wanderer120 · 2 years
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Cal check 11/16/22
-egg bites: 309
-jolly rancher: 21
-protein bar: 180
-chicken pasta: 270
-sugar cookie: 160
-Burned off: 100
Total: 840
Another basic day, nothing too special besides getting to hang out with my girlfriend
I DID lose 2 pounds in 4 days though. I fit back into my costume just in time for the convention this Saturday. I didn't think I would even notice it with 2 being such a small number, but I did. I can't wait until you can visibly see the progress I've made instead of having to rely off scales and measuring tapes
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wanderer120 · 2 years
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Daily cal check 11/15/22
-egg bites, peanut butter, rice crackers: 424 cal
-meatloaf and potatoes: 400 cal
-burned off: 100 cal
Total: 724
I had an alright day. Someone I trusted tried claiming I was afab and not a man because of my weight, probably the best th1nsp0 I've had irl in a couple years </3
I've decided I'm giving up on sobriety. I went 3 years staying away from smoking anything but no one gives a shit and I have money so I'm just going to start back up. I need something to replace alcohol anyway because it's a disgusting amount of calories. Thankfully I met some of my gf's smoker friends so they can hook me up
Tomorrow is a better day
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wanderer120 · 2 years
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Daily cal check 11/14/22
Late again today, but this time for the opposite of last post; I've been really busy!
-My girlfriend is now my ED buddy, we're keeping each other in check
-I should be getting a new phone soon
-My sister is letting me use her fancy scale which measures things like body fat %
-And my mom's helping me lower my cal count for when I do eat!
Overall, exciting things, I'm starting to extend my fasts and lower my cal count even more
See y'all later today
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wanderer120 · 2 years
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Daily cal check 11/13/22
A little late on this but that's because nothing's noteworthy besides me getting under 1000 cals
I had two rice cakes, two hard boiled eggs, one mini Snickers bar (the bite size ones, not fun size), and chicken w/ potatoes for a total of 963 cals
See y'all tomorrow
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wanderer120 · 2 years
Waking up to discover I already dropped a pound overnight is the best feeling ever <3
I'm on a 16 hour fast, I downloaded tons of food recipes <500 cals with lots of protein, and I have more healthy food picked out for when I go to the store next. I can't wait to see how much I'll lose in a week!
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wanderer120 · 2 years
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Daily cal check 11/12/22
1,000+ seems like a lot, but I'm dropping from 3,000 so I think it's alright. I bought some more protein stuff and I won't be forced to eat that french toast like I was this morning, tomorrow will be much better and I'm looking forward to it
I felt so good not being weighed down by food, I can't wait until the weight melts off my body <3
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wanderer120 · 2 years
Introductory post ig
My name is Aries, I'm 19 and a guy. I'm testosterone deficient and intersex so I'm often mistaken for an FtM but I'm cis. I've had an ed since 2018 but I gave up on it because my extra estrogen held fat in, now my hormones are normal so I'm hopeful I can lose weight now. I had top surgery in August due to estrogen making me grow boobs, so if I post th1nsp0 it will occasionally have top surgery scars.
Cw/Sw: 177.8 lbs
Gw: 140 lbs
Ugw: 100 lbs
Height: 5'3/160 cm
I'm losing weight in hopes it will stop people from questioning my potential transness, as stated before I'm cis but people don't believe me and I hate it. I'm also because I'm pre-diabetic and currently on meds I want to drop. On top of that, I have health issues I can't get help for because doctors blame it on my weight. These reasons are why I have the "searching for a solution" title. Ultimately, I'm just improving my life. I don't see a problem with anything I'm doing but if I drop dead it's probably because I fucked with my insulin or glucose too much.
I don't really talk to people, it's nothing personal if I don't respond. I'm not one for mutuals either but I won't turn down a request.
Hopefully this gives you enough info about me, I'm wrapping up my first post here. Stay strong
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