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for my final ten images I chose a series of prints that I have altered slightly on the computer and added some words from poems. I chose these because after exploring a few ideas these are the most finished to me. I also put one 2D which is the remaining cut out folded together. I added the scrap paper left over from cutting out leaf forms for the original artwork. I thought that it left an interesting trace . I found it interesting how like the leaves that fell of the tree and are dying the cutouts is left over and discarded. I found that this related well with time and change in dying and being reborn. the images are made using a combination of printmaking collage drawing and digital art
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I was thinking of time in lockdown. I would go out on the bike around the block to get some exercise in a circular motion. I was also thinking about traces of an activity.
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project statement
for this project I focused on the index brief and looked at the concept of time, exploring the link between time and movement and movement and rhythm.
I chose to look at nature and how the traces of time can be seen in it. with the example of the tree you can see the traces of the seasons passing in each ring therefore being able to tell the age of the tree.
I started looking at trees because they are all around us and we share a space with them. I took pictures of the bark and the tree interior. 
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these images a am looking at the natural invironment for inspiration
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Nature naturally lends itself to the concept of time in the way that it constantly changes by dying and renewing itself. By its forms which can be looked at from the perspective of a metaphor for time in the form of circles and spirals.
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Here is a series of works in blue looking at the traces that nature makes
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looking at nature. 
in this pieces i was looking at leaves and nature. I combined the original pieces with cutout leaves from another piece of work that i did to create this new one. I took some pictures to document what was left from the older work to show the destructive process in creating this piece and what was left behind. the poem with he images is about nature and different types of tree lifespans. I was thinking about potential subjects that I could look at with the subject I had chosen.  I chose leaves connected with the theme of seasons in the poem.
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In these series of slides I was thinking about the circular nature of time. I found these images interesting as a representation of times circular nature as well as the traces that it leaves behind showing the trees age. I did some circular drawings thinking about this as well as my own personal experience of time in the lockdown when I would ride my bike around the block in a circular fashion to take up time. I also combined some words with these works that related to time as I was thinking about semiotics.
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I was thinking about the circulare nature of seasons when I was making this artwork and I think that this shell ilustrates this I dea in its shape
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In these slides I am looking at the traces that nature leaves behind in the passing of the seasons. I chose to look at leaves because of there close connection with the changing of the seasons. looking at how time and nature produce continually changing forms.
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in this pieces I was looking at nature and taking some photos that I might later develope into pieces I aslo chose to put this art research of brian katling, because of the taktile nature of his work. I also was Influenced by artists such as chagall and howard hodge kin because of there expressive taktle ways that they both handle the material in which they work.
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patterns and traces
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 Carrol Ann Duffys before you where mine and Charles Bukowskis I know you. I looked at Carol Ann Duffys poem about here mother and how it relates to generational time. in the Charles Bukowski poem I looked at parts of the poem that related to time and scored out the parts that didnt. I also looked at the perception of time during the lockdown and how I used it to cycle around the block as a use of time. I looked at the symbolism and semiotics of time and how it is represented. some symbols I used that could be connected to time where circles and the color black. I also looked at other poems that had to do with nature and the metaphor of time in nature and also plants and flowers. I looked at some video experiments with slowing and speeding up time.
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artist research
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Silueta Works in Mexico Ana Mendieta
Here I was looking at Ana Mendietas works in relation to mine. I chose to look at these works because of the connection between the natural form of the human body and the natural fauna of the environment. I looked at this because of my own work that is related to time and through that concepts I was looking at poems that where connected to the seasons nature and traces. 
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yew tree is a sourced photo
In my initial research I looked at trees and how time leaves traces in how the trees form and grow.
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