vodkajournals-blog · 7 years
Sitting in a picture window watching the skyscrapers of Moscow’s trade center.  Ryan Adams has a rare, singular gift at covering songs.  I discovered his version of Wonderwall tonite, and it’s now playing in a loop on repeat.  I turned out the lights in my hotel room so I could think.
 At this moment in time I want to bathe in Ryan Adam’s version of Wonderwall for eternity.  It expresses everything I feel right now.  I had no idea.
i have had only 6 shots of vodka since arriving five days ago.  i have had little time to write since arriving.  Moscow is such a stunning city and there is no time on my agenda for unnecessary commentary.
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vodkajournals-blog · 7 years
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vodkajournals-blog · 7 years
Day 1: a list of thoughts about Moscow 1.) So far I feel that all Russian pop music sounds like Toad The Wet Sprocket. 2.) The most visually beautiful people on earth.  Like 90% of the people on the streets look like models for a Renaissance painting. 3.) Downtown Moscow is the most impressive shit I’ve ever seen.  It’s like a giant heavy metal Faberge egg. 4.) Sunrise is at about 4:15am this time of year.  As I write it’s 6:38 and it is broad fucking daylight.  This makes sleeping late difficult. 5) The Cyrillic alphabet is maddening.  The P’s sound like R’s and that’s all well and good.  But the R’s are backwards and are kind of sort of vowels apparently.  The Russian “D” is like a little curvy trapezoid dude riding on a little cartoon sled. The “L” is like the same guy only someone stole the bottom of his sled.  There is a letter, i shit you not, which represents the “shch” sound such as found in the English phrase “fresh cheese”.  You take a tiny squiggle mark off the lower right hand corner off of this letter and it’s only the “sh” sound.  There are even stranger examples than the above.  I am a far cry from reading Tolstoy in his native tongue but since Cyrillic is pretty much the only thing you seen I’ve been getting MUCH practice. 6) So far I’ve only had one shot of vodka.  Could have had more (also had a Russian beer and a shockingly good Long Island Iced Tea from room service) but I got in late yesterday afternoon, and since apparently today I’m riding 5 hours outside of Moscow in a car to tour a manufacturing plant and then riding 5 hours home, this is going to be a very, very long workday.  Big, big meeting tomorrow at our R&D facility in Moscow.  After that is completed, I‘ll have a whole weekend to explore the sights, sounds, and flavors of this rad city.
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