walkingandpanicking · 2 years
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seventeen hyung line as reductress headlines
[maknae line]
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walkingandpanicking · 3 years
Forget what I said a couple weeks ago about this potentially being the best Sana season. It's the worst. Period. Not only have they made everyone else play the victim but they have made Yasmina the enemy. I've never been a fan of the Wtfock girl/boy squad because they are just the worst but damn have they hit rock bottom. Yasmina needs better friends. Yes, she messed up but the fact that none of these people are taking accountability for their actions makes me sick. Why does Yasmina have to apologize to her friends who didn't have her back once this season? Why does the B*itt squad think they did nothing wrong when they have done nothing but be passive agressive towards Yasmina the whole season? This season makes me sick. Yes, Druck had a season that was way to short. Yes, Skam España wrapped things up too quickly. And yes, Skam Italia had controversy but still managed to produce a good season. Wtf is Wtfock's problem huh? I can't even count how many times they have fucked up. This show makes me sick. Yasmina deserves better!
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walkingandpanicking · 3 years
I didn’t want to write this yet because I’ve spoken too soon about Sana seasons before but damn, if Wtfock keeps doing what it’s doing now and gives Yasmina the 10 full episodes she deserves without focusing on other unimportant storylines, this might become the best Sana season yet (not just the best remake but best Sana season, I said what I said). I’m truly loving it so far, giving me Wtfock season 1 vibes where they took the important bits from the OG and added onto them or changed it for the better. Truly spectacular so far. And Nora’s acting is just *chef’s kiss*. While I’m not ready to forgive this show for giving us the worst 10 episodes of television history *ahem* K*to season *ahem*, I’m halfway there.
Thank you for understanding the assignment of doing the Sana character justice
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walkingandpanicking · 3 years
What I say: "I'm fine"
What I mean: "When Pekka and his men came to beat Kaz up he initially thought it was Inej and he said "Inej, I-". Was he about to apologize? What was he gonna say? Confess his love? Propose marriage? Probably not but girl can dream. Stupid Pekka ruining everything again"
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walkingandpanicking · 3 years
Yasmina and Younes are literally the definition of bi-panic
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walkingandpanicking · 3 years
If Taylor drops “I’d lie” (probably with the first album re-recording), imagine her changing the lyrics to match Joe
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walkingandpanicking · 4 years
Okay but Tiff finally saying she doesn't need to be saved. I needed that
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walkingandpanicking · 4 years
Ranking Skam France mains based on how much I want to punch them in the face
7. Imane, I wanna hug her and be her friend so I will absolutely not, under any circumstances punch her. She’s a queen and she deserves the world.
6. Emma. She is so chill and overall not hurting one or making deliberately bad decisions. Also I would love to hang out with her. She does need a reality check sometimes but normally she’s just vibin. No punching here.
5. Tiff. She has grown on me a lot and I would not punch her anymore, she has a lot to deal with so let’s leave her alone. Why she is nr 5 is because season 6 Tiff did have it coming.
4. Lucas. I would punch Lucas now for some of the crap that has come out of his mouth since his season concluded but when we’re talking about his season, he was a sweet angel boy and doesn’t deserve it.
3. Lola. Yeah, I can’t really bring myself to like her. Her personality is just a lot sometimes. Would I call her out on some things, sure, but I wouldn’t punch her because I’m sure she would end me.
2. Manon. Honestly, I was gonna have her be nr 1 because she doesn’t need a punch because I’m mad at her but because she needs to wake up and leave that toxic garbage of a man. But also she does deserve it for her actions in season 4. Imane supremacy.
1. Arthur. Are we surprised? It’s what he deserves. Tbh he was one of my favorite characters in Skam France before his season and I did like season 5 but cmon man, stop playing with Alexia’s and Noee’s feelings. Both of them just need to leave him already. Arthur, go to therapy! (Basile is not therapy)
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walkingandpanicking · 4 years
Arthur looks so crusty wtf
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walkingandpanicking · 4 years
Let’s talk about my three favorite women
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walkingandpanicking · 4 years
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walkingandpanicking · 4 years
Ismail's actor was the last person aside from Fatou in the dancing clip 👀
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walkingandpanicking · 4 years
Yara's at the party. I-
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walkingandpanicking · 4 years
Fixed Ismail's photo
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walkingandpanicking · 4 years
We know season 7 hasn't been announced yet but I think they will announce the new main tomorrow. I think the clip will end with Ismail approaching Ava and them talking or just staring at each other and then the screen fades to black. Either one of them will be the next main. While I think Ava deserves a season more, I wouldn't be mad if we saw an Ismail season instead because they set up the whole insta squad and I don't think they did it to have them be background characters. Either way, I feel like both Ava and Ismail would be significant parts of each other's seasons. Both have important topics to address in their seasons so it's still a win-win situation.
Ps! I still want Yara back
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walkingandpanicking · 4 years
The only thing i can admit is that s6 is nowhere near as well written as s5. S6 is certainly more ambitious, but when it misses just as many marks as it makes its hard to appreciate it (at this time). My expectations were sky high for Fatou, but this season came up short and for that I am disappointed bc i never saw it coming
Same here, I feel like Nora’s season was planned out in its entirety. They took their time and they delivered. While I think Fatou’s season is good and has had some great moments, you’re right. It isn’t nearly as good. It’s almost like they wrote down the topics they want to tackle with this season but forgot how to put them all together. I feel like the amount of short clips/episodes definitely plays a role. I think they should’ve waited a bit with the release of this season. I don’t know how the pandemic influenced production but delaying it for small rewrites and improvements would’ve been the best idea. I also feel like they put too many different things in this season, especially when compared to Nora’s. They definitely could’ve left out a couple of storylines that really didn’t make sense (sry, Maike, I love you but you didn’t add much to the story).
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walkingandpanicking · 4 years
I think people seem to forget that this is Fatou's season, not Kieu My's or Kieu My's and Fatou's but FATOU JALLOW'S. So it's okay that we don't get a Kieu My clip every two seconds because that's not what's central to the story, Fatou is. Her world doesn't revolve around her relationship, it includes her friends, family, work, hobbies, school and struggles. Yes, her romantic life is a part of it but it is not above any of these other factros so people complaining about the lack of Kieu My or the proposal being for Ava instead of Kieu My need to sit down and have a quick reality check. Josh wasn't the central of NORA'S season so Kieu My shouldn't be the central of Fatous, she is just an aspect. I loved this last episode, I was really looking forward to them finally focusing on her math struggles and the rift between Ava and her. And yes, I'm excited to see Fatou and Kieu My make up but their relationship is not the main focus of this season so it shouldn't be the main focus of each episode. Deal with it.
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