vulcanhealer · 11 years
“I am familiar with my duties, but I would welcome your company to sickbay.” He stepped besides her to walk through the shuttle bay. “I will be able to make my way to my quarters from there as they are not far. I have traveled on starships, but this is my first time serving on one in an official capacity. Sochya is twice the size of the last ship I took.”
She was lovely, and he could see her mother in her eyes. It was strange to be face to face with T’Pol after so many years, but he was never meant to be an active part of her life. Should his secret be discovered it would have meant exile for him or worse, and the stigma of his blood for her. It would have not been good for her career. “That is if you have the time to spare?”
Denak - Reporting for duty
T’Pol returned the greeting then folded her hands behind her back, standing almost too stiffly.  She had to hold her command in front of the other Vulcan.  She felt as if his eyes went right through herself.  
"The Captain is occupied in another area of the Sochya before its launch.  I am here to conduct your arrival- should you need any assistance.  Have you accessed your post at this time?" She felt stiffer than ever before.  She couldn’t help it- it was something about this healer that put her on edge.
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vulcanhealer · 11 years
Greetings, healer.
Ambassador Soval [Denek inclined his head in greeting] 
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vulcanhealer · 11 years
Denak - Reporting for duty
Hassu Denak stepped from the shuttle onto the deck of the Sochya, his keen hazel eyes taking in each and every detail and committing it to memory. He wore his healer’s robes as he had no official military title and had no use for one. As the ship’s primary healer he was not required to be under the thumb of Vulcan Central. Once he was settled in his routine, he would wear more moderate civilian garb.
He waited for the ship’s First Officer to welcome him on board. Apparently Captain Spock was detained, which would have been an insult on another ship, but as this was a Vulcan ship none was taken. Denak assumed that he would eventually learn what occupied the captain—as he would learn most things on the ship by listening.
“Commander T’Pol,” he said, raising his hand in the ta’al. “I am Hassu Denak. Your primary healer.” 
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vulcanhealer · 11 years
The real Denak:
Denak is a spy for the Romulans. He was recruited young into the Tal Shiar and trained in espionage and in all things Vulcan. Like many Romulans he sees the Federation as a threat, and infiltrating Vulcan society is the best way to keep an eye on the activities of the humans and their allies in the Federation.
He has no ill will for Vulcans. He has many friends among them, and he has a Vulcan wife. She knows who and what he is, but she is sympathetic to his cause. Not all Vulcans are happy with their peoples’ involvement with the humans either.
When he learned that Ambassador Sarek’s sons had been given command of the Sochya, he volunteered to serve as Chief Medical Officer. The human hybrids fascinate him on a scientific level, and he feels that by being near them he can learn much. Now that Starfleet officers will be serving aboard the ship as Exchange Officers, he hopes to learn even more. 
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vulcanhealer · 11 years
Are you having trouble with your eyes? 
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vulcanhealer started following you
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vulcanhealer · 11 years
Bio: Hassu Denak
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Name: Denak Age: 70 Rank: Hassu, he carries no military rank Duties: Chief Medical Officer, Sochya
Hassu: Unlike Earth physicians, who are only taught to heal injured humans, Vulcan healers also tend to animals. They were noted as being the most formal and controlled of all Vulcans. This was because they had to be as they had the strongest ESP and had to deal with sick minds as well as sick bodies. A circle of healers were also used to seek the truth of a matter from a person’s mind in a process known as Verification. (from Memory Alpha and Beta)
Bio: Denak was born in ShiKahr and attended the ShiKahr Academy and the Vulcan Medical Institute. He volunteered to serve on the Sochya. (He has told no one why he has done this, because let’s face it—is there anything more fun than a pointy-eared Vulcan conspiracy?)
Personality: Denak makes Tuvok seem like Mr. Happy. To think that he’s never been through the Kolinahr. 
The real Denak:
Denak is a spy for the Romulans. He was recruited young into the Tal Shiar and trained in espionage and in all things Vulcan. Like many Romulans he sees the Federation as a threat, and infiltrating Vulcan society is the best way to keep an eye on the activities of the humans and their allies in the Federation.
He has no ill will for Vulcans. He has many friends among them, and he has a Vulcan wife. She knows who and what he is, but she is sympathetic to his cause. Not all Vulcans are happy with their peoples’ involvement with the humans either.
When he learned that Ambassador Sarek’s sons had been given command of the Sochya, he volunteered to serve as Chief Medical Officer. The human hybrids fascinate him on a scientific level, and he feels that by being near them he can learn much. Now that Starfleet officers will be serving aboard the ship as Exchange Officers, he hopes to learn even more. 
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vulcanhealer · 11 years
As a matter of record keeping, hassu-- have you undergone the ritual of Kolinahr?
I have not. I considered it, but I believe that in my position as a healer that it would be detrimental for me to cast aside all emotions. I feel that it is important for me to be able to share in their emotions--especially while in a mindmeld--to help them. 
Also my wife would not be pleased were I to do so. 
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vulcanhealer · 11 years
Denak's Log
High Command has seen fit to have two human doctors posted to Sochya. They will be under my supervision, of course. I fail to see the logic in hosting Starfleet officers on a Vulcan ship, but apparently High Command and the Federation feel that it would benefit our two species to interact with each other more. 
One of them, M'Benga, has worked on Vulcan and studied our medicine. The other, McCoy, has more experience in human medicine, but I see no mention of him working with Vulcans in the past. 
As I have already stated, I do not see the logic in this. 
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vulcanhealer · 11 years
I am Vulcan. I do not permit myself to have moods of any sort. That would be a betrayal of logic and the teachings of Surak. 
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vulcanhealer · 11 years
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