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gonna have the same url so follow me @wandcrings later
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whelp im remaking this blog bc wanders muse somehow tackled me while watching camp camp
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This is how I imagined to wander in the interview <3 xD
bad quality…I know…
looks like my notebook doesn’t work right now
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A :          abusive, accident-prone, addicted, afraid to take risks, affected, affected by peer pressure, afraid of change, aggressive, aloof, anal retentive, annoying, anti-social, anxious, argumentative, arrogant, artless, attention seeker, authoritarian, avaricious, awkward
B :          backstabbing, badgering, barks orders, base, belligerent, belittling, blames everyone else, boorish, boring, bossy, bovine, brags, brutal, bully, bumbling
C :          callous, catty, caustic, chauvinistic, cheap, cheats, cheerless, childish, clumsy, cocky, cold, cold-hearted, combative, competitive, complacent, complainer, conceited, confrontational, confused, conniving, controlling, corrects others constantly, corrupt, covetous, coward, critical, cruel, cynic
D :          deceitful, defeating, delusional, demanding, denial, deranged, destructive, directed by externals, directionless, disagreeable, discourteous, dishonest, disorganized, disrespectful, dissatisfied, distant, does everything by the book, does what is convenient, doesn’t listen, doesn’t think things through, dogmatic, dominating, domineering, doubtful, dour, downer, draconian, drags people down, drama queen, drinker, drugs, dull, dysfunctional
E :          easily aggravated, easily fooled, easily offended, easily threatened, egoist, embarrassing, emotionless, envious, erratic, evasive, exacting, excessive, exhibitionistic, extravagant
F :          facetious, faded, false, false bravado, fanatical, fawning, fearful, feels superior to others, fickle, fidgety, finicky, finishes sentences for others, flippant, follower, foolish, forgetful, frantic, fraudulent, furtive, fussy
G :          gives up easily, glares often, glib, gold-digging, goody-goody, gossiper, greedy, grim, grumpy, guarded, gullible
H :          harasses, hard, harsh, hateful, heartless, high-handed, hogs spotlight, holier-than-thou, hostile, hot-tempered, humorous, hyper
I :          ignorant, ill-behaved, ill-bred, ill-will, immature, immodest, impatient, imperious, impolite, impractical, impulsive, inactive, inarticulate, inconsiderate, inconsistent, indecisive, indifferent, indulgent, inefficient, infantile, inflexible, inhibited, insane, insecure, insensitive, insincere, inspires guilt, interrupts, irresponsible, intimidator, intolerant, irritable, isolated
J :          jealous, jittery, judgmental
K :          kept-back, killjoy, know-it-all
L :          lacking conscience, lack of effort, lack of self-confidence, lack of stamina, lazy, liar, life stinks attitude, lonely, low energy, lordly, loud, low drive, low self-esteem
M :          macho, mad, makes fun of people, makes others uneasy, malicious, manipulative, martyr attitude, materialistic, mean, meek, melodramatic, merciless, messianic, messy, misanthropic, miserable, miserly, mistrusting, monosyllabic, moody, mopey, morbid
N :          nagging, naïve, narcissistic, narrow-minded, naughty, needling, negative, negligent, never happy unless miserable, non engaging, noisy, nosy
O :          oblivious, obnoxious, one-dimensional, opinionated, ostentatious, outrageous, outspoken, overbearing, overly emotional/excitable, overly flirtatious, overly polite, overly proper, overly sensitive, overly serious, over wrought
P :          panicky, paranoid, passive, pathetic, pessimist, petty, petulant, phony, pigheaded, pitiful, plotting, pompous, poor judgment, posturing, power-hungry, predatory, predictable, prejudiced, pretentious, prim, prissy, procrastinate, promiscuous, proud, prudish, puritanical
Q :          quarrelsome, quixotic, quitter, quick tempered
R :          racist, radical, random, rash, rebellious, recalcitrant, reckless, rejects change, reluctant, remote, repressed, repulsive, reserved, rigid, rude, ruled by peer pressure, rules with an iron fist, ruthless
S :          sanctimonious, sarcastic, sardonic, scathing, scatterbrained, schemer, scornful, sadistic, second-guessing, secretive, sees bad in everything, self-centered, self-conscious, selfish, self-righteous, self-satisfied, self-serving, severe, sexist, shallow, shameless, shifty, short-sighted, show off, shy, short-fused, slanderer, sloppy, slovenly, small goals, smug, sneaky, snobby, social approval required, sociopathic, soft, somber, sophomoric behavior, speaks in monotone, spendthrift, spiteful, squeamish, static, stalker, starchy, stick-in-the-mud, stingy, stoic, stony-faced, stubborn, stuck up, sullen, suspicious, swaggering
T :          taciturn, tacky, taker, take over, talker, talks over people, tattletale, temper, temperamental, terse, thinks everyone is stupid, thin-skinned, thoughtless, timid, tiresome, touchy, trivial, troubled, two-faced, typical
U :          unable to relax, unappreciative, uncaring, uncompassionate, uncommitted, uncommunicative, uncooperative, uncouth, uncreative, undemonstrative, undependable, undisciplined, unethical, unexpressive, unfeeling, unfocused, unforgiving, unfriendly, ungrateful, unhappy, unhelpful, unkempt, unimaginative, unmotivated, underhanded, unorganized, unpolished, unprincipled, unproductive, unrealistic, unreceptive, unreliable, unresourceful, unresponsive, unrestrained, unruly, unscrupulous, unsmiling, unsophisticated, unsure, unsympathetic, uptight, untrustworthy, user
V :          vacant, vague, vain, vengeful, venomous, vindictive, violent, visionless, volatile, vulgar, vicious
W :          wary, wasteful, weak, wears drab clothes, weird, weary, wet blanket, whimsical, whines, willful, wily, wise-assed, wishy-washy, womanizing, worrier, wretched
X :           N/A
Y :           yellow-bellied
Z :          zealot
List of Negative Character Traits
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im back and it’s time for a starter call. and new icons bc yasss queen
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❛ suck it, sir! ❜
❛ shut up. shut up! shut up i’m smart. ❜
❛ i have some torches i could give you some if that’s… COAL with you. ❜
❛ it’s survival BIATCH!❜
❛ that was a generalization, i wasn’t actually calling you a bitch. ❜
❛ excuse me, but while you were over there dancing with the iron i was fighting for my life. ❜
❛ i’m gonna DIE. ❜
❛ this is it. this is the holy land, right here. ❜
❛ i got his SHIT. ❜
❛ i found stupid lapis. ❜
❛ hey! that’s for pretties. ❜
❛ SHIT! he’s in here. ❜
❛ i have a secret weapon. it’s alright. ❜
❛ why does he have such a boner for me? ❜
❛ that was my secret weapon and it suCKS! ❜
❛ you want an eternal flame? i’ll give you a fuckin’ eternal flame. ❜
❛ you just… shovel it, right? ❜
❛ he messed with the wrong hoes. ❜
❛ we have a mission we can’t be dealing with this shit right now. ❜
❛ they don’t understand. ❜
❛ let’s burn this shit DOWN. ❜
❛ we might… maybe almost be there. ❜
❛ sweet mushroom freedom. ❜
❛ is this real life? ❜
❛ people will pay for this later. ❜
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– Why did you save me? I-I tried to KILL you! Like, a lot! – Because an enemy’s just a friend you haven’t made yet. And there’s a whole bunch of potential friends down there. Sure, you sorta tried to destroy ‘em, so there’ll be a few awkward dinner parties, but if they can cheer for him, they can accept anybody. – But you realize I, like, demolished your entire galaxy? – You’d be surprised what you can grow from a little bit of kindness. It’s never too late for a fresh start. So, let’s try this again. Hello to you! Folks call me WANDER.
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he’s not afraid of you
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                              ❛        things  sure  seem  t’be  gettin’  pretty  serious  ‘round  here  ,        huh  ?        ❜
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i love how... fluid the animation in woy is like!! sure you got that smile and eyes but if you look closely you see his hair bouncing with his movements and his hat tilting slightly as he repositions his head i’m,,, just wow
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and this too like!!! just the arm waggle and everything about this!! the bouncing hair and hat the way his body moves im!!!!!!!!
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this show is beautiful end of story.
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How am I doing with my character?
Send in your constructive criticism, your tips, your unfiltered opinion! Words of love, words of critique, so long as it’s not blind hatred!
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How am I doing with my character?
Send in your constructive criticism, your tips, your unfiltered opinion! Words of love, words of critique, so long as it’s not blind hatred!
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diary entries ! @dcminatiion
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                                dear  diary  ,
                                       i  don’t  really  remember  how  long  it’s  been  since  i’ve  seen  them  .        well  ,        it’s  been  too  long  i  know  that  for  sure  .        you  know  ,        when  i  left  i  thought  i’d  never  miss  them  .        i  said  to  myself    “    this  is  for  the  best  ,        it’s  for  the  good  of  the  whole  universe  they’ll  be  gone  !        they  didn’t  really  care  about  me  anyways  . “    but  boy  was  i  wrong  .        i  miss  them  so  much  ,        i  really  wish  i  could  just  spend  one  more  day  with  them  .        watch  the  sunset  ,        go  on  a  walk  ,        heck  i  wouldn’t  even  mind  going  off  and  doing  some  bad  stuff  with  them  if  it  meant  i  could  spend  even  a  minute  with  my  family  again  …        with  ANYONE  i  knew  back  then  for  that  matter  .       there  were  so  many  people  living  there  …        i  was  closer  to  them  than  i  thought  i  was  .        (    tears  stain  the  page  and  smudge  the  next  few  lines  of  text  ,        but  it’s  mostly  chicken  scratch  regardless  .        skimming  down  you  find  a  section  where  he  had  managed  to  calm  himself  and  write  properly  again  .    )
                                       i  wonder  if  things  would’ve  been  different  if  i  had  known  how  to  help  them  back  then  .        maybe  they’d  all  be  here  with  me  .        a  family  of  helpers  ,        could  you  imagine  that  ?        i  wish  i  could  ,        but  i  can’t  even  remember  what  they  looked  like  at  this  point  …        i  can’t  even  remember  my  own  mother’s  face  .        i  wish  i  hadn’t  done  it  …        i  wish  i  had  known  !        if  only  i  hadn’t  done  it  …        they’d  still  be  here  …        i  could’ve  helped  them  .
                                        i’m  sorry  ,        diary  .        i’m  rambling  .        i  know  it’s  your  job  to  listen  to  this   but  i  can’t  help  but  feel  like  i’m  burdening  you  .        even  if  you  are  just  a  book  full  of  memories  .        at  least  i  can  trust  you  to  keep  a  secret  .        on  a  good  note  i  found  this  bounty hunter  who  i’m  working  on  reforming  !        i  think  i  have  a  good  shot  with  this  gal  .
                               love  ,
                                   tumbleweed  —  oops  sorry  it’s  wander  now  !
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inbox call !!! i’ll send you a meme or have wander goof around in your inbox
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if he was at the save the galaxy meeting tbh
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You now have my permission to break my muse right here right now. Tear them apart. Find their weak point and make them suffer. Break them and make them snap
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