waiting-for-lt3 · 9 months
From the bottom of my heart I hope 2024 is a better mental health year for everyone
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waiting-for-lt3 · 9 months
rb if your stubborn larrie ass is about to larry its way into 2018
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waiting-for-lt3 · 9 months
if louis is so slutty in his 30s, imagine harry
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Thriving in his 30s 🥂 Here’s to 32 being even better. Happy birthday Louis!!
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waiting-for-lt3 · 9 months
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waiting-for-lt3 · 9 months
he’s not “just some guy” he’s my girlfriend. don’t touch him.
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waiting-for-lt3 · 9 months
Going through all of my photos and videos of the year and found this. Here you go, Merry Christmas!
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waiting-for-lt3 · 9 months
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waiting-for-lt3 · 9 months
I wonder what Louis says when he goes to the Tomlinsons every year with Freddie , I brought Freddie from LA, do me a favor and take pictures and videos of him and post them on your igs , tnx sisters?
“Listen ladies, I only have a couple of days with the kid, so dress him up quickly and make lots of pics for your IG. Also try to tone down the heavy Donny accent, that boy usually doesn’t understand a single word we’re saying. You find me over there enjoying privacy because that’s important to me, especially on Christmas day! Faith in the future! 🖕”
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waiting-for-lt3 · 9 months
so do you think after the mess that was boobiegate and the sugar daddy threatening to expose them, louis decided to take the situation in his hands to make himself look more like a hands on dad?
I don’t know, nonnie. Up until 2020, selling babygate relied entirely on the Clarks who struggled with Louis’ fans that kept pointing out their mistakes, would mock the Clark grandma by sending her pics of Leo DiCaprio as a kid and making her confirm how much (she thought it was Louis) he looked like Freddie. Things like that happened all the time.
So what I think could’ve led to a change was:
In December 2020, Brett Clark and his mother (?) argued once again with fans in their IG comment sections about their bs claims that Louis “had just seen Freddie” when Louis couldn’t have been there at all due to COVID travel restrictions at the time (you couldn’t even fly into the US from overseas and if you did->) PLUS the isolation periods after traveling PLUS all of these travel times not aligning with Louis rehearsing for his LIVESTREAM concert and him meeting fans outside the London venue earlier that same month and having to perform his LIVESTREAM concert LIVE for 160k+ viewers. When called out for it, Brett decided to throw Louis under the bus and claimed the concert wasn’t even live but prerecorded. Can you imagine? That’s Brett saying “Louis lied to all of you fans” in order to keep his own story straight. So this was the first crack that showed that the Clarks were well fed up shouldering the stunt alone.
And the other issue happening around the same time was Briana being dragged to court by her ex sugar daddy for owning him money he gave her for a boobjob and the risk of having those court documents released, in which we might find out Briana isn’t a mother after all. That was a very close call! So when both parties didn’t show up at court and the case was automatically dismissed, we all assumed Louis must have come rushing to pay the ex to avoid a huge scandal.
Speaking of scandal, Celebmagazine definitely decided to target Louis in articles over boobiegate. They tried to blow up this story and kept warming up all the inconsistencies around Louis being the father, including this weird tweet by this dude claiming he had a bit of Freddie’s hair in a bag just in case, for a DNA test. (If I find it I will add the link or maybe someone else can add it?)
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It was so weird because it had this threatening build up at the time with a gossip outlet we all hadn’t heard of before and with them pushing that story so much. They were like bloodhounds at the time and if the court date had happened, you can bet your ass they would have been the first to get a hold on these documents.
I remember when the court date was nearing how worried I was for Louis and what that aftermath could mean for him. I don’t know what it was that made Louis change gears about babygate, but it happened right after all of this and that’s the way things are now.
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waiting-for-lt3 · 9 months
it was you all along.
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waiting-for-lt3 · 9 months
larry stylinson marathon
what’s one movie/tv show you wish you could watch again for the first time?
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waiting-for-lt3 · 9 months
If you're a fan of Louis there's only two options! You believe he's not a dad or you believe he's a really really bad one. Like with everything we know idk how anyone can think he's a good dad, to list some examples...
- The primary custody of his son is in the hands of a woman who introduces a new father figure once every two months and expense the little money he sends in things for her. The support network of the kid relays on a gross family with life views very different to Louis but he cares so little about the kid that he doesn't have plans to challenge that "custody agreement". WE KNOW he's a family person but he doesn't care a lot about what happens to the kid.
- Being a millionaire he sends so little money to his kid that he doesn't even has health insurance and some random had to bought it an ipad.
- He sees the kid on Christmas and whenever he has a concert on LA and I know what some people are going to say that maybe he sees him privately but when? Because for someone that lately says that the kid is the most important thing in his life he doesn't show it. Everytime he has some free time he tends to be not near the kid and when louis mia there's proof of the kid being with his maternal family.
- Everytime Louis has a milestone concert everyone and their families are there, except the kid. He ended a world tour and jump to work right away, he's about to end another tour and you know what he did??? Fill up his summer schedule with festivals around the world. He son is going to be in summer vacation and he's going to be at the other part of the world. And I know is his work and everything but looking how other famous musicians (Adele, Ed Sheeran, Jhon Legend) balance work life with their kids he's not doing an effort to see him. It's clear that he values his work more than the kid.
- He has said multiple times how he values the privacy of his family, especially the little kids. But doesn't have a problem with exposing the kid the two times a year he sees him.
I'm sure there's a lot more examples but I mean is he not a dad or is he a pretty shitty one? There's not other way
Exactly. Plus Louis has largely contributed himself to babygate and fans believing that the child isn’t his.
If you thought Louis had an oopsie baby and accepted this is how a dad-to-be behaves, even years later with plenty of pap walks and daddy cool tweets to prove you’re a fabulous father now, he would still choose to wear a Billie Jean shirt? Just for jokes? How would that man even be worth your time? A family group pic once a year for IG couldn’t make up for all the pain and trauma this kid is going to face for the rest of his life…
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waiting-for-lt3 · 9 months
I finally got new phone so I can post like a normal person lol.
Happy birthday L, you're the real Jesus of our generation.
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waiting-for-lt3 · 9 months
remember last year when Harry organised a huge black tie party for Louis birthday 10 days earlier because he knew he wont be there on the 24th
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and we all cried tears of joy because he’s been planning this for a weeks
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and they wore matching shirts
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and we got a very few low quality photos and they are probably leaked
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and that was how we died.
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waiting-for-lt3 · 9 months
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Happy Birthday, Louis!
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waiting-for-lt3 · 9 months
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✨ husbands on tour ✨
[click for better quality]
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waiting-for-lt3 · 9 months
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The O2 on twitter 17/11/23 + the full quoted tweet:
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