wakametalbelly · 2 years
The Gates Must Close
When we were young and bullied, they kicked us out of the "normal" spaces. Because freaks and nerds weren't welcome with the normal kids.
They told us to go and make our own space. So we did.
And it was hard. We bled and lost some of us when the pain of our lives overwhelmed us.
But we pressed on. We were determined to make somewhere that we would belong. That would be a place filled with those like us.
And we did. Against all odds, we made a space for us. And it was full of worlds filled with spaceships, world's at war, and all manner of fantasy's.
And yet, even though we made our own space, we were still mocked. Hurt. Called names and bullied. Because that's what "normal" people did to nerds.
But we had our worlds to retreat to when the day became to much. And we were happy.
Then one day, things changed. We were no longer told we weren't welcome. We were suddenly "cool".
Some of us got drunk on the acceptance. The heady feeling of *finally* belonging around the people that looked down on us so long. The so called "cool people" were talking to us! Valuing us!
They told the others who were being (what seemed to them) overly cautious, that we were being paranoid. That we finally had a place with everyone else again. That we could open the doors to our worlds, and share them with people who would enjoy and cherish them just as much as we did.
And to the surprise of all of us, some did! Some loved our worlds just as much as we did. They wanted to know everything! They loved the complexities and turns that made our worlds.
It was amazing. Finally, it seemed we had found a place of our own.
But as great as those days were, there was trouble on the horizon.
New people came. And they smiled and said they liked our space, and wanted to come in. And seeing that others could and already were enjoying the worlds we built, we let them in.
And they spent money like water. And we drank. Heavily. Because as passionate as we were, the passion didn't often equal to a dirge of funds. Some, drank more heavily. They outright bought those that failed to show due caution and the careless amongst us. The nay-sayers were mocked as "uptight" or "close minded". We were mocked by our own as they spent lavishly on gaming set ups and toys. The panels they would hold as they laughed about us left in the proverbial dust. And quite a few did join in on the fun. The bought into the new "geek chic" style that was sweeping the forums and stores. But then things changed. And like most disasters, it started small.
To those they hadn't bought yet, they started to talk about how we should change things to be more "inclusive". That we should add more "diversity" to our worlds. They felt *our* worlds, that *we* had made, didn't fit who *they* were.
And we said no. The space wasn't built for them. It was built for us. By us.
We told them that if they wanted to stay and enjoy our worlds, they were more than welcome to do so. But we wouldn't change everything we are and what we've made for the ones that kicked us out in the first place.
And then they told us we were evil.
They told us it was because we did not believe as they believed or worship at the alter of politics as they did.
We told them we never had any intention of doing so. It's why we were kicked out and why we made our own space to begin with.
And then they told us they would hurt us if we didn't do as they told us to. That we would be punished for not obeying them.
We said no.
So they hurt us. They turned our former friends on us like attack dogs. The ones that knew how to hurt us the most. They called us horrible names and slandered us at every turn. They attacked us in the streets with mobs of bullies and spoilt brats on ego trips.
We tried to stand up for ourselves, but it only made them more angry that we didn't bow our heads and take our supposed "earned" beatings as they believed we should.
Then they started to use vast amounts of money and fame to hijack and destroy our worlds that we had made. Then they did the same with our friends that had fallen into their traps.
They turned them into sick and twisted images of themselves as we could only watch in horror, rage, and grief.
And then they told us that the worlds we had made, that we had bled for and dedicated our lives to building, were no longer ours.
And once again, we were told to leave.
Because freaks and nerds aren't welcome with the normal kids.
But this time, we were to angry. We'd had enough. We said no.
And so they declared war on us and the worlds we made.
Now we're are locked in a seemingly endless battle for nothing more than our right to be left alone and enjoy the worlds we built.
Because all we ever wanted was to be left alone and enjoy the worlds that we built.
That's all we ever wanted.
But now? Now were mad. Now we don't care that "some of the nufans are nice".
We want them gone. We want them to stop. And we're rapidly approaching the point were we don't care *how* they're made to leave us alone.
The doors must close and the gates must be kept from the woke vermin that seem damned and determined to destroy all we've built for ourselves.
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wakametalbelly · 5 years
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whats your hoard
from iguanamouth
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wakametalbelly · 5 years
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Casa Suspensa Container House, Campos Novos Paulista, Brazil by Casa Container Marilia
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wakametalbelly · 5 years
I told you, no more fighting
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wakametalbelly · 5 years
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So you think you’re lucky.
[via sid78669 ]
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wakametalbelly · 5 years
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Actual quotes from the Apollo 11 mission:
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📷: NathanielMerz
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wakametalbelly · 5 years
I want a show made out of these people. It must be done.
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wakametalbelly · 5 years
an old Soviet “Walking Excavator”
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wakametalbelly · 5 years
See, the jokes on yall. I actually like this song. So ha!
Doesn’t sound demonic, which is a nice change of pace from the typical 8x slowed down songs.
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