voltron-united · 7 years
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voltron-united · 7 years
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voltron-united · 7 years
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
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voltron-united · 7 years
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2x09 || 4x01
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voltron-united · 7 years
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voltron-united · 7 years
Christmas Starters - CHRISTMAS VACATION
❝Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where’s the Tylenol?❞ 
❝We’re gonna press on, and we’re gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny f***ing Kaye.❞
❝Where are you gonna put a tree that big?❞
❝You’ve got a lot of nerve, talking to me like that!❞
❝Worse? How could things get any worse? We’re at the threshold of hell!❞
❝Kiss my ass.❞ 
❝Kiss his ass.❞
❝Kiss your ass.❞
❝Happy Hanukkah.❞
❝Can I refill your eggnog for you? Get you something to eat? Drive you out to the middle of nowhere and leave you for dead?❞
❝I don’t know what to say, except – it’s Christmas, and we’re all in misery.❞
❝This may be his last Christmas.❞
❝Keep it up and it will be your last Christmas.❞
❝Looks great! Little full. Lotta sap.❞
❝He worked really hard on it.❞
❝–So do washing machines.❞      
❝You shouldn’t use that word.❞   
❝Merry Christmas! Shitter was full!❞
❝I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is!❞
❝If I woke up with my head sewn to the carpet I wouldn’t be more surprised than I am right now.❞
❝You couldn’t hear a dump truck driving through a nitroglycerin plant.❞
❝Oh, woo. Look at the time. I gotta get to bed. I still gotta brush my teeth, feed the hog, still got some homework to do, still got those bills to pay, wash the car…❞
❝Burn some dust here. Eat my rubber.❞
❝Something had to come through the window! Something had to break the stereo!❞
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voltron-united · 7 years
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Love you like the rain, falls much faster [x]
Please do not trace, copy, or distribute! Thank you!
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voltron-united · 7 years
me: “I hate the love at first sight cliche’ I much prefer slow-burn ships”
also me @ my slow-burn ships:
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voltron-united · 7 years
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Can’t wait to see this Cinnamon Roll in the next season.
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voltron-united · 7 years
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The Daddy-mug thing.
Or: have some self-indulgent post Voltron sheith featuring my beloved Keith-with-an-undercut who loves teasing Shiro with a mug he bought at the space mall.
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voltron-united · 7 years
god i just love keith? he fights he slices up enemies with his swords gotta love that guy and his fingerless gloves like cmon? god i wish he'd kiss me
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voltron-united · 7 years
he eat his hand
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voltron-united · 7 years
Love Actually liveblog quotes
“I have never actually watched this movie but I saw a gifset and decided to finally do it.”
“What kind of song is this?”
“Am I allowed to make a foot fetish joke here?”
“Yea man it’s Christmas time.”
“Not enough snow/10.”
“You’re famous now. Don’t go forgetting about me when you get to the top.”
“Idk what first lobster is, but it sounds important.”
“First lobster is Jesus.”
“What a lewd movie.”
“I thought there was gay but they were actually siblings.”
“Back me up here. Stop disappearing during important moments.”
“The problem is that you are ugly as hell, man.”
“I was gonna ask what you would do to defend feet but I don’t wanna know.”
“Are they fucking while talking about a murder?”
“How do you even get off while talking about traffic?”
“Traffic is not a good kink.”
“This kid is fucking 13 years old.”
“Looks as moody as a 13 year old.”
“Sweet Christ what are you watching?”
“Well he’s got that 13 year old ‘fuck the world’ look down.”
“He’s got that ‘Life was good until I was born’ look.”
“The actor looks like a hobo.”
“Early 2000s had horrible fashion.”
“I just heard Nokia tune.”
“I feel like every time I see him he’s high.”
“Is..is this were I say ‘rude’?”
“Idk man, Christmas means a lot of good food to me.”
“Why do you want to smoke weed?”
“The best pick me up is a good stack of memes.”
“Let’s pause for a second. If America was fuckable, do we really think it would be cute enough to fuck?”
“Talking about politics is a good kink.”
“Idk, Wisconsin sounds like a shit place.”
“I heard Nokia tune again.”
“I’m glad you dumped him. You look perfect and he deserves death.”
“Fuck him, thick thighs are perfect.”
“Are you calling me a degenerate?”
“That’s one way to advertise a pen.”
“During this hour two weeks passed.”
“I’d like myself for Christmas too.”
“This guy is rambling but the girl doesn’t even speak English.”
“Tfw I got my ears murdered by America song.”
“I don’t speak America, what the fuck does this mean?”
“Why are you exposing your kink talks in public?”
“Can’t believe he’s trash talking the U.S president in a press conference.”
“This woman is making a replica of you.”
“What kind of dolls do they sell in England?”
“UK prime minister has great past time activities.”
“Get a fucking dictionary you fucks.”
“This movie is trash.”
“[Name], I love you. Let’s become a cliché movie couple.”
“That is fucking creepy.”
“I mean fuck the groom amiright?”
“Now that is just lewd.”
“This is the face of ‘oh fuck my husband’s best friend has a crush on me.’”
“This is the face of regret.”
“Time for an angsty mood. What better song for this moment than Dido’s Here With Me?”
“America is a bad place.”
“Change of movie. Time for a better romance movie.”
“The girl stripped and went to pick up book pages from a cold lake. 10/10 wife material.”
“I cant show this lewd PDA here though. Sorry you don’t get to see this.”
“A kiss is much lewder than a bare tit. Almost hand holding levels.”
“Omae wa mou shindeiru.”
“I mean, I would probably die if a girl serenaded to me.”
“I’m sorry but she looks like a sausage.”
“It’s probably a kink.”
“Nokia is here to save you.”
“They were cockblocked by Nokia tune.”
“Nokia tune created this huge gap between them. Will Nokia tune ever give mercy to lovers? To family? To friends? Or will it continue destroying the relationships of human beings?”
“This is a next level shitpost.”
“Nokia tune is my new waifu.”
“I bet Nokia tune has thick thighs.”
“They’re having phone sex over a company phone and a Nokia 3310.”
“This movie is one big shitpost.”
“Don’t smoke cinnamon. It’s not worth it.”
“Let Mr. Bean smoke cinnamon.”
“Smoking cinnamon is the reason why my lungs are so fucked up.”
“Do you have some deep hatred towards this purple baby Jesus?”
“Tfw cockblocked by an octopus.”
“This show is sponsored by lobster.”
“I didn’t know octopus’ had something to do with the birth of Jesus.”
“I present to you, the true Christmas love song: God Only Knows by Beach Boys.”
“It’s not Christmas anymore.”
“Christmas is a bad holiday anyways.”
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voltron-united · 7 years
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touch meme . send one to do to my muse .
001.   grab their hand .
002.   kiss their cheek .
003.   give massage .
004.   kiss hand .
005.   high five .
006.   cuddle .
007.   cry on . 
008.   shoulder hug .
009.   bear hug .
010.   kiss them .
011.   pinkie promise .
012.   piggy back ride . 
013.  give them food . 
014.   from behind hug . 
015.   fist bump .
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voltron-united · 7 years
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My prediction for season 5
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voltron-united · 7 years
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voltron-united · 7 years
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This is quick and awful but I felt the need. Keith found a lizard he shouldn’t have and Shiro is a very tired guy. This isn’t making things any easier on him but it’s Keith’s quirks that make him the most endearing. I’ve never drawn a lizard in my life.
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