wander-scenery · 8 months
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Transiting through Hongkong Airport
All photos: Hera España
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wander-scenery · 9 months
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Photos: Hera España
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wander-scenery · 1 year
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beauty of countryside life.
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wander-scenery · 1 year
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Al Hamra Village, Ras al Khaimah, UAE
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wander-scenery · 1 year
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Etihad Arena at Yas Island, Abu Dhabi
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wander-scenery · 1 year
Saturday wandering around One Central Dubai
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wander-scenery · 5 years
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wander-scenery · 5 years
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Above the sea,
Under the sky,
Between lies the city of glass and steel.
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wander-scenery · 5 years
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wander-scenery · 5 years
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wander-scenery · 5 years
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Do you see this image? Do you know what is happening? Well, I'll tell you what is happening:
Sixteen days. Without any help or declarations of the Brazilian government. Our biggest form of animal and vegetal wildlife is being destroyed and no one is making anything about it.
São Paulo was covered by a smoke cloud this week during hours, as a result of the fire, if that single fact wasn't already alarming.
I lost hope in humanity. Because the trees are still burning right now as you read this text. Because no "famous environmentally friendly" person is talking anything about it. Because everyone else is too selfish to even care about the wellbeing of our own world.
Please, please someone help us
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wander-scenery · 5 years
Politicians should and must understand the importance of saving rainforests all over the world, especially the Amazon. It's one of the biggest and it's spread on different countries, too, that benefit from its resources. When it poofs we'll go oomph!
Why is no one talking about what happened in São Paulo yesterday?
The sky turned completely black around three in the afternoon partly because of smoke coming from the Amazon rainforest, WHICH IS 2300 KILOMETERS AWAY FROM THE CITY, where the government has greatly increased the amount of land being burned for profit. People are getting sick, animals are dying, native territory is being lost to the flames.
This is what the sky looked like in my city yesterday, in the early afternoon.
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It got so dark so fast the city had to turn on the lamp posts and night lighting.
Please talk about this. Reblog this post, non-brazilians especially.
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wander-scenery · 5 years
Zeus' wrath!!!
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wander-scenery · 5 years
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i am russian and i am scared. contemplating dropping out of university and running away from the country because i have no idea what to do.  PLEASE SHARE THIS. NO ONE OUTSIDE OF RUSSIA KNOWS ABOUT IT. PLEASE. 
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wander-scenery · 5 years
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Please PLEASE read about it and spread it around. On yesterday's first pride in my home city the marchers (me and my close friend included) were attacked by the group of extremist far-right with stones, eggs, flares, bangers and, of course, lots and lots of slurs. I was spat on and I still consider myself lucky, people ended in hospitals after getting beaten after the pride. It was a scary place.
I really hope it won't be overlooked.
We won't "get they fuck out".
No number of "hunting for fags" will stop us from being, living and loving. (yes. this happened yesterday. right after the march fascist chanted that they will "hunt for fags" and so they did, there's a video of 3 grown ass men beating and kicking a guy not older than 15, one kicked him in the face)
Oh and, and some facts
- The numbers. There was about 1 thousand people at the pride and 3 thousand opposing. Football hooligans (VERY aggressive group in Poland) from the whole country came to Białystok just for this
- There were about 74 events planned just to stop the march. Only 1-3 of them were accepted by the local government
- The church thanked the protesters from "defending family values"
- The minister of education said its all the fault of the fact that prides are taking place
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wander-scenery · 5 years
I am aware most of you are from the US and you have no idea what is happening in Europe or where Poland is. I don’t care. I’m living there and I want this place to be happy and safe for me and my friends.
No, we don’t have war - but we have a right-wing government that supports fascist and neo-nazi movements, that destroys the administration, education, everything they can destroy - and that chose to make queer people The Enemy.
I am queer. Most of my friends are. We want to be safe in our own country, to have rights to be ourselves, to feel safe. We fight, we protest, we make Pride events, we have some supports from several local-level politicians. This is not enough.
Yesterday there was the first Pride march in the city of Białystok, in the east of the country. I wasn’t there - several of my friends from all the country were. I was reading their reports live and it was horrible. They expected this - the right-wing organizations had announced they will do everything to stop the march. My friends and many other people went despite that. They were spat on, called out, things were thrown at them, some of them were beaten (my friends came out of this unharmed, but many other people didn’t have this privilege). The police did a fairly good job protecting the march, but this was not enough.
I want to have hope. I want a country where the people I care for are safe. Sometimes it’s hard to hope though. I have the privilege of having support from my family, of being a cis woman, who might be bi/pan but has pretty good passing, of being able-bodied and neurotypical, of having enough money to not to worry for my survival. I never experienced violence myself. I am lucky and privileged and I’m aware of this. Most of my queer friends don’t have what I have. Many of them are trans. Many of them live in same-gender relationships. Many of them are disabled, depressed, experienced poverty.  For them, it is much, much harder. I am aware, a day might come I will have problems too: because I’m not interested in traditional marriage and having children because right now I consider a relationship with a woman, transgender or non-binary person much better option - for my happiness - than a relationship with a cis man.
I want to hope. I have it. I see many positive changes, people fighting. At first marches in Kraków, my city, there were stones flying too. This year there were 10000 people marching and just about a dozen of right-wing protesters. Most people seeing us were smiling, waving at us, dancing to our music.
There were people like this in Białystok yesterday too - this is hope. There is hope in the fact that the “LGBT free zone” stickers announced by a right-wing newspaper are already reported to the court. There is hope in support of local politicians. There is hope in fact, that when the most important Polish sf&f convention, that takes place in Białystok this year, announced solidarity with the Pride, most of the people supported this decision (only about 5% of reactions were negative). There is hope in fact, that so many people went, despite they knew it won’t be good. It was not - but they were brave and I admire them for this.
I have hope. It’s hard sometimes. Our government doesn’t help, quite the contrary. Global politics doesn’t help either. I want to believe that despite all the hardships, in the end, there will be better. That we are gaining more and more social support. That we will overcome and survive and in the end we will build a safe country.
I want my friends to have hope, to have courage. Mostly, I want them to be happy and safe.
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wander-scenery · 5 years
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90-Year-Old Czech Grandma(Anežka)Turns Small Village Into Her Art Gallery By Hand-Painting Flowers On Its Houses
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