vivianvane · 4 years
“If I do then what?” The blonde kept pushing, smirking at the other. “Spill it out, Viv. What is this really about?”
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“Never mind,” Vivian repeated, “Oh come of it Kasia, it’s not like you actually care about me, so stay out of my fucking business and tell that asshole to do the same.” She snapped, eyes widening as she realised what had slipped out, before she gathered her things. “I’m leaving. I’m not doing this petty back and forth, it’s tiring.”
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vivianvane · 4 years
rita topped her glass off and set the bottle aside, feeling a bit better now that there was alcohol in her system and that she and vivian were getting along again. “so, what’ve i missed? go on, not talking to me for as long as i didn’t let you, there’s got to be something?”
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“Not a lot, honestly. I dated Evan Rosier at one point, and then broke up with him because he was still in love with his ex but that’s as thrilling as my life gets, I’m afraid,” Vivian laughed, shaking her head. She almost briefly thought of mentioning the letters, but thought better of it. “What about you?”
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vivianvane · 4 years
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vivianvane · 4 years
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Photos by: Greta Onieogou
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vivianvane · 4 years
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Siry Wedding
&& Underneath
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vivianvane · 4 years
Clydeane took a long sip from the cup, only grimacing slightly as she pulled away from it. Pretty as Vivian was, unless she was trying to get her wasted, she was shit at pouring drinks. Still, a drink was a drink, and she wasn’t one to turn anything down. “I don’t know if we can make it truly illegal, but I’ll put in a word with Dumbledore to see if it can be a school rule. That should suffice.” A sly grin curled up in the corner of her lips. “I can think of a few things, but it’d be more fun for me than you.” She took another sip of her drink. “Anyone tried to dance with you tonight, or have you invited a bunch of cowards to celebrate?”
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“Mhmm, sounds good enough to me,” Vivian mused, laughter leaving her lips. “Oh really? Care to share, Deanie? You never know, I might be up for it.” Vivian arched her eyebrows as she took another sip. “Oh, definitely all cowards.”
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vivianvane · 4 years
that was quite a relief to the blonde, and smiled at vivian - the familiar, friendly, genuine one she’d reserved only for certain people. “call me a bitch, but i’m a bit relieved.” she chuckled, topping her glass off again and holding the bottle over vivian’s, asking for permission to refill if she’d wanted it.
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“Nah, I get it,” Vivian shrugged her shouldered, before draining her glass. It was good to see her former friend smile again, she’d missed this. “Yeah, thanks,” She grinned, holding out her glass.
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vivianvane · 4 years
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© sofiaswyIies (cap i) on twitter
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vivianvane · 4 years
“Or maybe we don’t ask any of my… hookups.” He sighed, not sure he wanted to discuss that with her anymore. “We’re close, Viv, but do we really share everything together?” He asked, an eyebrow slightly raised. “Well, if you’re asking for it… I slept with her, and she told me she liked me right after. And now she’s avoiding me.”
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“Ew, can you not just refer to them as friends, Julian,” Vivian pulled a face. “Uh, yeah, I’m nosy and bored. Besides, she’s cute. Colour me curious,” The girl shrugged her shoulders. “Okay, slightly regret asking now. So, she has a crush on you? What did you say? Why would she be avoiding her. Wait, do you like her?”
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vivianvane · 4 years
Alastor slowly pushed himself up the floor until he was in a seated position, a hand running through his hair quickly before he looked at the newcomer. Honestly, he wasn’t even sure where he was in the castle, let alone why he was sleeping on the floor. But by this point, he figured people probably knew he had a habit of sleeping just about anywhere when he was drunk. “Is there a reason you’re drinking and not offering me some?” He replied back, making a vague motion at the flask in her hand. He probably shouldn’t drink more, but who would stop him?
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“Well, what’s in it for me, Moody?” She teased, wiggling her eyebrows at him. She took a long, exaggerated sip from the flask, before holding it just out of his reach. “I don’t just give out my secret stash for nothing, you know.”
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vivianvane · 4 years
“Now you’re speaking my language.” A small smirk turned up one corner of her mouth and she gestured to crowd. “Show me the way, love.”
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“Thought I might,” Vivian winked at the other, gesturing for the other to follow her as she lead them to the other table. When they reached it, Vivian instantly poured out a shot each, handing one to the girl. “Bottoms up, babe,”
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vivianvane · 4 years
“right, well,” rita chuckled, “just a bit.” her nails lightly moved against the glass as she stared down at the amber colored liquid. “so i haven’t got to worry about you fancying anybody who isn’t worth your time then, yeah?”
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Vivian laughed, shaking her head. “Oh definitely not. Or anyone at all, actually. I’m trying to keep things mostly casual. No chance to develop feelings again.”
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vivianvane · 4 years
“i appreciate it,” rita let out with a chuckle of somewhat relief, sitting down on her bed and relaxing back into her pillows. “you’re not stupid,” she added a moment later as she shook her head. “love is stupid.” she countered, grinning. “gets in the way of a good time.”
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Vivian watched her friend, her nose crinkling as the other said she wasn’t stupid. “Oh, come on, Rita, we both know I was.” She sighed, before letting out a laugh. “Oh, no I’ll agree with you on that one. Love is so stupid.”
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vivianvane · 4 years
rita was silent as she gave vivian the chance to speak, sipping from her own glass in a pace that was unlike herself. “i’d rather you leave me behind for a woman than a man,” she pointed out somewhat bitterly - maybe it was rita’s own dislike of men and disdain towards them thanks to her father that was the root of all the mess; she couldn’t handle the idea of vivian choosing a man over a valued friendship with a woman. it felt like a betrayal. but rita had a lot of learning to do. after a moment of silence she offered a half hearted grin towards the other. “i’d like to think so too.” her glass clinked against vivian’s in truce.
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“Well I’ll keep that in mind next time,” Vivian shook her head, taking another sip. She wished she could change things, wished she’d never fallen for Lance, but she couldn’t change that now. As much as she wanted. The silence caused her to chew on her lower lip, until the other grinned and Vivian relaxed. “Here’s to me not being that stupid again,” She teased, clinking her glass against Rita’s.
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vivianvane · 4 years
rita usually wore her emotions right out on her face, so she was sure her silence was doing exactly what she’d wanted it to do. setting the bottle down on the desk, she took her glass and a large sip to calm her own nerves. parts of her were afraid that alcohol, but much like her father, would turn her into a hateful person, but it felt needed in the moment. “but what about later? what happens when you meet another man?” she asked softly, a bit dejected on how to navigate the situation. “then what?” 
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The second Rita set the bottle down, Vivian took her glass, taking a rather large sip from it. She knew it was a bad idea, but it was needed for this conversation. “I- I want to say I’ve learned from my mistakes. I don’t want to ever choose someone else over the people I know have my back. Besides, who said it had to be a man.” Viv shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know if I can promise, but I like to think I’m not that naive little kid anymore.”
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vivianvane · 4 years
rita was quiet in the halls as they made their way towards the ravenclaw common room, bringing them both inside and leading the dark haired girl up to her room. sorting her things away neatly, she grabbed a bottle of whiskey from beneath her bed, wasting no time in popping it open. “so, what then?” she asked, turning towards vivian. “you want to be friends again? get real close and leave me in the dust for some bloke?” she added lightly, pouring them each a glass. “i know i’m being unfair. but i’m angry.” she admitted.
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The silence was freaking her out. She almost wished the other would yell at her, still, she stayed quiet until they reached the other’s dorm. Viv watched as the other opened the bottle, a sigh escaped her lips. “I don’t know. I want to fix what I fucked up. I never should have done what I did, and I understand why you’re angry. I was just young and naive.”
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vivianvane · 4 years
rita fell quiet, because she right well knew what that was like. but a moment later viv accepted her invitation, and she closed her textbook and stowed away her work, slinging her back over her shoulder. “come on then. i’ve got a bottle.” she assured, her voice cold but inviting at the same time.
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Vivian was surprised at the invitation, but she wasn’t going to turn it down. Gathering her own things, she jumped to her feet, nodding. “Lead the way,” She shot the other a half smile, following her as they left the room.
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