vivianxhardy-blog · 6 years
It felt like her heart dropped into her stomach as a figure stood in the doorway, causing her to jump when the woman spoke. She hadn't... no, she couldn't possibly have. Not with a woman at least. The furthest she had been with another woman was back in college; random makeouts at the bar to get free drinks from, sometimes pervy, men. The thought of the gross looks men would give them made her shiver slightly but Viv would never turn down free drinks. She clutched the sheet tighter to her frame, the fabric clinging to her curves. Her eyes quickly did a once over of the woman, stopping on her plump pout. At least she was attractive. It was starting to come back- granted, in bits and pieces. It was coming back nonetheless. She remembered climbing into a cab with her, kissing her... touching her. Her teeth chewed on her bottom lip nervously and the brunette could feel her cheeks growing hot. "I... I uhh.." dammit Vivian. Speak. "Thank you?" Okay, so it wasn't often that she was caught speechless but what could she say? "Did we, uhm?" she asked quietly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
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vivianxhardy-blog · 6 years
Rough couldn't even begin describe the week Vivian had went through. She was in desperate need of a drink and found herself strutting into a bar that she wasn't familiar with but wanted to try. There were one or two people that made an attempt to socialize but she just brushed them off and sat in silence, her mind combing through many of her patients sessions and the trauma that they were experiencing. With her elbow propped on the countertop, nevermind the sticky spots, chin resting on her hand, her eyes remained glued to the tv for several minutes as she absentmindedly watched the news. Tonight, she needed anything to keep her distracted from not only her patient's misfortunes but also her own. "Do you think the whole world has gone completely crazy or is it just me?" she said aloud, to nobody in particular.
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jae had taken over for noah’s spot in the kitchen, tonight there had only been a handful of people who had ordered food the rest were drinking their lives away. once he was done in the kitchen he was now leaning against the front of the bar, in a world of his own. 
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vivianxhardy-blog · 6 years
Call || Vivian & Alannah
Alannah: Hello I would like to make an appointment to see someone.
Vivian: Okay, if you could just give me your name and tell me a little bit about what's going on I'd be happy to set up an appointment for you.
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vivianxhardy-blog · 6 years
“Nope,” Vivian shook her head and returned the woman’s smile. “Definitely not abandoned. Just a little Houdini is all.” Giving the dog a scratch behind his ears, she nodded towards her house. “I know it’s late but would you like to come in for a cup of tea? I’m so grateful for you finding him, it’s the least I can do.”  
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vivianxhardy-blog · 6 years
Call || Vivian & Alannah
Vivian: Good afternoon, you've reached Hardy Counseling, Vivian Hardy speaking.
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vivianxhardy-blog · 6 years
Sunlight radiated through cracks in the blinds that were hung on the window and right into Vivian's eyes, causing the sleeping brunette to stir. That’s weird. She thought it strange because the sun always rose on the opposite side of her home. Bringing both hands up to her face, she began rubbing her eyes, blinking several times before coming to the realization that she was, in fact, not in her bedroom. Shit... what did I do last night? Her head was pounding and her mouth was exceedingly dry. The last thing that she could remember was drunkenly stumbling into a cab with someone; though with whom, she wasn’t sure of. When she went to stand up the sheet that had been covering her body slipped down to her waist, revealing her bare chest. “Shit,” she repeated aloud. Despite being in Crownsville, Viv had made sure that she didn’t randomly hook up with people. She had a reputation to uphold, and that would have been tarnished very quickly if she slept with the many men that had come her way. The other side of the bed was empty, thank god. A sigh of relief fell from her lips as she sheepishly stood up and wrapped the sheet around her body, silently praying that whomever’s bed she was in had left and was waiting for her to leave before returning. “Where are my clothes,” she whined frantically, her hues glancing around the room in search of the little black dress and heels she wore the night before.
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vivianxhardy-blog · 6 years
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[ sophia bush, twenty-nine, female, she/her ] ━ hey, I just saw [ vivian hardy ] walking down the streets of crownsville. they’ve lived in town for [ two years ], and you can catch them around town working as a [ therapist ]. I hear they’re known to be [ passionate & empathetic ] and [ bossy & critical ]. if asked, they would say their aesthetic would be [ bubble baths, tea, & books ]. ━ [ ooc: jane, 22, est, she/her ]
Hi lovelies :) I’m Jane and this is Vivian.. I’ll add a bio later but for now just a few basics…
. Born to two of Alabama’s most successful divorce lawyers, Vivian is an only child, so as you can imagine spoiled.
. Despite being the only child, her mother and her mother’s bestfriend were simultaneously pregnant which ended in a close relationship between Viv and their son, Kyle, who she would eventually begin dating in high school.
. Though her parents were usually consumed by work and rarely home, she didn’t mind. She spent most of her days at Kyle’s house with his family.
. On the days that she wasn’t with Kyle’s family she had a nanny. Despite her parents absence, Vivian was a very happy child who had anything and everything she needed/wanted.
. By the time Viv was in high school she had taken up to the ‘popular’ crowd. Kyle soon followed suit when he was made quarterback of the football team. Not long after, the two began dating.
. Captain of the cheer team, prom queen, the typical southern ‘it-girl.’
. While her parents had spent most of her life being the mediators for bickering couples going through divorce (and expecting her to do the same once she got out of high school), she decided during her junior year that she would rather help mend broken homes instead.
. After high school she went straight to the university of alabama to become a licensed counselor but she continued her relationship with Kyle. She had expectations of getting married after she graduated school; those expectations were shattered when she found out that he had slept with her bestfriend while she was away.
. They tried to work it out and she gave him another chance, only to have him do it again right before she was done with school. She, of course, ended it immediately after.
. Finally graduating, Vivian wanted to avoid staying in her hometown and having to face Kyle every day so she instead packed up and made a new home for herself in Crownsville, GA - naturally breaking her mother’s heart.
. After getting her licensing and earning enough funds over the course of a year, she was able to open her own private practice called ‘Hardy Marriage & Family Counseling.’
. She specializes in marriage counseling, but the facility offers counseling of all kinds, included but not limited to- marriage, family, substance abuse, and crisis.
. Other than her pup, Dash, she lives alone in a small house on the outskirts of town.
Likes - Tea, bubble baths, animals, summer, books, talk shows
Dislikes - Arrogance, spiders, beer, plane rides
I’ll probably add some wanted connections and other things here later but in the meantime come plot with me and show my girl some looooove. 
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vivianxhardy-blog · 6 years
Vivian's morning had started off bad. She woke up late, showered in cold water, and rushed out the door to try and make it to her appointment on time. It wasn't until she was already sitting in her car that she realized the back tire was flat. "Shit," she muttered under her breath. No time to change it. Letting out a huff, she got out and locked the door behind her before sprinting towards the nearest bus stop. The brunette was been in such a hurry that she didn't hear her phone drop to the ground. About halfway to the bus stop, a voice calling out for her stopped her dead in her tracks. She turned around to see a man holding up her cell phone. Hues narrowed on the phone, her hands instantly fell to her pockets, patting them. "Oh my gosh." Her digits pinched the bridge of her nose as she closed her eyes momentarily. Could the day get any worse? It wasn't even noon yet. "Thank you so much," she said relieved as she walked towards the man to receive her phone. "I'm in such a hurry, I didn't realize it had fallen out of my pocket. You're a life saver... literally my whole life is on that thing." A smile turned up the corners of her lips while she dug through her purse. Tugging out a lavender colored business card, she passed it over to him in exchange for her phone. "My name and number are on this card, would you let me repay you somehow?"
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“Excuse me!” Cameron called after the person that passed him only mere moments ago. He picked up the object from the ground before jogging after them. “I’m sorry, I think you dropped this?” he held it out to them once he reached them, “Is this yours?”
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vivianxhardy-blog · 6 years
It wasn't often that Dash escaped from the fenced in backyard, but when he did it was almost impossible to find him. The golden retriever pup had definitely earned his name. Vivian had just come downstairs from her bath and peeked into the backyard. Her heart dropped. He wasn't there. "Dammit, Dash.." Unraveling the towel from her head, she slipped on her flip flops and grabbed a flashlight before rushing out of the front door and down the steps to the sidewalk to find him. She called out for him in hopes that he would hear her and come running. "Dash! Where are you buddy?" Water from the tips of her hair dripped down her back, soaking the fabric of her shirt. Her eyes darted between houses as her feet began to pick up pace, walking a little more swiftly. After twenty minutes of searching the neighborhood, Vivian let out a defeated sigh. He was the only company she had here in Georgia. If he left her, she would once again be alone. A small voice behind her broke her train of thought. She turned on her heel to see Dash, politely sitting on the ground next to the woman. "DASH!" Viv exclaimed, instantly bending over and scooping the pup up into a tight hug. "There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you." After she was done planting a million kisses on his head, her hues flicked up to the woman, hand extended towards her. "No need for top to tail, I'm the owner. Vivian Hardy. Thank you so much for finding my boy.. he must have crawled out from under the fence while I was in the shower."
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having had a long night, moon just wanted to relax after work but on her way home she’d come across the small puppy that seemed to be on it’s own. “oh.” she lifted him up and tilted her head. “where did you come from?” she asked, like it would answer her. standing up straight she looked around catching sight of someone. “excuse me, do you know if top to tail is still open?” 
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vivianxhardy-blog · 6 years
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vivianxhardy-blog · 6 years
Not everyone's cup of tea.
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vivianxhardy-blog · 6 years
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There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart.
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