vitreousobsidian · 6 hours
The evolution of common and commoner as words is crazy like. Girl we don’t even have the commons anymore. Capitalism took everything from us
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vitreousobsidian · 11 hours
My dad was dealing with some mixed feelings so I told him "In therapy when something is too complicated to do a simple 'pro and contra list' we sometimes do an excercise where you imagine all these mixed feelings around a table in some kind of conference, letting each tell their bit and you leading the debate."
and my dad didn't really respond and just stared ahead so I kept preparing lunch. Until a few minutes later when he suddenly piped up: "I am having a bad time at the conference"
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vitreousobsidian · 14 hours
Inspecting my grean
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vitreousobsidian · 15 hours
The Imperious Pyramid
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vitreousobsidian · 19 hours
Do you have any tips on how to ethically consume media
put a sheet over your head so god cant see you
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vitreousobsidian · 1 day
ok so i do have adhd but i feel as though this somehow transcends it. I just made a cup of tea 10 minutes ago. Im in a very small room. It has disappeared. I didnt leave the room. It just escaped. It is gone. It never was. Wheres my tea. It couldnt have gone anywhere and yet it has. Did i drink it and eat the cup and forget? Where is my tea. I miss her. This is fucked
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vitreousobsidian · 1 day
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vitreousobsidian · 2 days
whenever i get envious because someone i know scored a big career win i take a deep breath and remind myself that although i deserve it more and would do a better job, they probably got it by nefarious means that i would never stoop to
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vitreousobsidian · 2 days
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vitreousobsidian · 2 days
my favorite grandpaism of all time is when he said "every time i learn a new person's name i forget the name of a fish." that shit has stuck with me for years. what did he mean by that
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vitreousobsidian · 2 days
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vitreousobsidian · 3 days
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TINY WRLD (2020)
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vitreousobsidian · 3 days
tough fucking luck losing my cart and my pack of camels in the same 48 hour period i suspect that it may have been ghouls
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vitreousobsidian · 3 days
I just wanna address the rumours real quick; I am NOT microwave safe. do not put me in there
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vitreousobsidian · 3 days
I genuinely wonder sometimes WHAT it’s like to live and not be an artist. Of any kind, like painter, illustrator, writer, videographer, performer, whatever ok etc etc etc, like. What the fuck do you mean you don’t have an innate and all-consuming need to create. How is it like living life like that. Is it nice. I BET ITS NICE
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vitreousobsidian · 4 days
Y’all want Taylor Swift to be gay so bad but you won’t even write femslash about her
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vitreousobsidian · 4 days
we're having sex and you pull out at the end to discover your cock is entirely gone, dissolved (ive digested it like a pitcher plant). bye!
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