dyenasaur · 1 month
"None of this impacts the story in a meaningful way." I would have LOVED for you to have said this in chat. I'll give you that we meandered off topic from what you may have wanted but y'know what could have fixed that? You coming back to chat and saying 'hey this is great and all, but I meant this.' Then we could have had MORE discussion and we might even still be friends.
"If the main characters don't care why should I?" "We can draw parallels between what's going on in real life and how hells heierarcy works all day and night but if the people I'm supposed to care about aren't being actively harmed by, or care about it, then what's the point?"
And, to cap it off, a quote from https://www.tumblr.com/theafrochick/759377546226827264/im-not-reblogging-that-post-again-but-i-just-if?source=share , a lovely little vague blog, thank you, "Why aren't we starting the hypothetical revolution by getting rid of the assholes who can actually die without needing special weapons?"
The answer to ALL THREE OF THIS QUESTIONS is that you're looking for a different show. You have somehow missed the point of both Hazbin and Helluva. You're SO LOCKED IN to what you perceive to be a world building error that you're letting the plot completely woosh you.
The main characters don't care because they're being portrayed in a character driven drama that involves a silly little imp and his silly little owl boyfriend and the issues they have as people, directly. That systemic injustice exists is more of a symptom that contributes to their personal conflict. Not that the point of the story is to fix class oppression.
The point is that there isn't one, insofar as what truly counts as 'important to the narrative' in Helluva Boss. Will that change? Maybe! But for right now? The real point is that Blitzo Buckzo is a sad boy with issues, some of which are class based, most of which are not. This is his story and his interpersonal relationships with his employees, a situationship turned ??????, old friends and flames, and the absolute BRICKS that are shat when more than ten penguins show up to eat your face.
We aren't starting the revolution because that's not the story we're telling tonight, little one. Maybe one day Vivzie will get popular enough to pick a point in the timeline wherein a few of Hell's plucky underbelly decide to take matters into their own claws and destroy the Overlord System. The Goetian. The Sins. Whoever and whatever you have decided will satisfy your justice boner and win the discourse wars.
Maybe it's a good thing you don't want back in the server, because I'm not sure you liked the show we were given anyway. I think you really need to come up for air out of the discourse stream for a little bit.
Especially because vague blogging about your own vague blog post that got found is super weird and we'd all really appreciate it if you'd just say shit to our faces instead of wallowing on tumblr about it.
When I get famous I also need people to perform mental gymnastics to justify my lack of consistency and come up with lore reasons for it.
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dyenasaur · 2 months
aaaaaaaAAAAAAA *unintelligible gibberish screaming of joy*
y'all realize how rare this is right? RIGHT? getting a season bit by bit one at a time would be FABULOUS. Getting multiple seasons ahead of time is quite literally AMAZING in today's age.
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dyenasaur · 2 months
So for my like three new followers, have one of my favorite ever comics! Been following this thing since like... 2011.
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CTV 1179- An Open Book
Angry in comfy pajamas time!
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dyenasaur · 2 months
none of us grew out of loving Montgomery Montgomery okay? Leave us (and the Baudelaires) alone
It's annoying how both DC Comics and Hazbin Hotel both have a version of the Devil named "Lucifer Morningstar" even though Lucifer means Morningstar. The name is literally "Morningstar Morningstar".
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dyenasaur · 2 months
I am askthedragonprinceviren! Sorry can't reblog the post because I was blocked for being an anti apparently :) just saying nice analysis! Though why not giving some actual slack to the chain?
Also blitz loves Stolas painfully. I would say, more than the other way around currently.
I don't pay enough attention to discourse generally to understand what is and isn't anti, but I gotta say I dislike untruths and half baked takes being passed around like they're cold hard factual truth.
Why they chose to keep the chain straight? Well, I'm only guessing as I'm not related to the show in the slightest, but the Doylist (IE, the author/the real world/technical limitations) explination is likely that it was cheaper to animate a straight line than bother with the swinging of loose chain, plus it keeps the animation focused on what matters- Stolas and Blitz moving closer and closer together.
The Watsonian explanation (in universe, character driven, etc) is likely either that, as a figment of Blitz's addled mental state, Mind-Stolas is simply interested in drawing Blitz closer, but without force.
I would suggest it's Blitz's subconcious picking up on how badly Stolas wants him in return but that is pretty decent conjecture and hard to base exactly. I will note that Mind- Stolas smiles at Blitz and moves and touches him gently. That he brings Blitz UP with him on the high throne. Even in an addled state it appears that Blitz recognizes that Stolas is putting him at an equal height, something that Blitz blushes over and can't meet Stolas' eyes for.
As far as 'currently loving Stolas more than Stolas loves Blitz' ..... have you ever experienced actual heartbreak? You don't get drunk as hell, go to a party you think is stupid, SING ON STAGE ABOUT HOW YOU MIGHT BE THE ONE IN THE WRONG, and confess that you want that person to want you while crying all four eyes out without feeling SOME TYPE OF WAY.
Is Stolas hurt? Absolutely. Is Stolas continuing to believe that Blitz' answer is 'no I don't want you' and therefore drunkenly smooching on someone else? Yes! Can raging heartbreak and still holding out hope that you will fix things and get back with someone coexist? ALSO FUCKING YES.
Complex characters means complicated emotions. Nobody is ever one thing, not really. Stolas is, during Apology Tour, a bunch of things for a bunch of different reasons. Shame (over his and Blitz' agreement), Hurt (Blitz roleplaying instead of talking, plus a bunch of other shit), Anger (Blitz refusing to leave him alone, among others), and more! In addition to ALL OF THAT, though- He loves Blitz enough to set him free. To recognize that their arrangement wasn't healthy, and to want to do right by Blitz and release him from an agreement that isn't fair.
Stolas loves Blitz so much that he gets trashed and goes to a stupid ass party in a vain attempt to soothe how much it hurts that the person he loves doesn't appear to love him back.
(Blitz does love him though, he's just got ~ISSUES~ and no one in this show knows how to fucking talk. I love them so much.)
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dyenasaur · 2 months
You're not thinking with your animation brain here.
'Going taut' is an action. Stills cannot and will not convey it properly. Cartoon animation is rarely perfect to life, and tends to lean heavily on animation hints to properly convey action where 2D is limited. You actually have a great example of it here!
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The action being conveyed is a sudden apeparance of a gold collar. In real life (if we could make this happen in real life) it likely wouldn't look quite like this, but to make sure we get the point, we get some extra lines- The three or so white lines that cross Blitz's face. Those don't actually exist- They're there to force the eye to look at the shiny collar that has appeared.
Similarly, if I was going to animate a chain going taut I would likely include some action lines to really force home what's happening. I would also include the incredibly distinctive sound of the chain SNAPPING as each link simultaneously pulls onto eachother from directional force.
I checked. There's no single chain snap sound, only gentle clinking as the chain is (loosely) reeled in. This show doesn't play around with sound design- This is not an error, considering they bothered to have Bryce Pinkham voice and include a startled 'WHOO' when Blitz says 'find someplace in your cloaca to stick it' (Full Moon).
I checked. I watched the clip at .25 speed. There are no animation lines. There is no moment where the chain goes from 'not taut' -> 'taut', which would imply a yank or a pull. Yes, Stolas takes in the slack, but Blitz at no point moves under a power that is not his own.
As a side note- In the shot where the collar goes on, there is no visible sign of the choker, but a frame directly after your last picture, there's a red ball underneath the collar implying it's right over top of the choker. It's not replaced, it's simply over top of.
Which frankly would explain that expression in my opinion- It's a surprise and perhaps a bit awkward but not unwanted. He doesn't even grab or pull at it, which, I don't know about you, but I would do if I didn't want something on my neck. ESPECIALLY in the middle of a nightmarish truth gas hallucination. But he doesn't grab or fight it. As Moxxie-hallucination says 'you cannot fathom proper intimacy, but! crave it as well.'
He wants Stolas. He wants Stolas. He wants Stolas! HE WANTS STOLAS! He's just terrified he'll ruin it, the way he has every relationship before- FizzaRolli, Verosika, Striker, all hallucinogenic tormentors trying to keep Blitz 'in the mud' and away from shiny, beautiful Stolas.
Reminder to All-
That Blitz's chains in Truthseekers/Moxxie's Bad Trip/Blitzo's Bad Trip never go taut. At any point. The chains stay fully slack the entire time he is climbing up to Stolas. This means that Stolas isn't pulling Blitz to him; Blitz is willingly, freely moving to Stolas of his own accord and free will at the slightest touch of the chains as Stolas reels in the slack.
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dyenasaur · 3 months
Parallels Between Blitz's Side of Bad Trip and Look My Way
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Heyo, so here's something neat! And by neat, I mean soul crushing!
In their respective hallucinations/dreams (As Look My Way is implied to be- or a daydream? Something) Stolas and Blitz both climb a golden staircase to the other.
Stolas starts off powerful and strong, soaring almost effortlessly, then falters and falls when he's close to his goal, coming within INCHES of it before falling. Blitz starts off struggling, stumbling- the steps are dirty and slippery and he hurts himself trying to climb them.
He gets stronger and more confident as he gets higher and becomes more like himself, and Dream!Stolas tows him up the last few- but gently.
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Both fall short of reaching (though, as stated, Blitz is pulled up by Dream!Stolas.)
Stolas falls into darkness/water and drowns (blackness, depression, suicide) while Blitz is overwhelmed by light/Stolas.
Stolas doesn't really fight/struggle- he simply lets himself sink, passively, into darkness.
Blitz, on the other hand, rages, fights, actively burns away the world around him.
It's also interesting to note that Stolas's feathers very specifically cover Blitz's mouth first and foremost. Taking away his voice, then his autonomy (his hands/wrists) and then, finally, covering his eyes.
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dyenasaur · 3 months
'what do you wanna watch' I says
'nobody will shut up about hazbin hotel so....maybe just one? For hype???' she says...
We binge all eight episodes in two nights, IMMEDIATELY start headcanoning, watch it a second time three days later, join the reddits, devour the music, learn the songs in under a week and continue rewatching (I think we're up to..... eight rounds?)
Two weeks later, we think about what to watch.
'....so there's another series... Helluva Boss?' She says
'....there's NO WAY lightning strikes twice, can it...??? On youtube???' I says..
We watch episode one with dinner and then don't go to bed until two in the morning because we can't turn away. We're hunting down the songs. We're looking at the merch. We're studying the characters and arguing over motivations and this frame and that frame and why this and where did he say that. We find out Full Moon is coming and join the hype train so hard I have to sit on her hands to keep her from spoiling us because she can't take the potential sad! We watch it, we scream and cry and now we're absolutely THRUMMING with excitement for more!!!!
When did you start watching Helluva Boss?
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dyenasaur · 4 months
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dyenasaur · 4 months
Hi, I love ranting about this so here, have some more thoughts- Specifically about Stolas' appearance!!
When Stolas appears, the situation is that the big red button has been pushed, bathing the entire area in harsh red light. Obviously this makes sense in universe- THE DEMONS ARE REAL EVERYBODY PANIK.
For symbolism though.... all this harsh red light stains the pale places on the imps' skin.
Specifically, Blitz's large face scar that he's incredibly self concious about. It washes out. It damn near vanishes. For one, fleeting moment, Blitz looks as he did before the fire. For one, fleeting moment, Blitz is visually called back to something almost childlike**. Something innocent. Before the trauma. Before he knew he wasn't wanted.
Stolas came for me. Stolas is here to save me.
I think those frames, where his scar is almost invisible and his eyes are wide, are the exact moments where Blitz.... falls in love? Catches feelings? Wants more than an arranged fuck? Blitz is complicated and so are his feelings, but when he started to have them is painted right in the damn shot.
While I write this, I suddenly wonder if the name Truthseekers has absolutely nothing to do with the human group. I always thought it was odd that the title Truthseekers was in regards to a group who go by 'D.H.O.R.K.S.' It never quite fit exactly.
Maybe it's got a little more to do with suddenly needing clarification behind what this relationship fucking is, because, as Fizzerolli says later, 'No one, and I mean no one, pretends to care that much for a cheap lay.'
(As an aside, because by golly I cannot shut up about this show, this isn't actually the first time we see lighting mute and cover Blitz's scars when emotions are on display. This happened before, during The Harvest Moon Festival, when Striker gives Blitz The Pitch (TM), and has him pinned to the wall and the lighting gets all purple.
If you trust that during Truthseeker's Bad Trip scene that those who appear in Blitz's trip are those who he feels or felt feelings for.... well. Striker IS there. A boner/feels/crush does not ever need to be acted on to exist.
Blitz is a wildly emotional being. It's one of his greatest strengths and weaknesses. I just adore the visual storytelling we get that emphasizes all that depth.
People do not talk about TruthSeekers enough
Specifically the end fight. Not only is this some of the most gorgeous fucking animation I've ever seen, not only is the use of character's leitmotifs as a combined theme brilliant and clever, but the interactions between everyone and everyone and Blitz is just fucking fantastic.
Mox and Blitz of one fucking mind at the start. Blitz talking to everyone but twisted to look Moxxie dead in the eye when he yells fuck these fuckers UP and Moxx getting him instantly.
Loona protecting her dad, Blitz not even twitching when the chain blade is hurled at him because he knows it's not going to touch him. Her using her mouth as much as her hands if not more to wreck havoc.
Millie's sheer glee at getting to kick ass and take names, as if it's all a big game, not even having to break a sweat. The fact that she never stops being sweet and affectionate and silly even in the middle of this nonsense because she's still a little doll of a woman, but you started this shit and she's going to finish it. You fucked with her Moxxie and her Blitz. The fact that she uses an axe as big as she is and just lets it's momentum carry her around, throwing herself from one person to the next.
Moxxie's mob-kid little psychotic violent side getting to shine- the silly, goofy, shy little awkward buttmonkey reminding everyone why he's here and that he is just as capable as everyone else, thank you, with this feral gremlin streak just barely under the surface of his musical-loving, well spoken, well educated presentation.
Blitz's evil fucking laugh when he fires the "Pussy Destroyer" ( which made me laugh way too hard myself.)
The way Blitz scuttles across the fight interacting with his team, stopping at each and every person to make sure they are armed, they are doing well, backing them up and cheering them on, before blitzing (hahaha) off to have his own fun with these stupid little human fuckers. It's our first real look at how capable and deadly this silly, filthy little gay nerd is- he's agile, fast as fuck, vicious as hell, and strong. Guy used to be in the circus ok?
(Also the way he scrambles over and around Loona mid-fight which I adore.)
And what I consider to be the best (and maybe most important part)
the 'Mox, cover me!' moment.
These two are back-to-back, in the middle of a heated life-or-death fight, and not only does Blitz know roughly when they'll have to reload, he goes digging in his backpack fearlessly despite danger surrounding him and Moxxie firing just above his head, fully trusting Moxxie not to miss, to- well, cover him. On top of that, these two then perform not one but two blind weapon handoffs, swap to melee in almost perfect unison, and agree, wordlessly, when to split.
And the grins on the face of everyone (except poor Moxxie) when it's over, a moment of victory and connection.
Not even getting into the protective arms Blitz puts out across his team when it seems like they are cornered and trapped, teeth bared, ready to pounce, to use claw and teeth to defend them if he has to, if that's what it takes.
Not even getting into the fact that when Stolas first appears to save them, their shadows combine to make his, turning the four of them into one being just for a moment to make something significantly more powerful.
Not to mention the way reality seems to reassert itself as soon as the lights come back on, just the way it does when you wake up from a nightmare.
This got long fast and I'm sorry, but this scene just has so much character introspection, development, and explanation with barely a spoken word and I love it.
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dyenasaur · 4 months
I feel the need to apologize
to literally all of the wonderful, fantastic, amazing Hazbin Hotel creators I've been absolutely feral over. All I've been doing is liking. I've followed like eight people and I'm STILL ravenous.
I feel the need to apologize to those whose notifications I'm about to absolutely overrun with reblogs and such, because I want to make sure I give every post its due with its proper tagging... tagging just tends to take me a while.
My bad, but maybe please enjoy?
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dyenasaur · 4 months
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I don't know, this is the peak of my humor.
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dyenasaur · 5 months
Radioapple where Lucifer realizes he likes Alastor and freaks out because HOW do you FLIRT with someone?!?! Oh, father, he's ruining this before he even has a CHANCE to be rejected. He's basically rejecting himself at this point! (Charlie is the only thing keeping him from taking a century sabbatical and hoping Alastor forgets he exists by then.)
Angel: "Didn't you like, seduce the first 2 women on earth?"
Lucifer: "My only competition was ADAM. I just had to stand there and NOT say, "Nice tits babe!" It wasn't hard!"
Ironically, Lucifer’s version of not-flirting is working on Alastor, because how can he not be charmed by the most powerful being in Hell turning bright gold when he sees him, walking into a wall as he tries to escape, and then panic giving him whatever random rubber duck he happens to have in his hands before portaling away immediately.
(Although he needs to figure something out with the rubber ducks. It's getting ridiculous at this point. He already has an entire bookshelf dedicated to them, and he's running out of space. He needs to talk to Lucifer about perhaps making a business to sell them or something. Or he WOULD, if he could get Lucifer to say more than 5 words to him before running away.)
Alastor eventually gets Lucifer to talk to him by confusing him so much that you can almost see his brain buffering to catch up.
(Alastor makes his OWN rubber duck, and the next time Lucifer shoves one at him, he puts the one he's currently carrying in Lucifer's hands before he can leave. Alastor can not believe this worked.)
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dyenasaur · 5 months
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I said I would clean it up so I did and also added some more panels lol. Either Alastor is really hungry for some meat or he's some form of a secret freak.
[ Here's a link to the OG post ] which btw i did not expect people to like it so much (•_•) glad to know my silly jokes resonate with other people lol
Also of course a transcript down below because my handwriting can sometimes be atrocious:
[Panel one] Charlie: Heeeey Al! So, really weird question- [Panel two] Charlie: What's you favorite meal? (For no reason in particular-) [Panel four] Alastor: Lamb Chops. [Panel five] Charlie: Huh-? Alastor: I misspoke! It's jambalaya. [Panel six] Vaggie: Uh... you got lambchops from jambalaya? Vaggie: And didn't you tell us you prefer venison? [Panel seven] Alastor: Both cuts of meat are delicious in their own way, my dear! [Panel eight] Alastor: Preferably raw.
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dyenasaur · 5 months
Two cake theory also means your small underrated fic can be someone’s comfort fic
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dyenasaur · 5 months
I don't have the reach she does, but Foxxe so kindly reblogged my ficpost so here's theirs.
If you really like getting all the way into a character's head, whump, and writing that grabs you by the labels and takes off with you, you'll love this!
edit: I wrote lapels. I KNOW I did.
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Angel Dust/Husk (Hazbin Hotel), Charlie Magne | Morningstar/Vaggie Characters: Charlie Magne | Morningstar, Lucifer Magne | Morningstar, Alastor (Hazbin Hotel), Alastor’s Shadow (Hazbin Hotel), Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel), Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel), Husk (Hazbin Hotel) Additional Tags: Alastor is Bad at Feelings (Hazbin Hotel), Soft Alastor (Hazbin Hotel), Soft Husk (Hazbin Hotel), Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Other characters mentioned - Freeform, huskerdust, No beta we die like Adam, Angel Dust Being Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel), Soft Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel), everyone is soft, This is shameless fluffy goodness, Husk is Bad At Feelings (Hazbin Hotel), Protective Husk (Hazbin Hotel) Summary:
Hell is very resistant to physical change- growth. However, pain, discomfort, and suffering is part of it’s whole…M/O. Therefore, there’s any number of its residents who find, to their just UTTER delight, that they get to go through the process of shedding just as they would if they were growing, changing beasts.
Husk finds himself helping out with this a surprising amount of times.
Five times Husk played caretaker.
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dyenasaur · 5 months
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Link to Artist
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