vulcanpoetess · 1 year
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Tasha and Deanna both deserved better than what they got, so here’s a little fix-it drawing.
(click image for optimal quality!)
line art
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vulcanpoetess · 1 year
Kira, staring at Dax: She could fix me
Bashir: Aren't you supposed to want to fix her?
Kira: No she's perfect. I, on the other hand, am a mess and she could fix me
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vulcanpoetess · 1 year
Kira, staring at Dax: She could fix me
Bashir: Aren't you supposed to want to fix her?
Kira: No she's perfect. I, on the other hand, am a mess and she could fix me
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vulcanpoetess · 1 year
Seven: Just because I came when you went pspspspspspspsps doesn’t mean I like you. Fucking idiot
B'elanna: Maybe I pspspsps’ed at you because I love you! Did you think of that? Huh?!
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vulcanpoetess · 1 year
Beachy cw actress waves are my worst enemy like conceptually they send me into an animalistic rage. Anytime they show a lesbian with a fresh salon blowout I feel so angry. It’s cruel and inhumane akin to like clipping a dogs ears.
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vulcanpoetess · 2 years
Kira: Jadzia was going to run into a metal bar so I yelled ‘duck’
Kira: She proceeded to turn and quack at me before slamming into the bar
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vulcanpoetess · 2 years
i’d rather have rainbow capitalism then living in constant fear of discovery. the woman in the pride flag disney t-shirt might be missing the nuance, but at least i know i can be myself. a street full of rainbow flags makes me more comfortable holding a mans hand. look. corporations aren’t your friend. they will sell to whoever will buy. but kids seeing gay everything every year is only ever a good thing, and a massive improvement in history
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vulcanpoetess · 2 years
Kira: I’m gonna need a skull, and I can’t have you ask any questions why.
Jadzia: Only if you don’t ask why.
Kira: …Okay.
Jadzia: *pulls out seven pristine skulls of a variety of species* Take your pick.
Kira: …
Jadzia: …
Kira: This one is fine.
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vulcanpoetess · 2 years
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kira nerys + jadzia dax throughout the years. 
happy birthday, vic ( @xbcaptain ) 🥰 
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vulcanpoetess · 2 years
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I just think that Seven's arms ✨
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vulcanpoetess · 2 years
if you're a Starfleet captain theres a hidden device in ur chair that shoots a laser directly into your head and it makes you desire ur first officer carnally (does NOT make them return feelings tho) but if you're bald it reflects the beam and just makes everyone else on the ship really horny for each other.
case 1 evidence: tos, voy, ent
case 2 evidence: tng, ds9
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vulcanpoetess · 2 years
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Just received a stunning commission from @leifor of everyone’s favorite star trek couple: Tuvok and T’Pel!
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vulcanpoetess · 2 years
#autistic Damar
Feeding my autism by thinking about how neurodivergence is defined relative to very subjective cultural norms. In the context of star trek aliens
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vulcanpoetess · 2 years
Feeding my autism by thinking about how neurodivergence is defined relative to very subjective cultural norms. In the context of star trek aliens
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vulcanpoetess · 2 years
don’t get me wrong i do love dsc and the canon queers but why was star trek like. ok gay and trans people are allowed now but they HAVE to be boring. or like One interesting episode abt them. like. give me gay dude vulcan klingon couple. give me lesbian trill betazoid couple. give me a trans andorian going through 5 different sex changes. give me denobulans with unlimited amounts of spouses they can have with no gender restrictions. give me gay aliens that can’t stand the same temperature or atmosphere or pressure or gravity to they have to have a relationship through regulated bubbles. give me nonbinary alien couple where one species has zero pronouns and zero genders and the other species has dozens of genders and pronouns and they have to figure out how the hell their wedding is going to happen. give me lesbian ferengi communists. give me an aroace orion scientist that figures out how to make her hormones into repelling hormones instead of attracting ones. give me a straight trans couple that switched bodies and is like “no don’t fix it this is great actually”. give me a transporter accident that merges a couple and they decide to stay like that. give me gay planets. make the cloud and the teleporter rock from tos to get together. give me shapeshifter couple that always manages to accidentally find each other. give me lesbian romance between a starfleet captain and a space pirate. give me a triad traveling to different planets trying to get divorced because polyam marriage has been legalized most places but not polyam divorce.
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vulcanpoetess · 2 years
I love that post about Bajoran bluegrass and like… I raise you just childhood on other planets in general! Like what do Vulcans think of when they think of a childhood toy? I can imagine Vulcans giving their kids puzzles but they also keep sehlats, huge fluffy animals, so do they also give their kids big plushies for when the family sehlat passes away? What does a Vulcan children’s playground look like? Did Spock and Tuvok and Michael go on swings when they were kids or are Vulcan playgrounds just full of various logic puzzles? What’s on the curriculum in a Klingon classroom? Their culture values excellency in battle over everything else so how does a Klingon teacher convince a classroom of kids named after Kahless that no, you need to do your maths homework not just fight each other? When Keiko tries to convince Rom to send Nog to school with human and Bajoran kids we learn that the Ferengi education system works via apprenticeships rather than a rigid school structure with mandated materials, which is so interesting! It means that it must be really common for Ferengi to have massive blindspots in their knowledge for sectors they have no personal experience in. And we also learn that Quark used to read baby books to Nog when he was a baby so… Ferengi children’s literature! Ferengi kid’s cartoons! I bet Ferenginar has lots of Chuck E Cheese type establishments for kid’s birthday parties it’s probably an entire industry tons of people have stock and investment in. What about Cardassian kids! It seems that Cardassians have quite authoritarian parenting styles but they also value family over everything and it’s common for multiple generations to live together, so the pressure to move out of your family home doesn’t seem as prevalent in their culture. So Cardassian kids must be used to multiple caregivers and grow up with the expectation that they will care for their elderly family members. What does a Cardassian kids bedroom look like? Is it common for siblings to share? What about Bajoran children? What was the childhood of the last generation of Bajorans who got to have a childhood unburdened by the occupation like? How many culturally specific toymakers had their shops destroyed and how many children’s games haven’t been played in decades due to a lack of space and safety? If you’re a Bajoran parent who lost their youth to the occupation with a baby who’s been born in a free Bajor, what’s the thing you most want them to experience that you never got to have? I never stop thinking about this.  
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vulcanpoetess · 2 years
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gals night 🌙 💓
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