#c; alastor
fatherabbott · 1 month
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Slides these across the table to you discretely
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helluvah0tel-a · 8 months
@hazbinfatales continued from x
🥀A small little laugh left her before a small smile graced her lips. She lightly picked up her teacup before taking a small sip and humming lightly. "Oh no, not at all my dearest. Of course, we still are. I'm merely reminiscing on the old days."
"Ah yes, the old days, a much simpler time." He said with a small statically laugh. His life had never been simple, and truthfully, he liked it that way. It made it more exciting, but he also enjoyed times like this where he could relax with someone he could call a friend, someone he could trust. "And now here we are overlords, who would have known."
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nouverx · 8 months
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You gotta excuse his 1920's ass, he's still learning slangs
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lickmycoffeecup · 1 month
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MY @potato-lord-but-not HAUL CAME AND I AM BESIDE MYSELF!
Everything looks amazing, and I’m so excited to have actual Malevolent merch that I can HOLD IN MY HANDS. I am so normal about the [redacted] stickers, and I’m gonna order something to display the poster IMMEDIATELY.
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chaoticace2005 · 8 months
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terry-perry · 5 months
Hi there! I saw you were looking to do Alastor requests, and I have a…spicier one in mind.
So the scenario I was hoping for, if you are comfortable with it is consensual cannibalism. The Reader (female) has an advanced regenerative and healing ability and is also a masochist.
So after the Extermination, Reader helps Alastor heal and also offers her flesh to him. Things go from there. Maybe some aftercare at the end, too?
It's not exactly smut, but some crazy, kinky, bloody stuff is involved!
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Y/N was the one who found him in his radio tower, muttering and wincing to himself. She'd been the only one who searched for him after the battle. His disappearance from it was so sudden that she had her suspicions. Finding her friend in such a state was heartwrenching, especially since he always seemed so composed. Now he appeared so broken, fragile, wounded.
She approached him with caution. He was her friend, but an infamous demon, forced into a corner by the First Man too. Like dealing with many beasts, it was best to proceed with caution.
"Alastor?" She called out to him slowly.
His head snapped up upon hearing her. His dark eyes narrowed to get a better look at her. After doing so, his strained smile came with a snarl. "I do not want you to see me in such a state..."
"We've all taken a beating today Alastor," she said, walking over to him in a still careful manner. Slowly she knelt before his curled up figure on the floor. "You were smart to leave when you did. Gave you time to heal."
"Well, as you can see..." he took his hand away from his chest, which spewed out some blood that darkened his already red attire. "I may need a little more time."
She saw the way the blood covered his chest like splattered paint. He certainly took a beating after fighting hard. She was at least happy the wound was wide yet shallow. What she hated was noticing the way he attempted to reach out to her but grimaced in pain while doing so. She found it so awful to see him like this that it made her act on impulse.
Alastor didn't have time to protest as she already had her hand over his injury. He watched how she concentrated on it, how her hand suddenly had a golden light under it as his chest felt very warm then cool. Once she let go, he saw he was as good as new! No blood or anything!
"You're welcome!" She chirped, making an effort to break the tense silence.
It didn't help since before she knew it, he was throwing himself on top of her. He looked down at her, pinning her to the floor. He looked wild and savage as his eyes changed into those notorious radio dials and his sardonic grin had blood leaking out from its corners.
"I don't recall asking for your help, my dear," he growled. "You know better than to make the Radio Demon owe you his life!"
She never thought she'd be on the receiving end of Alastor's threats. They'd always been rather close and respected one another. Yet she forgot two important things about him:
He despised being on someone's hook.
And he always needed to be in control.
He already lost his sense of control in the battle when fighting Adam. His microphone was split in two, and he'd been no better. Now that she saw him in bad shape and offered him assistance in healing, he needed to find a way to regain power - to show he still could intimidate.
She was terrified...but also excited.
She doesn't know why it excited her. It might've had something to do with the fact she was hell-born and had no real experience with pain or death. It didn't help that she was born with regenerative healing abilities that helped her survive every scuffle she'd find herself in. Whatever the reason, the way Alastor bent over her gave her pleasant tingles.
She knew he didn't desire sexual depravity the way others down there did, but he did have other carnal urges that could benefit them both.
"Hurt me then Alastor," she said, growing bold with a coy smirk. "Give me all the anger you have. Take it out on my flesh."
There are some things people just don't expect. Even in Hell, surprises can come. For a demon like Alastor, he took pride in how little can shock him, humble him. Yet he's recently realized he's not in as much control as he claimed to be. He's been beaten, insulted, taken hold of. A new sense of purpose was required. A way to show power again.
But this?
"I know you want to," she hissed up at him. "You want to devour me. Go ahead! At least you'll be good at that!"
She knew that did the trick since he returned to his malicious state. His large, sharp-tooth grin opened into a gaping maw that attacked her. She let out a cry as he bit down hard on her shoulder. She wrapped her legs around his waist while his teeth pierced her so fiercely that she could practically feel his gums on her skin. She pushed him further by grabbing a hold of his hair as she moaned so desperately. He held her so tightly that her cries grew strenuous.
She loved every second of it, especially when he managed to tear off some of her flesh.
With a snap of his finger, Alastor conjured up a small flame that helped her with her cigarette. She inhaled, released a puff of smoke, and relaxed after their little escapade. They remained on the floor of his radio tower, now snuggled up together. He looked over her body, his claws tracing the marks he left behind before they disappeared.
It was just what he needed for the time being to satiate his hunger. Full freedom was still far from his grasp, but he at least found a way to play with his needs. Thanks to her, his burning yearnings were temporarily fulfilled.
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midnight--siren · 3 months
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Local Deer Man Has to Deal with Velvet Shed.
More are 12
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jjoneechan · 7 months
give me six nine characters that remind you of me!
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Did this on stream thought it was a fun challenge! I liked the various art styles! Very curious how I give off these vibes lmao?
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lilfriezatyrant · 6 months
Deer Nighttime Peace 🌙🌟
Several weeks have passed since you landed in hell. Although you wanted to understand the real reason why you ended up in such a place at all, although you are still human and cannot remember whether you actually died... this mental quest is becoming more and more forgotten with each passing hour.
The more time you spend with one of the strongest regents, the less important this thought becomes.
Alastor, he was the being who gave you refuge in this hotel.
Your safe haven. Protected from the other demons outside the building.
Your protection is also maintained by a pact made by the elegant scarlet demon in deer form.
"If you continue to entertain me well, you will stand in my favor."
Actually a very fragile offer, at least for your part in this convenant. After all, it also means that if you no longer bring him that certain amusement, there's no place for you here anymore.
But would that really be the case? After all, the other demons here, who are also guests and hosts have grown so fond of you and they seem to like you too!
Even the tall grumpy black owl cat, who shunned you at first, secretly enjoys your frequent little caresses on his ears. A cat's purr, however quiet it may be, still sends out vibrations that you can clearly feel under the palm of your hand.
There is almost never an evening when you don't end the day with Alastor. Whether it's just with a cup of tea or one or more glasses of whiskey before you are led back to your room by his shadow or, if the tiredness or the alcohol effect has been too great, even personally by him.
On this night, however, it should be an unusual event...
Your hand grips more of the pillow you are lying on, while your other hand grips a soft surface...it feels even softer than the pillow...you clutch the outline a little tighter...it feels furry. Yet you don't exert any great force, as if you want to feel every detail, every hair.
You sleepily open one eye and only now realize that there is some weight on your chest. You just can't make anything out in the darkness.
Perhaps you were half asleep when you brought the little radio back to bed that Alastor gave you as a gift?
But...the device doesn't feel so fluffy. No, not at all. It should feel metallic, hard and a bit warm...right? Only the warmth of the fur shares a commonality with the little vintage medium...
As you carefully slide your petite hand over it, you now feel something of a hard material and it emanates coolness in contrast to the previous texture. You feel your way upwards and the material ends in a sharp point, but even in your sleepiness you remain careful not to hurt yourself.
Suddenly your eyes widen as you hear a noise. A strange noise, it sounded like a hoot of an owl...? Why would there be a forest dweller here when you're in your room in a hotel? Right In the middle of hell?
But your confusion is now turning into fear. Panic, to be precise, because right in front of you huge, monstrous eyes glowing in an eerie red flickering. The ebony pupils amidst the bright red, deformed into dials that rotate clockwise every second.
Your hand instinctively loosens and although you want to sit up, startled, you are prevented from doing so by the weight on your body.
"Waking up so early?" bright yellow teeth glare out of the darkness. A hellish, distorted grin so unholy, that reaches up to the two scarlet saucers.
"Unusual for you, little doe."
Your heartbeat, which you could still hear pounding so clearly in your body, vibrates along with the static radio sound lacing the voice.
Your own voice almost catches in your throat as you try to name the now familiar creature that caused you such panic before.
The eldritch eyes now swing counterclockwise and return to normal size, his chin perched now right on your collarbone, his eyes, still seeming so huge now due to the lack of distance, focusing only on you.
"Yes, why! Did you expect someone else?" The voice seems amused and cheerful, and you can even hear the audience laughing in the background. It's an amplification that he likes to use to make fun of something, which even you notice after a short time.
And yet... as close as the radio demon is to you right now, he has never been so close to you.
Your face blushes more and you only give a non-verbal, slight shake of your head in response. Right now you are completely overwhelmed as to what is actually going on...is this just a dream?
You slowly look around yourself in the darkness to avoid the demon's hypnotic gaze and the faint sounds of animals and the leaves blowing in the wind through the trees...you must be in his room. In the personal realm of this overlord.
"Your heartbeat...what a harmonious rhythm it makes...lovely." He props his cheek with one hand while he briefly tugs playfully at your pajama with the index finger of his other hand before tapping the spot above your heart in unison.
In response, you only let out an embarrassed giggle and you recognize the outline of Alastor better now that your eyes have adjusted to the darkness and your surroundings and he is indeed actually lying on top of you with his weight.
It doesn't feel oppressive, but it's still impossible to get away from him.
The question is...do you even want to?
"You should go back to sleep, my dear. After all, you have to get up very early in the morning to listen to my first broadcast, don't you?" His asking is more of a rhetorical question, since you take it for granted. You've never missed one of his broadcasts before.
His finger continues to tap gently to the sound of your pounding heart, but slower and calmer. In a way, you feel safe with him, this...protective gentleman. Whenever you have left the hotel, he has always been with you and nothing has ever happened to you...even his shadow seems to feel comfortable in your presence and strokes now your hair for a brief moment.
"Hmm..." the radio demon seems to muse, stopping the contact of his finger and rubbing his chin instead, before finally resting his head fully on your chest again.
"I could create a melody based on your delicious heart beat, what do you think?" his voice sounds static, with a recognizable, smug undertone.
Your face remains red, but with a slight, very sincere smile.
"That would be very flattering, Mr. Alastor."
The noble patron morphs his grin into a much wider and crooked one. He seems more than delighted with the answer, nestling his head more against the pajama, now listening with one ear to your once again uncontrolled tune of your heart.
"Then it's a done deal! Very good!" The cheerful echo in his voice is clearly audible, but his next sentence makes you now puzzled.
"You may continue, you know?." He purrs these words and they sound honest. Unfiltered. They are not in the usual voice that sounds through a radio.
But what does he mean...?
Before you could ask your question, a cool breath grips your palm and Alastor's shadowy image directs your hand to his head.
It is the first touch you have experienced with him, which he allows and tolerates. At that precise moment, time stands still for you and every quiet ambient noise is completely muted.
It was his ears and hair that you felt in your sleepy state. His inconspicuous antlers that you felt towards... the warmth and closeness emanated from him...
You silently thank the shadow with a smile before you start stroking its very soft texture again. Your ministrations remain delicate and almost reverent, as you don't want to ruffle any of his hair. Your eyes slowly close and you can hear a very soft static purring sound that goes through your body like a gentle wave.
It feels so real, it can't be a dream.
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cellberry · 28 days
If you close your eyes...
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...does it almost feel like you've been here before?
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blackgryph0n · 3 months
BillieBustUp: A Boycott?
Hazbin Hotel is implicated, too.
cw: child grooming
Short version: BillieBustUp hired a known child groomer Blackgryph0n/Gabriel C. Brown, and the lead dev Katie Nelson is digging in their heels defending him, claiming that the groomer says he's innocent, and the "haters" are all sockpuppets for his wife/victim's abusive father. The evidence against him is piling up, and it seems like BillieBustUp, a game founded on LGBTQIA and disability representation, will instead be the face of uplifting pedophilia and child grooming. Gabriel is also the voice actor for Hazbin Hotel's Alastor, but only his singing role in the pilot, the song "Insane" which has risen to some popularity.
On June 14, 2024, Twitter user dagobbiEST posted a Twitter thread that implicated the creator of BillieBustUp, an upcoming indie game helmed by Katie Nelson/KatieBlueprint, in defending the actions of the voice actor Blackgryph0n, aka Gabriel C. Brown, who voices the character Barnaby. For those who were present in the My Little Pony fandom during 2014, you will know BlackGryph0n best either for his videos or perhaps for his most infamous accomplishment, which was creeping out many fans with his overly-familiar relationship with voice actress Michelle Creber, who was 14 to his 24.
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Blackgryph0n went on to groom and subsequently marry Claire Corlett, Michelle's coworker and friend (and fellow 14 year old) when she turned 20, who was then isolated from her entire family, citing abuse. (The author does not deny that she may have been abused; it is typical for a groomer to pursue a minor who has a strained/difficult family situation.)
The facts are simple: Gabriel met Claire when she was a child, only 14/15, in a position of authority over her as a sound engineer at her voice acting job. The fact that they then later pursued a relationship, even if "she initiated it", implies that there was grooming taking place over the years in between. The groundwork of a relationship was built with a minor, even if it was not overtly romantic until later. For more information on grooming, please see here.
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Scads of screencaps were rapidly produced on Twitter after the initial screencaps of the BillieBustUp Discord were posted, including many tweets with proof of Blackgryph0n's inappropriate flirting with the child actresses back to when they were 15 and 16. Gabe's claims that they "became friends only four years ago" (conveniently when she was 20) were quickly debunked as lies, due to all of the overwhelming Tweet and video evidence.
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A list of links with more information:
A gathering of some of the most damning tweeted evidence to dispute the "only befriended her when she was 20" claim by Gabe.
A Reddit thread from r/YouTubeDrama concerning the recent allegations and firsthand witnesses to creepy behavior at conventions. Key quote:
"To provide some context, Gabriel knew them from that age because of his work. He is the only notable brony who concurrently worked on the show, though only peripherally as a backup voice/sound engineer for the sound and music team. However, he was around early on, and thus had access to FiM's voice actors, including the then-child VAs of the Cutie Mark Crusaders (Sweetie Belle (Creber), Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo). That's why he knew her from that young age, because his job provided him the opportunity to engage with those teenagers—to a professional limit, but he took it further than that with at least 2 of them." (d_shadowspectre3, who misidentified Creber - Creber voiced Apple Bloom, and Corlett voiced Sweetie Belle)
An informational Twitter thread from 2023 by BronyFandont discussing the grooming with more screencapped evidence.
A google doc of various screenshots, including a first-person witness to Gabriel's inappropriate behavior at a Brony con.
A Twitter thread with eight screencaps debunking the timeline Blackgryph0n tries to lie about, claiming he only met Corlett for extended periods when she was 20.
A Twitter thread by user Wootmaster discussing the allegations back in 2022, in which he adds that several big fandom names - including Saberspark, ACRacebeast and PaleoSteno - closed ranks and defended Blackgryph0n at the time, including leveling harassment at Corlett's father. Saberspark coined the deeply unsettling "It's creepy, but legal" in regards to the situation.
Some of Gabriel Brown's previous brushes with racism also came into discussion, including
A full blown minstrel skit with Michelle Creber (a minor at the time) with giant afro wigs, blaccents, and the fake names "Nikisha Abagale Safron" and "Latoya Aloofa Williamson", posted by ACRacebeast under the title "Bronies React: MLP Generation 3."
Another Twitter thread with screencaps of Gabriel Brown's racism by Helluvareceipts.
Screencaps of the BillieBustUp discord, with clumsy defenses by Katie Nelson in lieu of any official statement.
More of Gabriel's racist and C*vid-denial tweet "likes" have been dug up.
A deleted racist tweet from Blackgryph0n.
A Twitter screencap of Blackgryph0n getting banned from Babscon due to racism in 2021.
During the uproar, BillieBustUp and lead dev Katie Nelson remained notably silent, which resulted in a Tweet about the game's LGBTQIA representation devolving into repeated demands for answers, which were also ignored.
There was an unofficial statement made only on the BillieBustUp Discord group on June 15th, but it wouldn't be until June 17 that an official "rebuttal" was posted on Google Docs by "Katie and Ash". The entirety of the rebuttal can be summed up with 'Blackgryph0n says he's being targeted by sockpuppet accounts and promises he's innocent, and I believe him.'
June 17 also saw a very strange, inappropriate, and immature response from Michelle Creber, peppered with "Y'all"s, emojis, and inappropriately casual slang like "take the L," considering the seriousness of the allegations. She not only stated that Gabriel Brown (a member of the US Navy) is an "incredibly brilliant but brilliant autistic bean" and thus so harmless he wouldn't hurt a spider, which errs so far on the side of infantilization it seems insulting at best, and ableist at worst. Any Twitter accounts that requested clarification or answers were blocked by both Creber and Brown.
What does this mean for you?
What this means is that the BillieBustUp and Hazbin Hotel fandoms now have to contend with the fact that their creators have knowingly and purposefully invited a child groomer into their fandoms, and given them social cachet that they might use to take advantage of minors, as he did during his job as a sound engineer on My Little Pony. The BBU dev team is also ignoring any concerns about a potential threat. This may also mean that, if there are inevitable fandom events like panels, the child groomer Gabriel C. Brown may be present where there are also children and teens, who may not be aware of his history.
The decision of whether to boycott or not is your decision; I cannot in good conscience spend money on a game that will put money into a groomer's pockets and add to his resume. The decision is yours. This post is to shine light onto what the BillieBustUp team and Blackgryph0n/Gabriel Brown desperately want to keep in the dark, and to spread awareness to other social media platforms. And, most importantly, to protect any minors who might be in these fandoms, who may not realize that their idols are not someone they should look up to, defend, or even be in private contact with.
Stay safe, and thank you for reading.
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pageofheartdj · 8 months
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Gay gay homosexual
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jeetlebeetle · 6 months
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Vox is lucky Valentino leaves all those spare costumes lying around
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bishiglomper · 5 months
Coming across @st-alastors-confessional out in the wild and abruptly seeing their sophisticated yet absolutely sinfully depraved replies be like:
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They should not just be allowed to escape their enclosure like this, Jesus fucking Christ
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coinsauce · 6 months
day 1 of exams was crazy look what that shit did to my brainrotting ass
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i like these ones specifically so um special mentions;
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nixie-writes · 2 years
How about alastor, husk, and sir pentious (separately) have an adopted kid who assumed that they were biologically related to their father their entire life because they bare a striking resemblance to them, until they're finally told that they're adopted later on in their life (14 or 17 years old) and gets mad that they weren't told earlier (angst ensues) so it results in an argument that ends with something along the lines of "YOU'RE NOT EVEN MY REAL DAD" (it could also end with fluff to be an angst/comfort thing but that's up to you)
This has major Helluva Boss Season 1 Episode 3 vibes
When he adopted you, you were no more than two years old. A small doe with curled fur and the brightest opal eyes. He adopted you to help him kill initially but as you grew to be a soft, sweet little doe he realized he'd adopted the sweetest little thing.
You always believed you were related to the Radio Demon himself and it gave you a sense of safety. You'd always be okay as long as you had your "father" by your side.
You were 15 when he finally told you the truth. You were mortified. He lied all this time...? Everything he'd done for you suddenly meant nothing. He tried to calm your temper but you were screaming, your demon form taking place. You ended with a sharp "you're not even my real dad so fuck off!" and stomped off to your room, leaving behind a frowning Radio Demon.
He adopted the sweetest looking black and white kitten. He wanted some form of sweetness in his life and you were it. He took you home with him and planned to care for you and spoil you rotten.
Spoiled rotten you were. You were his darling little kitten and you always referred to him as Daddy growing up. Your "father" adored how much you looked up to him despite his drinking and gambling. He hoped you didn't pick up his habits. He knew he had to tell you eventually.
You were 17 when he told you. You were outraged. Claws out, eyes narrowed, you were about to attack him for admitting he adopted you so long ago. It was only Vaggie getting in your way that stopped you from leaping on him. She tried to reason with you, that you shouldn't threaten to attack your father. All you said was, "he's not my dad, don't refer to him as that" and left for your room. Husk was broken.
Sir Pentious
He found a cute little snake curled up on the side of the road and just couldn't say no. He adopted you in a heartbeat and considered you his sweet little experiment. Your eyes were so bright and curious, you slithered over to everything to either put in your mouth or observe, he liked your curiosity.
As you grew up you helped him build machines to take over the Pentagram. You were so proud of your "father" and you were proud to be helping him. You knew he'd make it as an Overlord one day.
You were 16 when he told you. He told you as he was building a machine he was sure was going to win him the Pentagram. Your claws were sharp, eyes bright with anger, the eggs were hiding from you for the first time since you arrived. You screeched, crying, you didn't know what to say or do. In a fit of anger you smashed your fists through the machine you two had built with the emblem "daddy daughter machine" written on it. "You're not my real dad," you sobbed in pain. "I hate you!" You cried out as you stormed to your room. Pentious had no words to comfort you, you just needed time alone. He could repair the machine and emblem no problem but it wouldn't be the same without you.
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