vivcnnc · 6 years
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“My motto’s always been to protect and serve,” he laughed knowing damn well it didn’t mean in the sense he was directing it in, “just because i’m not in uniform doesn’t mean I don’t still live by the code.”  A code that he never once followed, doing as he pleased and fucking his career up out of it all, “what sort of gentleman would I be if I left while you were in such desperate need of attention?”  Trying to play up the situation though she was hardly desperate, not that it didn’t stop him from walking up to her and scooping her up into his arms with a firm grasp of her ass.  "What do you say we retire to my cabin?“
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the blonde kept her attention solely on him -- he certainly was something, and he’d done well so far keeping her attention. the moment he picked her up, a giggle managed to escape the female’s lips. ‘ i’m thinking that sounds like an absolutely fantastic idea, ’ she cooed, her bright hues locked on him. ‘ so long as you’re fully intending on giving me all the attention i want, of course. ’ vivienne was needy -- she wasn’t afraid to admit that, and when she wanted attention, she wanted it right then and there.
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vivcnnc · 6 years
“Because the company you seek I cannot give you” he said and shook his head. “You’re a girl and I am a gay man. Also I am a guard so my job around here to keep order, not fuck around”
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vivienne groaned at the male’s response -- letting out a heavy sigh. ‘ alright, fine, ’ she breathed out, a frown appearing on her lips. ‘ mind helping me find someone to give me the attention i crave then? ’
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vivcnnc · 6 years
He had been walking by when he was suddenly called over. While Andrew wasn’t exactly fond of being beckoned like a pet, he did as requested (he was in no position to deny a guest) and approached what could only be a mistress. The smirk that was plastered on her face after she spoke the command spoke of confidence and wicked intentions that only a guest of the island displayed. “Yes? How can I be of service.” 
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vivienne’s gaze scanned over the male’s frame, the smirk upon her lips softening once she’d reached his eyes. ‘ how do you feel about getting outta here for the day? ’ the blonde questioned, quirking a brow in the asset’s direction. ‘ the beach is beautiful this time of day, ’ she commented. 
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vivcnnc · 6 years
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the ‘you’ caught barry off guard, his eyes dragging across the room as he still found himself getting used to the setting. he was worried of looking over only to find out it wasn’t directed at him, but when he did she seemed to have her eyes on him. the command left barry moving with reluctance - he was never too amused by being told what to do, and yet he did it anyway. “i’m very much hoping this is of the upmost importance. i was very busy. very busy man.” after a minute he was bending down in front of her, meeting her eyes and finding himself interested by her, at least. “well?”
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staring down at him, she couldn’t help but grin -- damn, he was more attractive than she’d previously thought. ‘ you know, ’ she began, trailing off. ‘ you look pretty good down there. ’ leaning forward, another grin erupted onto her features. ‘ i’m willing to bet you’d look even better between my legs. ’ vivienne couldn’t help it -- she thought about sex all the time. ‘ but, my having dirty thoughts about you probably isn’t of the upmost importance, so by all means, return to your busy, busy day. ’
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vivcnnc · 6 years
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“Me?” Ella pointed to herself, giving an over-exaggerated glance over her shoulder, as if to check the mistress was talking to her. “How’s a pretty thing like you sitting here all alone. Seems like a crime, especially where we are.” She perched herself on the arm of a chair near the woman, teeth digging into her lower lip. 
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a grin formed on the blonde’s features upon listening to what the darker haired female had to say. ‘ perhaps you’d like to change that for me, ’ she suggested, motioning to the seat beside her. ‘ have a seat, darling. ’
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vivcnnc · 6 years
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Preston wouldn’t USUALLY entertain a request like that, or more like command as she left no room for a response, but he had to admit the woman looked good sitting there like that.  He found himself heading over, drink in hand as he looked her up and down, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips as he wondered where she’d go from there.  "Before you say another word i’ll warn you that i’m not an asset,“ not that it mattered in the greater scheme of things, especially if what she wanted was something he was more than willing to provide - like a good time away from the boring Hub.  "You look antsy, got some pent up energy you’re looking to release?”  Getting right to the point to spare them both the back and forth, unless she was interested in the banter.
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‘ you could say that, i suppose, ’ offering a shrug of her shoulders, allowing for her gaze to scan over the male’s frame. when sex was involved, vivienne didn’t much care who she was doing it with -- so long as they could prove to show her a good time, that’s all that mattered. cocking her head to the side, another coy smile toyed with the edges of her lips. ‘ think you could help me out with that? ’
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vivcnnc · 6 years
Vincent had been standing in the same position for what felt like hours. But that was his job so he didn’t have the right to complain so he bit his tongue and kept it all to himself. When he heard someone talk to him, he looked up and cocked one of his eyebrows. “Not gonna happen, sweetie” he smirked back and shook his head.
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vivienne hated being told no, therefore when he said no -- the blonde rolled her eyes, grumbling under her breath. ‘ and why not? ’ was her reply, arms crossing over her chest. 
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vivcnnc · 6 years
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vivienne’s slender frame was sat within one of the various pieces of furniture that littered the hub’s main floor -- her bright hues scanning over the familiar and unfamiliar faces that filled the room. like any other normal day, the blonde found herself bored -- less than amused with the assets that continued to approach her. she was in dire need of some fun, before her frustrations got the better of her. ‘ you, ’ her gaze latching onto a nearby person. ‘ come here, ’ she beckoned, a wicked smirk already plastered on her lips.
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vivcnnc · 6 years
Carter LOVED the eagerness, how WILLING Vivienne was when they reached the gardens.  He wasn’t all too thrilled when she moved away from him, space created that had no right being there, and to watch her toy with the zipper - well fuck it was hotter than hell.  He walked around her, hands stopping her from having to do the work of undressing herself.  "If ANYONE is getting you out of this dress it’s going to be ME,“ brushing her hair to the side so that it wouldn’t get caught in the zipper as his fingertips brushed over her skin, slowly taking down the zipper as his lips brushed against the freshly exposed skin in it’s wake.  "I can’t wait to see if EVERY part of you tastes so sweet.”
vivienne’s hues locked onto the male as he made his way around her, willingly dropping her hands to her sides -- teeth sinking into her lower lip as he began sliding the zipper down. her lips pulled back into a grin as he spoke, more than happy to let him undress her -- already extremely eager for what was to come. when his lips made contact with her newly exposed skin, a shiver ran down her spine -- teeth once again sinking into her bottom lip, a grin forming upon her features as she listened to him speak once more. ‘ don’t wait then, ’ she cooed, pulling her arms out of her dress and allowing it to drop to the ground, pooling at her ankles.
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vivcnnc · 6 years
He swallowed down his chuckle, but he reached to pick the zipper, carefully sliding it open. “With PLEASURE,” Kieran whispered against her skin. The asset pushed the dress down, still very careful with his touch. No matter how desire burned in his chest, he always wanted to make sure to treat her RIGHT. The male squeezed her closer as he led her towards the seat, bending her down, his lips tracing along her collarbone and chest, nearing towards her stomach. “But the question is HOW you’d like me?” he murmured, glancing up at her. He pulled his shirt off, not giving any second thought about that. 
the feeling of his lips on her skin left her shivering beneath his touch, yearning to feel those lips all over her body. his question brought a grin to the blonde’s lips, her bright hues latching onto the male’s as she leaned forward, allowing her lips to press against his in a heated kiss. several moments passed before she finally pulled back, tongue moving past her lips to wet them -- gaze still locked onto the male in front of her. ‘ darling, you can fuck me however you’d like, i won’t complain, ’ she cooed, batting her eyelashes at him, lips still pulled back into a grin. ‘ my only request is that you’re not gentle with me -- make sure i’m still feeling it tomorrow. ’
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vivcnnc · 6 years
“Not the first time I have heard people say that” he said with a smirk before he sighed. “Joaquin. And what is your name if you don’t mind me asking. It would be awkward if you knew mine and I didn’t know yours” he mused with a shrug as he smirked.
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‘ vivienne, ’ the blonde replied, a smile forming upon her lips. ‘ it’s certainly a pleasure to meet you, joaquin. ’ typically if someone she’d approached didn’t want to have sex with her, she’d have moved on already -- but him, he managed to intrigue her, despite not wanting to sleep with her. ‘ you know, i’m thinking -- you’d make one hell of a good wing man. ’
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vivcnnc · 6 years
so, ya girl broke her laptop! thankfully, i have a backup laptop, but i’ve got to get virus protection on it and let it update since it hasn’t been used in forever, so i should be back tomorrow night guys! sorry to those of you that i owe replies!
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vivcnnc · 6 years
He frowned, clearly disappointed, but there wasn’t much opportunity for him to start complaining. “I hope so,” he smirked at her, following her towards the cabin. Actually, it wasn’t THAT long trip over there, but he could still feel his IMPATIENCE building strong, so vivid he didn’t know how long he could really handle it. The eyes darkened as he entered the cabin after her, the gaze centered on her. FUCK, he wanted to have his hands all over her, And that smirk tugging her lips wasn’t making his situation any easier. “Hm… that couch over there looks VERY fuckable…” Kieran muttered, unable to control his language. There was very little patience left in him now, and he closed the distance between them. His long arms came to wind around her, pulling her against him when pressed a kiss on her lips, more passionate, DEMANDING even. Nipping her lower lip, he grinned. “Don’t worry… I’ll take good care of you, beautiful…”
vivienne knew very well that she was testing his patience, and so far, she’d been impressed by how long he’d managed to wait. she had hoped that he’d close the gap of distance between them, and he didn’t disappoint her in the slightest -- she could feel her own patience dwindling as her body became pressed against his, the feeling of his lips on hers in a much more demanding manner left the female shivering beneath the male’s touch. ‘ oh, darling, i don’t doubt that in the slightest,’ she cooed, motioning over her shoulder to the zipper of her dress. ‘ what are you waiting for then?’ she questioned, quirking a brow at the male. ‘ get me out of this dress and fuck me,’ leaning forward to nip at his bottom lip before trailing kisses down the male’s jaw.
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vivcnnc · 6 years
He knew she could easily put him under her control, and he would never dream of crossing any line. But when she leaned into the kiss, he took that as an encouragement. For a moment, he just wanted to enjoy the taste of her, grasping the back of her thigh to bring her even CLOSER to him. Fucking hell… If it was up to him, he would’ve forgotten the way to the cabin, but he also wanted to treat her RIGHT. A beautiful princess like her definitely deserved that. His lips pressed against the crook of her neck, nibbling the skin gently. “I can’t wait to tear those clothes off you, gorgeous. I don’t want to sound IMPATIENT, but how long until we’re at your cabin?”
‘ not long, ’ she began, pulling back to untangle her body from his. ‘ i promise, ’ leaning in to press her lips to his once more, a coy smile tugging at the corners of the blonde’s lips as she took his hand in hers and continued in the direction of her cabin -- eager to reach their destination as quickly as humanly possible. ‘ believe me, i hate keeping you waiting, but i promise i’ll make it worth it, ’ she cooed, peering at him over her shoulder. once they’d finally reached her cabin, vivienne swung open the front door, pulling him along behind her as she entered her own confines. as soon as the door had closed behind them, the mistress let go of the male’s hand, taking a few steps forward -- buying some distance between the pair. ‘ well, ’ she began, smirk tugging at the corners of her lips as her eyes roamed the area that surrounded them. ‘ what piece of furniture would you like to break in first? ’
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vivcnnc · 6 years
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He couldn’t swallow down his chuckle, and he simply shifted CLOSER to her, his hand grabbing her hip, gentle like he was handling the most precious thing in the world, but demanding enough to ask for her stop for a second. “Don’t worry, you’re not gonna have to share me tonight,” Kieran hummed, a smirk on his lips before he leaned down to tilt her chin lightly up, pressing his lips against hers. In the end, he couldn’t help himself. The last thing he wanted was to WAIT any longer.
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his hand grabbing onto her hip brought the mistress to an abrupt halt, bright hues latching onto the male before her. ‘ good, ’ she cooed, grin already forming on her features. ‘ cause i had no intention of doing so. ’ the moment his lips had met with her own, she found herself leaning into him -- knowing very well that if they continued, there was definitely no way they’d be making it back to her cabin fully clothed. he was driving her insane, and she was damn sure he was well aware of it. 
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vivcnnc · 6 years
He always LOVED hearing when the mistresses gave themselves to him for any length of time.  Sharing was fun and all, but nothing beat when he had NOBODY coming between him and what he wanted.  Her body being top of his list of concerns right now, imagining what it’d look like undressed, how she’d taste against his tongue.  When she seemed in just as much of a hurry as he was he was quick to walk alongside her, even giving her a small push of urgency towards the gardens in a playful manner.  "A goddess such as yourself should NEVER have to be kept waiting, in ANY circumstance.“
vivienne couldn’t help but chuckle, a grin toying with the edges of her lips as he pushed her urgently in the direction of the gardens -- clearly just as eager to reach their destination. as soon as the gardens came into view, the female’s pace quickened -- intent on getting there as quickly as possible. ‘ i’m glad you think so, ’ she cooed, finally pulling him into the gardens with her, allowing her gaze to roam over the various flowers that surrounded them. stepping further into the greenery, vivienne’s bright hues latched onto him again, teeth sinking into her bottom lip as she bought a little distance between the pair. ‘ don’t keep me waiting then, ’ she purred, fingertips reaching behind her back to toy with the zipper of her dress, already inching it downwards.
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vivcnnc · 6 years
“Oh come on now, querido. If he doesn’t want to fuck you then there is something wrong with him” he chuckled and shook his head. “People around here see a hot asset or mistress and in a second, their dicks get’s hard. So go for it!” he nodded and smiled.
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‘ so i’ve noticed, ’ she commented with a laugh, settling back into her seat as her gaze focused back on the male before her. ‘ what’s your name? ’ vivienne questioned suddenly, head cocking to the side in curiosity. ‘ despite you not being interested in me sexually, you’ve managed to catch my attention. ’
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