voidedlie-moved · 3 years
Reminder that I’ve moved!!
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//I am very aware that this was a very sudden and impulsive move but. Simon is on @esmorothfallen​ now! I’ve moved him to a main blog because honestly? He deserves it at this point, he’s taking up 90% of my muse juice LOL.
Please note that I will still be logged onto @bathedinobscurity​ and none of my other blogs are going anywhere. I’m using SessionBox to be logged in on multiple accounts at one time.
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voidedlie-moved · 3 years
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//I am very aware that this was a very sudden and impulsive move but. Simon is on @esmorothfallen​ now! I’ve moved him to a main blog because honestly? He deserves it at this point, he’s taking up 90% of my muse juice LOL.
Please note that I will still be logged onto @bathedinobscurity​ and none of my other blogs are going anywhere. I’m using SessionBox to be logged in on multiple accounts at one time.
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voidedlie-moved · 3 years
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//Just a quick headsup that I’m going to be moving Simon to a main blog. This means absolutely nothing for @bathedinobscurity​, I’m not getting rid of it. I have sessionbox now which makes it easier to switch between blogs. However Simon’s taken up enough of my interest for enough time that I feel like it’s about time he graduates off of sideblog status, Lol.
I have a url already, but I’m gonna wait until I’ve done all my blog setup stuff before I post it here. Which shouldn’t be long, ‘cause I’m gonna be copy-pasting a lot of stuff from here.
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voidedlie-moved · 3 years
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                          “ le moteur? ”  her suspicions confirmed,  the cat took a step back from simon.  he seemed to be getting more and more worked up as he spoke,  and she didn’t want to be in the trajectory path if he decided to start throwing things.  she wasn’t sure if he’d listen to her trying to reason with him,  but …  she needed to  try.
                           she hadn’t had the  BEST  of experiences with the last person to take over the train in a grief - fueled rampage,  and neither had the train.  broken cars and missing components made the process of moving between cars somewhat difficult to date,  and if not for a glimpse at a number - filled arm,  the apex wouldn’t exist.
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                           “ simon …  death  happens.  it comes for everyone,  eventually.  if grace were here,  i  HIGHLY  doubt that she would want you to blame yourself. ”  she had never been particularly good at this.  “ there is nothing you can do once it’s over.  the train can do many things,  but it cannot resurrect the dead.  it is not the kind of thing that can be  repaired. ”
A sharp pang of fury raced through Simon’s heart, and for the first time in awhile he felt like proving he hadn’t been bluffing when he’d threatened Samantha. He clenched his fists, and for a moment looked like he was genuinely going to attack. But he didn’t. Something buried far deeper within him stopped him, and his shoulders slumped in defeat.
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“How could you possibly know what Grace would’ve wanted? You hated her.” Grief bled through every word, overtaking the anger he’d meant to express with those words. His heart hurt with in a way he didn’t know how to describe, and he almost didn’t want to address the latter thing Samantha had said at all. He couldn’t bear the pain of considering that there was truly nothing he could do.
“You never knew her, but I did. She saved my life after you left me, we grew up together, we trusted eachother with our lives. I-...” I loved her. The words were on the tip of his tongue to say, but he consciously chose not to. He’d never managed to find the courage to say it to Grace herself, and he wasn’t going to say it to Samantha now. It felt like a betrayal. Though he wasn’t quite sure if it was himself or Grace he thought he’d be betraying.
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“I can’t give up on her.” He said instead, indirectly daring Samantha to challenge him via tone rather than word choice. “And I don’t believe you. You’re a liar, Samantha- you always have been, always will be. I don’t care what you try to tell me. I’m going to the engine.” 
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voidedlie-moved · 3 years
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//I have come to the conclusion that Simon is Canadian (I can't remember where I saw this but his last name is apparently a very common French-Canadian surname) and is fluent in both English and French but stopped speaking the latter nearly completely after Samantha abandoned him and he started traveling with Grace.
That's it, that's the post. You're welcome.
Post was inspired by a conversation I had in my Infinity Train RP server LOL
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voidedlie-moved · 3 years
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voidedlie-moved · 3 years
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weekly simon appreciation 💞
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voidedlie-moved · 3 years
y’all are absolutely going to kill me for this considering i’ve made tons of impulsive rp servers and absolutely none of them ever went anywhere but listen. i had an idea. i wanted to try it. we’ll see if it works out LOL
feel free to hop in at any time!
Hello hello Infinity Train fandom! I’ve done it again, I impulsively made a roleplay server. This one is in fact specifically based on Infinity Train and has a fairly unique concept that I’d love to see play out.
Note that this is a LITERATE RP, and I’d prefer you to have some kind of roleplay experience before joining. Both OCs and canons are allowed. This server is SFW and open to all who are 13+.
Four years have passed since the disbandment of the Apex, or the end of Infinity Train book three. Though the train is running as per usual, something dark is looming on the horizon. Eons ago, the train was given a date of destruction, destining it to derail and take all of it’s remaining passengers and denizens along with it.
One-One either doesn’t know how to stop it, or doesn’t want to. And thus, it’s left up to a certain chosen group of passengers to find a way to keep the train from destruction, or else save as many lives as possible.
The only problem is, they don’t know it yet.
However, there is one thing that ties them together: None of them have a normal number. Each of them have a different symbol on their palm to tell them apart from the rest, to show that their destiny is different from that of other passengers. And until they fulfill it, they’re trapped on the train.
Among those passengers are the canon characters from books 1-4. Each of them has been brought back on the train specifically for this purpose, and will eventually have to find eachother and figure out their destiny.
THE INVITE: https://discord.gg/SG7kwgYuzt
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voidedlie-moved · 3 years
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voidedlie-moved · 3 years
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                        she wasn’t surprised that simon was resistant to telling her what was on his mind;  the cat had proven herself to be untrustworthy,  especially to him,  and she couldn’t deny that secrets  WERE  probably better kept from her.  still  –  she was worried,  both for him and about whatever he was intending to do on his way forward.
                        yes,  the point of the train  WAS  to move forward,  but simon and grace and their little apex had not been terribly concerned with the way the train was  MEANT  to operate.  seeing him alone had been a relief at first,  but that combined with the knowledge that grace was gone,  the hurry he was in,  the number …
                       the cat couldn’t help but feel it all terribly familiar.  UNSETTLINGLY  familiar.  she could let many things drop,  but not this.
                        “ i’m not going to tell you how the car works until you tell me exactly what it is you’re trying to do. ”  her tone was stern,  serious,  as she narrowed her eyes at her former charge and dug her claws into the floor.
Simon gave a frustrated groan, briefly resting his head in his hands. Of all the times for Samantha to decide to be stubborn with him, it had to be now. It had to be when he was trying to do the most important thing he’d maybe ever do in his life. He knew good and well she was going to try to talk him out of it if he told her, maybe even attempt to keep him trapped there- but he was stuck between a rock and a hard place.
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“... I’m going to the engine. I’ve got to find a way to fix this.” He mumbled. Then removing his hand from his face, he quickly went on. “Before you say anything, would you hear me out? What happened to Grace was my fault, Samantha. I don’t know how I could live with the guilt if I don’t do something!”
His voice noticeably broke on the last word, and he cringed. He was trying his best to keep as much composure as he could, but it was incredibly hard to do when he was openly discussing something he could hardly bare to even think about. She had really backed him into a corner.
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“If you do anything to hold me back, if you try to keep me here, I’m not going to let you get away with it. I’m not joking with you, I’m not bluffing- I’ve made up my mind.”
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voidedlie-moved · 3 years
He’d been busy during his trips to the train, or Dimension IT-11 as he’d labeled it. Most of his time had been spent creating new cars and creatures for his own amusement, then watching the passengers stumble onto them. Of course, the demon wasn’t just here to have fun. No, a place like this was ripe with potential souls to sway! 
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The car before him (new name pending) had once been a cavernous area until he got his grubby little hands on it. Now it looked… broken. Pieces were missing and shifted around, pits of darkness were scattered around the place, and another environment entirely was emerging from spots like tumors filling up the car. The black and white tiles and red curtains made the whole thing feel surreal. And the interdimensional creature thought it good. What made it even better was the passenger that happened wandered in…
Now this was one he’d been eager to meet.
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“JUST A LITTLE REDECORATING, NUMBERS!” The words echo out from his form before he turned around, the triangle flipping around to face Simon directly. He was alone, which just made him all the more excited. Just the two of them.
Simon’s eyebrows furrowed as his gaze swept back over the mess of a car, before returning to Bill. He wouldn’t exactly call this redecoration, but who knew what went through the heads of nulls. This one seemed more than a little off of his rocker, but not in the sickeningly cheerful sort of way that a lot of nulls were. It made him a little bit uneasy, a fact he showed by intentionally keeping his distance from the aforementioned triangle.
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“First off, nicknames are off-limits.” Not that the particular nickname Bill had chosen was all that offensive. In fact, it was better than some of the ones Grace called him. But she could get away with it, because she was Grace. But he wasn’t going to tolerate even an innocuous nickname from a null.
“Secondly, you better not have blocked off the exit door in your ‘redecorating.’ Because if you have, so help me I’m going to make you regret you didn’t leave this car exactly the way you found it.”
He wasn’t sure whether he was bluffing or not. It depended on what exactly the little triangle was capable of, which seemed to be a lot if the sheer mayhem he’d caused in the car they were in was evidence enough. It was at times like these Simon really hated that none of the other Apex members were with him.
Either way, he was not going to be happy if Bill had created an unnecessary obstacle he was going to have to get past. He’d encountered enough of those as it was.
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voidedlie-moved · 3 years
The Carrot it was then. Good.
That meant less worries for her and possibly the higher ups who shunted this job onto her in lieu of her technician duties. And all because she traveled with him and Grace when she was six and a half for a brief period of time. But that apparently was good enough for One-One’s algorithm so it was good enough for the TAF. 
“You’re a smart man, Simon.” She replied, returning to her own seat facing him to continue the line of conversation. “And that knowledge is the edge the TAF wants. Things have changed, but the more they change the more they stay the same. And it’s those parts that stayed the same that can help track them down and ensure they don’t coalesce into a united front.”
One of the many things that had changed with Neo Apex was the fact that they were no longer picky about age. So long as you were gullible enough to swallow their tripe about False Conductors and passengers being the true masters of the Train, you could be twelve or twenty or a little old lady. That alone swelled their ranks considerably before the crackdowns. 
“To be blunt, if they manage to get enough on their side, it could mean destabilizing the Train entirely. Even worse than it was in Amelia’s day.”
“So, all the TAF needs from me is information? Seems simple enough. Mind you, I hope you don’t have any allusions that I enjoy the prospect of working for One-One, or you for that matter. But if it gets me out of this damn facility, I guess it’s worth the discomfort.”
He had no real ties one way or the other with the new branch of Apexers that had sprung up, beyond apparently being their inspiration. He was curious, though, about them. It would be interesting to find out when and why exactly they’d sprung up again after the original Apex’s disbandment.
It was also interesting to hear that they’d become so problematic. While the Apex proper had certainly caused a lot of trouble, they had never become as widespread as it seemed these copycats were. They’d had a small area of the train they were comfortable traveling to, and any spreading of their influence that happened was entirely due to the shifting of train cars.
“Sounds like they’ve become more of a problem than the true Apex were in our hay-day. I’m guessing it’s because there’s more of them?” He sounded almost amused by the development, brushing over the potential seriousness of it. He supposed their goals were likely much the same as the original Apex’s had been, which he could see being a problem for One-One if any of them managed to get to the engine.
Not that he particularly cared if they pulled the conductor off of his high-horse. His cooperation was less for the sake of preserving the integrity of the train and more for the sake of his own sanity, what little of it he had left.
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voidedlie-moved · 3 years
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though she had stopped moving, she was still a good distance away from simon, and she pried her hands away from her face, eyes puffy and red with the tears she shed a few moments before. she tried to take a few deep breaths, but they all came out shaky and shallow, the panic flooding her system once those words had been said. her brows furrowed, eyes widening in genuine shock.
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“just because i don’t know what to do, you lose your trust in me?” grace barely whispered out, dropping her head into her hands. her tone was exasperated, upset, even, but how her body acted made her intention clear- she didn’t know what to do either in this situation- and she wondered if his trust was really that shallow. 
though, partially, she understood. she was supposed to be a leader- to the apex, and subconsciously, to simon, too. she acted like it- she volunteered to be it. she knew that she had to be a leader, a good example for the apex- if she didn’t know what to do, the rest would be clueless. she was the soul of their group, and now their soul was having a crisis. 
it was during these moments where she wished simon knew what to do. though she was charismatic and authoritative, simon was the one that thoroughly believed in the apex and their rules. simon, in fact, was the one that made the rules. she thought he’d know what he was doing. she couldn’t imagine the both of them confused and conflicted, but yet here they were, admitting the same thing.
grace took a long, deep breath, and exhaled out all of the unease and anxiety she felt internally. or, at least- she tried to.
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“who was the one who made the apex protocols again? because it wasn’t me. that’s just a hint,” there was a second where she tried to force a smile on her face- but it quickly dropped. she wasn’t in the mood for false appearances, and quite frankly, she was sure simon wouldn’t like it either. 
“you’re capable by your own right, simon. there’s a reason why you are my partner-in-crime- my co-leader. i’ve said i trust you with my life. what more do you need?”
That wasn’t exactly what he meant. He knew that Grace couldn’t have answers for everything, but it was different when it came to this. It was different because she was supposed to know. The answer would have been obvious at any other time, and yet it seemed like neither of them wanted to default to that obvious answer anymore. And he hated it, with every fiber of his being.
But it was also because she had very blatantly lied to him. She had tried to tell him that she hadn’t changed, that she wasn’t flipping. But if that was the case, then why didn’t she know what to do?
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“Grace, you aren’t getting it! If you were confused about literally anything else but this, it wouldn’t be a big deal. But you shouldn’t be confused about this, not unless something really big has changed!”
He paused, attempting to regather his thoughts. There were so many different things about the situation he wanted to address, so much he felt like he wasn’t getting across to Grace. He was desperate to make some sort of sense out of what was happening, and yet it kept getting more and more confusing.
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“... I know how much I’ve done for the Apex, Grace, you don’t have to tell me. But there’s a lot that I couldn’t have done without you, that I still can’t do without you. And this is one of those things. I can’t make a call here by myself. I need you to be honest with me, and tell me what we should do. Because otherwise, I’m stuck!”
He felt supremely uncomfortable by how much he was having to say. There was no way she hadn’t read between the lines by now, and that scared him. But there wasn’t much else he could say that would get across how he was feeling without downright lying, which was the last thing he wanted to do. 
Besides, didn’t she know already? She’d called him out on it, and he’d brushed over it in favor of acknowledging the thing she’d said that had hurt him far more than that. Yet there was a blockade in him that kept him from saying it outright. Because once he did, he knew there was no going back.
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voidedlie-moved · 3 years
A low groan escaped the groggy child as she pushed herself into a seated position in the snow. Had she fallen asleep in the snow in her anger fueled fruitless trek to reach Oshkosh? But where was the train? Where were the tracks she saw last night? Either she dreamt it all or she had some sort of mini seizure that blanked out the last few hours.
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“Ugh… Great job, Tulip. You somehow managed to break your own brain on top of everything else…” She admonished herself, flopping back into the snow and staring at the sky. “Maybe it’s still early enough that I can sneak back?” No, Mom would definitely have noticed her being gone by now. All that was waiting at home was probably the biggest chewing out of her life, followed by a life long grounding.
“There’s a kid here!”
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“Huh?” The shout made Tulip sit right up, looking over her shoulder to see… other kids? All dressed like they’d walked off the set of one of the post apocalypse movies she and her dad watched on one of his custody weekends. Was there some sort of game going on and she stumbled into their playfield? Maybe it was one of those LARP events she read about. 
But in the middle of winter? In Minnesota?
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“Hiiii? Listen, I’m sorry for falling asleep in your zone or whatever you’re doing here. But I’ll just be on my way home now, cool? Cool.”
Hearing the call of one of the younger Apex members, Simon turned his attention from his investigation of what had thus far been a very lackluster car, to what was apparently a brand new passenger. He perked up significantly at the sight, relieved to find something exciting in the car.
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“Alright, fall back guys, I’ll handle it!” He called to the children. In response to his order, the children backed away, giving him an opening to approach Tulip. Walking up to her, he offered her his hand to help her up. “You must be really new. You’re... a long way away from home. My name’s Simon, and these kids are the Apex.” He nodded towards the children behind him.
If she was as new as he suspected she was, he guessed he was going to have to explain a lot to her. Or maybe he’d let Grace do it, depending on how well their first interaction went. He’d done far less recruitments than she had, but the excitement of actually having something to do in a car that had more or less proved to be a dud so far had overruled his usual awkwardness, at least temporarily.
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“Sorry for them, uh, swarming you. They get pretty excited about new passengers. They’re harmless, though. And you’re not trespassing or anything- we don’t live here.” By here he meant that particular car. But even if she’d happened to wander into the mall car, they wouldn’t have considered it trespassing. They’d just take it as a recruitment opportunity like any other.
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voidedlie-moved · 3 years
Simon wasn’t entirely wrong. If anything, Hazel would have gladly gone to her grave never having seen the man sitting across from her again. For a man who was probably pushing 40, she couldn’t help but think he looked so worn down and tired. Almost like a man twice his age. Still, even under all that Hazel could believe that if the glass and his restraints weren’t there he would be a very dangerous individual, capable of doing serious damage before he could be taken down.
Which was why she had been sent out here in the first place, unfortunately. 
“Fine, consider pleasantries skipped.” She said tersely, pulling a data pad from her bag. A small thin window opened up in the glass, setting the pad on it as a Peacekeeper stepped forward and took it from her. They then proceeded to hold it out for Simon to read, a scrolling text of mission reports and after action logs. Each one mentioning an all too familiar word: Apex. 
“One-One, the algorithm, the TAF, whoever in their ‘infinite wisdom’ were the ones who decided that since we share a history,” Her tone indicated that she would laugh at the idea if she were more inclined at the moment. “I would be the best one to come down here and extend to you an offer from the Train and those who run it.”
Hazel turned to the Peacekeepers on her side and nodded, the glass between them rising into the ceiling and opening up the room entirely. The ones on Simon’s side, stun batons still at the ready stepped forward and unlocked his restraints, handing him the data pad to keep reading.
“You’re to be offered a consultant position, regarding the current Neo Apex situation. I’m sure even back here in the IRC you’ve heard things with how many of their members wind up here. The TAF has reason to believe they’re starting to rally again after they got scattered during the Runaway Train Incident.” 
She stepped closer to the unrestrained man, part of her daring him to try something. “In return for your cooperation, pending the completion of the investigation, you’d be granted 1. amnesty for all past crimes against the Train and it’s Denizens. 2. the freedom to travel wherever you wish on the train. 3. A more… manageable number and eventual departure from the Train.”
Hazel had dangled the carrot, now to see if he took it or if the stick would need to be applied.
Simon squinted as he read over the reports on the datapad, and his eyebrows raised as he took in what he was reading. He’d definitely heard it mentioned here and there while he’d been in the facility, but he wasn’t aware it was that widespread. It was kind of funny, in a way, that his and Grace’s influence had spread so far as to still be causing ripple effects in the current day.
He snorted in response to the ‘infinite wisdom’ comment, and rolled his eyes. Even so, she had caught his attention. His gaze rose from the screen back to her, and he listened carefully to what she was saying, growing all the more curious as to where this was going.
And then, he was released from his restraints. Shifting his position slightly, he rubbed at his wrist for a moment before taking the data pad, though his attention remained primarily on Hazel. His expression changed to one of mild surprise, and he blinked. He was genuinely a little shocked that they’d trust him to get involved, given that he was the former leader of the Apex as it had been in it’s prime, and had never really formally denounced them. But he supposed that was the point. He knew more about them than anyone else that was still on the train, although he had no way of knowing how closely these new so-called Apexers were following their old protocols. It was always possible that some of the old members of the Apex were involved. There was no guarantee that all of them had left their old ways, afterall. He’d seen little of what had happened after Grace had disbanded their formal group, and had no idea how much resistance she’d had to deal with.
But he supposed he might be tasked with finding all of that out, if he was to accept the offer. Out of all the things Hazel had offered him, it was the prospect of being free again that interested him the most. He didn’t care one way or the other whether One-One considered him a criminal, nor did he care about his number being manageable. Even after so many years, he still had no intention of leaving the train. If it would’ve been hard for him to readjust when he was young, it would only be worse now that so much extra time had passed.
He was no longer hellbent on raising his number (there would be little point to that anyhow, for obvious reasons), but didn’t care for it to be lowered either. And thus, that part of it didn’t interest him. But if he was going to live on the train, he wanted it to be on his own terms. And being locked up in a facility most definitely wasn’t that.
“Alright. I’m listening.” He replied, letting the datapad fall flat in his lap. He shifted so that he was sitting up straighter, and met Hazel’s gaze. “But I’d appreciate it if you’d elaborate. What exactly do the all-knowing One-One and his army of peacekeepers want me to do?”
There was a clear sarcastic edge to his voice when he talked about One-One. He made it no secret that he disliked the conductor, whether he be the rightful conductor or no. He never would have even considered doing anything to help him, was he not offered something that would be worthwhile enough to do so. And luckily for Hazel and the TAF, Simon was sick and tired enough of being held down (both figuratively and literally) by the powers-that-be on the train that the prospect of going free would be more than worthwhile to him.
And if all he had to do was help them wrangle a few Apex copycats, then he supposed that wouldn’t be the end of the world.
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voidedlie-moved · 3 years
Fair warning that I’ll be doing these slowly!!
Send A Number to Experience One of My Muse’s Memories
Memories are vignettes for one’s past, and often times, they are very telling.
1. Their First Memory 2. A memory of their father 3. A memory of their mother 4. A memory of a sibling 5. A memory of a pet 6. A turning point in their life 7. A memory they want to forget 8. A hazy memory 9. A photographic memory 10. A disappointing memory 11. A memory that may or may not have happened 12. A happy memory 13. A memory of a friend 14. A memory of a relationship 15. A heartbreaking memory 16. A memory that makes them angry 17. A memory of something they regret 18. A memory they’d love to change 19. A memory of someone they don’t see anymore 20. A memory of someone who is deceased 21. A memory of the first time they did an activity they love 22. A childhood memory 23. A school day memory 24. A holiday memory 25. A birthday memory 26. A memory they want to share 27. A memory of something they’re proud of 28. A memory that strains a relationship 29. A memory they can’t let themselves forget 30. Asker’s choice 31. Writer’s choice
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voidedlie-moved · 3 years
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Oh, dear. That was a lot of pent-up frustration coming off of him. Now, Sunflower could easily just have pointed him to the door- it wasn’t that far, and there were no real tricks in this car. But the point of the train wasn’t to travel through cars as quickly as possible, it was to learn and grow from each of them.
And judging by that number, it looked like he had a lot of growing to do.
“Of course it matters.” She leaned forward in her rocking chair, though not quite moving to get up and pursue. “Sweeping your feelings under the rug doesn’t do a lick of good, you know. You have to feel them before you can move on.”
The last thing Simon was in the mood for was getting lectured to by a null, and he wasn’t going to stand for it. Gritting his teeth, he stormed across the room to stand directly in front of her chair, glaring sharply down on her.
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“I’m not here for you to tell me what I should or shouldn’t be doing with my feelings! And if you don’t shut up and show me to the door, you’re going to pay for it dearly.” He snapped. He had dealt with plenty of nulls of a more intimidating nature than her, and if she wasn’t going to cooperate, he had absolutely no problem dealing with her the same way.
He was beyond done with being held back by train puzzles and stubborn nulls, and he was far too close to the Apex to be delayed any longer. He was their sole leader now, and he needed to get back there quickly.
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