vvarriorjay · 5 years
@ the person leaving hate messages in my inbox I already gave up on this website but congrats you actually convinced me to delete my blog!!!!
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vvarriorjay · 5 years
cade vc
na bad
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vvarriorjay · 5 years
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vvarriorjay · 5 years
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Brian David Gilbert either is god, or could kill god, and frankly, you don’t care to know the difference.
Requested by @omegasmileyface
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vvarriorjay · 5 years
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Silicon Valley’s ‘Startup Castle’ is looking for roommates, and the requirements are completely bonkers
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vvarriorjay · 5 years
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vvarriorjay · 5 years
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doodles!! because it was like for a split fucking second 
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vvarriorjay · 5 years
this is how jojo characters named shit like calzone margarita act when their stand that’s called kool aid and frozen pizza (soda and frosted paninis) uses reflections of the sun on raindrops to create spacial anomalies within a 3 meter radius of their fist that they’ve dislocated and thrown to the other side of the room and is now literally murdering someone by turning their esophagus into an airplane
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vvarriorjay · 5 years
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vvarriorjay · 5 years
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“Wow Ellen! It’s great to be here!”
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vvarriorjay · 5 years
geminis leos and scorpios are so hated by everyone and for what? for being sexy and out of jealousy. one day we’ll team up and kill every cancer and taurus
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vvarriorjay · 5 years
Princess Peach was really just like “my castle is gonna be a weird museum with maybe some living quarters tucked away somewhere but mostly just magic portals to battlefields and slides” and everybody was like yeah you beautiful binch go ahead
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vvarriorjay · 5 years
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vvarriorjay · 5 years
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vvarriorjay · 5 years
A thought that arises from the idea of tiefling babies often ending up being abandoned: A rich tiefling adventurer retiring and starting up a tiefling orphanage that takes care of rejected tiefling babies and children.
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vvarriorjay · 5 years
jojo voice/speech hcs
giorno doesn’t speak much, but when he does, it’s in odd phrases. he’s too polite, too formal – and the sentences that fall from his lips have the cadence of a gilded ransom note, melded together with letter-wax and glue. it’s strangely beautiful, but it is strange.
jotaro’s speech could never be considered beautiful. his vocabulary is lifted from comic books and academic texts, but he hardly speaks long enough for it to matter. he prefers to be direct, efficient – the fastest path between two points is a straight line. when he’s caught off-guard, though, or when the subject is felt rather than explained, he starts and stops like a faulty engine. the variations in his tone are harder to hear – a subtle bobbing rather than full-on waves, but at a sustained pace, it’s quietly soothing.)
joseph speaks faster than he thinks. he’s got a shotgun tongue and is just as loud – cheeky, crass, and clever, when not completely obtuse. he rolls his rs and pops his ps and travels around the world with his flavorful intonation. joseph joestar is like popcorn. anyways
josuke speaks in a syncopated two-step, a quick-slow amble through conversation. the peaks and valleys of his voice are evenly spaced, and he’s casual in a way that relaxes. he’s a bad liar, and you can hear it – everything is exaggerated in a displaced soundwave, the rhythm of it rubber-banding in a way that’s easy to spot.
jolyne takes after her great-grandfather more than she does her dad – in some ways. she blurts out her thoughts and makes crude jokes and rolls her rs like a growling pit bull. but she does appreciate the direct approach, rather than talking circles around others like joseph – and, of course, she’s inherited turns of phrases from her father, purposely or not. her voice can strike a chord the same way his can – a way that commands.
jo2uke is blunt, but in a different sort of way than the others. it’s inexplicably refreshing and without artifice, like the sudden rush of a sea breeze. his speech patterns are also strange, both in turns of phrase as well as lines of thought – he jumps from topic to topic as if you’re privy to the tracks changing in his mind.
johnny’s tongue is sharp and dour, sarcasm a second skin. his voice is smoother than it is rough, but sometimes sand slips into the back of his throat whenever emotion gets the best of him. he speaks in a fairly even tone, leaning towards flat, at an unhurried pace. sometimes his voice skips, losing purchase on itself and dropping syllables – but that’s not so bad as when it cracks.
jonathan’s voice is warm and resonant, vibrating from the chest. he isn’t loud, really, but his voice carries with ease. he speaks formally, polite – but in a manner that’s unadorned and approachable. sometimes if he’s not being careful, words and phrases from his youth will slip out. they’re not exactly rude, but they’re more casual, a little rougher than what he’s practiced over the years.
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vvarriorjay · 5 years
this is going to sound a little strange, but like…no regrets but cishet poc>>>>white lgbt ppl
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