voiceoverofthepeople-blog ยท 7 years
Welcome to the DonaldDrumpfSucks.com Tumblr!
Y'know, I ran out and grabbed this domain while that John Oliver episode was actually still going on. Wanted it that bad. Then I just sat on it, because, hey, it's not like we're going to actually elect a nationalist, borderline fascist, oligarchic, sexist, assaultative, bigoted, pathological liar to the PRESIDENCY, right? We're not really that completely batfuck of a population that we'd actually light the entire house on fire with all of us in it, would we?
Well, apparently we don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn.
Burn, motherfucker, burn.
I'm not egotistical enough to believe that even if I had gotten off of my ass and done something with donalddrumpfsucks.com back last summer, it might have changed things. I am only an egg, to quote my favorite Martian (no, not the "antenna head" one). So what now?
Well, now I think I'll just post every single objectionable thing that Donald Hector Elizondo "Mountain Dew" Camacho Trump does, purely for people's amusement. Am I attempting to change the world? Only if you count making people laugh. But research has established that if you take people with deeply held beliefs that are not based on empirical observation, and expose them to visible, tangible proof that their belief is incorrect, their beliefs actually get STRONGER, not weaker. This probably at least partially explains the last election. So all you GesTrumpo out there: I'm not trying to convince you that you are on the wrong side. If you were intelligent enough, you'd have realized that already. A few people (none of whom I forgive in the slightest, BTW) have already penned online apologies for supporting Herr TinyHands, because they thought he'd "Become Presidential" when he was elected. Has any bully become nicer when given more power? Morons.
So if you like the articles I reference here, and especially if you happen to like my prose, definitely feel free to spread word about the website (ref it as donalddrumpfsucks.com, please), or email me (I don't check that email very often, I have to admit). I think you will understand why I won't be enabling comments. I don't feel like being a full-time censor for alt-right mouthbreathers. (
(And to end this first, entirely too long post, if you don't get the "Drumpf" joke...) Back last Spring, John Oliver pointed out that the original family name, and indeed the one which Donald's granddad may have immigrated here with, was Drumpf. Being a non-English speaking immigrant, I'm sure he was viewed (by some) with suspicion and hatred as well, But because he was ALLOWED to stay, because he worked extremely hard, because some luck came his way, and, not unimportantly, because he was a WHITE immigrant, he arrived penniless and died with a small fortune, which Trump's father inherited. He converted it into a larger fortune which was shared (somewhat -- The PresiDon is quick to say that he only benefited by a few million dollars from his father's fortune) with our new Chief Executive. Who, through "The Art Of The Deal", which I interpret as "screwing the other guy just as hard as he'll possibly let you", parlayed it into a fortune of totally indeterminate size, which he does not pay any Federal Income Tax on whatsoever. (No, that wasn't libelous -- as Trump will not release his tax returns, I do not have knowledge that he has ever paid a cent of Federal Income Tax. If he releases them, and he has, I will immediately edit this to reflect a truer statement. But since I'm not intentionally and knowingly spreading a damaging untruth about someone, it isn't libel).
So what am I gonna do here? Post funny stuff about Trump. Stuff in his own words that makes him look like the non-Presidential, Archie-Bunker-style moron he is. I'll only repost stuff I can externally verify, from a real website or other offline source. No fake news, and I'll hold off on posting things that seem too good to be true until they turn out to be real. I hope that's not too boring for people. Sadly, being circumspect is all too often giving up power to those who will more readily jump the gun and be wrong more often. I try not to do that.
(One more thing -- that whole "me" thing I keep referencing. I'm the VoiceOver Of The People. I'm your conscience in a Guy Fawkes "Anon" mask but with a big red clown nose. I am aware that someone could probably fairly easily "doxx" me, and if this site (after I get struck by lightning twice while being eaten by a shark in a plane crash) gets famous, someone will. But just be at peace about it. I ain't making any money on the site. The opposite is in fact true. I have a Ph.D. and a real job. And, for now, that's it about me. Besides, hush -- we're just talkin' 'bout Drumpf!)
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