Vitality Clinic Business Seminars
4-day intensive certificate course in holistic weight loss coaching in Perth
Builds profitable and very rewarding business. Help people to lose weight and increase their wellbeing
Work only 2-days and earn $3,000.00 or more
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No more long hours. No more worried about bills. No more financial pressure.
Enjoy your personal & financial freedom Make Luxury holidays. Spend more times with your loved ones. Work for pleasure and fulfill your life.Attract ideal clients  
Who Is This Training For? 
● People who work in the wellness industry and want to learn a new modality to extend their knowledge  and take their business to the next level.
 ● Dedicated, health and fitness oriented people who are ready to learn a very  rewarding new skill to help people.
Why Weight Loss Coaching?
The Australian population needs professional people like you, who can help them change their diet and lifestyle and gain back the control of the life.  
The demand for lose weight professionals are very high.
If you are ready to make you next step toward a rewarding and very interesting job call us today. Ask your early bird special.  Download your training outline and make the registration today. 
Date: from 15/11/2019 to 18/11/2019 
From 10am to 4.30pm Commencing Day: 
Email: ​[email protected] 
Phone: 61433167704
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Are you ready to stop or reduce alcohol?
Do you know  that you can quit alcohol effortlessly and naturally with the Vitality Clinic hypnosis?  
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Hypnosis gives you the solution of your drinking habits No matter how much you currently drink the Vitality Clinic powerful and advanced system can help you to stop drinking alcohol for life. 
You have the bad  habit of drinking alcohol and we have the powerful techniques to help you quit your bad habits.
  You have the reasons to quit alcohol. These reasons are very important to break your drinking habi​t. You can stop drinking alcohol with only one quit alcohol hypnosis session. 
The Vitality Clinic Quit Alcohol system is natural, relaxing and very successful. Only need one session to quit and  be completely FREE from alcohol. A​lcohol will never control your life again You will no longer damage your life with alcohol.  
The benefits to quit alcohol with hypnosis are many: Quit Alcohol with the Vitality Clinic Hypnosis is easy, natural, drug free, long term and very successful
If you are ready and motivated to transform your life to be happier and gain back control of your life over alcohol we are here to help you.
We work only people they seriously want to quit alcohol Results are not typical. We give you all of the suggestions to quit successfully alcohol it is you who will make the hypnotic suggestions work The choice will be yours as to whether you want to quit drinking completely or just want to cut down.
  Support system 
We don't give money back guarantee, but we  created a very beneficial and successful reinforcement system. If you start drinking again you can come back free 3 times in 12 months. 
We are here to help you. We want you to be successful.
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Hypnotic Gastric Band Surgery Is the Solution for Healthy Weight Loss
In Gastric Band Surgery a  hollow band placed around the stomach near its upper end to create a small pouch and a narrow passage into the larger remainder of the stomach.  
The surgical Gastric Band Surgery helps you to lose weight but it is costly.  It has  possible side effects and risks associated with the surgical procedure.  Risk associated with the surgical procedure can include​: 
❖ pain 
 ❖ Infections
 ❖ Bowel obstruction 
❖ Stomach perforation 
❖ Adverse reactions to anesthesia 
❖ Ulcers
The surgical Gastric Band Surgery doesn't release the cravings for chocolates, lollies, soft drinks and junk food  
What if you could have all of the benefits of a surgical Gastric Band, without any possible side effects, pain and  costly surgery ?  
Gastric Band Hypnosis gives you all of the benefits and more of the surgical gastric band procedure without the possible side effects of the surgical procedure​.  
Do you know that, gastric band hypnosis makes your stomach small and releases the cravings for chocolates, lollies, soft drinks and junk food ? Gastric band hypnosis changing your eating habits to eat healthy, live healthy.
The hypnotic or virtual gastric -lap band operation using only the power of your unconscious mind. As the result of this hypnotic procedure you will start to eat less and the weight  will begin to simply melt off your frame.  
The benefit of this hypnotic gastric-banding is that : 
you will not experience any of the side effects from the real operation, you will not have to recover from the surgery – and the results are ​instantaneous The results of the hypnotic gastric band procedure are instant without the pain and recovery time of the surgical operation. 
The  powerful hypnotic suggestions of the gastric band hypnosis increase the  power of the subconscious mind to help you to be satisfied with smaller portions of food. Eat healthy, stay motivated and gain back your ideal weight and size for long term.  The hypnotic suggestions of the  Gastric Band hypnosis creates a state of mind you will believe that you actually have a Gastric Band fitted.  You will be satisfied with a small portion of food. You will naturally draw to healthy, nutritious foods. You gain back your positive self image with increased health and happiness.  
The Vitality Clinic Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis is a transformational and very successful weight Loss System.  
The Gastric Band Hypnosis is a non-surgical procedure with the long term solution to your ​h​ealth and weight problems 
The virtual gastric band hypnosis of the Vitality Clinic in Applecross ,Rockingham and Mandurah is very popular. It has a very high success rate.  
  The Hypnotic Gastric Band System of the Vitality Clinic in Applecross, Rockingham, and Mandurah is a long term solution to your health and weight problems.  
It is suitable for everybody who is seriously considering Surgical Gastric Banding on a non intrusive journey through an imaginary surgical procedure.
Successful weight loss with hypnosis changing unconscious habits as it is about diet, nutrition, and exercise. This is what makes hypnotherapy the most natural and safest way of losing weight.
Support System 
The Vitality Clinic Gastric Band Hypnosis Sessions are then supported with weight loss hypnosis support CDs at home (these CDs will be handed to you in your sessions at no extra charge).   The CD sessions are relaxing, interesting, and most importantly EFFECTIVE. They are even more effective over time, so eventually you will rarely need to use them.
We developed a reinforcement system for you because we want you to be successful.  Your success is our happiness.
After the first session you will be a member of our private Facebook where you can meet people and find motivation. You can call us monthly for 30 minutes free consultation for 6-month.  
The results are not typical. The responsibility of the Vitality Hypnosis Clinic is to give you all the treatments and guidelines to successfully achieve your weight loss goals. It is your responsibility to follow the learned techniques and  guidelines. We don’t make a diagnosis. We are not doctors.  The Vitality Clinic Hypnosis works only dedicated people who are ready for change and committed for success.
If it is you please contact us and we give you the best sessions to achieve your goals successfully and long term.  We are here to help you. Your success is our happiness.  
Phone: 0433167704
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The Vitality Clinic has designed a corporate QUIT SMOKING SYSTEM PACKAGE to help companies & small businesses to successfully eliminate smoking from the workplace.
We designed this quit smoking package because we know smoking is bad for both mental and physical health, it decreases productivity and increases smoking related sick days.
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 Studies have shown that a smoker spends about 115 hours per year on unauthorised cigarette breaks.
Smokers have 29% increased risk of industrial injury Smokers have 34% increased rate of non-attendance at workplace Smokers have 40% increased risk of occupational injury Smokers have higher level of stress and anxiety Smokers have approximately 34% increased rate of absence
The Vitality Clinic in Perth and Rockingham offers a Corporate Quit Smoking Cigarettes package for businesses to develop positive changes for employers and employees (workers) by eliminating smoking from workplaces.
These corporate hypnotherapy packages designed by the Vitality Clinic will produce exactly the kind of employees and work place that you desire  happy, healthy, motivated and productive staff and environment.
The Vitality Clinic helps small to large businesses around Australia.
The Quit Smoking system designed by us has a very high success rate. This system is quick and effective. It's absolutely safe and drug free with no withdrawal symptoms. We guarantee our commitment to help your employees become successful and permanent non-smokers.
The Benefits of Corporate Hypnotherapy Packages to Quit Cigarettes   Increased productivity Less sick days Healthier and more productive workplace Smoke-free workplace Safer, cleaner and healthier workplace environment Reduced fire risk Less cleaning and maintenance costs Increased employee satisfaction Higher level of well-being and Increased productivity
We developed one of the fastest and most effective quit smoking system available in Australia.   We are committed to supporting your business and your employees.
We can run programs for your workplace during flexible hours that suit you.
We also designed corporate packages to, • Improve confidence • Improve motivation • Reduce stress and anxiety   Have you ever made consideration how much it costs to employ a smoker each year?
Please contact us for further information and to discuss a package that suits your business and workplace needs.   Make an appointment today.
Phone: 0433 167 704   
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Quit Smoking Cigarettes in 60 Minutes
Why Don't People Quit Cigarettes?  
Everyone knows cigarettes are not good for them.  Everyone knows they spend too much money on cigarettes.
So, why do people continue to smoke?  
Why is it so hard for so many people to quit cigarettes?  63% of smokers want to quit. But they don’t. Why?   The biggest reason of all – Because smoking cigarettes is not actually under your conscious control. Smoking cigarettes is done by your unconscious mind.
Smoking cigarettes is  something your unconscious mind does automatically.
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 Are you ready to quit smoking cigarettes?
If you answer is yes, the good news is that you can quit smoking in 60 minutes with the quit smoking hypnosis.  The Vitality Clinic in Applecross, Rockingham and Mandurah created a very successful system to quit smoking in one session.   You can be free from the habit of smoking in just 60 minutes with hypnosis​.   Quit smoking cigarettes with the Vitality Clinic hypnosis is easy, relaxing and very successful.  No RISK: if you start to smoke again you can come back free,
The Vitality Clinic quit smoking hypnosis gives powerful suggestions to the unconscious mind to successfully stop smoking for life.    The Vitality Clinic quit smoking hypnosis has many benefits
• you do not need to deal with the withdrawal symptoms 
• you do not need to be worried to start gaining weight 
•You do not need to take  dangerous drugs
No pain No chemicals No patches or pills No needles
The best of this quit smoking cigarettes system is that it deals with all the reasons that are unique to you.   It even goes one step further. This system is proactive in removing a lot of the common reasons people fail. b   For example, with this system we help find and create new habits so you don’t gain any weight from eating more when you quit cigarettes.   Also we help remove the withdrawal symptoms from the addictive aspects of cigarettes, doesn’t that sound good? 
We are so confident in this system​ that we are still the only people who back up our quit cigarettes session with free reinforcing sessions.  
Free follow up session  
This means that if you ever start smoking cigarettes again, we will do a follow up session at no charge to help you quit smoking cigarettes for good.  Yes, you read that correctly.  If you ever start smoking cigarettes again in the future, we will do a session for FREE to help you become a non-smoker again.
The reason we can offer our unique free reinforcement sessions is because we have such a high success rate. Literally more than 97.6% of people quit cigarettes in one session.  
 The Vitality Clinic quit smoking cigarettes system makes it so easy that in only 60 minutes you will be a non-smoker.   Become a happy, permanent, non-smoker for life.
Let us help you to become  a non-smoker with quit cigarettes hypnosis. It is ease, affordable and very successful.  
97.6 % Quit In 60 Minutes   When you quit cigarettes with the Vitality Clinic You go home a non-smoker for life.
We are here to help you. Let us to make you free from cigarettes. Call us today for further information or bookings. Do not forget to claim your $50 gift voucher.  
Call us today. Phone 043 3167 704
❤  I  love to be a non smoker ❤
❤  I love to breath fresh air ❤ ​ Frequently ask questions    
How does hypnosis work?  
The human minds work on two levels – the conscious and the unconscious. We make decisions, think, and act with our conscious mind. The unconscious mind controls our habits. In the relaxed state known as hypnosis, we can communicate directly with the unconscious mind. This is why it is so quick and easy to change habits of a lifetime with hypnosis.   Will This System work for me?  Everyone with an Average IQ can be successful in using this system. And since the session is custom tailored to your individual needs, it works for almost anyone.   How will I know if the system works?  Because you will have quit cigarettes and will feel great being a non-smoker. Many people never even experience withdrawal symptoms after the session. In fact some feel as if they have never smoked cigarettes.   Is this system safe?  This system is completely safe. You are aware and in control at every moment and can terminate the session at any time. You cannot get stuck in hypnosis. You can’t be made to do something against your will! Hypnosis is a safe, relaxing, and enjoyable experience.   How does this system help me to quit cigarettes?  We custom tailor the session to you and address your specific needs, you become a non-smoker with ease  
While there are numerous hypnotherapy clinics and practitioners across Western Australia and around Perth, we encourage you to contact the Vitality Clinic as we have the very unique and highly successful system. We have Experience and the Desire to help as many people across Western Australia to quit smoking.
For appointments and/or further information call us today.  ​Phone: 0433 167 704  
  Hi, I’m vilma Domavari. I’m your hypnosis specialist to help you quit cigarette in 60 minutes.  I’m very excited to share my knowledge and experience with you and help you to quit smoking  for life. I believe in my treatments and I’m confident you can experience the success, but if any of my clients ever feel they need some further help and support they can come back free for more assistance. I do not criticise them and I give them a free back up treatment.   Will you let me help you ?    If yes, just pick up your phone and call us:
Phone: 043 3167 704
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