voidsteffy · 3 hours
Picture this: it's June, and it's Buck's first Pride Month. He knows he's bisexual this year, and he has a boyfriend, and he is both terrified that he's going to fuck this up and embarrass himself or Tommy and excited, and because he doesn't want to show that he's terrified, so on June 1st, he puts pride flags in his insta bio and he puts up banners, and he's just a general nuisance, until Hen pulls him aside to talk to him. She gets to the bottom of his panic, and he admits that he doesn't want to mess anything up since this is his first time. She promises that she and Karen will look after him this Pride and he'll discover that it's just a very good time to enjoy being queer in a crowd.
When he and Tommy follow Karen and Hen into the celebration, they stop at a booth for face painting, Hen sits him down at the booth and tells the artist he wants a bisexual flag on his cheek, and she pays for it. She also convinces Tommy to get the rainbow flag, and both she and Karen get the lesbian flag, all matching stripes of pride on their skin for the world to see. Buck looks at himself in the mirror nearby and pauses, because it's there. He's there. They're all there, happy, and together, and he looks at Tommy with a rainbow across his cheeks. He's so, so happy to finally know himself and to let the world know that this is exactly who he wants to be.
He pulls Tommy into him and kisses him while Karen's flag is getting finished, and he takes a selfie of them together, their flags on display as they kiss in the photo, and he posts it on his insta for everyone to see, with the photos of Hen and Karen, Josh when they run into him with his friends, Tommy in the perfect summer lighting, and a small rainbow from a spray of water. It's perfect, and he's so, so happy to be here.
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voidsteffy · 3 hours
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Might have to watch this one again soon...
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voidsteffy · 3 hours
we need to go back to dvds guys. we need to all agree on this and make it happen. we need video stores back NOW
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voidsteffy · 3 hours
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Vidya from Kahaani (Hindi, 2012)
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voidsteffy · 3 hours
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voidsteffy · 3 hours
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Elementary as textposts part 5/?
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voidsteffy · 3 hours
Prabhu mudrika meli mukh mahi
Jaladhi langhi gye achraj naahi ✨
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voidsteffy · 3 hours
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voidsteffy · 4 hours
in the tags tell me about your latest dream/nightmare
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voidsteffy · 4 hours
🎀 My That Girl Exam Success Checklist 💯
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it's the day of (or before) your exam!! a gazillion thoughts may be running through your mind: should i review all my notes and flashcards one more time?? set my alarm super early to be sure to make it on time or set it super late so that i get as much sleep as possible?? let's prepare everything step by step calmly and together ☺️
The Night Before
pack your bag with everything you need — school ID, pens/pencils, erasers, rulers, calculators, extras of everything!!, brain food like nuts/chocolate, lunch, full water bottle, etc.
pick out a cute but comfy outfit — the goal is to feel as confident and laser-focused as possible!
don't skimp on your night routine — cramming does not take priority over a good night's sleep before an important day, so take care of your mind and body and trust them to take care of you too
skim the highlights/summaries/key flashcards just before bed — when you sleep, your mind is not idle! it's reorganizing and filing everything away neatly to be retrieved when you wake up, so do yourself a favor and take advantage of your mind's natural abilities!
double check your alarm — but more important than this is to go to sleep at a reasonable time that you can expect yourself to feel well-rested by the time you need to wake up, so whether you need 7, 8, 10 or more hours of sleep, go get it!! right now!! come back to this post in the morning to complete the rest of the checklist~
The Morning Of
eat breakfast(!!) — you can't think on an empty stomach!!
take your vitamins
drink water
stretch!! — get your blood flowing where it needs to go and get your energy levels up!! 💪
if you can, try not to consume anything else outside of your review materials before the exam that might confuse or preoccupy you! — sometimes it's unavoidable if it's part of your job or your other courses, so just take a quiet moment to bring your mind back to the material from time to time if necessary!
get to your exam location as early as possible you can chill and review~ (same idea as the night before, summaries, highlights, flashcards, don't get too bogged down by the details and confuse yourself at this point!)
Exam Time
arrange your desk neatly and comfortably so you can focus and find everything you need when you need it
deep breaths
one question at a time
even if it seems like you don't know or remember anything, the information will come back to you when you need it
you got this!
i believe in you 💕
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voidsteffy · 4 hours
Academic advice that you must remember while you follow the "aesthetic"
romanticising school and studies by using aesthetics (i.e. Dark academia, art academia, chaotic academia, etc) is really helpful for motivation, but there are many things you must keep inmind
★ Stop romanticism of insomnia. I mostly blame dark academia fanatics for this (not all, but most). in order to remember what you have studied properly as the brain absorbs the information you studied while your sleeping and it maintains a good mental health. Put an end to the "sleep is for the weak" mindset. Cause no sleep actually makes you weak.
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★ stop worrying about not having aesthetic notes with colourful pens, heading and doodles like you see in the "study with me videos". It doesn't matter how it looks, as long as you understand, that's the whole point of having notes in the first place. To study, it's not an assignment or project for you to spent hours switching between pens and markers.
Partly people are so deep focused on making everything look "aesthetic" and forget to study, which was supposed to be the main priority.
★ if you get a bad grade once in a while, don't get demotivated. Sometimes no matter how hard you study you won't get the result you want, it might sound cliché but all you can do is try again. No matter how good someone's grades are, these is always a moment where they get a low grade for wherever reason, instead of taking that as a cue to give up, take it as an opportunity to bounce back
(remember, some study hacks may work for some people but it won't work for everyone, so try to find a method that's best suitable for you)
★ Put you phone away when your studying, it's a huge distraction (wow mom was right) now, if you study materials are in your phone or you study though YouTube, the i suggest you trun of you notifications of social media apps (i.e YouTube, Instagram and even Tumblr)
Also not a study advice, but avoid using your phone when your eating, pls it's for you own good, and stop creating fake scenarios when you sleep, it's the reason you can sleep dummy
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voidsteffy · 9 hours
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Colin x Penelope - Bridgerton — Artist: @boomdafunk
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voidsteffy · 9 hours
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voidsteffy · 9 hours
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voidsteffy · 9 hours
put those big brown eyes away dude now is NOT the time
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voidsteffy · 9 hours
More Penelope discourse
On the topic of female rage. Here’s something you may not want to hear: Penelope can be vicious. And I personally love her for it.
What I love about show Penelope is that she is a good person, she had a wonderful friendship with Eloise in s1 and trough most of s2, she cares about her family even when they are so dismissive of her, she likes dogs, she is is sweet and intuitive and funny and so terribly cute.
But she’s vicious. 
And I’m sorry if that intimidates the crowd who likes their female characters to fit into the Mother, Witch, Harlot stereotype. But the truth is that women can be quite vicious creatures when we want to be, no matter how nice, no matter how good hearted, we are. If you push the wrong button we are willing to ruin lives, without remorse and without apology. 
I find it really funny how so many people are intimidated by that aspect of show Penelope under the guise of ‘oh she’s not a good person’.  Oh please what intimidates that crowd is that show Penelope IS a good person, that she does have good intentions. That she still has the capacity to be the villain of someone else’s story when she’s 100% the protagonist of her own.
Daphne sort of glossed over the concept of how women are expected to fit themselves into a box to survive in this world where they are punished for everything, but Penelope is a better example of what happens when a woman in Daphne’s situation of ‘sit still, be smart, and never get angry’ situation, has power.
Power to hurt back, if someone hurts her. And I personally think this makes Penelope’s character more interesting. The concept that good women can be monsters and still be the absolute most wonderful people you will ever meet, that’s just something you don’t see in media a lot. It may feel contradicting, but it is appealing to me. 
It’s usually more understandable if the character starts out as a bad guy and then does does something unexpectedly good. But the whole “ how can a person be so good and yet….do something bad?”. Well that, that is what I call good writing. 
That’s an aspect of Penelope I look forward to seeing in S3. I want to see Penelope show that just as she is good, she can be vicious and unapologetic if you cross her.
 And that’s the tea.
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voidsteffy · 18 hours
i still find it so genuinely Weird when i think about the fact that fat people irl are a rather common occurrence. your family, your friends, your coworkers, people on the bus, random passerbys - there are fat people there. usually often. but when you look at Any form of media - movies, tv shows, video games, books are more complicated as not a visual medium but there too, fat people are almost nonexistent. one fat person for the whole movie. one fat person in the background of your fictional city. this is so insanely unrealistic but at the same time nobody comments on this and "we" accept it as normal!! and then people even think their own fatness makes them into some rare failure instead of one of the incredibly common body situations. crazy
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