waltermittymovie · 10 years
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A card for all the mothers out there and a film for the whole family. http://bit.ly/MittyBluRay
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waltermittymovie · 10 years
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Happy Fan Art Friday! This week we have a wonderful piece by Stanley Chow, check him out at http://www.stanleychowillustration.com
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waltermittymovie · 10 years
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Give your mom the gift of Inspiration. http://bit.ly/MittyBluRay
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waltermittymovie · 10 years
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Find your Frame 25 Sweepstakes Featured Submission
How to let life in? To me letting life in is to just to LIVE in the moment. For example im 21 years old and my mom is 63, i am the baby of my siblings. My mom almost died last year and it had made me scared to leave her side. My brothers and sister are married with kids. So i am the last one still remaining in the house.She always told me to not live in fear and to live ever day like it was an adventure. I recently went to a Texas Rangers game and while i was driving up to Dallas Texas I hit a deer! Yes it was scary but its something I will remember forever. I was hesitant to leave my mom but she encouraged me to go. I am graduating at The University of Texas Pan American next May 2015 for my bachelors. I plan to continue for my Masters in Rehabilitation. If I do win this contest. I believe and hope it will change the way I see life. I dont want to live in fear I want to Live and experience the things people dream of. I see my self as the character Walter, always wanting to do something but just day dreaming about it but not actually doing it. I don't wnt to day dream any more. I want live life and take chances. The picture im about to upload is a tow truck towing my car away after the deer hit. I know this is a random picture but it is something I experienced for the first time.
Enter the Find Your Frame 25 Sweepstakes! |  http://bit.ly/MittyBluRay
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waltermittymovie · 10 years
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Friend, co-worker and fellow dreamer Hernando is played by Adrian Martinez. http://bit.ly/MittyBluRay
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waltermittymovie · 10 years
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Find Your Frame 25 Sweepstakes Featured Submission
Story: It was 3 years ago since I began training for and running Tough Mudder. My first Tough Mudder was based on the means to improving my health with better eating and more activity. However, since then, the meaning of it has changed for me. Each year I run, I run for a reason, a cause that means something to me. My second year running Tough Mudder was for a friend who couldn't complete because of health problems. With her blessing, I represented the both of us and finished in a decent time. The experience transformed me to continue improving my health while helping others. I now come to my third Tough Mudder, representing a friend and her family in service. Knowing that I serve a cause that means just as much to them as it does for me fills me with pride. So much that I've taken my passion for fitness and mental health to become a certified personal trainer and life coach. In this case, I can share my experiences and lessons with those driven and hungry to change. This is how I let life in.
Enter the Find Your Frame 25 Sweepstakes! |  http://bit.ly/MittyBluRay
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waltermittymovie · 10 years
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Some amazing Mitty fan art from Kate Moore at http://makemoore.com
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waltermittymovie · 10 years
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Find Your Frame 25 Sweepstakes Featured Submission
Story: I have always dreamed to visit foreign countries. But I never had the money and the opportunity. Also, I am suffering from facio humeral muscular dystrophy. But one day my company send me to Beijing and I was able to visit the Great Wall. I never thought I'd see such a thing. This is my personal frame 25 !!!!
Enter the Find Your Frame 25 Sweepstakes! |  http://bit.ly/MittyBluRay
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waltermittymovie · 10 years
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What does “living life to the fullest” mean to you?
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waltermittymovie · 10 years
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Find Your Frame 25 Sweepstakes Featured Submission
Story: Hello, my name is Lindsey Longoria and I am a student at Messiah College in Pennsylvania. I grew up in a military family (my dad served in the Air Force for 24 years) and was blessed with the opportunity to live in beautiful places and meet wonderful people throughout my lifetime. Before the age of 10, I had lived in Florida, Mississippi, Nevada, Guam, and Virginia. My dad sacrificed a lot, including switching fields in the service to allow my family to stay in Virginia for an extended period of time and give my brother and I the opportunity to form deep relationships and finish school. As much as I appreciate that, I have learned that I have a restless, wandering spirit, and I constantly need to be moving around, meeting new people, and learning their stories to fulfill the calling I feel God has placed on my heart. That is one of the reasons I went to an out of state college, but after a year in rural Pennsylvania, I felt as though it was time for me to do some exploration far from the East Coast. I received the opportunity to study abroad in Uganda for the entire Fall Semester of 2013. Through attending classes at Uganda Christian University with both African and North American students/professors, to living with host families in both the city and the village, working with a ministry that rehabilitates street children, and white water rafting on and bungee jumping into the Nile River, my time in Uganda was by far one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life. While I do believe I have an adventurous spirit, I never thought I would go anywhere near Africa. I thought I would study abroad somewhere in Europe like "normal" college students do, but I would not trade my experience in East Africa for the world. Uganda, specifically Ugandans, taught me what it means to truly live in community, to love those around you and open your heart and life to strangers, and to truly be present with people, even in silence and miscommunication. This photograph was taken at Sipi Falls in Kapchorwa, Uganda. During a long, muddy, slippery, barefoot hike up a mountainous loop of six waterfalls, we received the opportunity to meet many of the farmers and children who live off the land of Kapchorwa and marvel in the beauty of these majestic creations. In this photo, I am standing underneath the "spray" of one of the falls. If I was to go all the way in, I probably would have gotten swept in by the powerful, rainy season tides. Feeling the power of the falls paired with the joy in my heart from being surrounded by those I had come to love as family is still one of my favorite memories from the trip. If possible, I hope to return to East Africa one day with my dad to accomplish our collective aspiration of hiking Mount Kilimanjaro. That's my story! :)
Enter the Find Your Frame 25 Sweepstakes! |  http://bit.ly/MittyBluRay
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waltermittymovie · 10 years
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Romance is in the trees. Thanks to Nabeel R. #LetLifeIn
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waltermittymovie · 10 years
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Make Kristen Wiig your #WCW. http://bit.ly/MittyBluRay
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waltermittymovie · 10 years
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Find Your Frame 25 Sweepstakes Featured Submission
Story: 3 years ago I was tired of working retail and living in the same place I grew up, so I sold all my stuff and moved to Alaska! I spent the summer there and fell in love with travel. After the summer, I traveled Europe a little, and with what savings I had, moved back to Alaska in the spring. I hadn't had enough rain apparently growing up in Oregon- I wanted another summer full of it in Juneau. I had accepted an awesome seasonal management job, and while that was great, I had so many challenges from divorce, death in the family, to losing 2 friends to freak accidents. One of my friends was younger than me. I felt very alone and realized if I have dreams, I have to make them happen for myself! So I decided to book a trip to Egypt to see the pyramids, which was my life dream. So I worked 80 hrs a week to make it happen. And thats how I "let life in" just going after my bucket list. Which, coincidentally, Iceland is #2 on that list. 
Enter the Find Your Frame 25 Sweepstakes! |  http://bit.ly/MittyBluRay
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waltermittymovie · 10 years
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Find Your Frame 25 Sweepstakes Featured Submission
On August 2, 2009 while walking out of a movie theater I felt a sharp pain in my chest and could not breath. The next day I was admitted to the hospital for 8 days with a triple pulmonary embolism. I almost died. Probably because I was killing myself running my own business. I was 31. It was then I decided to change course and do what I had always wanted to. I slowly started to close my company and began training as an EMT and then went to Paramedic School. I also signed up for a ridiculous challenge. Summit two mountains in Mexico and while at it raise some money for under privileged kids to go camping. As an Eagle Scout I loved the outdoors and lost touch with it. This trip was to rekindle that flame and it worked. I am now working as a Paramedic and volunteer 1-2 days a week as a Paramedic for my local ambulance company. I have given the gift of life back to individuals and it wouldn't have been possible had I not almost had mine taken from me. I make less money now, struggle to get by, but I am richer now than I was before. Even more so having married the love of my life. I live every day understanding death is inevitable, but living is a choice.
Enter the Find Your Frame 25 Sweepstakes! |  http://bit.ly/MittyBluRay
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waltermittymovie · 10 years
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Find Your Frame 25 Sweepstakes Featured Submission
Story: I was sponsored a few weeks ago to run in the Ragnar Relay SoCal on April 4-5. The race is a 200-mile relay in which a team of 12 runs continuously from one city to another, our points being Huntington Beach to San Diego. Well, it was a journey of a lifetime for me, being someone who has never even left the border of Minnesota, and frankly, I was terrified as I took the first hand off. I watched Walter Mitty (my favorite film ever) on the plane there and it really calmed my nerves, something equivalent of Cheryl playing me the guitar. The race lasted 22 hours and my team placed 5th out of 725 teams. The movie inspired me to challenge new things and to go to dangerous places. That is the meaning of Life to me. Taking the first hand off to begin my portion of the race was really what I would consider my "step out" moment, and Walter got me where I needed to go.
Enter the Find Your Frame 25 Sweepstakes! |  http://bit.ly/MittyBluRay
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waltermittymovie · 10 years
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What are you doing for Earth Day? http://bit.ly/MittyBluRay
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waltermittymovie · 10 years
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Find Your Frame 25 Sweepstakes Featured Submission
Last year, I was in a rut. I was in a dead-end desk job making next to no money and going nowhere in college. I had student loans piling up, and most of the people I knew had moved to other cities. I decided I needed a change. I quit my job, packed up my things, and got a plane ticket to Spain. I lived in Salamanca for a month, then started traveling around Europe. I ran with the bulls, swam in the Mediterranean, and got lost in countless cities. I traveled until I had spent my last cent (and was homeless for a while) before I came home. I returned with empty pockets, but in the end, I had seen nine countries, made dozens of friends, and had a lifetime of memories. When I got home, I got a job working at an adventure course, and started making plans to move to Hollywood to follow my dream of making movies. 
Enter the Find Your Frame 25 Sweepstakes! |  http://bit.ly/MittyBluRay
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