vixenkristyn · 1 year
Hello awesome beings. 🖖🏼🖐🏼
My personal business is called Vixen Kristyn but you can call me: Mistress Kristyn.
🌟I am new to this site and I figured I’d touch on some topics that are tough. I am a recovering addict & a dominatrix. It’s tough recovering from drugs, it’s even tougher having a job that isn’t considered a real job. What I do has been around FOREVER. Some people see certain fetishes as taboo but I see them as as something for everyone & kinks/fantasies are a huge part of our sexual history for us humans. When it comes to those of us in the sex industry, a lot of people think we all get high or getting high is part of the process…I can say yes, in some cases that is true but for what I do, I rather be of a sober, sound mind. Some people are so in love with the BDSM lifestyle, it consumes their lives. While there’s other people who will never try a kink/fetish in their lives (they’re missing out) & then there’s your closet people… you know those neighbors of yours who go out to dinner every weekend & it takes them forever to get home & you see them all over each other going inside… they were definitely at dinner… in a dungeon or swinger’s club. 😈 It takes a special kind of someone to be a pro Dom when you deal with all kinds of different personalities, people who aren’t originally from America… people with different kinks, fetishes or needs/wants … it can be very mentally draining. Physically & emotionally as well. But mentally gets hit the worst. For me anyway. It involves being in a certain headspace, connecting with your sub, knowing how to do things, having certain equipment, having multiples of certain equipment because there’s some things you don’t use on multiple people and there’s also things you have separate for your personal sex life. You have to be safe & know what you’re doing so no one gets hurt. I love making sure each session is tailored perfectly for the specific person. I want them to feel comfortable, safe & like the time we spent together was totally worth it & they become a repeat client or my Alpha Sub. I am considered a sadist because I enjoy inflicting pain on others.(kind of sounds bad but it’s really not). When you’re a Dom, you have to be down to earth, stern but sensitive, clean, classy & respectful of people’s boundaries & home lives. I can’t just message some of my clients wherever I want, I have to respect them & let them reach out to me. There are other clients who I talk to on a daily basis. People think that just men are the only ones who contact someone like me. WRONG! I have female clients, trans clients & couples. I have also worked with trans woman for some of my clients. I’ve seen couples who were both Sub & wanted to serve me. I have also seen couples where one was Dom & the other is Sub & they contact me for Dom training. All people have their personal sexual fantasies & desires. Some people are never going to venture into this lifestyle. I think that stinks because how do you know if you like something or not if you don’t try it? Believe it or not, a lot of clients are dominant in their home/work life & need someone to take over control so they can get a break & and power over to me. Some people never find that inner sexual God/Goddess, never act on their fantasies or try kink’s they think they would like & end up having a miserable, mundane sex life or when they finally do it… wish they would’ve done something sooner. Many people are putting personal dungeons in their houses more today than ever before. I enjoy every minute of my life. I can’t wait to share more of what I’ve gone through & maybe talk about some clients I’ve had… not by name of course. No matter who you are, you are one of three.. a Dominant, a Submissive or a switch(go back & forth between the two).
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Yes that’s me. 😈😈
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