voltaicoverflow · 1 year
Oasis made her way out into the garden as well, supported by Mikhail holding her arm. She no longer levitated, instead stumbling on uneasy legs, but she already looked better than during that initial moment. Following shortly after were Saffron and Robin, no doubt just as concerned and curious as the two Psychic-types.
Whatever had crashed into the Bastion, had hit the ground hard enough to bounce off and land a second time, leaving a crater and a long groove in the sand and soil. It was hard to tell what lay at the end of it, some kind of orange and lavender shape… until it started moving, revealing itself to be a Pokémon none of the Bastion’s residents had ever seen before.
The Pokémon tried to prop herself up with one arm, only for said arm to give way and come to rest at an odd angle. Wide, bright orange eyes glanced around, spotting the others before landing on Valhir.
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Injured as she was, she could only mutter one word. “No…”
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     That gaze of his turned sharp, and his lips drew into a ferocious snarl... But not towards the Mewtwo below. Instead he fought a mental battle, his collar having sparked to life and once again trying to seize control of his body. A growl rippled from his throat as Valhir rooted himself into the ground, his paws digging in to prevent himself from leaping at the injured Legendary Pokemon before he’d force his eyes closed as he’d overload the collar with his electricity, focusing it directly into it.
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     It was only once he was sure that he had controlled himself that he’d allow himself a moment to sigh in relief. He’d open his eyes to a kindlier visage, and he’d turn his way back towards the others,
“They’re wounded, they need help. I don’t know what caused their injuries, but I have an inkling of suspicion, so you should get them inside so I can investigate safely- I’ll explain everything later, promise.”
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voltaicoverflow · 1 year
Mikhail would have had a hard time not getting caught against Valhir’s large form, and he steadied himself with a hand on the Luxray’s shoulder. The tray and egg were face-down on the floor, though. Oh well.
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“I’m… I’m fine. Thank you.” He patted the rough, slightly tingly black fur, then joined Robin, Saffron and many others in looking around for any sign of what might have caused the crash. Oasis’ gaze was on Valhir, though, realizing even before he spoke that there almost had to be a connection between him and… whatever was going on.
“Everybody, please, calm down,” she telepathically broadcast to all the Pokémon in the room, before reaching out for any sign of another mind. If Valhir’s words were any indication, they were no longer alone. “I think someone–”
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An almost inaudible groan escaped the Gardevoir’s mouth as she clutched her hands over her temples, doubling over in pain. Mikhail let go of the Luxray’s shoulders and rushed to her side, followed by Robin approaching from the other direction. Both their faces showed nothing short of dread – a psychic of Oasis’ level getting a headache only ever spelled disaster.
Through clenched jaws, all she could mutter was, “Out… side…”
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     Expression turned deadly serious as he heard the one word muttered by Oasis, and everything else was drowned out by Valhirs anger as there’d be a sharp smell of ozone and a crack of lightning as the Luxray quickly sped his way outside, leaving behind a clear trail of plasma as he had ran. Now was when he was really thankful for his enhanced speed due to his mutations as he’d run quickly towards the place where the crash had occurred.
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     There his eyes widened as he gazed down upon the crater, and his mouth gaped open slightly as his collar felt all the tighter around his neck, almost like it was a noose.
“No, it can’t be...”
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voltaicoverflow · 1 year
Despite Oasis and Robin being the more perceptive of the three, Saffron ended up being the one to bring up the more subtle parts of his response.
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“It feels like every day could be the last, doesn’t it?”
The two Fairy-types shared alarmed looks as they picked up on the shift in tone their conversation was taking, but neither interrupted the Mienshao. As long as Valhir was responsive, they had to hope this would help somehow.
“I know what that’s like,” Saffron continued. Her paws rested uneasily atop one another on the table, as if she wanted to reach for something but wouldn’t. “You know you won’t be safe forever, so you cannot bring yourself to rest and enjoy the peace you have now.” A deep breath caused her shoulders to visibly rise and fall. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to shift attention away from you.”
“What’s this about leaving?” a familiar voice piped up. Mikhail had returned carrying another improvised tray, this time with a freshly soft-boiled egg just as the Luxray had requested. The Delphox smoothly made his way over…
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…only to stumble and nearly drop it as a deafening crash rocked the building’s very walls.
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     Eyes had drifted shut as Valhir thought on his own words, and what Saffron had to say hit him home harder then what it probably should have. A burning flame settled in his chest, and he’d eventually his eyes to lid open slightly as he heard Mikhail speak, and right as he was about to respond would his eyes shoot wide open, and in a crack of lightning would he speed from his current sitting position to try and help stabilize Mikhail as his fur crackled with electricity.
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“Damnit, that can’t be them... I left them in the dust! They should still be so far behind me...!” He’d mutter underneath his breath as he’d look almost frantic before eventually calming himself down as he’d move to turn his gaze towards the Delphox with an apologetic smile and a slight chortle, “Ah, forgive me, are you okay? Better yet, does anyone know what that was?”
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voltaicoverflow · 1 year
At first, Robin jumped a bit in her seat, but she relaxed after realizing the shock hadn’t actually hurt at all. It was almost strange how comforting it had felt.
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Saffron’s whiskers twitched as her expression changed to a more thoughtful one. “I think I’m not the only one here who can relate. Few of us take kindness for granted anymore. Oasis may seem overly sweet and I would be lying if I said it doesn’t get on my nerves from time to time, but I know she means well, and I think that comes from a desire to make up for the past.”
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“And I thought I was the mind-reader here.” With a small shake of her head, Oasis all but confirmed the Mienshao’s statement. “You have all the time in the world to figure things out, Valhir. There’s no need to rush yourself.”
If only she knew.
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     No words made Valhirs blood run cold as much as when Oasis said ‘You have all the time in the world.’ If only she knew... He wanted to say something, but words caught in his throat, and the Luxray hybrid could do naught but frown slightly as he felt frustration starting to bubble up inside of his chest. He didn’t know how to say what he wanted to, so instead he’d just try to force a smile onto his features as he’d nod his head in response.
“Perhaps, aye. I only wish it was safe to say just how much time I had.”
     He’d say in an almost cryptic manner, his eyes staring downwards towards the table as his features twisted into a frown soon after. It seemed some part of his inner grief had leaked and, and he’d catch himself out on it as he shook his head and quickly continued,
“A-Ah, but don’t mind me. Just ramblings of... Something else. I really should be going before too much longer.”
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voltaicoverflow · 2 years
Rules: make a new post and spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url !
Vendetta - Unsecret (feat. Krigare) OTHER WORLDS THAN THESE - Starset Lavender - Unlike Pluto The World That I Love Hates Me - Once Monsters Antidote - We Are The Empty I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead - Set It Off Cold Blooded - Zayde Wolf On & On - Cartoon (feat. Daniel Levi) Volatile Times - IAMX Escape - Kx5 (feat. Hayla) Revenge, and a Little Bit More - Unlike Pluto Forever Alone - Smash Into Pieces Luck - Neo Noir Oblivion - Dirty Palm Worth it - DREAMOIR
Tagged by: @syllusion
Tagging: whoever hasn’t been tagged but would like to!
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voltaicoverflow · 2 years
As if Saffron would ever assume the opposite. That collar looked heavy, and uncomfortable for other reasons besides. And then there was the fact that the only ones to put metal collars on Pokémon were humans… who didn’t exactly have the best reputation in her mind.
She gave a polite nod to acknowledge Valhir’s response. Neither she nor her more psychically inclined companions seemed to pick up on the information that crossed his mind – Oasis really did keep to her principles of not looking any further than absolutely necessary.
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Only Robin picked up on how he felt, and only because of the way he seemed to lean towards her ribbons just a tiny bit. She coiled one around his paw and listened as the Luxray continued.
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“You’re like all of us, then.” Saffron looked between Oasis and him. “Except perhaps Oasis, we’re all looking still. Few people stay here permanently. I haven’t made up my mind about it, myself.”
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“I’m just as lost as you are,” Oasis said with a wry smile. “I just hope I can find my own path by helping others find theirs.”
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     This information was new to him, and as he felt Robins feeler coil around his paw would he return it with a little jolt of electricity, enough to cause a pleasant tingle. It was Valhirs way of saying thanks without actually saying it out loud, and as he’d follow Saffrons gaze would he come to find her admitting that she herself was lost; a notion that caused him a bit of surprise. It reflected on his face for a moment, and eventually a little chortle would escape the Luxray then,
“You are far kinder then most, it’s a gesture I’m admittedly not too used to.” He wouldn’t hesitate to admit, turning to look towards Saffron as that smile of his only widened and those eyes of his shut.
“It’s nice to at least know I’m among kindred souls. There’s something for me, I’m sure of it- I just need to find it, first. Maybe accepting some help along the way wouldn’t hurt.”
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voltaicoverflow · 2 years
Part of Saffron’s aloof demeanor was intentional, carefully calculated so as not to show any signs of weakness. Even around people she considered trustworthy, like Oasis and Robin, there was still an element of… reservation there.
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“I was planning to, if it’s all right with you.”
Taking the only seat left unoccupied, next to Oasis and right across from Valhir, she had little choice but to glance back at him every now and then. Her eyes widened as soon as she noticed the collar buried in the Luxray’s mane, but she decided not to bring it up just as he hadn’t brought up the vibrant red fabric wrapped around her arms.
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“As I’m sure you already guessed, Valhir is still new here,” Oasis chimed in, hoping to help break the ice.
“Yes, I figured as much.” The Mienshao’s voice was kept carefully level, yet soft, as she turned her attention from the Gardevoir back to their feline guest. “How long do you plan to stay, if I may ask?”
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     If there was one thing Valhir was, it was shrewd, so when he noticed that Saffron had seen that collar of his would he shift his neck slightly, trying to hide it underneath his fur as if trying to make it clear to Saffron that he wasn’t happy with it. He’d lower his head slightly then, and as the Mienshao asked him about the duration of his stay would a low rumble come from Valhirs throat, sounding almost like a rumble of thunder as he’d ponder his response before eventually speaking up.
“I plan to only stay a couple of days, enough to get fully rested up so I can continue my travels.”
     He’d answer, deciding to omit the part where he was being chased by other powerful Pokemon from Saffron. He didn’t want to cause panic after all, even if the thought caused him visible discomfort as he’d almost move then to seek some comfort in Robins feelers again.
“I’m trying to find my own path, and find my sense of self again, you see. As much as I’ve enjoyed my stay thus far, I think the answer I want is somewhere out there for me to find. Perhaps after I leave, I might eventually return...”
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voltaicoverflow · 2 years
While Robin’s ears folded back for just a moment at Valhir’s approach, the smallest brush of his head against hers was enough to reassure her that she had nothing to fear. His gentle gestures were met with a ribbon caressing his chin in a way she hoped didn’t come across as too forward.
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“Thanks. I get it, you know? Still doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be… mindful.”
Mienshao were an uncommon enough Pokémon in their home region, let alone here, so far from… well, pretty much anywhere. Saffron was the only one of her kind here, and had been for the entire year or so she’d been here. Even rarer than a Mienshao, though, was a Mienshao who lacked one of their species’ defining traits: her arms were wrapped in red ribbons, completely lacking the long ‘sleeves’ of satin-soft fur that she would have used in combat.
Of course, Oasis and Robin would have expected Valhir to figure things out sooner or later, so his reaction wasn’t just forgiven, it was understood. Not that Saffron could read him that way.
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“…Likewise. My name is Saffron.”
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     Robins words and understanding of his situation lifted Valhirs heart, and even though he felt like a friendship between him and Saffron might be a bit rocky at first, it didn’t stop the Luxray from at least trying to break the ice. Trying to keep himself from oogling the Mienshaos ribbons out of respect for her, Valhir would instead match her gaze once more as he made a gesture with his snout towards the remainder of the food.
“Would you care to join us? There’s a bit of food left still, and I’d love to get to know you.”
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voltaicoverflow · 2 years
Robin visibly jumped in her seat, and it wasn’t just from surprise or the electric shock sent up her ribbon. For a moment there, she’d genuinely thought the Luxray was going to retaliate, whether out of harmful intent or because of survival instincts kicking into gear.
Neither would have surprised her at this point; as the Bastion’s resident nurse of sorts, her treatment had been met with all manner of reactions.
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“Sorry,” she mouthed, before looking over at Oasis just as Valhir did.
The Gardevoir, even after feeling two pairs of eyes on her, remained silent – trying to hide the look of surprise that threatened to show itself on her pale face. She eventually succeeds, replacing it with a smile.
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“…ah. Well, no one is getting blown up today. I was just looking for someone. She should be on her way here right now.”
Her gaze shifted slightly, until she spotted someone behind Valhir – and sure enough, someone new had walked into the room.
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The Mienshao seemed lost for a moment, before spotting the table the trio was seated at and cautiously making her way over. It was obvious from the way she kept glancing over at him and her ears folded back whenever she did so, that Valhir was the one she felt the wariest of.
“I’m glad you decided to join us today, Saffron.” Oasis tried her best to dispel the growing tension. “How are you feeling?”
Saffron only muttered one word, and it was in the human speech. “…fine.”
     The apology was heard, and Valhir would move in to gently offer the Sylveon a little nuzzle, as small and as quick as it was it was clear that the Luxray was trying to soothe Robin in some shape or form. He felt bad knowing that he might’ve upset her, and as he’d pull away would he give her a gentle smile and a reassuring,
“It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean any harm, I just need to get... Reacquainted to being around others.”
     Then he’d turn back to Oasis just in time to see her smile, and the mention of someone else joining them would be enough to get the Luxrays curiosity peaking before he’d decide to follow the Gardevoirs shifting gaze just in time to see a Mienshao enter the room. Admittedly he had only seen one or two of them in his life, but even with that he could tell there was something wrong here.
     She looked like she hadn’t exactly been treated the best, and the human tongue that escaped her almost caused Valhir to scowl as his mind would put two and two together. Thankfully he was able to smother his feelings for the time being and gave Saffron a gentle bow of his head and tried to lighten the atmosphere with a polite,
“ It’s nice to meet you, I’m Valhir.”
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voltaicoverflow · 2 years
While Valhir’s exact thoughts and memories remained a mystery to the two Pokémon sharing a table with him, his feelings at this point were anything but.
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After a moment’s hesitation, one of Robin’s ribbons brushed the back of his forepaw, both allowing her to get a clearer feel for his emotions and hopefully providing a little bit of comfort. “You okay, big guy?”
His words visibly surprised Oasis – he’d essentially bounced Robin’s question right back onto her.
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“Yes, I’m all right. I was just looking for someone. Why do you ask?”
Even if she weren’t, she’d still have preferred to shift attention back onto him. Valhir had held out admirably so far, but she supposed everyone had their limits. Something must have set him off, the last ember that broke the proverbial Camerupt’s back.
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     The feeler suddenly touching him got a jolt from his paw as he’d almost rip it away, but he’d force himself to relax as he remembered he was with friends, and he didn’t have any reason to think they’d hurt him. He’d take a breath now as Robin would be able to feel that slight longing and hurt in the Luxrays heart slowly get overshadowed by a level of calmness and serenity.
“Yes, I think so. Thank you, Robin.”
     He’d offer her a smile before turning back to look at Oasis then as she’d wonder about himself, and his lips pursed for a moment as his teeth clicked together slightly behind his lips with a thoughtful nature.
“Well, from my experience, it’s usually not a good thing to see a Psychic space out. Last time I saw it happen, I almost got blown up.”
     The way he said that last part indicated that he was joking, but at the same time it could be seen by the others from the slight worry that still lingered in his heart after he said that; that there was some truth to the sentence as well as he’d turn down to stuff another slice of ham in his mouth to silence his rumbling stomach.
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voltaicoverflow · 2 years
“It wouldn’t be any trouble,” Oracle answered reassuringly, having misinterpreted Valhir’s half-finished question. “I’ll be right back.”
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Perhaps picking up on some of the surprise and confusion in the Luxray’s mind just now, Oasis leaned forward a bit and met his gaze for a brief second before thinking to him, “That’s my friend, Oracle. He spent much of his life with humans, so he knows how to speak like them just as you do.” Even though, judging by what she’d noticed so far, the circumstances had definitely been different.
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Robin’s tail stirred as she followed his example and bit down on another Sitrus Berry, its sweet-sour juices as refreshing as always. With her mouth still half full, she shot Valhir a bright smile. “I guess that means you have some catching up to do. Help yourself, big guy! It’s not going anywhere.”
As she nibbled on a Pecha Berry, Oasis silently glanced around, even past Valhir’s shoulder, as if searching for something or someone.
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     Hearing of that explanation for Oasis got Valhir to fall silent as doubt blossomed in his heart. It was possible to actually have an... Enjoyable interaction with other humans? It made him remember a particular someone, someone whose face had gotten so blurry since the last time he had seen them had been when he had been little more then a freshly hatched Shinx.
     The Luxray would hesitate then, staring down at the remainder of his food as he found tears starting to sting at the corner of his eyes from the memory. He blinked them out of his eyes however and started trying to focus more on his food then anything else; trying to shove the blurry memory and the bad feelings to the back of his mind.
     However he did notice Oasis looking around the way she was, and with a mouthful of ham would he tilt his head to the side while looking her direction, swallowing it down before he’d ask,
“Everything okay, Oasis?”
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voltaicoverflow · 2 years
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“There we go.”
The others gave Valhir ample time to make himself comfortable, at which point Robin settled next to him and Oasis across from her, leaving the seat right in front of him unoccupied. They both figured he’d be most at ease that way.
Oracle smiled, no doubt amused by having such a hungry guest, before setting the tray down in front of them.
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“Mostly berries,” he began, pointing out some Oran and Sitrus as he spoke, “but there are some slices of ham over there if that’s to your taste. Oh, and I can boil an egg for you if you like.”
Out of pure habit, in response to Valhir speaking the way he did, the Delphox had defaulted to the human language. He displayed an accent that belonged somewhere between Kalos and Galar, its origins tracing back to a dialect that had all but disappeared in modern times.
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Neither Oasis nor Robin went for anything besides the berries, although the Sylveon eyed the ham for a good few seconds. If anything, she’d let Valhir pick first.
      Indeed, having two Pokemon he considered friends sitting next to him like this was enough to make Valhir feel a lot more comfortable, as could be seen in how his posture visibly relaxed and he’d give a thankful sigh of relief. Upon hearing the Delphox speak in a human tongue to him though would eyes widen, and he’d turn his gaze up towards the Delphox with a confused blink or two,
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“Ah, you can...?” He’d begin, but then remembered what Robin told him earlier. He’d smile to himself then, and there’d be a nod of his head in regards to what Oracle stated, “I would love an egg, honestly... I’ve never really had any of this, if I’m going to be honest. Thank you.”
     He’d start then by leaning in to pluck a Sitrus Berry right into his maw, and when he bit into it the taste practically slammed into him. Delightfully pleasant would the Luxray find himself practically melting where he sat as the taste overwhelmed him, and he’d even reach over to grab at some of the ham.
“Mmfh... This is delicious!~ I haven’t had food this good in a while...”
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voltaicoverflow · 2 years
With one being a psychic and the other an empath, Oasis and Robin had no problem picking up on how their guest felt. Still, as long as he was willing and able to work past his fear, they’d allow him to take things at his own pace. He was motivated, and that was what mattered – as long as it didn’t get out of hand, of course.
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“I see.” Oasis blinked, then nodded. They’d have to work on that fear, but first things first. She picked one of the tables closest to where they stood and gestured at one of the cushions set on the ground next to it. “How about here?”
Robin, whether to drive her friend’s words home or just because she wanted to, took her place semi-across from the spot Oasis had pointed out.
Thanks to some psychic communication on her part, food was already on its way, in the form of plates atop a wooden tray carried by a certain male Delphox. He would wait for Valhir to choose before serving them, though.
     Now Valhir was grateful that his anxiety hadn’t driven a wedge between him and the others, and as a seat was pointed out to him would he move to sit down himself, trying to get a bit comfortable as he realized how awkward his size made things like these. It took a bit of repositioning for the Luxray to get comfortable, and he’d give a slight click of his throat as he’d muster another polite smile and a thankful rumble from his throat.
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“This’ll do just fine, thank you.”
     He’d respond before he noticed a Delphox approaching them with food on top of plates. Stomach growled loudly again as he realized he should probably ask, but with how his hunger was would the large cat simply shrug his shoulders in the best way he could then as he’d inquire of the Fox Pokemon,
“Honestly, I’m hungry enough to eat just about anything... Do you have any meat or berries?”
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voltaicoverflow · 2 years
As it were, Robin had been more flattered than anything by being addressed so formally. It definitely beat being treated like she was too young to know what she was doing, which happened more often.
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“We’re all like you. That means, uh, we’re all a bit different. So don’t worry about getting any weird looks, they’ll just want to get to know you better.”
That was the only warning she had the time to give, as they were at their destination just a few moments later.
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“Well, that’s… good, I suppose.” And not all that unusual, considering the circumstances some of the Pokémon here had come from. Oasis inclined her head, but politely averted her eyes until Valhir finished stretching, then added, “Of course. You can eat as much as you want. We haven’t had that many gests lately, so there should be plenty of food to go around.”
With a wave of her hand, she led Valhir – and by extension, Robin – past some raised surfaces that served as tables, only some of which were occupied. There was a Blaziken with a wooden crutch resting next to where she sat, a Zangoose seated across from her, and a young Axew completing the triangle. Further off, there was an impressively-sized Samurott eating on his own, and a few others scattered about as well.
“You’re not late.” The Gardevoir hadn’t read his mind, so she didn’t actually know if he’d wondered that, but she figured she might as well reassure him. “A few others should be on their way. Here, we’ll let you pick a spot.”
      As he looked amongst the sea of new faces would he keep one ear open, in the metaphorical sense of course, for Oasis’ words. His mouth started to actually water now as he’d follow shortly after the Gardevoir, the smell of food absolutely delightful as Valhir would take note of a few of them... He’d start to feel that surge of guilt in his stomach now, worried that he’d put them in harms way by staying here, but before he could express his discomfort would he be snapped back to his senses by Oasis ‘speaking’ again.
     There was a shake of the Luxrays head as he’d take a breath to steady his nerves, and if either Robin or Oasis listened closely, they’d be able to hear how it shuddered with his chest heaving slightly. Anxiety blossomed in Valhirs mind, but he tried to keep himself composed as he’d tilt his head to one side and would muster a faint chortle.
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“I’m, uh... Not sure. Admittedly I’m used to...” Words died in his throat then as he’d try to swallow the brick of fear that tried to wedge his throat as he thought about them. “I’m used to others picking for me. I don’t really mind where I go, I suppose, just... As long as I won’t hurt or interrupt anyone.”
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voltaicoverflow · 2 years
This being the first time she’d seen Valhir in person, Robin wanted to be as cordial, yet cautious as possible. Oasis had assured her he wasn’t aggressive, but some part of her still feared setting him off somehow – not an unfounded fear, either, if previous guests were anything to go by.
And yet she couldn’t suppress a light chuckle when she heard his stomach growling. It didn’t answer her question, but its owner did soon enough.
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“Of course! And just Robin is fine.” She stepped aside so they could walk out into the hallway together. “I gotta warn you though, it won’t just be the three of us. But I’m sure the others will leave you alone if you just ask.” They could just find their own secluded table and not be bothered by anyone.
A quick walk down the corridor and across the entrance hallway brought them where they needed to be, where the smell of food was at its strongest. Oasis was waiting for them there, even as other Pokémon already busied themselves with their own meals in the background.
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“Valhir, you came! I wasn’t sure if you would. Did you rest well?”
     He was quick to hide his fluster behind a stoic expression as he’d nod his head in response to Robins correction. Valhir had a habit of adding formalities to those he first met, and it was something that had been shoved into him, in a way. The mention of there being others was enough to get the Luxrays heart to skip a beat for a moment, but he’d swallow down the spike of anxiety that lodged in his throat as he’d nod.
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“That’s fine enough by me, I could use the company anyways.”
     He’d respond with a slight uneven edge to his voice, and as the smell of food slammed into the Luxrays nose would he sniff a few times and would almost find his mouth watering with hunger as the realization he could have some actual food for once hit him.
     However, the sight of Oasis was a very welcome one, his stoic expression immediately breaking into a slight smile and a little chortle at just how excited the Gardevoir was to see him.
“Better then I have for the past few months. I forgot what sleeping on an actual bed was like.” He’d admit as he’d decide to stretch his legs out, starting with his forelegs first before moving to his hindlegs before he’d straighten up and smell the air. “Mmn... It smells really good in here, too... Is it really alright if I have some of the food?”
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voltaicoverflow · 2 years
Oasis had checked in on him a couple of times over the course of the past day and a half, but a cursory ‘glance’ with her sixth sense told her all she needed to know. He’d hopefully been able to get all the rest he needed.
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“Morning, sleepyhead.” Not deterred in the slightest, Robin’s social tendencies outmatched her social skills as she pulled the door-curtain all the way open. “I’m Robin. Oasis’, um… sister? Daughter? Something like that. I’m a friend.”
Her demeanor finally shifted from chipper to a little more serious, showing genuine concern – if only a little, since nothing seemed to be overly wrong with the Luxray besides his obvious grogginess, which was only natural. “Sorry if I woke you up, I didn’t actually mean to. Just figured you’d be hungry. You wanna eat here, or come down and join ‘Sis and me?”
     The chipper attitude wasn’t lost on Valhir, who merely smiled warmly down at the Sylveon, even though he still looked exhausted he was definitely feeling a lot better now then what he had been the day before. The casual nature that Robin talked to him in was a welcoming thing as well for him, and he’d soon allow himself a moment to just sigh.
     However as her tone shifted would his eyes focus on her just a bit more intently before relaxing, as if afraid he might frighten her or something. The concern was noted, and Valhir paused for a moment to consider Robins offer as he’d frown slightly...
     On one paw, he could finally get something that wasn’t scrapped together out of whatever he could find, surrounded by Pokemon who were genuinely concerned and worried for him. On the other, he knew he shouldn’t stay, and his mouth opened to respond before a loud growl from his stomach got his face to flush and his head to lower.
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“...Maybe I should eat...” He’d muse quietly to himself before deciding to address Robin more directly, lifting his head up and giving her a warm smile, “I’ll think I’ll eat with you two. I’m... Quite frankly tired of being alone so much, and your company’s been nothing but warm. If you could please lead the way miss Robin?”
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voltaicoverflow · 2 years
     To anyone privy to Valhir, it wouldn’t be too much of a surprise to learned that the strange Luxray had quite simply... Well, slept in. The sound of someones voice reached his ears, and they’d twitch as he’d pull his head up slightly with eyes mostly lidded and a heavy yawn escaping him. One paw reached up to rub at his eyes, figuring that Gardevoir he had met had come to retrieve him...
      Only to find himself surprised as he’d go to look out the window and see a rather peculiar looking Pokemon on the other side. Golden eyes blinked as he’d try to stifle another yawn, and he’d cast a tired glance down at the Sylveon as he’d try to shield his eyes from the light outside.
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“G’mornin... Who’re you?” He’d decide to ask first, his voice slightly slurred from his immense exhaustion and tiredness as Valhir would shake his head to try and clear it up slightly. “Forgive me, I didn’t sleep too well... What’s going on?”
Before the call was made to round people up for breakfast, the smell of fresh bread and eggs already wafted up the Bastion’s corridor. A few Pokémon, the lighter sleepers, were the first to wake up and start heading down to the hall, but a certain Sylveon had taken it upon herself to make sure no one missed out.
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“Hello-oh,” she called out, patting the curtain to his room with one of her feelers. She spoke her native tongue, so it sounded more like “Sylve-ooon,” rather than a human voice.
Their newest guest hadn’t eaten since his arrival the previous morning, so Robin figured he was probably starving. Rather than hold onto his missed meals, she and Oracle had decided to just serve him a bigger plate today. As much as they wanted to respect his boundaries, he did need to eat.
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