waddling-penguin · 7 years
Parents will never understand the importance of mental health.
Like why are you yelling at me for feeling sad? I'm sorry??? It's hard to control this??
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waddling-penguin · 7 years
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waddling-penguin · 7 years
She’s procrastinating
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waddling-penguin · 7 years
Shoutout to all the forgettable but nice enough girlfriends/boyfriends in romantic comedies who had their marriages CANCELED and had to deal with emotional recovery after assumed months of planning because some former flame or old friend who does quirky shit like collecting their Snapple fact lids came back into their fiancé’s life for two days
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waddling-penguin · 7 years
me: please don't panic and overanalyze things again
brain: how bout i do a n y w a y
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waddling-penguin · 7 years
for those who dont know, logan paul recently made a vlog in the suicide forest of Japan and found a person who had hung themselves earlier that day. he continued with his vlog and although he acted shocked and disturbed he did still upload the vlog including footage of the corpse. among other thing, he was wearing a silly hat and he joked about his friend’s nausea saying “what youve never been around a dead body before?”
heres how he could have handled it even slightly better:
“yo logang we were gonna do a fun vlog in aokigahara but unfortunately we found someone hanging and we could not continue. the police have been notified and out of respect for the recently deceased we will not be posting a video today”
logan paul hire me you dumb fuck im so much better at PR than you
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waddling-penguin · 7 years
it's been a shitty year but what else is new
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waddling-penguin · 7 years
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waddling-penguin · 7 years
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take your smileys from normal to unsettling in one easy step by putting just a little too much effort into the eyes
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waddling-penguin · 7 years
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waddling-penguin · 7 years
not to dictate your life but drop your shitty friends
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waddling-penguin · 7 years
you wanna know how your grandparents “worked through” their problems and didn’t divorce?
cause ya grandmama most likely didnt have her own assets or income and depended on your grandfather to support her and the family. she had no choice but to work it out. also the stigma a divorced woman would face? pfffffffft.
trust me alot of yalls grandfathers are/were awful people and your grandmother wouldve left him if she could
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waddling-penguin · 7 years
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found this sick keyboard at the thrift store and the mouse that comes with it is sick too
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waddling-penguin · 7 years
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(via lowsodiumham)
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waddling-penguin · 7 years
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waddling-penguin · 7 years
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waddling-penguin · 7 years
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