vox-akuma · 9 days
UuultraC After Story List
Adelta’s second game UuultraC recently got released in English, so I wanted to create a list with all of the free extra content that’s currently available on Adelta’s website! Make sure to only read these short stories after finishing the routes, otherwise they might not make much sense or even spoil the game’s story. They’re written in Japanese, but not extremely difficult to understand with translation tools.
> Short story 1 (Kozuka Akira x Kagome Shoutarou) One day when we wanted to go swimming, the town was flooded by a sudden heavy rain. A sweet early summer story.
> Short story 2 Continuation of short story 1 Side A: Akira’s point of view Side B: Shoutarou’s point of view
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> Short story 3 (Isshiki Suzu x Choutsugai Shirou) On a tropical night when the moonlight is dazzling, something happens to the body of the citizens of Tokyo. A story about midsummer.
> Short story 4 Continuation of short story 3 Side A: Shirou’s point of view Side B: Isshiki’s point of view
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> Short story 5 (Hibarino Yomi x Sayashi Juurou) After spending their time peacefully, it seems like Yomi has found a new “hobby”. A story about an alien and the end of summer. Edit: You can find an English translation here! 
> Short story 6 Continuation of short story 5 Side A: Juurou’s point of view Side B: Yomi’s point of view
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Credit goes to Adelta for creating these wonderful stories and beautiful art! Japanese page can be found here.
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vox-akuma · 9 days
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All of the Adelta scans from Vol. 113 of Cool-B!
The bottom Ooe chart is how much a character would help in a situation (specifically this one related to editing the magazine, but it says it can be generally applied to other hypothetical situations): the X axis is "Competent (left) Incompetent (right)" and the Y axis is "Helps (top) to Doesn't Help (bottom)"
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vox-akuma · 3 months
Nikaidou Yamato - 16PRODUCERS RabbiChat
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Tamaki: Iorin come to Yama-san’s rooooom
Tamaki: Hurryyyy
Tamaki: I
Tamaki: o
Tamaki: riiiiiiin
Iori: How vexing.
Iori: Or rather, there is still time.
Have you done your homework?
Tamaki: (king pudding emoji) (cat emoji) (rabbit emoji)
Iori: Please do not dodge my question with such emoji.
Tamaki: Geeeeez Yama-san you should get him here too!
Yamato: Ichi
Yamato: The room’s tidier than before and I’ve prepared zabuton[1]. Will you come here?
Iori: Somehow, the way you invite sounds repulsive?
Yamato: No way?!
Tamaki: The way you invite sounds like an old man
Yamato: I’m the lead today, right…?
Iori: Anyway, I’ll be on my way.
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Tsumugi: Thank you for your work!
I was wondering when I’ll get a notification, but everyone’s already assembled…!
Yamato: Great work, Manager
The three of us have gathered in my room just now
Yamato: Tama laid out lots of sweets and juice
Iori: It’s like a field trip
Tsumugi: I can imagine it! (laugh)
What kind of sweets did you prepare?
Tamaki: Shredded and dried squid[2], crackers, jerky, choco, potato chips, gummies, marshmallow, cookie
Yamato: I’m thankful for the first half of the list
Iori: It is getting late, so let us start
Tsumugi: I agree…!
So, let me explain the aim of this project once again.
Tsumugi: Our discussion will be done via RabbiChat as there were expectations from the other party to see everyone acting naturally, as if having a conversation over a dining table together as opposed to a meeting place.
Tsumugi: I hope I could hear the thoughts of the producing group and the one being produced!
Tamaki: First of all, Yama-san was really happy about it!
Yamato: Ough…
Iori: Or rather, he was very festive.
He had an eccentric mood when he sent a message earlier.
Yamato: I feel really embarrassed now.
Tsumugi: I’m happy to hear Yamato-san’s inside story! (laugh)
What did you feel when you learned that Iori-san and Tamaki-san will be your producers? Yamato: Well… as said earlier, I was happy!
Yamato: I’m sure everyone already knows this, but I’ve always wanted a comfortable place to live, and the people around me have provided that.
Yamato: But Ichi can see through what I’m thinking and knows I have a pathetic side.
I’ve looked forward to seeing how he’ll get through me.
Yamato: Tama is the same too. He suggests things no one has thought of. He can get to the bottom of things.
Yamato: So, they know how to bring out a side of me I’m not even aware of.
Tamaki: Fufun!!!!
Iori: Fufu.
Yamato: Can you two not eat chocolate while looking so proud (laugh)
It’s going to get stuck in your mouth (laugh)
Tsumugi: It’s kind of making me moved to tears…!
Tsumugi:  You’re still close to them despite having the largest age difference, how did you produce him and come up with the song?
Iori: To be honest, we had a dispute over it.
Tamaki: Yea.
Yamato: W-wait. I didn’t know that…
Iori: It wasn’t an argument, but more of a constructive discussion on how enchanting you should be with regards to this project.
So our direction in production is divided.
Tsumugi: I want to hear the details of your divided perspective!
Iori: Nikaidou-san is really good at making alluring expressions by impulse.
For the fans, it stirs up their imagination of his sharp gaze towards them.
Iori: At first I suggested a mature-ish ballad song because it fits best to express his characteristic carefree singing voice.
Tamaki: I suddenly thought that the song is going to be the one where his body movements shine with dancing!
Tamaki: I don’t know what allure is like but Yama-san is really good at making expressions, y’know
So if the focus is matching it with the song and then dance, I’m thinking if the fans would be happy
Yamato: No way, hearing those makes me feel more embarrassed though?!
Tamaki: That’s hilarious
Since we couldn’t decide, me and Iorin wrote in a notebook on what kind of a person Yama-san is during lunch break 👍
Iori: We went back to the drawing board, and listed the things of our image of Nikaidou-san
Iori: 1. He’s very approachable
2. He rarely reveals his true feelings
3. A shy person
Tamaki: Even though he’s trying to look good by treating us to ramen, he spoils us very much.
Yamato: Aaaaaaahhhh this dried squid is really goooood where did it come from?
Did Tama buy this for meeeeeeeee?
Iori: Well, in short, Nikaidou-san might call himself “onii-san”, but in reality he’s like this, right?
Yamato: Don’t say it like that!
Tamaki: Yeah
Even though I really like Yama-san to be like this, you keep that side of you hidden from the public, right?
So me and Iorin decided that the lyrics should be about being okay with being your natural attitude? more.
Iori: And we decided that the melody and the lyrics are like untying a thread one by one.
Iori: So this is like our message to Nikaidou-san.
Yamato: Ahh, I see. So it’s like that.
Yamato: To be honest, since I’m the oldest in IDOLiSH7, I thought that I’d do the first one Ichi said.
Yamato: Somehow, I was surprised at first that the lyrics felt like it’s a message
Yamato: I seeee
It’s a message for me
Tsumugi: It’s a new form of producing…
I’ve read the lyrics again, and it almost made me shed a tear…
Yamato: I know right
Tamaki: Yama-san’s looking away
Iori: You’re hiding something.
Yamato: Hey Tsumugi-san, please move on to the next topic…
Tsumugi: Yes…! ><
Tsumugi: For the artist picture, Yamato-san’s smile under the blue sky and the clear weather is striking!
How did the photography go?
Tamaki: The theme is “A Special in Ordinary Day” as Yama-san thinks of us in a meaningful way!
Me and Iorin were looking for a good location to do it when we go home from school and during day-off
Iori: Yes. We narrowed down our search on our usual path and found a studio that lets us film on the rooftop.
Yamato: Yeah, and it’s near our office
Yamato: I was surprised that there’s such an open space within the city
Even though it’s surrounded by buildings, we could see the vast sky above us. It really felt so special.
Yamato: Tama is the one who definitely suggested using a water gun, right? (lol)
Tamaki: You’re correct!
You guessed it right, Yama-san
Iori: If you relay the meaning of the title, “Transparent”, the water is portrayed in it as well.
And then using a water gun, is something only Yotsuba-san can suggest.
Tamaki: You can praise me more
Yamato: Good job Tama, you can give an idea no one else can!
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Iori: It was pretty difficult to angle the camera that it shows the water
Tamaki: Yeah I think I’m good with water gun for a while
Iori: Moreover, I believe that there’s a small chance to use it.
Yamato: Anyway, the artist picture is a result of the two doing their very best!
Tsumugi: Thank you for the lovely episode!
The outfit having a wavy silhouette is wonderful!
Yamato: Its simpleness is something I really like~.
Either way it could pass as a casual outfit
Iori: Nikaidou-san’s charm is going to stand out even if an almost plain outfit blends in daily life.
Tamaki: And his dance is smooth and the way he moves his flexible fingers is pretty so we requested the outfit to show it by having the sleeve flutter when he dances ✌
Yamato: You’ve been really thinking about me…
Tamaki: Your face is as red as a jerky. Hilarious
Yamato: Don’t compare me to a jerky (lol)
Iori: Yotsuba-san’s food scraps is being cleaned by Musashi right now
This looks convenient.
Tamaki: Recently when I borrowed it to clean my room one time, it stopped moving because it sucked some books
I apologized to it
Yamato: Musashi, you did something ridiculous…
Tsumugi: Thank you for the warm talk! (laugh)
Lastly, please give a word to your fans!
Iori: Well, I’ll start first.
Iori: Nikaidou-san does a great work in dramas and movies while supporting his fellow members, but he’s also truly timid, easy to feel lonely, and has an uncool side.
Iori: Considering that, we wanted to tell that he’s our cool leader, so this is how we produced him.
This is a song where it's not Nikaidou-san-like, but actually it’s very like him. Please listen to it a lot.
Tamaki: Yama-san has a lot of faces, in a good way!
But we really love all of it!
Tamaki: I hope everyone will love Yama-san singing this kind of song even more!
Yamato: Umm… I might not be able to finish this smoothly
Yamato: I’ve received words from Ichi and Tama where they still love me even at my lowest.
I feels really like a miracle that I get to meet such people who’d say that
Yamato: A long time ago, I was scared of being hurt so I made a wall and had a habit of giving up instantly.
I’m sure everyone experienced that before
Yamato: But, it’s fine. I’m sure there’s someone who’ll show up like the messages in this song.
For now it’s okay to think that guy is me
Yamato: Thank you for always supporting me.
Hopefully we meet again, you with those relaxed shoulders and natural smile.
Tamaki: You showed off on the last one
Iori: You really did.
Yamato: That’s fine!!
Let me be a sly charming onii-san!!
Tsumugi: Thank you for your time, everyone…!
I’m sure this conversation will receive a lot of response, I look forward to the day it’ll be open to the public!
Tamaki: Yama-san really loves us
Should we take a picture?
There’s nothing in this room
Iori: Good idea. Let’s put a lot of good memories in this room.
Yamato: Ohh, put anything you want here
Iori: Well then, let us put a picture of Nikaidou-san wearing an Usamimi Parka first.
Manager, please prepare the picture.
Tsumugi: Leave it to me!!! 💪
Yamato: Why!!!!
[1] zabuton is a rectangular shaped cushion used for sitting or kneeling
[2] shredded and dried squid, or sakiika, is a snack
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vox-akuma · 3 months
(IDOLiSH7) Torao Mido - RabbiTube mini Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator. If you come across any mistakes, feel free to let me know and I will make the necessary corrections.
Momo: Yamato, Torao, good work~! The RabbiMini project was fun, wasn't it? 🥺
Torao Mido: It sure was. I even gained valuable insights into portraying a delinquent from both of you.
Yamato Nikaido: Good work today. That makes it sound like we’re the perfect examples of delinquents or something lol
Torao Mido: Are you not?
Yamato Nikaido: Of course we're not! We're the dazzling idols of the moment, right?
Momo: It's funny when Yamato says it lolol
Momo: Oh, right! I got some info from Haruka. He said Utsugi-san did the dance from our RabbiMini video!!
Momo: Is this true?! 🕺🎶
Torao Mido: Yeah.
Torao Mido: I was watching the video with Touma in the green room when out of nowhere Utsugi-san said, "I can dance too," and that's how it all unfolded.
Momo: No way!! I want to see that so bad 😆🔥 What was it like!?
Torao Mido: For some reason, his moves were surprisingly sharp, and he was pretty skilled. Haruka and Minami came back to the green room while he was still dancing
Torao Mido: They were like, "This is kind of gross." I felt a bit sorry for him...
Yamato Nikaido: Isn't his playful side a bit too strong for someone with such a cool appearance?
Torao Mido: He seemed quite satisfied when he went, "It seems the body always remembers."
Momo: Could he be an experienced dancer??
Torao Mido: No, apparently when he was younger, he was often forced to dance at drinking parties by his superiors.
Torao Mido: He said it helps in building favorable human relations, so he learned it earnestly.
Yamato Nikaido: Ah... Well, I guess being able to liven up a drinking party would make you popular with the old geezers...
Momo: So he acquired his dancing skills through such circumstances...
Momo: I can't help but feel an affinity... towards Utsugi-san...
Torao Mido: Affinity?
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Momo: Oh, also!!! The IDOLiSH7 members really enjoyed our RabbiMini too!!! (*'ω'*) ✨
Momo: Mitsuki sent me a video~!
Yamato Nikaido: Ah, the glaring game! The one where I competed against Nagi
Torao Mido: What on earth? What kind of game is that...?
Yamato Nikaido: It's a game where you stare each other down and the first one to look away loses!
Yamato Nikaido: Since I was up against Nagi, it felt like it would never end lol
Momo: Nagi does seem really strong lololol
Yamato Nikaido: It went on for so long that it probably looked like we were having an actual fight, so Tama got fed up.
Yamato Nikaido: He suddenly wedged himself between us, we burst out laughing, and were forced to end it there
Momo: Awww!! Cute!! So pure!! Momo-chan's gonna protect him from all evil~~ 💪😭
Torao Mido: Does Sougo participate in this glaring down stuff too...?
Yamato Nikaido: Sou did it while jutting his jaw out, I think. His portrayal of an outlaw was outdated lol
Torao Mido: Sougo.....
Torao Mido: You guys really have him doing some crazy stuff, huh, IDOLiSH7...
Torao Mido: If you get stared down by the Osaka family, you won't survive in this industry, you know. I could never play such a terrifying game.
Momo: Wait, was Torao always this cute...?
Yamato Nikaido: If Mido had that attribute added to him on top of everything else, nobody would stand a chance...
Torao Mido: I don't know what you're talking about but dial it back a bit.
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Momo: Should I try playing this game with Yuki? (〃ノдノ)
Yamato Nikaido: Momo-san, can you even handle being stared at by Yuki-san?
Momo: Yeah, not a chance.
Momo: I wouldn't even last a second.
Torao Mido: The way this person suddenly regained his composure...
Momo: Torao, you should try playing against someone too! Are you alone right now?
Torao Mido: No, I'm with Haruka in the green room. He's eating some kind of sweet bread while looking at his phone.
Yamato Nikaido: Oh, why don't you try it with him then? It might actually be fun.
Torao Mido: Compete with Haruka?
Torao Mido: I'm not interested in challenging him to a game where the outcome is already obvious
Torao Mido: I can't afford to make Haruka cry before the recording
Yamato Nikaido: Mido, you didn't even know how to move like a delinquent at first; you were at the level where you were moving both arms and legs at the same time, but now you're so confident!
Momo: You were just waddling away like a penguin +.(≧∀≦)゚+.゚ Yuki liked that scene too!!
Torao Mido: Oi
Torao Mido: You showed it to him?!
Torao Mido: It's absolutely horrifying to think that video is saved inside Re:vale's Momo-san’s phone. Delete it
Yamato Nikaido: Wow, I just learnt some great news!! Maybe Yuki-san has taken a liking to you!? Man, I'm glad!!!!
Torao Mido: What are you so happy for?
Torao Mido: Also, what's with the "strutting with your shoulders raised high" thing? Isn't it hard to walk like that?
Yamato Nikaido: It's not too bad. All things considered, you actually managed to pull it off in the end!
Torao Mido: Of course I did. Who do you think I am?
Momo: Now why don't you try showing Haruka the fruits of your labor? 😍
Torao Mido: Fine. I'll take the bait
Torao Mido: Wait here.
Yamato Nikaido:
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Yamato Nikaido: Who do you think will win?
Momo: Hmmmmmm..... Like Yuki, Torao is quite gentle, even if they're both gentle in different ways
Momo: So maybe I'll go with Haruka? 🥺
Yamato Nikaido: You may be right. He did turn out to be a pretty sincere guy after getting to know him
Torao Mido: Sorry to keep you waiting.
Momo: Welcome back!
Yamato Nikaido: How did it go?
Torao Mido: He gave me eye drops and that was it.
Torao Mido: He said, "If your eyes are dry, just say so with your mouth instead of silently pleading with your eyes."
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Yamato Nikaido: Eye-... eye drops... lol
Momo: How is this even possible?! Isn't Haruka way too cute!?
Torao Mido: And when I said it wasn't because my eyes were dry, he thought I wanted some of his bread next.
Torao Mido: He said, "I can give you a piece if you really want some." Do I really seem like someone who would snatch food away from Haruka while he's happily enjoying it?
Momo: Maybe your gaze seemed like you were longing for his bread? lolol
Yamato Nikaido: ŹOOĻ's potential... honestly, I underestimated it.
Torao Mido: This wasn't the plan at all
Momo: Even though your glare was so intense in our RabbiMini 😎💥
Yamato Nikaido: But I guess you can't help but go easy against your members
Torao Mido: It seems it was too early for me to act like a delinquent. Show me how it's done again, you two.
Torao Mido: Nikaido's intimidating "You wanna go!?" line, and
Torao Mido: Momo-san's "What did you just say, bastard?" line, accompanied by his piercing gaze — you guys were more menacing than any guys I've seen around.
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Torao Mido:
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Yamato Nikaido: No, no, seriously, I was panicking deep down because I wasn't used to acting like this! Not to mention, Mido is huge, and Momo-san is older than me.
Momo: What are you saying!
Momo: Momo-chan has never spoken in such a harsh tone before, so I was nervous!
Torao Mido: Really now? Well, I'll just leave it at that
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Yamato Nikaido: We tried to tease Mido, but it ended up backfiring
Momo: Gosh, now we have no choice but to go out for drinks to clear up this misunderstanding! We haven't had our wrap-up party yet either!! 🍻
Yamato Nikaido: I agree. We should, especially so I can show you that I'm the kind of human who can't even kill a mosquito.
Torao Mido: Sure, I'll keep my schedule open. Having drinks with you two doesn't sound so bad.
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Yamato Nikaido:
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Torao Mido:
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The End.
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vox-akuma · 7 months
UuultraC After Story List
Adelta’s second game UuultraC recently got released in English, so I wanted to create a list with all of the free extra content that’s currently available on Adelta’s website! Make sure to only read these short stories after finishing the routes, otherwise they might not make much sense or even spoil the game’s story. They’re written in Japanese, but not extremely difficult to understand with translation tools.
> Short story 1 (Kozuka Akira x Kagome Shoutarou) One day when we wanted to go swimming, the town was flooded by a sudden heavy rain. A sweet early summer story.
> Short story 2 Continuation of short story 1 Side A: Akira’s point of view Side B: Shoutarou’s point of view
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> Short story 3 (Isshiki Suzu x Choutsugai Shirou) On a tropical night when the moonlight is dazzling, something happens to the body of the citizens of Tokyo. A story about midsummer.
> Short story 4 Continuation of short story 3 Side A: Shirou’s point of view Side B: Isshiki’s point of view
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> Short story 5 (Hibarino Yomi x Sayashi Juurou) After spending their time peacefully, it seems like Yomi has found a new “hobby”. A story about an alien and the end of summer.
> Short story 6 Continuation of short story 5 Side A: Juurou’s point of view Side B: Yomi’s point of view
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Update: The Yomi x Juurou after-story has been translated, you can check it out here! 
 All other credit goes to Adelta for creating these wonderful stories and beautiful art! Japanese page can be found here.
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vox-akuma · 7 months
"Interspersion of light", Yomi and Juurou's after story
Now living peacefully, one day Yomi seems to have found a new ‘hobby’… It’s a story about an idle alien in late summer.
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I was walking up the slope next to the hedge.
The gravel was heated by the sun, and the surroundings looked hazy, as if in a dream.
Bamboo leaves cast a shadow on one side of the road, attracting walkers.
A long and narrow path covered in shadow.
And after the end of the slope, the scorching heat continues.
I noticed an old man walking down and stepped out of the shadow.
When we passed each other, we bowed and tipped our hats.
Our sleeves brushed against each other.
It was late summer, when cicadas started to change their voices.
Having finished my 'work' before noon, I was coming back home, where he was waiting for me.
There’s a poetic word for late summer.
It’s supposed to make a melancholic impression, but today’s heat made you forget about it.
My 'work' was to go from home to the post office.
But only now have I thought that I shouldn't have underestimated this trip and should have brought a hand fan with me.
The front door was opened to let the wind in.
It passed through the gates along with me, and the wind chime rang in a clear sound.
This sound let him know that I had come back.
I took off the geta, hung up the hat, and wiped my neck, drenched in sweat, with the sleeve.
I crossed the corridor, trying to look as calm as possible.
“I’m home.”
“Welcome back.”
He was the one who told me that I should have brought a hand fan.
Yomi smiled with just his eyes and dropped his gaze back to his hands. Slowly and steadily, scissors were eating into the paper.
There was a pile of small cut-out squares scattered around the tea table.
I sat on the opposite side, and he passed me a cup of tea he was drinking.
It tasted like water with melted ice.
We lived quietly.
I earned some money by writing poems and publishing them in magazines.
Earlier I went to the post office to send the manuscript.
“How was the response?”
“They keep urging me, so they must have liked it.”
“I see. This is good to hear.”
“...I don’t know about this.”
“Is it not impressive?”
“It’s just a miserable man’s feelings put on display.”
“I am quite happy to think that your words might save someone.”
“So, when will I get to read it?”
Yomi didn’t look away from his hands.
I looked at the radiant summer garden, listening to the faraway sound of cicadas and the nearby sound of scissors.
“I’ve told you many times. These are just my words to you put together as poems.”
“Then it should be fine for me to read it, right?”
On the second glance, I noticed that Yomi’s hands had stopped. He smiled at me, his eyes narrowed.
He was enjoying the way my voice had gotten stuck in my throat after his teasing.
“Words are fish, and poems are fossils.”
“I like fossils.”
“Words are fossils, and poems are soil.”
“I like soil as well.”
“Please, don’t make fun of me… I don’t want you to ask me of this only when you feel like it.”
He put down the scissors and walked out into the corridor with a smile on his face.
“It must have been hot,” he said, and I heard his footsteps heading to the kitchen.
I took the scissors in his stead and started cutting the paper in the same way he did.
These pieces of paper with one or two dots painted on them are called piece marks.
They're printed on food and housewares packaging.
I’m not sure why Yomi started collecting them. Probably out of boredom.
“Tarou-san sent us a gift.”
I heard Yomi’s voice from the kitchen.
At the same time I heard the sound of cork being pulled out.
“It’s your favourite orange juice.”
“First time I hear about that.”
Only my uncle and aunt know about our quietude.
They live in Aoyama and don’t visit this house.
They know it would be a burden for me if they tried to get closer.
Yomi came back and put two glasses on the tea table.
How nostalgic.
Memories of my uncle doing the same when we were kids came to mind.
“I finished cutting it out.”
“Thank you.”
“What will you do when you collect them all?”
“I will send them to Seijo elementary school. They have a box near the gates to collect offerings from the neighbourhood.”
He slid one mark across the table with his index finger.
Then he started to arrange the scattered cut-outs by the score.
When he collected ten one-point marks, he smiled in delight.
"Apparently, they can be exchanged for different goods according to the score. The school could buy an electric fan or a heater.”
“I see.”
“So I am acting like a hero!”
I said involuntarily.
In a split second that I was looking down, Yomi had hidden his face behind a magazine.
It was Josei Nine for which I was writing.
“They have a special feature on fireworks.”
“...I see.”
“It seems like there will be a fireworks display in Tamagawa tonight.”
“Why don’t we go see it?”
“It’s far.”
“We can view it from the shrine nearby.”
Ice was crumbling inside the glass.
I nodded with a sigh, and Yomi lowered the magazine. Eyes, shaped like crescent moons, peeked at me.
Interspersion of light
"This brings back memories.”
We have gone to temple festivals before.
It was back when you still couldn’t walk.
You were drawn in by the sound of the fireworks, so I slipped out of our house, carrying you on my back.
Clutching on my clothes to not fall, you were watching the festival hustle and fireworks blooming in the sky with your eyes wide open.
And now you are standing next to me without my help.
“Am I wearing my yukata properly?”
“Yes. It suits you.”
“Thank you.”
A speaker that was supposed to be a siren was playing festival songs today.
Back then, I couldn’t do what I promised you.
I turned my back to the place you were pointing at, saying “I want to go”, and ran home as fast as I could.
Yomi was going up the stairs with a light sound.
I followed him, not running anymore.
Night market stalls were lined up on the temple grounds.
The crowd was brimming with excitement.
“It looked like a spaceship.”
Paper lanterns as portholes.
Old songs as an alien language.
From the very beginning, I always knew that you were not from this world.
“Like a ship that came to take you home.”
This temple was standing on a hill in the residential area.
Scared by the festival lights emerging from the evening darkness, I didn’t dare to come close.
And now, when I had finally revealed the truth, Yomi covered his mouth with both hands and laughed silently.
“My people are not that kind.”
I couldn’t know that.
“If no news came, I would be assumed dead. And this planet would be declared as an unsuitable environment.”
“So… no replacement or help would come?”
“The invasion efficiency rate is 100%. There is no chance that attack would be unsuccessful.”
“Then it’s 99%.”
“I’m talking about you.”
“Ah, this is what you mean… 1% that had stayed because of his own indecisiveness.”
I didn’t notice the moment I started holding his hand.
“Back then, I wanted to go only to learn about the folk beliefs of this world.”
“And did you learn anything?”
Yomi’s cheeks turned red.
This smile was definitely meant for me, not for the mask.
Yomi’s pupils suddenly widened.
He pointed behind me, shaking our joined hands.
“Look at this, Juurou!!”
I was dragged to the shooting range.
He was excitedly looking at the rice cooker put on display in the middle of the stall.
Did you really want something like this?
Would you even be able to use it considering how bad you are with machines?
Yomi ignored my confusion and got even more excited.
Nudged by their parents, children tried to get the rice cooker.
Every time the ball hit the box and bounced back, Yomi trembled slightly.
Even if you don’t rush…
“It’s usually impossible to get a prize like that.”
“You can’t know if you don’t try!”
Child who had missed the target left the shooting range.
Yomi took the gun in their stead and aimed, placing his elbows on the table.
I paid 30 yen to the shopkeeper.
Sounds of children firing blanks echoed next to us.
Even some parents who decided to try themselves have given up and started leaving.
The price of this is 30 yen.
Yet Yomi still aimed at the rice-cooker with his eyes wide-open.
It’s absurd.
Trying to get the target in the centre from the very side of the table.
“Aim at the underside.”
“You have three shots, and if you manage to push it down…”
It suddenly became very quiet, I thought.
Yomi looked up at me as I spoke with such seriousness and chuckled.
He brought one eye down to the gun and pulled the trigger.
A heavy sound that definitely wasn’t that of a blank hit the box.
“I told you, didn’t I?”
The box leaned back and was now supported by the stall’s curtain.
It was as if the rice cooker itself was surprised, having no plans to fall.
While me and the shopkeeper were staring at it in amazement, Yomi smiled shyly to the applause of the children.
When we left the stall, it was completely dark outside.
Yomi had a hundred-point piece mark in his hand.
And the rice cooker was put in the centre of the display again, with its box cut a little bit.
“Household appliances sure do give a lot of points!”
“It's good that we didn’t take the actual thing home.”
“It would have broken if I tried to use it.”
“It would.”
“Why do you seem so relieved?”
“Nothing can compare to the kamameshi you make.”
Darkness deepened. You could feel the autumn approaching.
But the crowd of people on the long road wanting to preserve the summer made the temperature rise.
Children wearing masks were shouting their secret techniques.
A dazzling earthling and an alien collecting piece marks.
I gripped Yomi’s hand even stronger than before.
“I am not going anywhere.”
Yomi answered me.
“I am here.”
“I still can’t trust you.”
It had been a while since the last time we walked together like this.
Even if I know that other people can see you, I still can’t help but think that this convenient happiness is just a dream.
“You are a man who can disappear as soon as I let go of your hand.”
It’s not as if I wanted to hear any excuses from him, but...
When I looked at his face, waiting for an answer, Yomi smiled, as always.
“Can you show me a face like this again?”
“It was very cute.”
“I’m not joking.”
I quickened my pace.
Yomi, whom I pulled with me, suddenly lost his footing.
He almost fell forward, but I caught him in my chest.
The strap of his geta was snapped.
The crowd went around us, who were standing still, and flowed forward like a river.
“Ah, it finally snapped.”
“These geta are quite old.”
I picked up the geta, lending him my shoulder instead.
The tree shadow on the side of the road was dim and concealed us from the noise.
He leaned back on the tree, and I kneeled before him, checking the geta.
They belonged to my young father or uncle.
The other one seemed fine at first glance, but when I looked closer, I saw that its strap was also damaged.
“Maybe it happened because I started running.”
“Because you tripped, probably.”
I ripped a strip from my handkerchief and twisted it into a small rope.
I tied it in place of the strap and put the geta on Yomi’s foot.
It was too loose and shook around.
It definitely needed to be readjusted.
“Thank you.”
“Let’s buy new ones at the stalls.”
I took Yomi’s ankle to try putting the geta on again.
Suddenly, as if coming out of smoke, his foot touched my chin.
He urged me to look up.
I didn’t notice when a gentle and affectionate smile appeared on his face.
“What do I need to do for you to believe me?”
His toes traced my Adam’s apple, pulled aside my collar, and touched my collarbone.
“I am always telling you that this is not a dream, am I not?”
In Yomi’s eyes, I saw myself furrowing my brows like a child.
Seeing me like this, he pulled his foot back.
His gaze went to the road, where the lights were shining.
I laid down the broken geta and put my hand on the side of his face.
I want to ask you so many things.
You don’t have to talk about them if you don’t want to.
I’m scared.
“I can’t love you when you’re so fickle.”
My vanity was melted away by the heat of the festival.
I’m sure Yomi felt the same.
“When I split this Earth into two… I think I was split as well.”
“We were both saved by Shin’ichi and walked the same path.
…But one thing that was different, was ‘her’, who was supposed to become your mother but fell in love with another being.”
Another… being.
“Just like a certain someone, she loved the blues of the Earth.”
“Because of this, you were never born; because of this, the world exists as it is now.”
“She really was a handful. To think that she would forget about her role in waking myself and put herself to ‘sleep’ as well…”
“However, I am not your dream…”
“What relationship did you have with my mother?”
Every time you mentioned ‘her’ while speaking in your familiar tone, my heart darkened.
“...Was she your partner?”
Yomi’s eyes opened wide, and he burst into laughter.
But when he saw that I didn’t laugh with him, he closed his mouth, swallowing the rest.
“What did you find so weird?”
“I am sorry; I did not think that you would care about this.”
“You thought that I wouldn’t care?”
“Are you jealous?”
“Please, do not worry.”
One hand touching the other, our fingers intertwined.
“I only ever had one partner in my life. It is you, Juurou.”
Vibrations shook the festival grounds.
Immediately, everyone looked at the sky.
Seeing Yomi’s cheek turn red, I realised that the fireworks had begun.
“Let’s go.”
Yomi took my hand and started running.
A black thread was tied in place of a geta strap that was about to snap again.
It seems like once more I missed the time when he started walking by himself.
Listening to the sounds of fireworks behind my back, I ran up the long stone stairs.
When I looked back at the wide open sky, I saw dots of light spreading around it.
Colourful fireworks bloomed in the sky and then faded away.
Probably residents of all the wardens gazed at these lights and sounds, yearning for the stars.
“Thousands of meteors have fallen in the last hundred years.”
One more firework went up.
“Even before I arrived, ‘all kinds of things’ came here flying.
And humans must have come in contact with them.”
“They probably did.”
“And when needed, their sleeping protective instinct must have been awakened.”
Just as hawks have claws and bees have venom, we, who live on the same planet, must have the power to fight.
So maybe heroes called Icaruses were an immune response meant to protect the Earth.
“This planet is not suited for an alien like me after all.”
“It looks quite peaceful to me.”
“Do you really think so?”
“Do not mind me.”
What did you imply by that…
“Did you know that there was heavy rain yesterday?”
“Ah, I heard about it. It’s good that Sayashi residence wasn’t flooded even for a millimetre.”
“And there was a case with people growing animal ears. Maybe it really was a dream, just as you say.”
“It was. And you looked extremely good.”
Yomi snuggled closer to me, as if asking to stay this way.
“When you die, I will destroy the Earth.”
One more firework went up.
“But until then, I will protect your peace.”
“I won’t die.
I’ll be reborn as a blue flower next. The colour that you love so much.
When you find me, take me and put me in your hair.
And by the time I wilt, I’ll be reborn as a new flower once again.”
You didn’t laugh at my words.
Looking at you shedding tears, I was the one who laughed.
Please, tell me if there are any mistakes or places that sound weird.
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vox-akuma · 9 months
Isumi Haruka Rabbitube Mini - Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Isumi Haruka: Thanks for your hard work. do you have free time rn? (1)
Isumi Haruka: Right now*?
Momo: I do have time rn
Momo: Right now*! ;P
Izumi Mitsuki: Same, I’m free rn
Izumi Mitsuki: Right now*! 😆
Isumi Haruka: Sorry, I accidentally sent the predicted text...
Momo: Don't worry about it at all! I thought maybe Harukacchi felt comfortable with us, so I was actually happy 🥺
Izumi Mitsuki: Me too! I felt like I was talking to Tamaki, feel free to be casual! 😆👍
Isumi Haruka: As if I were talking to Yotsuba!? lol
Isumi Haruka: No, that would be dangerous,  we always talk about who's gonna treat the other 💦
Momo: Sounds fun~~~~~~ I wanna go back to high school and play rock-paper-scissors to decide who buys juice at the store ‼‼😭.
Izumi Mitsuki: I know right! Then go buy sweet red-bean soup and play tricks on each other! 🤩
Isumi Haruka: Sounds like you guys were really enjoying your time
Isumi Haruka: Um, onto the main question! Please let me conduct a survey on what would be good for next week's Rabbimini after-party!
Isumi Haruka:
1. visiting a ramen shop 
2. Panda-man taste testing
3- Divination
4- All-you-can-eat dim sum brunch
Izumi Mitsuki: Ooh~~!!
Izumi Mitsuki: You really thought this through! Thanks 😭 well, we still haven’t decided on anything yet!
Momo: Let's go to aaaall of them!! your big brother here will treat you guys to everything 😭‼
Isumi Haruka: Nah if we go to all of them our stomachs will be too bloated lol
Isumi Haruka: I wanted to do something for you two since you guys took me out for yakiniku after the shoot
Momo:Isn’t he so admirable? ol’ friend Mitsuki-san…
Izumi Mitsuki: What a lovable boy, ol’ friend Momo-san… (2)
Isumi Haruka: You're becoming grandpas lol
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Izumi Mitsuki: 
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Izumi Mitsuki: Alright then, do you have any recommendations among these choices?
Isumi Haruka: Erm...
Isumi Haruka: Panda-man. They look cute and I think it’d be fun
Isumi Haruka: I know it’s somewhat childish but...
Momo: It’s fine, I wanna chomp chomp it!! It's cute like Momo-chan, right!? 😍💕
Izumi Mitsuki: I might have seen it featured on TV! 😆 They have different panda faces on them right?
Isumi Haruka: 😉🥺😤
Isumi Haruka: ↑ Yeah! Like these
Isumi Haruka: People take pics of themselves making the same face as Panda man as a trend
Momo: Oh no we totally have to do a photoshoot too 🫰
Izumi Mitsuki: Now you sound like a gyaru lol
Momo: But it's been a while, so teach us how to take photos 🥺 waaggghhh
Isumi Haruka: I'll definitely teach you everything 🫰
Izumi Mitsuki: By the way, there's a photo of the three of you in our fridge! The one you, Iori and Tamaki took together 😆.
Isumi Haruka: Huh!? The fridge!?
Isumi Haruka: At the IDOLiSH7 dorm!?
Izumi Mitsuki: That's right! lolol you took it to commemorate getting a large king pudding stuffed plushie right?
Momo: Wait a minute!! You’re telling me you can see that incredibly cute picture if you go to the IDOLiSH7 dorm ⁉
Izumi Mitsuki: You sure can 👍
Momo: We'll bring a hot pot set and come visit you.
Izumi Mitsuki: We'll be waiting 👍
Isumi Haruka: Please stop, it's embarrassing lololol
Isumi Haruka: But I wonder if Izumi got mad when you stuck it there?
Isumi Haruka: Ah, I mean the little brother! Iori-kun
Izumi Mitsuki: It's confusing since we're both Izumi! 😂 
Izumi Mitsuki: He was a bit nervous about it, but Tamaki told us that you three worked really hard together to get that stuffed plushie, so he was really happy and wanted to stick it everywhere!
Izumi Mitsuki: He couldn't help but forgive him when he heard that ✨
Momo: That's so precious... I'll bring beer in bulk on top of that hot pot set.
Izumi Mitsuki: Thank you!? lololol
Isumi Haruka:
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Isumi Haruka: 
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Momo: Haruka sounds embarrassed! so cute (*σ・ω・。)σ
Izumi Mitsuki: This is youth :pudding cheer:
Isumi Haruka: I'm not embarrassed!!!
Momo: What other poses do you usually strike? (*σ・ω・。)σ
Isumi Haruka: Well, since Izumi doesn't pose so much, Yotsuba and I go extra to make it more exciting, or something...?
Izumi Mitsuki: more exciting lolol thank you!!
Iori smiles when he looks at the picture in the fridge, so I’m truly happy!
Isumi Haruka: Is that so
Isumi Haruka: Yotsuba said he's gonna be fine, but there were times when I wondered if I was pushing him too hard. I'm glad!
Momo: Mitsuki,,,,, I think I'm going to cry,,,,,,
Izumi Mitsuki: Me too,,,,, the big bro in me is so happy,,,,,
Isumi Haruka: p-please don't cry!!
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Isumi Haruka: I wanna take a picture with a pose that only three people can pull off! What do you think 😳
Izumi Mitsuki: Sounds good! I think we should pose like we did in Rabbimini, right?
Isumi Haruka: Maybe we could clasp our hands together in front of our chests and strike a kung fu pose? Like what we did at the start of Rabbimini! 🙏
Izumi Mitsuki: That's a good idea! I practiced a lot while watching videos! 😆
Momo: You could doodle something cute like ramen, that’d be adorable!! 😆💕
Isumi Haruka: I'll draw a panda too 🐼
Momo: That's the best!! What will you draw, Mitsuki!?
Izumi Mitsuki: Uh, something related to Rabbimini !? let me think
Izumi Mitsuki: A colander,,,?
Momo: a colander lololololololololol
Isumi Haruka: lolololololol
Izumi Mitsuki: I'll practice drawing it lololol
Momo: looking forward to seeing the result of your practice lolol
Momo: Momo-chan and Mitsuki are gonna drive and pick you up from school on the day of the shoot! ✨
Izumi Mitsuki: I’ll rabbitchat you when we get there! 😆
Isumi Haruka: You were serious about that?!?!
Isumi Haruka: I'm happy, but I think Izumi and Yotsuba will get jealous lol 🫣 🫣
Momo: I was serious about it, Harukacchi…!!
Izumi Mitsuki: They’ll definitely be jealous, so I’m gonna spoil them by making their favorite things before and after the outing 🥹 I'm sure both of them will understand that it’s to celebrate your hard work at the shooting!
Isumi Harukai: Um, just to be clear, please be careful not to stand out! Yotsuba told me that when Momo-san came the other day, the whole school was talking about it!
Momo: no way...!! I'm gonna park a little further away from the school so I won’t bother anyone.
Izumi Mitsuki: Let's put on a disguise so that we don't stand out!
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Izumi Mitsuki: 
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Isumi Haruka: I'm getting really excited for some reason..!
Momo: I'm glad! After the shoot, let's go to the arcade together when we’re less busy >u< I like that one game! The one where you kill zombies!
Isumi Haruka: Isn’t it great?
Isumi Haruka: I compete with Yotsuba in the high score board, so I'm good at it!
Momo: Huh that’s cool!! Haruka can really do anything >u<
Isumi Haruka: Hehehe
Mitsuki-san, is there something you’d like to do if we go together?
Izumi Mitsuki: Ah! Then, the crane game! I know a guy who’s gonna be over the moon if he gets a Kokona-chan or something 😆 you'll have to teach me all the tricks!
Isumi Haruka: Yes!! I'll take care of it 🙌
Momo: Then Mitsuki, give me tips on how to draw a colander ;P✨
Izumi Mitsuki: I don’t think there are any tricks to that lololol i’ll think about it lolol
Isumi Haruka: lolololol
In the original text, Haruka sends a casual text to the group chat, then corrects his tone by adding “ですか” (desu ka) in a separate message. Momo and mitsuki tease him about it by sending casual messages then following it up with “ですか”. This kind of polite speech doesn’t exist in English, so this was the closest way to convey the OG conversation’s tone
This is another joke that can’t be properly conveyed in English without further context, Momo and Mitsuki start adding “や” (ya) at the end of their messages which is a form of speech under a style called “yakuwarigo”, used in manga/anime (amongst other forms of media) to indicate age. The “ya” in this case is added to elderly characters’ speech, hence why I chose to add the “ol’ man” so that Haruka’s comment makes sense.
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vox-akuma · 10 months
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月曜更新㉝ ロボコ「蝶番さん……話を最後まで聞いてあげたらどうダ」
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vox-akuma · 1 year
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vox-akuma · 1 year
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vox-akuma · 2 years
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vox-akuma · 2 years
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demo was too obvious 😮‍💨
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vox-akuma · 2 years
『Cycle』 English lyrics translation
Artist: 甲斐田晴  (Kaida Haru) Album: 86400秒のキセキ  (86400byounokiseki)
machigaeta mitaida boku no ki no sei de mawari miteshimatta hikaku taishō wa kireide boku dake ga tomatta ugoki tsudzukeru nagare no naka de ittai dōshitara ī?
It seems I’ve made a mistake Because of a notion I looked around me The targets for comparison are so pristine Only I’ve stopped Amid the ever-moving flow What in the world should I do?
aruki-kata wakaranaku natte enwoegaku dōdōmeguri sore wa tsumari teitai ga jinsei o kaitai mezashite ita mono wa nan’da kke
I’ve become unsure of how to walk Drawing circles, turning round and round That is to say Stagnation brings life to ruin What was I aiming for again?
futo kidzuita yogoreta kutsu ga mata sukoshidake chīsaku natta aruki tsudzuketa dakede yokatta dakede yokatta
I suddenly noticed that my dirty shoes Became a little smaller again Thank goodness for simply continuing to walk Thank goodness for simply that
kurikaeshite tada boku wa mawaru furikaette demo boku wa mawaru mainichi ga ii to ie wa shinaikedo furafurafura shite ikite ku dakejan ka
Repeating, I’m just going in circles I look behind me, but I’m going in circles I wouldn’t say this daily life is great, but Getting dizzy, dizzy All I’m doing is living on
ashiato-tachi ga en o egaita tada tadoru dake boku ga aruita taikakusen ni katamuki kaketa megaatta  saki o mita anogoro no boku to
The footprints traced a circle Just following along, I walked Like tilting diagonally My eyes met with the me back then who looked ahead
sashinobezu mataida saki o isogu sei de mawari miteshimatta boku o sasu shisen ga itakute ayumi tomeru wake ni wa ikanai ugoki tsudzukeru mada nagare no naka de ittai dōshitara ī?
Taking a stride without reaching out Because I was in a hurry I looked around me The gaze piercing through me is painful There’s no way I could stop walking Amid the flow that keeps on moving What in the world should I do?
ashioto wa sematte ita aruki tsudzukeru tettōtetsubi shippai ga boku ni sasayaita   sore ga boku ni motarashita obiete ita riyū wa nanda kke
The sound of footsteps came close Walking onward, through and through Failure whispered to me The reason it brought me fear, What was it again?
kurikaeshite tada boku wa mawaru furikaette mada boku wa mawaru furi kaeri tsutaeta (English) I’m here   It’s a piece of cake
Repeating, I’m just going in circles I look behind me, still I’m going in circles It’s reflected back I’m here   It’s a piece of cake
itsu made mo aruki tsudzukete mada boku wa mawaru kurikaeshite tada boku wa mawaru mainichi ga ii to ie wa shinaikedo furafurafura shite ikite ku dakejan ka
I keep walking endlessly, I’m still going in circles Repeating, I’m just going in circles I wouldn’t say this daily life is great, but Getting dizzy, dizzy All I’m doing is living on
ashiato-tachi ga en o egaita boku o mezashite asu o aruita taikakusen ni te o nobashida itsuka oitsukeru yō ni kyō o aruku yo
The footprints traced a circle Aiming for me, I walked into tomorrow I extended my hand diagonally So that I catch up someday Today, I will walk on
-- Translation notes --
This song was pretty clearly in 1st person perspective, so I skipped my usual comment about implied pronouns.
In his free-chat stream on Oct. 31, Kaida explained that the concept for this song was about how we all feel disappointed at ourselves sometimes but have to keep moving forward despite it. (This is at about 47:48 to 48:33 in the archive.)
I hand-copied the lyrics from Apple Music to convert them to romaji, so there may be mistakes. Please let me know if you find any.
Thanks for reading! Snowdust64
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vox-akuma · 2 years
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my friend sent me a post of someone’s tier list of twst relationships based on divorceability rate and i just couldn’t get out of my head this whole weekend omg
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vox-akuma · 2 years
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vox-akuma · 2 years
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vox-akuma · 3 years
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Senpai that’s not how you play pocky!
Illustration from novel “Sasaki and Miyano - First Year”
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