wanderessblue · 2 months
Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by negative emotions and I find it hard to deal with them.
Sometimes I force myself to stop and reflect on what I've accomplished so far and on what's still to come.
Sometimes I remind myself to stop and be present in the moment.
I stop and look up at the sky and remember that whatever problem I may have, it can be faced.
I stop and gaze at my sun-kissed skin.
I stop and listen to my breath.
I stop and focus on the sensations I'm experiencing in that moment.
Sometimes we just need to stop.
0 notes
wanderessblue · 1 year
The First Kiss
Sebastian Sallow & Ominis Gaunt
Tags: just two pretty boys being best friends.
AN: hello again! Hope you enjoy :)
It was Saturday morning and Anne was sitting in the library with her nose buried deep in her History of Magic book. She was so engrossed in her reading that she didn't even notice when her friends, Imelda and Nerida, quietly snuck up beside her.
"Hey, Anne, are you already doing your homework?" Imelda asked, giggling.
Anne looked up from her book and glared at her two friends. "Do you guys ever get tired of being so noisy in the library?"
Nerida shook her head and smiled. "Nah, it's more fun this way."
Imelda took a seat next to Anne and nudged her. "So, me and Nerida were talking about our first kiss."
Anne raised an eyebrow. "And?"
Imelda smiled mischievously. "And we were wondering what was your first kiss like."
Anne blushed and looked down at her book. "I...haven't kissed anyone yet."
Nerida let out a loud laugh. "No way. Not even on the cheek?"
"Um...If my brother counts, then yes."
"Of course it doesn't count, Anne!" Imelda replied, snorting.
"What about Ominis?" Nerida asked curiously. "I mean, you're always together."
"Well, I gave him a kiss on the cheek once, but it was his birthday. Besides, Ominis is like a brother to me, thinking of him like that... it's weird."
Imelda and Nerida started to reminisce about their own first kisses. Imelda's first kiss was with a guy she met at her cousin's birthday. She described it as nothing special since she had felt nothing when he had pressed his lips on hers. Nerida, instead, had recently started to date a Ravenclaw of her age and gave him her first kiss a month earlier.
As they continued their conversation, Anne couldn't help but feel a little left out. She felt a mix of emotions -- embarrassed, frustrated, and even a little upset.
After a while, she closed her book, greeted her friends and decided to take a break from studying. She needed a moment alone and so she headed towards the Undercroft.
When she arrived, she spotted her twin brother, Sebastian, and her best friend, Ominis, playing chess.
“Seb, even if I am blind I can still see that you are cheating!” Ominis exclaimed, slapping one of his friend's hand.
Sebastian grinned, trying to cover up the fact that he was indeed cheating. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Ominis. I'm just really good at this game."
Anne walked over and sat down next to Ominis, watching the two boys play.
Her twin brother noticed the look on his sister's face and asked, "What's wrong, Annie?"
Anne let out a deep sigh. "It's nothing, Seb. Just some silly conversation I had with Imelda and Nerida about first kisses."
Sebastian raised an eyebrow. "And what about it?"
Anne explained the conversation she had in the library with her friends but before she could finish, Sebastian looked her in the face and then asked with a mischievous smile, "And when it was your turn, what did you tell them?"
Anne glared at him, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. "That's none of your business," she retorted, trying to brush off his teasing remarks.
"Oh come on, Annie. What did you say?"
"What do you think? I said the truth. I haven't kissed anybody yet."
Ominis shrugged. "We haven't kissed anyone yet either. What's the problem? We are only fourteen."
Anne looked at her friend, surprised and then she added, "Well, actually Sebastian did." Now it was her turn to mock him.
Sebastian's face turned bright red as he tried to shush her, "Anne...you swore!"
Ominis looked surprised and curious, "Oh, you didn't tell me." He said a little disappointed, turning his head towards him.
"Of course he didn't! Because his first kiss was not a girl!" Anne said with a mocking tone.
"ANNE! You promised!" Sebastian said with tears starting to fill his eyes and then he stood up and quickly left the room.
As she saw her brother leaving the Undercroft in that way, she felt guilty. She knew that what she had done was wrong but she did not know that her brother would have reacted so badly. After all, Ominis was his best friend, so why hadn't Sebastian told him yet?
"Why didn't he tell me?" Ominis asked, a hint of hurt in his voice.
"I don't know," Anne replied, shrugging her shoulders. "He was probably embarrassed or something."
Ominis sat in disbelief and he couldn't believe that his best friend had been hiding something this big from him. But he was sure that if the kiss had meant anything to Sebastian, he would have told him. After all, he knew his friend well.
"I've been stupid, I should probably go and apologize to him." She said while standing up and stretching her uniform with her hands.
Ominis stood up with her and stopped her, "Wait, let me be the one to talk to him."
With that words, he left the room and walked around the castle in search of his friend, frantically checking all the places he could think of, but being blind was not something that helped him.
Lunch came, but Sebastian was nowhere to be found. Anne began to feel nervous and anxious, wondering where her brother could have gone. She knew that he was dealing with a lot, and the last thing he needed was to be alone.
Ominis had been searching for Sebastian all day when, at around 5 pm, he found him on a wooden dock near the castle, lost in thought whilst listening to the gentle hum of the lake.
"Seb? Are you here?" Ominis gently called out.
Sebastian slowly turned around, startled by the unexpected company. "Ominis, what are you doing here?" He asked.
It was clear that he had been crying, Omins could sense it in the way his voice sounded.
"I was looking for you. I've been searching all afternoon... You really scared me." Ominis replied as he sat down next to him. After a brief silence, he continued, "Anne is sorry for what happened earlier."
Sebastian let out an ironic laugh. "And why didn't she come and apologise herself?"
"It was my idea. I thought you would prefer to talk to me instead of her." After a pause he continued, "I'm sorry too, Seb. For what happened."
"I should have told you before."
"It's alright... I guess it just happened as a game and that it wasn't really your intention. If it didn't mean anything to you, it's understandable you didn't mention anything to me." Ominis reassured him.
Sebastian's mood shifted and he grew melancholic. After another pause, he continued, "Actually, it did mean something to me. I mean... at that moment, I felt it was the right thing to do. That's why I never told you. I was afraid of your reaction."
"Oh... What do you mean when you say it meant something to you? I mean... it's not very common for two guys to kiss, is it?" Ominis asked with a tone of curiosity.
Sebastian took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. "Ominis..." he started, hesitating for a moment. "There's something I need to tell you." His voice faltered, his eyes swimming with tears. "That kiss... it made me realize that I like boys."
The words hung heavy in the air, each syllable taking a lifetime to pass his lips. Sebastian buried his face in his hands, unable to look his friend in the eye. "It's been hard to accept," he continued, his voice choked with emotion. "I've tried to deny it for so long, but I can't anymore."
Sebastian's chest heaved with sobs as he spoke, his fear and shame weighing heavily on him. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I needed time to come to terms with it, but I couldn't keep it from you forever."
Ominis took Sebastian's hand and kissed it, showing his unconditional support. "Seb, you know me better than that, I don't care who you're into. You're my friend, and that's all that matters to me. I'm sorry for making you think that you couldn't confide in me. You know you can always count on me."
Sebastian looked up at Ominis, his eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you," he said softly.
The two friends sat in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the comfort of each other's company. Ominis knew that this wouldn't be the end of the struggle for Sebastian, but he was determined to be there for his friend no matter what.
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wanderessblue · 1 year
Sebastian won’t let his boyfriend take a nap …
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… but Ominis will not complain either !
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wanderessblue · 1 year
The Slytherin Party
Sebastian Sallow x Ominis Gaunt
Part 2 - Sebastian
Tags: NSFW 🔞, aged up characters, smut, best friends to lovers, fluff
AN: go read part 1 before this if you haven't yet :) Part 1 - Ominis
The next morning Sebastian got up with a painful headache: everything around him seemed to be spinning.
As soon as he opened his eyes flashes of memories from the previous evening were pestering his mind.
He could not remember precisely what had happened, but he had an unusual feeling inside that he could not explain. It was as if his unconscious remembered perfectly every detail of the night before, but the conscious part of his mind refused to cooperate at that moment, no matter how hard he tried.
One image, however, kept reformulating in his head: Ominis, his face illuminated by the dim moonlight, his hypnotic blue eyes, the flush on his cheeks, his soft lips on his own.
And then, immediately after, another one: he and Ominis, in his bed, embraced, naked and...
"That's not possible!" He exclaimed alarmed. He couldn't have had sex with his best friend. That would have been ridiculous and senseless and... Oh, Sebastian who do you wanna fool? You've been waiting your whole life for this moment.
"No! It can't have happened." He repeated to himself. That would have been his first time and the idea of having had sex for the first time and not remembering it, moreover under the influence of a potion and probably forcing his best friend, made him feel sick. He felt stupid and terribly guilty.
At that moment his heart was beating wildly. But one thing was certain: he needed to talk to his best friend, he needed to make things right.
He got out of bed and noticed a glass full of water on top of his bedside table with a note under it: 'It will make you feel better' signed by Ominis. Sebastian smiled sadly at his friend's thoughtfulness and decided to follow the advice, after which he quickly got dressed and headed towards the common room to find Ominis.
When he entered the room he impatiently searched for Ominis' face, but instead, MC caught his attention as she shouted his name while approaching him.
"Hey good morning, how are you feeling today?" she asked with a smile on her face.
"I'm better, I guess. But I think I messed up last night." Sebastian replied with a sigh and looked fearfully into her eyes, trying to discern from her gaze if she was aware of what had happened.
"Oh right, you mean drinking Garreth's potion. I wonder what he put in it. You seemed very... euphoric yesterday."
"Oh yeah, of course, the potion...Wait, how do you know about the potion? Did Weasley tell you about it? He swore to me that he would have kept his mouth shut. That bastard."
"Well, actually it was you to admit it to me and Ominis. It was quite a funny scene, I must admit it." MC replied.
"Oh... I must have been a real mess yesterday because I can hardly remember a thing." Sebastian laughed embarrassed and then he added hesitantly: "MC, speaking of last night... Have you seen Ominis? I really need to talk to him."
"Ominis is in Hogsmeade with Poppy. I think they'll be back in the afternoon" replied the girl.
In Hogsmeade with Poppy? And why was that? Why had he asked her and not...him?
Sebastian shook his head, trying to drive away those questions from his mind. Why did he suddenly feel so jealous of his friend? Well, after all, he had always been a bit, because Ominis was his best friend and no one else's, but in that instant, he could feel the blood boiling inside him.
Lately, Sebastian had noticed changes in his feelings. When he spent time together with Ominis he felt happy and wished those moments would never end. He had always been there for him, even in the most difficult moments, and Sebastian had always done the same for him. They had created a bond that went beyond a simple friendship. They needed each other and Sebastian was just beginning to understand it.
He had always known he was attracted to boys as well as to girls. That was confirmed by the several crushes he had had during his life. But it was since not long ago, that he had started to realize that what he felt for Ominis was more than just the affection two friends could share.
Of course, he had never told anyone about it, except his sister Anne to whom he told everything. But surely that wasn't something he could freely talk to his best friend, he was too afraid he might lose him. He had always believed it was better for him to repress his feelings than risk losing him. He was too important for him and he couldn't let it happen.
He had tried, with great effort, to keep his emotions under control and he had succeeded. Until the previous evening.
If he hadn't taken that potion.
He thanked MC for the information and decided to head for the great hall to get something to eat, waiting for his friend to come back.
The rest of the day passed quite slowly, Ominis still hadn't shown up and Sebastian was losing his patience: the need to know what had happened the night before was consuming him.
After spending the afternoon studying, he decided to head towards the Undercroft to calm his nerves. The moment when he would talk to his friend was approaching and the mere thought of it made him quite nervous. The Undercroft, on the other hand, was the perfect place he used to go when he needed to think, relax or just be alone.
As he crossed the threshold of the room he saw Ominis arranging some objects, who turned in his direction having heard the gate of the room open. They both exclaimed the other's name at the same time, whereupon Sebastian laughed embarrassed and said: "How long have you been here?"
"Um... Like five minutes, I came by to drop off these books I bought today in Hogsmeade with Poppy." Only in that moment, Sebastian realized that Ominis was holding a book, while two others were resting on a table next to him.
"You didn't tell me you were going to Hogsmeade. At least I didn't expect you to go with her." He uttered the last sentence almost as a whisper. He didn't want to sound possessive, but the words came out of his mouth in that way.
"She was the one who asked me. She had to buy food for Highwing. I told you yesterday, don't you remember?"
"Oh...Really? I must have forgotten it."
After a short pause, Ominis cleared his throat and approached Sebastian who had meanwhile filled two glasses with juice and was handing one to his friend.
"How are you today? Do you feel better? You seemed very out of yourself yesterday" Ominis said, laughing nervously between words.
"Yes, I'd say I'm better now. Although my head is still throbbing at times."
"The potion Garreth gave to you must have been very strong if even you couldn't sustain its effects." Ominis smiled. He knew his friend was quite used to drink alcohol after the nights they had spent at the Three Broomsticks.
"Yeah... Weasley didn't warn me it would be that strong. I don't remember much of what happened at the party yesterday." Sebastian turned his gaze towards Ominis and noticed that his face had blushed a little. He felt himself running out of air, both because his friend looked damn good and also because the blush on his cheeks confirmed that something had happened between the two of them. "There is one thing I remember, though, but I don't know if it really happened." He continued uncertain. "Did we have sex?" He asked, then he brought his glass to his lips and swallowed a sip of the drink.
"W-what? No! Of course we didn't have sex, Sebastian! Why did you think that?"
"Oh thank God." He said after a big sigh. "I must have dreamt it then. But I don't understand, I was so sure about it...but then I woke up and you weren't there and I didn't -
"But... You kissed me," Ominis admitted.
At his friend's revelation, Sebastian spat the juice in front of him catching Ominis in the face.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry... Hold on, let me get you something to clean you up... " He said embarrassed at the mess he had made and handed him a handkerchief.
"So we really kissed? I thought I dreamt that too." Exclaimed the boy incredulously.
"You kissed me. That's different!" Ominis pointed out.
"And how was that?" Sebastian asked after a few moments.
"What kind of question is that, Sebastian?"
"How was the kiss? If you liked it or if it sucked...That's all."
"Why do you want to know? It was just a kiss. You were drunk and I couldn't move." Ominis said almost irritated at his friend's question, almost as if he was hiding something.
"Fine." Sebastian said in a sad tone.
"What is it now? What do you want me to say? That I liked it?"
"No...I'm just curious. I didn't want to upset you."
After a long pause, Ominis sighed, "Okay.... If you want the truth. It was quite nice, actually. Although I don't have any criterion for comparison." He replied blushing.
"What do you mean?"
"It was my first kiss."
"Yes. How many people do you think I've kissed before?"
"Merlin's beard Ominis! I'm so sorry I was your first kiss. You should have given it to someone you are in love with."
"It's not a big deal, Seb. I told you it wasn't a bad thing after all. Besides, maybe it's good that I gave it to you." This last sentence came almost imperceptibly from his lips and Sebastian thought for a moment that he had only imagined it. Then he approached his friend, taking the glass from his hand and placing them both on the table next to them.
"There is no one I trust more than you."
Sebastian was in front of him as he lifted a hand to his face gently moving a lock of hair back and whispered: "So you did like it."
"I didn't expect it. And I was unsure how to react. But then you grabbed my face and place your lips on mine and... I forgot how to breath. Is this a bad thing? I've never felt this way before."
Sebastian's heart began to hammer inside his chest. He could not believe his friend's words. He had wanted that moment all his life and now that it had come, he had no idea how to react. His mouth had gone dry and his legs were trembling. Ominis, on the other hand, had begun to blush furiously and had lowered his head to the floor to try to hide it.
"Omi I..." Said Sebastian, taking Ominis' chin with one hand and raising it in his direction. "It's not a bad thing. I've felt the same and I can't believe this is happening for real. I've waited this moment for a long time."
"What? Why didn't you tell me before?"
"I couldn't risk losing you, you are too important for me. Also, I didn't expect you to return my feelings."
That was true. He had never imagined that his best friend would return his feelings. For months he had felt wrong and had spent nights crying thinking that if anyone found that out, he might lose him forever. But Ominis was right in front of him admitting that he had feelings too. He couldn't believe it.
"Can I?" Ominis asked, raising his hands hesitantly and bringing them close to Sebastian's face.
Ominis first placed his hands on the sides of his friend's face and then passed them slowly over each part: his ears, his cheeks, his forehead and than his lips. At that contact, Sebastian felt a rush of shivers running through his body and swallowed loudly. Then, unexpectedly, he left a kiss on the blond's fingertips. Ominis smiled and let his hands slip behind his friend's neck. At that point, Ominis leaned forward and pressed his lips to Sebastian's, who did not hesitate to kiss him back.
Sebastian felt a warmth in his chest that spread throughout his body, his heart was beating so fast and he could hear Ominis' own doing the same.
This time, the kiss was much more intense than the night before. Sebastian wrapped his arms around his friend's pelvis to draw him closer, then he intensified the kiss even more by taking Ominis' lower lip between his teeth making him moan. That sound drove Sebastian crazy and he took advantage of the boy's half-open lips to let his tongue in. Ominis made a sound of surprise before he respounded to the kiss.
Sebastian then started kissing Ominis' neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses that sent shivers down his friend's skin.
He began to unbutton his shirt until he opened it completely revealing the blond boy's pale chest. He continued to kiss his skin until he touched a nipple with the tip of his tongue. He began sucking it and drawing small circles with his tongue around it making Ominis' neck stretch backwards in pleasure.
"Permission to continue?" Sebastian asked breathlessly.
"Y-yes, please."
Sebastian didn't need to be told twice. He lowered himself to his knees and put pressure with his right hand on the bulge in the boy's trousers in front of him. Then he began to unbutton his school uniform, bringing it down to reveal its well erect length.
At that sight, Sebastian's cock jerked in his trousers and he had to bring a hand over it to relieve the discomfort the too-tight pants were causing him.
With one hand still on his cock, Sebastian began to leave moist kisses around his friend's pubes, then he took his length with his free hand and squeezed it, starting to pump up and down.
Ominis began to pant louder and louder and Sebastian wasted no time in licking the base of his genitals. He brought both of his hands to his friend's butt and plunged his face into his testicles, licking them.
Ominis' head was completely backwards, his eyes half open and his lips parted, letting out little sighs of pleasure.
The freckled boy took the tip of the blond's cock between his lips and left a series of kisses on it, then began to swirl his tongue around it.
"P-please, Sebastian." Ominis said begging his friend to take his full length into his mouth.
At that plea, Sebastian's brain shut down completely and his mouth began pumping up and down his friend's length, while one of his hands caressed his testicles and the other rested on his butt.
"S-Seb, I'm... Ahh... Coming." Ominis said moaning loudly.
Sebastian pulled his mouth away and continued the movement with his hand, pumping harder.
Ominis poured completely on Sebastian's neck and chest, who gasped at that sight.
"If I'm dreaming again I don't want to wake up" Sebastian commented still leaving kisses around his friend's genital. Then he pronounced a spell to clean up the mess they made.
As he stood up, Ominis smiled and hugged Sebastian tightly, plunging his face into the hallow of his neck and letting his friend kiss his head.
For the first time in his entire life, Sebastian was sure about the feeling that his heart was holding.
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wanderessblue · 1 year
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584 notes · View notes
wanderessblue · 1 year
The Slytherin Party
Sebastian Sallow x Ominis Gaunt
Part 1 - Ominis
Tags: aged up characters (18+), fluff, first kiss, awkward moments (?), drunkennes, best friends to lovers
AN: English is not my native language and I never wrote anything before so please have mercy on me :)
For the entire course of his life, Ominis had preferred quiet and uncrowded places because they gave him calm and serenity. Being born blind had led him to sharpen his hearing and therefore chaotic places made him uncomfortable.
That evening a party was going to be held in the Slytherin common room following their victory after the Quidditch match against the Hufflepuffs. Everyone seemed super fascinated by the idea, everyone except Ominis. But Sebastian could be really persistent when needed and had managed, after several attempts, to convince Ominis to participate.
Ominis and Sebastian had been best friends for more than five years and there wasn't a moment they didn't spend together, except when Sebastian was obsessed with some stupid research and, on those occasions, he spent hours upon hours in the library studying. Ominis would have preferred anything over studying, but deep down he was happy to have someone who could help him with his homework.
That evening after dinner Ominis headed towards the dormitory to prepare himself, thinking he would be accompanied by Sebastian, who had instead muttered "see you at the party, I need to talk to Weasley". Ominis hadn't asked too many questions even though his friend's revelation had seemed rather strange to him. What was he supposed to ask Weasley? Surely something about a task, but what was the point of worrying about a stupid task on the night the Slytherins had organized a party? Even so, he hadn't given it too much thought; he knew him and he knew there was always something on his mind.
When Ominis entered the common room about an hour later, he mentally cursed himself for having been persuaded. The music was far too loud for his liking and the students, who had taken part in the party, were doing nothing but shouting to converse with each other.
He let his wand wander off in search of Sebastian, whom he found shortly afterwards talking about Quidditch with Imelda Reyes. His friend, despite being part of the team, had not played in the last game because he was in detention after several attempts of sneaking into the restricted section of the library. Madame Kogawa had been very angry with Mr. Black because she knew Sebastian was one of the best players on the team, but she bit her tongue to avoid retorting. She knew Black and she also knew that if she had insisted too much he would have suspended the whole game, that man could be quite obnoxious at times.
"Gaunt. You finally came," Imelda greeted him with a little smile.
"Bet he can't stay an evening away from me" Sebastian laughed as he lifted an arm and put it around his friend's neck, shifting his weight on him.
"Oh shut up! You would have cried if I hadn't come" Ominis replied sighing. Lately he had noticed a strange behaviour in his best friend. Almost as if he was flirting with him. Sometimes he had even caught him staring, and although it made him uncomfortable, it also gave him inexplicable pleasure. He liked getting more attention after all, but he wasn't used to it and what the hell did he know about it anyway? He certainly could not be said to have had much experience in that field. But Sebastian was good at telling the details of his relationships and sometimes Ominis even felt like he was there with him because of his super-detailed descriptions of the intimate moments he spent with some girl. Of course Sebastian had never had much experience either, but he certainly knew more than Ominis.
Ominis was surprised when he realised that an hour had already passed since the party had started and he was strangely enjoying himself. He had talked to a few people and even danced to the beat of the music. Of course the party would have been much more fun if their professors had given them permission to drink alcohol. But no one had complained too much because it was good enough that they had managed to organise the evening.
Ominis felt his arm tugged and felt the grip tighten around his biceps. When he turned around he recognised MC's voice asking him to dance together, whereupon he smiled and held out his hand. MC, Ominis and Sebastian had bonded from the moment she had started to attend Hogwarts the previous year. She had become almost like a sister to the two of them, although sometimes Ominis was convinced that there was something more between her and Sebastian. When he had had the chance, he had tried to ask him about it, but Sebastian had always denied everything.
After a few minutes MC spoke: "I thought this evening would be more boring. Instead it's not so bad. I can say I'm almost enjoying myself." After a short pause she continued with "do you happen to know where Sebastian is? I was looking for him earlier, but I can't see him anywhere."
"He must be somewhere with someone" replied the boy without thinking too much. It was quite usual for Sebastian to disappear with some girl to do who knows what. MC had once sworn that she had even seen him with a boy, although in the end Sebastian had denied everything.
"Mmmh, I saw him leaving alone about thirty minutes ago and then he hasn't came back yet."
Ominis narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brows as he continued dancing with MC for a few more minutes. When MC pulled away from Ominis and blew him a kiss on the cheek, as her usual way to greet him, he decided to leave the hall to get some air and give his poor eardrums a rest. Some students must have had the same idea as he did, as the corridors leading to the entrance of the common room were also quite crowded. He therefore decided to move a little further away and headed towards the nearest exit.
Once outside, he sat down with his back against the castle wall and stopped to listen to the stillness that reigned that evening. All he could hear was the sound of the wind rustling against the trees. He knew he could not be outside the castle at that time of the night, but he also knew that no one would notice he was missing or come looking for him.
When after five minutes he decided to get up to go back inside, he heard a voice muttering incomprehensible words a little further away from him. He therefore decided to get closer and recognised the voice as Sebastian muttering something about... constellations?
"Seb, is that you?" He asked timidly.
"Ominisss, I was looking for youuu" he replied euphorically dragging the end of the last word.
"Who were you talking to? Are you alone or is there someone with you? And in what way were you looking for me?" The blond guy approached.
"Woahh, so many questions... Wait I'll get up" There was something strange in the way his voice sounded. It was like he was... drunk?
"Are you alright? What are you doing?" Ominis asked curiously.
"I'm trying to get up, isn't it obvious? Can't you see?"
"Not really. Wait I'll give you a hand. What did you drink anyway? How can you be drunk at a party without alcohol?" He asked after helping him up. Sebastian had almost completely abandoned his weight on his friend's body, clearly unable to support himself.
"I'm not drunk. You are!" He replied, pointing a finger at his friend's chest.
"Okay... Maybe I should walk you inside."
"NO! Wait. Wait." Sebastian screamed taking Ominis' face in his hands and bringing his face closer to his own. Ominis felt his friend's breath on his face and swallowed embarrassed. Then he continued "You're really beautiful Ominis, you know that? Has anyone ever told you that?"
"Seb, what are you doing?" He asked clearly uncomfortable. Their faces were extremely close and Ominis began to feel his hands sweat.
"I mean, I've dated a few people but I've never seen anyone as pretty as you. That's quite a gift, you know? You are so handsome I want to kiss you. Can I kiss you?" The words came out in bursts and it was hard to keep up with them, partly because many came out incomplete.
"Sebastian stop it, get your hands off my face. Tell me what did you took that made you this high?".
"I don't know, ask Weasley. Can we kiss now?"
"Weasley? What does Weasley have to do with this?"
"I'll tell you only if you promise me we'll kiss after it."
"Sebastian you clearly don't know what you're saying. We'd better go back inside."
"NO. If you don't kiss me I'm going to scream." After he said this, he began to scream very loudly. Ominis opened his eyes wide and put a hand over his friend's mouth in order to shut him up.
"Are you crazy or what?" He asked alarmed. If any of the prefects had heard them, they would be in a lot of trouble.
"You know the saying, forearmed is forewarned."
"It's forewarned is forearmed. Anyway, we'd better go before someone sees us."
Ominis tried to wriggle out of his friend's grasp, but Sebastian was quicker and pulled him closer, pressing his lips to his own in a quick kiss. Ominis pulled away immediately amazed by his friend's action and brought his fingers to his mouth as if to ascertain that what had just happened was real. Sebastian moved even closer to his friend again, but this time he placed his lips in a more delicate way, moving them gently. That kiss was longer than the previous one and even though it did not involve the tongue, it was enough to generate a shiver that ran through Ominis' entire body. When the blond boy detached himself from his friend's grasp he remained silent for a few seconds and Sebastian did not miss the opportunity to comment with "that was great, just like you are. I mean, can you hear my heart? It is beating so fast, I might have a heart attack."
"Sebastian please, we'd better go back in. You don't know what you are doing or saying right now" insisted Ominis still shocked by what had happened. He could feel his heart jumping as well, but he would have never admit it.
"I know why you want to go back in Ominis. I didn't take you for a guy who have sex on a first date."
"For Merlin' beard Sebastian! What are you talking about? Sex? I have no intention of having sex. I just want to come back in and take you to bed because you're clearly not yourself."
"Take me to bed! That's what I said! I've always wanted to try sex with a man and doing it with you has been my lifelong erotic dream." The situation was becoming awkward for Ominis, even though there was something inside him that almost turned him on. It was hard to admit it, but he was curious to know how the evening would end.
"Oh my God, can it get any worse than this?" Ominis complained aloud.
"You mean better than this. If that's what you want though, that's fine. Let's sleep together!"
"Whatever you want as long as you move and head towards the dormitory" Ominis sighed exhaustedly taking Sebastian under his arm.
On their way towards the dorms, they heard a voice shouted behind them: "Ominis! Sebastian! There you are, I've been looking for you. Where were you?"
"MC!!!" Shouted Sebastian full of joy when he saw her and jumped on her, making her stagger. He wasn't exactly a featherweight after all.
"Seb, hi!" Replied the girl a little perplexed. "What are you guys doing? Are you already going to sleep?"
"Let's just say it's not a good day. Sebastian is a bit drunk and tedious at the moment" Ominis replied, throwing a fiery glance towards his friend who was standing there with a smile on his face as he stared at MC.
"What?! You weren't complaining when i kissed you before!" he shouted making Omins blushing from head to toe.
"What do you mean drunk? There's alcohol at the party and I'm just finding out now?" MC asked.
"That's the fun part. I have no idea what he drank to get like that. He muttered something about Weasley earlier, but I don't know what he meant."
"Oh no. Tell me he didn't drink Garreth's potion" MC asked worriedly.
"Garreth's what?" Asked the blond boy in a puzzled way.
"Exactly!!! That's what I drank Ominis!" Shouted Sebastian elatedly.
The two turned in their friend's direction and then sighed in unison, before MC continued by saying "come on Ominis I'll give you a hand getting him to bed".
"MC and Ominis together in my bed tonight! This evening couldn't get any better."
On the way to their room, MC explained to Ominis that Garreth had been working lately on a distillate that gave the same effect as a hangover. He had bought the recipe from J. Pippin's Potions a few months earlier, but Weasley had allowed himself to make some modifications to enhance its effects.
When they arrived in the room that the two boys shared, Sebastian began to hastily undress until he was completely naked in front of Ominis and MC who let out a scream and covered her eyes.
"Don't tell me he took all of his clothes off" Ominis asked now exhausted by the situation.
"That's right. Sebastian, darling, would you kindly at least put your underwear back on? You need to rest now. I'll go get you some water" MC left the room with one hand still over her eyes. Ominis meanwhile was trying to keep his composure and walked over to his friend's bed to convince him to get dressed.
"I thought we were all going to make love together" Sebastian said grimly.
"Okay. I'm going to tell you one more time. No one is going to have sex tonight. Now you get dressed and go to sleep." Ominis replied after a long sigh.
Sebastian furrowed his brow and stuck out his lower lip. He put his underwear back on and: "Alright. But I'll only go to sleep if you promise me we'll have lots of sex tomorrow."
Ominis sighed even louder and before he could reply, MC entered the room again with a glass of water which she placed in Sebastian's hands. She then asked Ominis if he needed anything else and at his friend's negative answer, she greeted them both with a kiss on their forehead and disappeared towards the party that would have been over in a few moments.
"So? Do you promise?" He asked impatiently.
"Alright Sebastian, we'll have lots of sex tomorrow," he replied exhausted.
Sebastian smiled smugly at the answer and added "however I only wanted to make love with you Ominis. Not with MC. But only with you." With that he slipped under the covers and murmured a "Goodnight Omi" before falling into a deep sleep.
Ominis did not sleep much that night. His mind was still fixed on the moment when Sebastian had kissed him. It had been both a strange and a pleasant feeling. Although he found it hard to admit it. He had always been convinced that he was attracted to girls, but when his friend had pressed his lips to his own the second time he could swear he had felt his heart quicken. It wasn't a feeling he was used to and he couldn't give it a name, but he couldn't stop thinking about what it would have been like to kiss him a third, fourth or fifth time. That experience had left him with some doubts and even a little of sadness at the thought that if his friend had not drunk that potion, it probably would never have happened. Did that mean that Sebastian wasn't really interested in him? That he would have kissed whoever was standing in front of him at that moment?
There were too many questions in his mind and he felt helpless because he knew he would have probably never received an answer. The next day Sebastian would have woken up and remembered nothing, or worse, he would have pretended nothing had happened. Ominis could not stand it, he needed to know, he needed to know what Sebastian thought about him.
That night Ominis did not sleep at all.
Part 2 - Sebastian
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