vurnett · 7 years
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As a young boy, Ryu was an orphan and had no memories of his parents. He is adopted and raised by Gouken in a secluded dojo, and is intensely trained in Gouken’s style of martial arts. A few years later, Gouken started training his best friend’s son, Ken Masters, at the dojo. Ryu and Ken quickly became good friends and trained together daily. Still to this day, Ryu looks to Gouken as a father, and considers Ken to be his best friend and surrogate brother. When Ryu turned 23, Gouken believes that Ryu’s training is complete, and Ryu leaves the dojo. Ryu wants to test and hone his martial skills, and set out to challenge the best fighters around the world.
Ryu finds himself at the first World Warrior tournament. After defeating all opponents, Ryu earns the right to face the host of the tournament, Sagat. Sagat nearly defeats Ryu and let his guard down after he thought he had won. Ryu had an intense desire to win and allows himself to become overcome by the Satsui no Hadou, also known as the Dark Hadou. (When Ryu loses control of his inner Dark Hadou, he transforms into Evil Ryu). Ryu then launches a perfectly timed Metsu Shoryuken which scars Sagat’s chest and nearly kills him. After Sagat regains consciousness, he swears vengeance on Ryu.
During the events of SFA2, Ryu is told by Ken that Gouken was killed by Akuma, and he immediately sets out to the man called Akuma. He eventually encounters Akuma on a secluded island called as Gokuentou, and a battle commences. Akuma senses that Ryu had the same powers as he does, and tells Ryu about the Satsui no Hadou - a power that consumes the practitioners of their shared fighting style, driving them to win even if it means killing the opponent. Akuma then uses his fist to destroy the island, leaving Ryu stranded. After escaping the island, Ryu runs into Ken and they decide to have a fight like old times. Ryu losses the fight, and Ken realizes that Ryu was not himself. Ryu tells Ken that he is deeply troubled since his last victory over Sagat. To cheer him up, Ken gives Ryu his red headband as a reminder to stay focused, which Ryu was sincerely grateful for.
Later during SFA2, Ryu runs into a girl named Sakura, who claims to be his #1 fan. She expresses her deep desire to become his student, but Ryu tells her that he has much to learn himself, and can’t train her at this time. Soon thereafter, Ryu is found by Sagat who demanded a rematch. Ryu notices that Sagat wasn’t fully recovered from their last bout and protests fighting, but Sagat persists. They begin fighting but Ryu holds back, which allows Sagat to win the fight. Afterwards, Sagat realizes Ryu didn’t use his full strength, and vowed to fight him again someday.
Two years later (during SFA3), Ryu continues to be troubled by what Akuma had told him. He meets a woman named Rose, who tells him that he cannot defeat M. Bison unless he fights him at the cost of his soul. When Ryu confronts Bison, he is defeated despite putting up a valiant fight. Bison takes the semi-conscious Ryu and begins brainwashing him. Bison attempts to use Ryu’s Satsui no Hadou to strengthen his own Psycho Power, but is eventually interrupted by Ken, Sakura, and Sagat, each of them having followed Ryu for their own reasons. While Ken and Sakura distract Bison, Sagat challenges the brainwashed Ryu and quickly notices that Ryu isn’t himself at all. Sagat urges Ryu to come to his senses to confront Bison. Somehow, Ryu is able to overcome Bison’s brainwashing, and destroys Bison temporarily.
Sometime after the second World Warrior tournament, Ryu enters the Street Fighter 4 tournament to further hone his skills and reunite with Ken for another rematch. During his journey, he runs into Sakura and encourages her to train harder. He also encounters Sagat and the two finally have their promised rematch (the outcome of this battle is unknown). In the finals, Ryu battles Seth and defeats him inside the S.I.N. headquarters. During and after their battle, the building is falling around them. Ryu unleashes the Satsui no Hadou on the BLECE machine, a weapon of mass destruction developed by S.I.N. that harnessed the energy in the human body. During this time, Sakura was searching for Ryu and finds him attacking the machine. Just then, a pulse of energy from the BLECE machine knocks her into a wall. Ryu defends Sakura and unleashes a Shoryuken on the machine, destroying it. Afterwards, the two leave the S.I.N. headquarters together.
Later, Ryu encounters Gouken and learns that Gouken survived the battle with Akuma. Gouken uses the “Power of Nothingness” to seal Ryu’s Satsui no Hadou, which knocks him unconscious. Akuma shows up shortly after and challenges his brother to a duel, the winner of which will claim Ryu (the outcome of this battle is unknown).
Many years later, Ryu enters the third World Warrior tournament. His most notable fight during the tournament is against Hugo, who is able to withstand his Shin Shoryuken and continue fighting. After the battle, he serves as Hugo’s pro-wrestling tag-team partner for a brief period of time before moving on. Ryu also encounters Alex, and defeats him swiftly. Ryu encourages the young wrestler to continue honing his abilities against strong opponents. Alex is fascinated by Ryu’s skill and became determined to become stronger. Ryu continues his travels and eventually meets the hermit, Oro. After a battle between the two, Oro aids Ryu in his training, though Ryu is never truly aware of the hermit’s presence.
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vurnett · 7 years
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Ken was born into a rich family; his father the owner of a well known hotel chain. When Ken was a teenager, his father decides that his son needed to learn discipline, or else he’ll become spoiled and mooch off of him for the rest of his life. Ken is sent to Japan to train under his father’s old friend, Gouken. At first, Ken is hesitant and wanted to return home, but he eventually begins to respect Gouken and the martial arts. Ken soon becomes good friends and training partners with Gouken’s adopted son, Ryu.
When Ryu turns 23, Gouken decides that both of his students had grown into worthy fighters and that their training is over. After they were permitted to leave the dojo, Ryu decides to travel the world to continue his training, and Ken is happy to return home to America. Back in the USA, Ken competes in many martial arts tournaments and is victorious in most of them. He also meets a girl Eliza, who soon becomes his girlfriend.
After winning a famous martial arts tournament, Ken returns to Japan to tell Master Gouken about his victory. However, when he arrives at the dojo, he witnesses Gouken’s death at the hands of Akuma. Enraged, he attacks Akuma but is easily defeated. Akuma then vanishes from the dojo grounds. Afterwards, Ken searches for Ryu to inform him on what had happened to their master. Upon meeting Ryu, they catch and decide to have a match like old times. Upon winning, Ken realizes Ryu wasn’t acting like himself (which he later learns is due to his recent fight with Sagat). Ryu tells Ken that deep within him, there is a burning rage… a power trying to overcome him. To cheer him up, Ken gives Ryu his red headband and tells him to stay focused.
Ken then receives an invitation to the second Street Fighter tournament, but due to spending so much time with his girlfriend, Eliza, he has been slacking on his training. However, Ryu personally challenges Ken, which inspires him to enter the tournament and continue his training. After the events of Street Fighter 2, Ken marries Eliza, something he vowed only to do after winning a decisive victory against Ryu (it is believed that Ken did defeat Ryu during the events of SF2). At one point during the tournament, M. Bison takes control of Ken after inducing a large amount of Psycho Power into him, and “Sennou Ken” becomes Ken’s alter-ego for a short period of time. Ken becomes a killing machine for a brief while, and attacks several of his friends. After he recovers, Ken ends up helping the other fighters defeat Bison. In the SNK VS Capcom Chaos storyline, Ken absorbs the Orochi power and becomes Violent Ken.
During the events of Street Fighter IV, Eliza is a few months pregnant and Ken doesn’t want to leave her to enter the tournament. Eliza senses his inner conflict and assures him that she’ll be fine, and the baby isn’t due for quite a while, persuading him to enter the tournament. After he enters, Ken encounters a weird guy named Rufus, who claims to be his rival. After the tournament, Ken discovers that Gouken did not die in the battle with Akuma. Many years later, Ken decides to enter the third Street Fighter tournament. During this time, a Brazilian teenager named Sean consistently begs Ken to train him, and Ken reluctantly accepts. Ken also trains his son Mel, who is now old enough to learn martial arts.
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vurnett · 7 years
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Retsu is a master of Shorinji Kempo. Just before the first World Warrior tournament, Retsu was indefinitely suspended from his temple for being involved in too many fights. He participated in the first world warrior tournament and was defeated by Ryu.
While Retsu hasn’t made an appearance in a Street Fighter title since his debut, he plays a role in the back story of several characters of the main storyline. Retsu is an a old friend of Gouken’s and is suggested to have been present at the dojo during Ryu’s and Ken’s training. In the UDON comics, Retsu is seen sparring with Ryu and is almost beaten to death when Ryu goes into the Satsui no Hado, but Gouken stops him. Retsu also defeated Dan at some point (likely before Dan was kicked out of the dojo). In the original Street Fighter, Retsu is the first opponent the player faces.
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vurnett · 7 years
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Appearing only in SF1, Geki didn’t do much in the Street Fighter storyline. He might have taught Vega some of his claw moves, but even that is unknown. Some people speculate that he’s somehow related to Ibuki, but that has yet to be proven.
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vurnett · 7 years
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Joe is an American kickboxer who became an underground martial arts champion. He fought in the first Street Fighter tournament but was defeated. It’s possible that Joe is loosely based on Kickboxing legend Joe Lewis.
Fun Fact: For many years, fans speculated that Joe was the blond fighter seen in the original Street Fighter 2: World Warrior intro. This was later disconfirmed after the release of Street Fighter V concept artwork and bios for “Scott” and “Max”.
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vurnett · 7 years
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Mike is a boxer who entered the first World Warrior tournament. He enters in the first World Warrior Tournament simply to make some money and also help his little sister in the hospital. Unfortunately, Mike was defeated by Ryu int he tournament and hasn’t been seen since.
Due to the fact that Balrog’s name is also “Mike” in Japan, fans were lead to believe that Mike and Balrog are the same person. However, the official artbook All About Capcom confirms that Mike is not the same person as Balrog. Some fans speculate that Mike is the African-American fighter seen in the SF2 intro who ends up getting punched by the blond fighter - whom some think could be Joe).
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vurnett · 7 years
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When Birdie was a pro wrestler, he occasionally teamed up with rival Titanic Tim (from Saturday Night Slam Masters) as the “500 Million Trillion Powers.” He turned to a life of crime when his wrestling career ended, doing some street fighting on the side to add to his income, as well as nightclub bouncing. His notoriety got him invited to the first World Warrior tournament. He was suffering from a particularly nasty strain of flu, however, and lost his fight with Ryu.
Despite this setback, Birdie rose up the criminal ranks. In Street Fighter Alpha 2, he became aware of an organization called Shadaloo and, tracking down their leader, M. Bison, demonstrated his fighting skills to join them. However, Bison only wanted a test subject, and used Birdie to perform painful and demeaning experiments. Birdie resolved to get even.
In Street Fighter Alpha 3, Birdie sneaks into a Shadaloo data room and learns about the Psycho Drive machine, not aware that M. Bison is watching him. Thinking he can use it to overthrow Bison and become lord of Shadaloo himself, he set out to find it. Bison sends Balrog to kill Birdie, but instead, Birdie convinces Balrog to help him by telling him how the Psycho Drive could make them powerful. Hindered by Balrog’s incompetence, however, Birdie couldn’t find the Drive before it exploded.
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vurnett · 7 years
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Born in the UK, this cold-blooded fighter is known only as Eagle. He is a bouncer who was employed as a noble family’s bodyguard during the first Street Fighter tournament. He was hired to defeat Sagat, but failed and hasn’t been heard of since. Due to a few of his win quotes and mannerisms, Eagle is commonly dubbed as a homosexual, but this isn’t confirmed in any canon storyline.
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vurnett · 7 years
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Lee is a Chinese martial artist who entered the first Street Fighter tournament to test his skill. In the tournament he was defeated and retired from fighting. In the current Street Fighter storyline, he is believed to be dead. Yun and Yang are his nephews, and Lee asked Gen train them in martial arts.
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vurnett · 7 years
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Gen was a friend of Chun-Li’s father, and he trained her for a period of time when she was a young girl. Gen’s assassination style incorporates various Kung Fu styles, such as Mantis, Crane, and Tiger albeit having strikes that often targeted the opponent’s vital parts hence making Gen’s Kung Fu life-threatening. Gen also owned a restaurant called Genhanten in Sendai, Japan - where he met Ryu for the first time. He also trained Yun and Yang, the relatives of his old friend Lee.
Gen entered the first World Warrior tournament to find worthy opponents. When he did not, he went back to the streets of China. In Street Fighter Alpha 2, he found that he was dying from leukemia. Unwilling to go out on his back, he went out and fought members of Shadaloo, hoping to find a worthy foe to fight to the death and kill him, but he could not. When he heard of Akuma, he sought him out. The two fought with ferocity withstanding each others finishing blows. The match ended with Akuma sensing Gen’s illness and also sensing him dying slowly, left him to his fate to die by the sickness. Gen challenged Akuma again in Street Fighter Alpha 3, but although the results of the battle are unknown, Gen did survive (it is most likely that Akuma only fought him a fight instead of a battle to the death).
Gen, haunted by nightmares where he is surrounded on all sides by the ghosts of those he has killed in the past when he was still an assassin, scorns the ghosts and says that while he is still alive, he will not succumb to the likes of them. Reflecting on how Chun-Li has grown into a strong and admirable woman, he knows he cannot protect her for much longer, as his time is running short. He remembers the day when his illness allowed Shadaloo to capture her father: cursing his body and its “infernal frailties”, he vows not to let them get away.
He joins the S.I.N. organized tournament and at some point Chun-Li finds him and demands that he tell her all that he knows about what happened to her father. Gen refuses and fades away, leaving her alone. When the S.I.N. base is destroyed, Gen protects Chun-Li from the ensuing collapse, though it’s not shown how.  While partially trapped under the rubble, Gen witnesses Akuma and Gouken fight over an unconscious Ryu, internally referring to the two fighters as Life and Death. He muses that Death is indeed strong. Impressed by what he called their “ultimate battle” in which both men were “prepared to give up the ghost”, Gen resolves not to die until “the final battle between Life and Death”, so he returns to what he calls “ my own fight to the death”.
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vurnett · 7 years
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Hailing from Kerala, India, Dhalsim is a master of a mysterious “Yoga” fighting style. Dhalsim his Yoga powers to fight for money to help the poor. He is a stoic, humble, and self-disciplined individual, but can also be serious and stern when the time calls for it.
During the events of Street Fighter Alpha 2, Dhalsim questions what good could come from his damaging powers, his wife Sally assured him that he was doing the right thing. Dhalsim raised enough money to get his village medicine, food, and shelter. He was eventually targeted by Shadaloo, but managed to convince the assassin Cammy that her ways were wrong. After he competed in the second World Warrior tournament, he vowed to leave the fighting world and live peacefully with Sally and his son Datta.
Later in Street Fighter Alpha 3, he sets out to destroy the evil M. Bison. He travels around the world and meets Rose and Birdie, and uses his mind control powers to get his answers. He is responsible for making Cammy White self-aware, thus freeing her from Bison’s control. After the SFA timeline, Dhalsim enters the second World Warrior tournament to raise money for his village, but realizes that it contradicts his pacifist beliefs. Dhalsim retires from fighting after Street Fighter 2, and continues to roam the world helping those in need.
Dhalsim eventually returns to fight S.I.N. after they built a dam upstream close to his village. Datta, is a pen pal of Guile’s daughter, Amy. When Datta informs Dhalsim that his pen pal’s father is away on a mission, Dhalsim recognizes that the situation is even more serious than he thought if Guile is investigating it. He is reluctant to use his powers for self-serving purposes, but feels compelled to save his village. He decides to participate in the tournament S.I.N. was organizing. When the dam base is destroyed at the end of the game, the water returns to the village. Although Dhalsim believes that Shadaloo represents an evil in the heart of humanity that will never truly be defeated, he also recognizes that “the goodness in mankind’s heart” is also endless.
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vurnett · 7 years
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Weighing in at 330 lbs and standing 7'5" tall, Sagat is referred to as “The King/God of Muay Thai”. Sagat won the title as a teenager, and became a national hero in Thailand when he matured. He defended his title from a fighter named Gou Hibiki (Dan’s Father). Sagat lost the use of his right eye in the fight, but Gou Hibiki his life.
Years later held the first World Warrior tournament to prove that he was the strongest fighter in the world. He also trained Adon during this time, a Muay Thai fighter who also entered the tournament. Only one fighter was able to reach Sagat, a young martial artist named Ryu. It was a close fight, but Ryu managed to defeat Sagat after he was consumed by the Satsui no Hadou executed the Metsu Shoruyken, critically wounding Sagat and leaving a huge scar across his chest. Sagat swore revenge on Ryu that day.
During the events of SFA2, Sagat developed a new move to rival the one that scarred him; he called it the Tiger Blow. Adon mocked Sagat for losing to Ryu and challenged him for the title of God of Muay Thai. Sagat had not fully recovered from the fight with Ryu, and lost to Adon. Consumed with rage, Sagat decided to joined the criminal organization Shadaloo, after M. Bison offered him resources to find Ryu and provide Sagat with a rematch. Bison admired Sagat’s power and hired him as his personal bodyguard, and as one of the feared Four Heavenly Kings of Shadoloo.
After joining Shadaloo, Sagat immediately set out to locate Ryu. When he found him, Ryu neglected to fight him because Sagat had not fully recovered from their last bout. Sagat would not back down, and defeated Ryu, but he couldn’t help but feel that the victory was hollow somehow, and decided that Ryu had let him win. Sagat determined to train even harder and win cleanly the next time. He worked on honing the Tiger Blow, which would later be perfected as the Tiger Uppercut. Sagat later encountered Dan Hibiki, now an adult seeking revenge for his father’s death in the fight with Sagat ten years ago. Dan managed to defeat Sagat somehow, which may be attributed to the fact that Sagat’s mind was not clear due to his previous battle with Ryu.
During SFA3, Sagat then realized that his scar was a result of the Satsui no Hadou which possessed Ryu. Finally, he understood that true rivals should not be blinded by rage and hatred, nor be seduced by it, and realized Bison’s real intentions.
However, Bison presented him with a brainwashed Ryu, and told Sagat he could have the rematch he always wanted. Despite Sagat’s disappointment with fighting a corrupted opponent, Sagat still fought Ryu. To break Bison’s mind control, he implored to Ryu that a true warrior would not give in to such treachery. Ryu awakened from Bison’s control and, rejecting the Satsui no Hadou, Ryu defeated and destroyed Bison temporarily. Sagat finally realized that rivalries must have their limits. He tells Ryu that he was almost destroyed by the corruption. Sagat then tells Ryu that he is not yet ready to take him on again. Ryu then leaves Sagat, promising to return when he becomes a true master. Sagat realizes that he must defeat Ryu not for revenge, but as his destiny.
The second World Warrior tournament was announced, and Sagat saw an opportunity to face Ryu in a fair rematch, but Ryu was knocked out of the competition. Sagat decided to drop out of the tournament before his next match, and finished third in the tournament. Sagat continued to train his body and mind in Thailand, hoping to become the world’s strongest fighter once again before he became too old to do so.
After the second World Warrior Tournament, Sagat lapses into a depression. Attending one of Adon’s matches in search of something to re-ignite his spirit, he is mocked and challenged to a match by his former pupil. Sagat defeated Adon with his new move, Tiger Destruction, and was cheered on by the fans. Reinvigorated, he then enters S.I.N.’s new tournament in order to find the “ultimate purpose of the fight”.
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vurnett · 7 years
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Zangief is a Russian wrestler known as “The Red Cyclone”. He impressed the president of the (then) USSR, Gorbachev, so much that he was hired by the government and soon became a national hero. Under orders from Gorbachev, Zangief was sent to combat the forces of Shadaloo, which is beginning to spread its corruption into Russia. Zangief encountered many fighters along the way, and ended up befriending a few of them, such as E. Honda and R. Mika.
After he was defeated in the second World Warrior Tournament, he returned to training in the Russian wilderness, wrestling bears. Eventually, he was approached by the largest wrestling organization in the world with an eye to signing the “Red Cyclone” to their promotion. Zangief declined at first, and said that he is less interested in money than he is in bringing honor to Russia by demonstrating Russian strength. He is promised a stage to better showcase his skills, with his matches watched by millions. Due to the obvious help this will bring to his will to show Russian strength, Zangief accepted. Years later, Zangief entered the World Tournament held by S.I.N. to prove to his young fans (some of whom are beginning to claim that martial artists are better) that he’s still got it.
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vurnett · 7 years
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E. Honda began his training in Sumo as a child and was determined to become the greatest sumo wrestler of all time. He eventually achieved the title of “Ozeki”. Honda became upset that the rest of the world did not view sumo wrestling with the reverence of the Japanese. He entered into the second World Warrior tournament intent on showing everyone that sumo wrestlers rank among the greatest fighters in the world.
During the events of SFA, he was challenged by Sodom to join Mad Gear. Honda won that fight and declined. Then he left to find worthy opponents and show the world that sumo is a powerful martial art. He fought Ryu on one occasion and later told Sakura where she could find her idol. His four students are Hatonoyama, Marunoumi, Yasuhanada and Nishinofuji.
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vurnett · 7 years
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Blanka is a feral man with green skin and has the ability to generate electricity. Blanka was originally a young boy named Jimmy who was in a plane crash, and ended up in the Amazon jungle. The plane was shot down by Shadaloo when it came too close to a base. For many years, Blanka was raised by animals. One day he saved Dan Hibiki’s life in the jungle. They became friends, and Blanka left to see the outside world.
Blanka developed a taste for street fighting and he eventually competes in the second World Warrior tournament. During the events of Street Fighter 2, Blanka reunites with his mother, who recognized him on a televised broadcast of his fights due to the anklets that he wears.
Blanka decides to leave the comfort of his mother for a while because people stare at him, and he decides to travel to Hong-Kong with Dan. In Street Fighter 4, Blanka, Dan and Sakura enter S.I.N.’s tournament, each for their own reasons, with Blanka wanting to earn people’s respect.
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vurnett · 7 years
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Adon became Sagat’s student three years after Sagat earned the title “God of Muay Thai”. In the first Street Fighter tournament, Adon aims to differentiate himself from Sagat by using more acrobatic techniques, and enters the first World Warrior tournament to prove he isn’t just a “lesser” version of Sagat. In the tournament, Adon was showing off and let his guard down against Ryu, who knocks him out with a single Shoryuken. Afterwards, Ryu goes on to defeat Sagat.
In Street Fighter Alpha 2, Adon confronts Sagat, angry with him for failing to uphold the honor of Muay Thai (and is being a hypocrite, since he was defeated by Ryu as well). After a few words, he challenges Sagat for the title of God of Muay Thai and wins. However, Sagat does so much damage to him during the fight that Adon has to be hospitalized for months. After Adon’s injuries heal, he learns about a fighter who mastered the power that had enabled Ryu to win the first World Warrior Tournament. This fighter (Akuma) also kills a man who was about to challenge Adon for his title. Adon sees this as a challenge and swears to find and challenge this mysterious fighter.
In Street Fighter Alpha 3, Adon encounters Ken and realizes that Ken uses the same style as the fighter he’s looking for. In turn, Ken realizes that Adon as Sagat’s student, and the fact that Ken related him to Sagat enrages Adon. The two fight and Adon is victorious. Later, Adon meets Rose who warns him not to continue on his current path, as it will lead ultimately to destruction and ruin. Adon ignores her advice and continues on. Adon later confronts Bison, who commends his abilities and admits that he has underestimated him. Adon rejects Bison’s praise and tells him that he doesn’t need him; he is searching for something else. Somehow, Bison knows that Adon is seeking the mastery of the Shun Goku Satsu in order to perfect the Muay Thai style, which stuns Adon. Bison does on to say that he is foolish and the Shun Goku Satsu is nothing compared to his Psycho Power. Bison attacks him, and although Adon puts up a good fight, Bison wins. Before Bison can deal the finishing blow, Akuma appears out of nowhere and uses the Shun Goku Satsu on him, killing him for the time being. Akuma then leaves, and Adon realizes that Akuma is the fighter he has been seeking. More determined than ever, Adon vows to challenge Akuma and claim the power of the “Raging Demon” as his own. However, this event is canonicity debatable, since Bison was destroyed by Guile and Charlie, and he would not receive the Shun Goku Satsu until the events of Street Fighter II.
During the events of Super Street Fighter IV, Sagat comes to watch one of Adon’s matches. As soon as Adon sees Sagat, he taunts him and challenges him to a fight. Sagat steps into the ring and defeats Adon with a single Tiger Destruction. Even with his loss, Adon calls Sagat a disgrace to Muay Thai because of his previous loss to Ryu. He declares that he has lost all respect for his former mentor, he sets out to participate in S.I.N’s tournament to end Sagat’s career. How he does in the tournament is unknown, but when Sagat returns home, Adon watches from a cliff above and believes that Sagat has gone soft. Adon vows never to be like Sagat and returns to his career to focus on creating “a new Muay Thai legend”.
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vurnett · 7 years
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When Guile was a trainee in the United States Air Force, he became good friends with his superior officer, Charlie Nash. Guile requested that Charlie teach him his unique form of fighting, and Charlie agreed to do so. Guile learned Charlie’s fighting style, but his loose temper held him back from mastering the art.
During the events of SFA3, Guile is sent by the U.S. Air Force to investigate the disappearance of Charlie, who went missing during a secret investigation. During his search, he meets Interpol investigator Chun-Li, who urges him to stop looking for Charlie due to the danger involved. Guile, confident in his fighting ability, reassures Chun Li that he will not back down.
Guile eventually locates the Shadaloo base in Thailand, and informs Charlie that they do not need to be there any longer, as an aerial bombardment will begin in an hour. However, Charlie insists that Bison will escape and refuses to leave. After a short duel between the two, the sinister and powerful M. Bison appears and attacks them, but is no match. Bison is forced to retreat and calls a gunship to cover his escape.
Guile and Charlie follow Bison deeper into the base, deciding that Bison’s source of power, the Psycho Drive must be destroyed. Charlie and Guile are able to set explosives around the Psycho Drive. As they set their charges, meanwhile M. Bison was fighting with Ryu, and in the end, Ryu defeated him and destroyed his body temporarily, forcing Bison to regenerate in the Psycho Drive. After Bison manages to quickly regenerated his body, Charlie convinces Guile to escape while he holds Bison off. Guile escapes just before the base explodes, with Charlie and Bison presumably caught in the blast.
When news came of Bison’s return, Guile entered the tournament for revenge. Holding Bison responsible for the death of his best friend, he seemingly dedicates his whole life to exacting revenge on Bison, who has somehow survived the explosion. A court case against the Shadaloo dictator fails when Bison bribes all the judges to let him go free. Bison by this time wants revenge on Guile, Chun-Li, and many other people who had hindered his syndicate’s efforts. To this end, he sets up the second World Warrior tournament to trap them, among other reasons. Guile, for his part, takes the bait, deserting his wife and daughter to pursue the vendetta.
Guile meets Bison in the tournament and manages to force him into submission. He then asks him if he remembers him or his friend Charlie. While Bison admits that Guile is stronger than before, he ignores the question and dares Guile to kill him if he’s so intent on revenge. Guile hesitates and relents, realizing that he should not become the murderer Bison is. What happens next isn’t known, but soon after their altercation, Akuma kills Bison with the Shun Goku Satsu shortly thereafter.
Guile returns home and visits Charlie’s grave, admitting that no amount of revenge will bring him back. Suddenly, Julia and Amy show up, telling Guile that they are willing to forgive him if he is willing to come home. Guile is overjoyed and re-dedicates himself to being the best husband and father he can be.
During the events of Street Fighter IV, Guile still believes it possible that Charlie may be alive, due to the fact that only Charlie’s dog tags were found at the scene of the Shadaloo explosion, and demands that his superiors allow him to continue the search. His commanding officer refuses, and Guile tenders his resignation. Guile is surprised when his superior ignores the resignation, assigning Guile to the investigation of S.I.N., an organization with alleged ties to Shadaloo. Guile quickly takes to his new assignment and recruits Chun-Li to the investigation.
The two enter a new tournament organized by S.I.N., in the hopes of infiltrating its headquarters. Over the course of the tournament he encounters a mysterious French fighter named Abel, who seems to recognize Guile’s Sonic Boom attack. Since only he and Charlie know this attack, Guile comes to the conclusion that Abel has information on Charlie’s ultimate fate, and immediately starts pressing him for answers on where he saw the Sonic Boom before. Abel is completely unwilling to share such sensitive information with a stranger who could easily be a spy, and a battle begins. It is unknown who won the fight. Later, Guile manages to recover important data from S.I.N. headquarters, and escapes with Chun-Li and Abel. Afterwards, Guile returns to Charlie’s grave, placing a beer bottle on it as a way of buying his old friend a drink. He tells the grave that although S.I.N.’s plans have been foiled, he knows that he hasn’t seen the last of Shadaloo just yet.
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