volskayadottxt · 21 days
knee deep trying to get zine finished and gossipwatch and ramyatta week prep im alive dont worry
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volskayadottxt · 21 days
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Howdy I'm Rachel and this is my obligatory C0m1$$10n post!
I can draw about anything and generally like to, and any information wanted is below. Otherwise thank you for looking,I appreciate it [DMS here, twitter, and E-mail are welcome]
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volskayadottxt · 1 month
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she lost her son
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volskayadottxt · 1 month
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(finger guns) hello ramyatta nation, ramyatta week is back from october 26th to november 1st. themes are as follows:
Day 1: Red/Heart
Day 2: Orange/Hands
Day 3: Yellow/Chest
Day 4: Green/Legs
Day 5: Blue/Eyes
Day 6: Purple/Voice
Day 7: Free space!
you can use one prompt per day or both. do as many or as few days as you like. have fun! im the contact for it, lemme know if you have questions.
im not sure if the twitter tag will work here, though...
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volskayadottxt · 1 month
i wanna play juuuuuunoooo
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volskayadottxt · 1 month
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Since you asked I had to go look up the page and since I was already there, why not some process pics!
1- inks!
2- flats!
3- Usually I keep my bkg and character flats on their own layers but since there wasnt much of a bkg I kept it all on one layer. Not that thats really here nor there, but here’s some rendering! Airbrushed highlights and hard edged shadows for the bkg bits and just two color cel shading for the characters!
4- Now comes the fun part: Deciding Shockwave’s colors! I originally did him up in his blue/white/red colors we last saw him in but we wanted to make the visual transition into the Shockwave we all know and love so I just tried a full on Shockwave color scheme here
5-  But I/we wanted to make the change evident so I thought well how about they werent done painting him and some of his old colors shined through
6- And then for the heck of it I thought why not try him in his TF:Animated/Shackwave sorta colors
7- And I wasnt quite sold on Lobe and misc. scientist guys colors so I tried changing them
8- Time for some subtle glow fx, added some shadow over shockwave/behind scientist guy to keep things from looking messy/separate the planes a little bit
9- Back to Shockwave colors? [I was very undecided the whole way through this page :P]
10- Playing around with the color balance!
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volskayadottxt · 2 months
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volskayadottxt · 2 months
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hey remember how MTMTE had an actual slow burn romance going on, it was so good
They each got a sticker because you can't have one without the other <3
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volskayadottxt · 2 months
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hey gang
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volskayadottxt · 2 months
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the "frag you" appeal
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volskayadottxt · 2 months
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Rodeemusss noooooo you can't eat that ur a robot
Oh gourd he cabt hear us he has air pods in
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volskayadottxt · 2 months
i started taking art lessons from a retired art teacher and shes kicking my ass! sad but also hopefully ill get better faster
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volskayadottxt · 2 months
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volskayadottxt · 2 months
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volskayadottxt · 2 months
juno reminds me of starfire, its cute!
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volskayadottxt · 2 months
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volskayadottxt · 2 months
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Tiny Shockwave (99% less psychotic) 
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