Entry 77, Journal 4 9.20.2018
I've had to go to three funerals this week. All of them closed casket.
If I had known that my house would burn down during that sleepover, I would have stopped whatever mindless game we were playing and sat everyone down to tell them that I loved them.
And I would have told all of them what Ilas had done.
They would think I'd be insane, talking crazy, delusional from too much drinking or something among those lines.
But then the flame would spark from that socket and
No. I would've just evacuated them like a normal person. I should've just evacuated them like a normal person.
I faltered, and now they're dead. All of them.
I just wish I could have wished peace for them all. I wish I could have wished contentment for Ilas. I wish I could have said goodbye.
I don't want to go to another funeral. Not yet.
There's another tomorrow. For Archie and Paisley.
Thank you, God, for this day. I beg you'll show me mercy in the next.
Entry End
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Oh, okay!!!
*He trots along.*
Do you know this place well?
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I am starting to know this place less the more that we walk... and, uh- You didn't say anything wrong, Clownette-
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Your cat is gone buuuut it’s not like you’re at home to know that.
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Are you okay, Dialtone?
Y.Yeah lets just keep going
He hides his face with his sleeve in order to keep his toothy grin from showing... and his blush.
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Dialicialeb when
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if Felicia’s her mom, then that makes Caleb her dad
Two dads!
Dialtone took another -999.
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"Yeah I do? Mrs. Felicia, obviously. She named me!!!"
>>Jesus fucking christ whos gonna tell her
Passed away. He is blushing so hard he cannot speak. He is gone.
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>>Clownette is quiet for a moment.
"Speaking of moms, wheres mine????"
Dialtone freezes. Glass shattering sfx.
W.What do you mean. You don't have a mom.
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Ohhhhh... me too!
*He's still smiling despite his tail not wagging.* She's okay! She probably misses you, too!
Yeah.. that's true. I'm sure she does.
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"bu g..."
>>She is entranced.
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Taika is also entranced by the bug. Dialtone suddenly looks stiff and smiles awkwardly.
Um... It's... Kōkara. It means "mom". We miss our mom.
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Oooooo, a bug!!!! Hello, little buggie!!!
Taika chuffs. Uhhh... I wanna call them... Atarangi.
Dialtone smiles. Missing Kōkara?
It doesn't sound that much like her name.
Dialtone ruffles his hair. Whatever you say. I miss her too.
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>>Clownette begins to walk ahead, her head constantly swiveling around just so she can get a good look at every little thing.
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Taika looks around in time with Clownette. Eventually, he runs forward and finds a tiny bug, which he scoops up and brings back to show everyone. It's a tiny pillbug.
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Oh, okay!
*Explorgi trots back happily*
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Yeah, exactly!!
Taika clings to Dialtone's leg. He looks a little tired from running already, so he picks him up and carries him.
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*Explorgi skids to a halt- literally.*
It's okay!!! Just- I think we should run together, eheh..
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>>She runs faster.
Dialtone runs with them, still calling after Explorgi like Clownette.
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*Aaaaand explorgi's already on a different hill. Whoops.*
Dialtone calls forward. Wait up!!!
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"Explorgi!!! Mr. Dialtone!!! Wait up!!!"
>>She runs after them as fast as she can.
Taika grabs onto Clownette's wrist and follows along that way. Dialtone slows down a little to allow them both to catch up.
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