vizzgrisser · 3 years
But the thing I will never admit to anyone who's met me is how desperately I want to be loved, I don't think I could say it. How I want someone to hold my wrists and kiss my palms and smile at me, and want me, I want to be wanted and I don't know how long poetry or songs will substitute for being wanted.
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vizzgrisser · 3 years
You have the ability to see into the past. You can only observe past events, not change them. You’re helping the police solve a murder. As you’re describing what happened, the killer suddenly turns around and seems to look you straight in the eye. “I know you’re watching”.
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vizzgrisser · 3 years
the worst moment of my life was when i was in highschool and we were talking about famous serial killers and i confidently blurted out “jeff the killer!!” and everyone was like… hes not real. and i was like yes he is wtf? you guys dont know about jeff the killer? he killed prostitutes in victorian england? and then they just all looked at me like i was an idiot. jack the ripper. i meant jack the ripper.
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vizzgrisser · 3 years
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my friend got me an illustrated bird atlas as a birthday gift and I wanted to draw bird Pokemon in a similar style. 
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vizzgrisser · 3 years
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how she likes to use her face to come in
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vizzgrisser · 3 years
people who grew up like in the 1960s or some shit: one of my fondest childhood memories is going to the lake and skipping rocks :) me: one of my fondest childhood memories is making 8 random sims and slowly killing them off one by one until a sole victor remained
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vizzgrisser · 3 years
Princess Peach tattoo that looks like a sticker
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vizzgrisser · 3 years
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vizzgrisser · 3 years
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This feels like the start to a horror movie and I love it
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vizzgrisser · 3 years
I was at my cousin’s house for a family barbecue and she shushed us all bc her neighbor ‘The Captain’ was walking by with a dog, and he was just some skinny guy with a long ponytail and a captain’s hat walking an irish wolfhound so we all like ‘what’s the big deal’ but she told us to wait and then like ten minutes later he passed again on his way back to his house but he just…had a different dog. it was like a cocker spaniel. she said every day he leaves the house with the wolfhound and comes back with the tiny dog and she’s never seen them get returned either way. she can never find out where he walks to. shes been watching him for years. my family was freaking the fuck out one of my other cousins looked like he was about to have an aneurysm.  
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vizzgrisser · 3 years
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“Unconventional view of Neuschwanstein castle” by | Miroslav Skopek
Schwangau, Hohenschwangau, Germany
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vizzgrisser · 3 years
Security at every level of airport is insane until you get to the baggage claim. Then it’s like take whatever bag you want.
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vizzgrisser · 3 years
listening to mcr after taking a small break is like oh right i forgot they are the best band in the world
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vizzgrisser · 3 years
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a tale of two pictures
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vizzgrisser · 3 years
Reality is literally insane. You notice this when you go to ALDI
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vizzgrisser · 3 years
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vizzgrisser · 3 years
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I hate bright ass fucking LED headlights or whatever the hell they are
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