins the presidency this year look at this
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visual--kraft · 1 month
i think i would enjoy grazing. were i a cow ...
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visual--kraft · 1 month
FOR ANYONE WHO MIGHT NEED TO KNOW (cause I've told like 3 trans friends this week)
Your pants size in women's is the waist measurement of your men's pants size minus 20. 38x30 in men's becomes 18 in women's. some variation for cut and style but this is the baseline
Your shirt size in women's is one size up from your shirt size in men's. If you wear a men's small, you'll wear a women's medium
Your shoe size in women's is roughly two sizes up from your shoe size in men's. However, many men's shoes are slightly wider than women's shoes so you may have to get wide shoes in women's when you wear standard width in men's
hope this helps, and happy shape-shifting
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visual--kraft · 1 month
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visual--kraft · 1 month
I can't be the only one surprised how casually you're just. Here. Mind talking about what it was like to like. Join Tumblr?
It was 13 or 14 years ago. From what I remember you just shouldered aside the mastodons, went into the Tumblr cave and carved your mark on the wall, telling people you were now signed up for tumblr, and then they would haul memes on animal hides past you. Back then it was mostly cats doing amusing things, obviously, but we would watch them by the flickering firelight, and chortle to ourselves hopefully before leaving the cave and trudging back to our lives.
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visual--kraft · 1 month
hey neil idk if you’re the best person to ask but i would like to think you have some sadge advice or something. as an introvert how do you deal with going to funerals and that whole interaction with people trying to support people and people trying to support you? It’s all strange and weird to me. thanks.
You remind yourself that this is not a usual thing for anyone, and that everyone is dealing with their own personal reactions to what's happened, with grief or loss or just the weirdness of it all. And you look after yourself.
And take refuge in things that people say. "I'm sorry for your loss", or "May their memory be a blessing" or "Thank you so much" when people offer their own condolences. It's formulaic but it works.
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visual--kraft · 1 month
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Victorian vampire outfit.
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visual--kraft · 1 month
Can we talk about posters that Kjetil Nystuen created for the Long Dark?
I can't stop looking at them. (Low res versions; use the link above to view in the artist's portfolio).
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visual--kraft · 1 month
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visual--kraft · 1 month
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I feel like we need to stop Twitter callouts and go back to publishing them in the newspaper like gentlemen.
(source: The Frederick Hornet, September 27, 1803.)
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visual--kraft · 1 month
wow players having to stand in lines for a quest because a relevant npc can only talk to one player at a time. is the funniest image on the planet
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visual--kraft · 1 month
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