vitch · 9 years
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vitch · 9 years
The argument that Jeremy Corbyn is unelectable is being made by three candidates who can’t even win an election against Jeremy Corbyn.
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vitch · 9 years
Britain’s establishment, at least in part, can be visualised (for those of strong stomach) as a group of powerful men standing close together, each with the balls of the man next to him held in a powerful grip.
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vitch · 12 years
Interesting insight on Opera's decision to move to webkit as their rendering engine
What we do know is that in technology, we’ve never been served well by monocultures — we know this for sure. I worry that in our desire for clearer definition, easier standards, faster progress, we’re forgetting that we know this. Same as it ever was, I suppose.
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vitch · 12 years
If you’re only filling your head with a single source of inspiration, sitting in a single environment, thinking about a single topic, you’ll only ever have a single output. We are the sum of our experiences, so when asked to generate new thought, we’ll be calling upon the existing thought in our heads, breaking it down and recombining it.
Matthew Knight on "Making time to think"
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vitch · 12 years
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Frozen bubbles in a Canadian lake
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vitch · 12 years
I'll pay you $5000 to build the MVP of that idea you've been kicking around in your head for the last year.
Interesting proposition on Hacker News for a way to get startups started. Mutually beneficial as both parties end up with 50% of something (rather than the developer having 100% of nothing) and the risk is shared (as the investor is paying for the time spent developing the MVP)
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vitch · 12 years
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Fresh stack of @RideSnowboard boots just been delivered.. get brand new boots when you rent from us here at Tignes Spirit!!
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vitch · 12 years
In today’s world, a corporate Goliath like Expedia has way too much power to be worried about stones thrown by small business owners like us.
A horrifying account of the behaviour of Expedia to one of its "partner" hotels
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vitch · 12 years
Here's the secret that every successful software company is based on: You can domesticate programmers the way beekeepers tame bees. You can't exactly communicate with them, but you can get them to swarm in one place and when they're not looking, you can carry off the honey.
Insight on how coders work and how software companies die
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vitch · 12 years
My poem on diversity in the workplace and youth unemployment at the Race for Opportunity dinner
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vitch · 12 years
Apple seems less interested in blowing people away than it is in milking profit out of the existing lineup.
Dan Lyons damning indictment of the current state of Apple
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vitch · 12 years
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vitch · 12 years
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Awesome long exposure photos of fireworks where the camera is focused halfway through the shot
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vitch · 12 years
What was Iceland's approach? To do the exact opposite of everything the bankers running our own economies told us to do. The bankers (naturally) told us that we needed to bail out the criminal Big Banks, at taxpayer expense (they were Too Big To Fail). Iceland gave the banksters nothing.
Apparently Iceland is doing a better job of fixing it's economy than the rest of us - and austerity isn't the answer
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vitch · 12 years
The criminals are not primarily wrongdoers to be punished, but broken people to be fixed.
A look at the Norwegian system of "restorative justice" - a different approach to treating criminals
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vitch · 12 years
I love this installation where water is sprayed on a screen of LEDs to trigger the release of light
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