vivaciousnake · 4 years
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vivaciousnake · 4 years
i tried coming back to this blog and i accidentally changed someone else’s password
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vivaciousnake · 6 years
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here i am releasing yet another harry potter indie masterlist into the world. to be added, simply reblog with your character name and primary era (riddle, marauders, post-potter, etc) in the tags. 
the list can be found here.
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vivaciousnake · 6 years
okay but pansy always dreamt of going back to brazil after graduating hogwarts, to have her proper introduction to her mother's roots and customs. even though she doesn't get along with her parents and they have many issues, she still values family and family and her ancestry are a very important part of her life and to all of her family. she always dreamt of going to her mother's hometown and learn the art of wandless magic as she was supposed to. her mother still taught her while in england during summers but because they were so far away from their land, it was harder for pansy to get the hang of it and the source of their power. however, after her brother's death in the battle of hogwarts, her parents blamed her for his death and cut ties with her, going back for brazil and leaving her alone in england. pansy never got her opportunity to learn and delve into her family's customs because she didn't dare to cross their path after all the guilt of the battle. and let it be known that it breaks her heart and soul, and while everyone thinks she is depressed because of her brother's death, it's more due the fact that she was basically banished from her entire family and community.
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vivaciousnake · 6 years
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vivaciousnake · 6 years
me?….. holding a grudge?……. Yes
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vivaciousnake · 6 years
In-Depth Family Meme
🛣 : Where does your muse's family originate from. Do they come from another state or another country? Are there any customs, relevant to their original home, present in the family today?
📫 : Are there any relatives that still reside in a different state or country? Have they ever interacted with your muse at some point in their life at all?
🙇: Who is the oldest ancestor your muse's family can trace back to in History? If they cannot trace back that far - is your muse interested in learning of their roots?
🤰: Is your muse's family big or little? Close-knit or distant?
👣: Were there any naming traditions in your muse's family? Reoccurring names found generation to generation?
👨: How close were they to their father?
👩: How close were they to their mother?
👶: How close were they to their siblings?
👥: If they were a only child, were they lonesome? Does your muse wish they had a younger sibling or two as they grew up?
👀: Was anyone idolized in your muse's family? Did your muse idolize anyone?
💪: Are there any physical characteristics that run in your muse's family?
👑: Are there any special heirlooms, photos, bibles or other memorabilia that have been passed down in your muse's family?
🏕: Does your muse's family have any traditions? Whether it be them travelling out of state for a period of time or, something they've done each holiday over the years?
🛫: Was your muse happy to leave home, or do they miss it? Is it victorious to be away from their family? Bittersweet or nostalgic?
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vivaciousnake · 6 years
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Endless gifs of VERONICA LODGE - 2x22, Chapter 35; Brave New World
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vivaciousnake · 6 years
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I want ships named after me, not horses.
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vivaciousnake · 6 years
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                   “ pansy parkinson, a pretty and vivacious fourth-year student. ”                                                      prev. SHEVIVACIOUS.       adored by angela.     ©
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vivaciousnake · 6 years
Do u ever not realize how starved for affection u are till someone hugs u a bit tighter than normal and you find that you really don’t want to let go
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vivaciousnake · 6 years
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vivaciousnake · 6 years
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vivaciousnake · 6 years
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♛ || 𝗛𝗢𝗚𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗧𝗦 𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗦𝗘 𝗠𝗢𝗢𝗗𝗕𝗢𝗔𝗥𝗗 : 𝑺𝒍𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏 —— ❛ Slytherins are foggy hillsides and picturesque landscapes. They’re hand written love notes and subtle glances across a classroom. They’re black boots , long coats , buttons done up to the top. They’re tipping your head back to breathe the air , kicking up stones on a deserted path. They’re mirrored lakes , everything below the surface. They’re the confidence to get something right , the feel of magic in your fingertips. They’re holding your breath underwater , pretending to be a mermaid when you swim. They’re finding that one song that makes you want to create a storm. They’re the chill in the breeze , the force in the tide. They’re enchanted forests and lingering glances and long drives. They’re the lightning and the thunder and everything in between. ❜
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vivaciousnake · 6 years
hamilton   /   starter sentences.
feel   free   to   change   the   pronouns   to   make   these   fit!
’ this kid is insane, man! ’
’ the world’s gonna know your name! ’
’ what’s your name, man? ’
’ there’s a million things i haven’t done. ’
’ just you wait. ’
’ in new york you can be a new man. ’
’ you could never back down. ’
’ you never learned to take your time. ’
’ the world will never be the same. ’
’ pardon me, are you [ name ], sir? ’
’ i’m at your service, sir. ’
’ i have been looking for you. ’
’ i’m getting nervous. ‘
‘ can i buy you a drink? ‘
‘ while we’re talking, let me offer you some free advice. ‘
‘ don’t let them know what you’re against or what you’re for. ‘
‘ you can’t be serious. ‘
‘ you want to get ahead? ‘
‘ fools who run their mouths off wind up dead. ‘
‘ what time is it? ‘
‘ pour me another brew, son! ‘
‘ to the revolution! ‘
‘ good luck with that. ‘
‘ what do you stall for? ‘
‘ if you stand for nothing, [ name ], what’ll you fall for? ‘
‘ who are you? ‘
‘ i am not throwing away my shot. ‘
‘ i’m young, scrappy, and hungry. ‘
‘ with every word i drop knowledge. ‘
‘ i’m a diamond in the rough, a shiny piece of coal. ‘
‘ only nineteen, but my mind is older. ‘
‘ i have learned to manage. ‘
‘ the plan is to fan this spark into a flame. ‘
‘ don’t be shocked when your history book mentions me. ‘
‘ i will lay down my life if it sets us free. ‘
‘ if you talk, you’re gonna get shot! ‘
‘ i think your pants look hot. ‘
‘ what are the odds the gods would put us all in one spot? ‘
‘ oh, am i talkin’ too loud? ‘
‘ i promise that i’ll make y'all proud. ‘
‘ rise up. ‘
‘ i imagine death so much it feels more like a memory. ‘
‘ i never thought i’d live past twenty. ‘
‘ this is not a moment, it’s the movement. ‘
‘ we need to handle our financial situation. ‘
‘ i may not live to see our glory. ‘
‘ i will gladly join the fight. ‘
‘ let’s have another round tonight. ‘
‘ raise a glass to freedom. ‘
‘ remind me what we’re looking for. ‘
‘ i’m looking for a mind at work. ‘
‘ there’s nothing like summer in the city. ‘
‘ your perfume smells like your daddy’s got money. ‘
‘ [ name ], you disgust me. ‘
‘ you want a revolution? i want a revelation. ‘
‘ chaos and bloodshed are not a solution. ‘
‘ they’re playing a dangerous game. ‘
‘ for shame, for shame! ‘
‘ it’s hard to listen to you with a straight face. ‘
‘ honestly, you shouldn’t even talk. ‘
‘ my dog speaks more eloquently than thee. ‘
‘ i’d rather be divisive than indecisive. ‘
‘ you say the price of my love’s not a price that you’re willing to pay. ‘
‘ why so sad? ‘
‘ now you’re making me mad. ‘
‘ you’ll be back. ‘
‘ soon you’ll see. ‘
‘ you’ll remember you belong to me. ‘
‘ time will tell. ‘
‘ i will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love. ‘
‘ don’t change the subject. ‘
‘ i’ll love you till my dying days. ‘
‘ when you’re gone, i’ll go mad. ‘
‘ i will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love. ‘
‘ any hope of success is fleeting. ‘
‘ i cannot be everywhere at once. ‘
‘ i’m in dire need of assistance. ‘
‘ close the door on your way out. ‘
‘ have i done something wrong, sir? ‘
‘ dying is easy, young man. living is harder. ‘
‘ why are you telling me this? ‘
‘ we are a powder keg about to explode. ‘
‘ i have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight. ‘
‘ where are you taking me? ‘
‘ i’m about to change your life. ‘
‘ this is not a game. ‘
‘ you strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied. ‘
‘ you’re like me. i’m never satisfied. ‘
‘ i’ll see you on the other side of the war. ‘
‘ love doesn’t discriminate. ‘
‘ there are things that the homilies and hymns won’t teach ya. ‘
‘ i am the one thing in life i can control. ‘
‘ there’s only one way for us to win this. ‘
‘ i’m sorry, is this not your speed?! ‘
‘ can we agree that duels are dumb and immature? ‘
‘ my name’s been through a lot, i can take it. ‘
‘ i’m more than willing to die. ‘
‘ look around at how lucky we are. ‘
‘ how long have you known? ‘
‘ you should have told me. ‘
‘ i’m not sorry. ‘
‘ look at where you started. ‘
‘ the fact that you’re alive is a miracle. ‘
‘ we don’t need a legacy. ‘
‘ we don’t need money. ‘
‘ no one has more resilience. ‘
‘ i know that we can win. ‘
‘ history has its eyes on you. ‘
‘ immigrants: we get the job done. ‘
‘ so what happens if we win? ‘
‘ the world turned upside down. ‘
‘ do you know how hard it is to lead? ‘
‘ don’t come crawling back to me. ‘
‘ you’re on your own. ‘
‘ i’m dedicating everyday to you. ‘
‘ domestic life was never quite my style. ‘
‘ i’ll be around for you. ‘
‘ i’ll do whatever it takes. ‘
‘ i’ll make a million mistakes. ‘
‘ i’ll make the world safe and sound for you. ‘
‘ why do you assume you’re the smartest in the room? ‘
‘ why do you write like you’re running out of time? ‘
‘ why do you always say what you believe? ‘
‘ it’s the middle of the night. ‘
‘ is this a legal matter? ‘
‘ you’re making a mistake. ‘
‘ don’t forget to write. ‘
‘ we have to win. ‘
‘ i’ve come home to this? ‘
‘ headfirst, into the abyss! ‘
‘ let’s get to the bottom of this. ‘
‘ so what did i miss? ‘
‘ you wanna pull yourself together? ‘
‘ take a break. ‘
‘ i am on my way. ‘
‘ i’ve got so much on my plate. ‘
‘ it’s good to see your face. ‘
‘ screw your courage to the sticking place. ‘
‘ close your eyes and dream. ‘
‘ there’s trouble in the air, you can smell it. ‘
‘ i hadn’t slept in a week. ‘
‘ i don’t know how to say no to this. ‘
‘ i am ruined. ‘
‘ nobody needs to know. ‘
‘ we oughta give it a try. ‘
‘ talk less. smile more. ‘
‘ hate the sin, love the sinner. ‘
‘ i’ve always considered you a friend. ‘
‘ i swear your pride will be the death of us all. ‘
‘ now is the time to stand! ‘
‘ we’re too fragile to start another fight. ‘
‘ have you an ounce of regret? ‘
‘ ev'ry action has its equal, opposite reactions. ‘
‘ it must be nice
. ‘
‘ i wanna give you a word of warning. ‘
‘ relax, have a drink with me. ‘
‘ why do you have to say goodbye? ‘
‘ i don’t have to tell you anything at all. ‘
‘ do you promise not to tell another soul what you saw? ‘
‘ are my answers to your satisfaction? ‘
‘ rumors only grow. ‘
‘ i wrote my way out of hell. ‘
‘ overwhelm them with honesty. ‘
‘ have you read this? ‘
‘ i came as soon as i heard. ‘
‘ i’m not here for you. ‘
‘ you could never be satisfied. ‘
‘ god, i hope you’re satisfied. ‘
‘ that’s one less thing to worry about. ‘
‘ you ever see somebody ruin their own life? ‘
‘ i saved every letter you wrote me. ‘
‘ i knew you were mine. ‘
‘ you said you were mine. ‘
‘ i thought were mine. ‘
‘ you and your words flooded my senses. ‘
‘ you built me palaces out of paragraphs. ‘
‘ you have ruined our lives. ‘
‘ i hope that you burn. ‘
‘ they don’t exactly cover this subject in boarding school. ‘
‘ stay alive. ‘
‘ is he breathing? is he going to survive this? ‘
‘ there is suffering too terrible to name. ‘
‘ i never liked the quiet before. ‘
‘ that never used to happen before. ‘
‘ can you imagine? ‘
‘ i know i don’t deserve you, [ name ]. ‘
‘ is there anything you wouldn’t do? ‘
‘ i’ll be damned! ‘
‘ what if this bullet is my legacy? ‘
‘ legacy. what is a legacy? ‘
‘ i’m the villain in your history. ‘
‘ who lives, who dies, who tells your story? ‘
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vivaciousnake · 6 years
if you don’t think pansy speaks portuguese at home and also at hogwarts when she gets owls from her mother, when she is angry or too excited or when she tells her brother to gtfo, you’re totally wrong
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vivaciousnake · 6 years
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