wanderinghellkitten · 3 years
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just like thinking humans are the best, having gone all the way to mars.  my name is kana! im returning to the rp scene with one(1) yukari yakumo of the touhou project. interested in complete and utter reality bending shenanigans? then this youkai of boundaries is the one for you.
if you are interested in interacting please give this post a like and/or rb! thanks much!!
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wanderinghellkitten · 3 years
     the little vampire doesn’t reply immediately, in favor of more sniffling that steadily grows quieter. at the moment, she seems to be focused on making herself as small as possible, to say nothing of how small she is already.  after a few moments, she manages some unintelligible mutter through the tears.
     ❝ ————  n … o … ❞
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     she turns her head ever so slightly, not quite enough to see her face but there is opportunity to peek around if one would like.  it’s difficult to tell if its rain or tears that’s soaking through her sleeves.  flandre manages to barely compose herself to speak, although some effort is required to actually hear her.
      ❝if … i do that … if i break something … you’ll be mad at me … ❞  she speaks like a fearful child afraid of punishment, but one might argue that is exactly what she is at the moment.  ❝everyone will hate me … ❞ 
     she lowers her hands just enough to reveal fresh tears still running down her face.  a sorry sight.
      ❝please don’t be mad at me …❞
“I specialise in breaking things-”
Hailey cuts herself off swiftly. Not the right Flan for that. A long explanation of how she’s been through a little too much fighting in her life... won’t be very helpful here.
“I promise I won’t be mad,” Hailey says, pitching her voice, softening it up. Unfortunately, she’s not very good at it. “You don’t have to break anything if you don’t want to.”
She shouldn’t push Flan right now, the little vampire seems to be feeling quite... unstable. Hesitantly, the Hellcat rests her hand on Flan’s shoulder. She would have gone for a headpat, but... it seems like it might not be the best idea. They’re close, but Hailey’s not that demonstrative.
“In any case, let us simply... rest here and dry off a little. I assume you do not enjoy being soaked any more than I do.”
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wanderinghellkitten · 3 years
     that was all that she needed to hear and immediately, flandre rushes inside, drops of water flying off of her crystal wings.  although she was not quite so soaked, she was not as dry and she would’ve liked to be.  what a sorry sight she must’ve been, but there wasn’t much to see before she stuffed herself into a corner of the store, crouched down and hands pulling tightly on her cap.
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     the only sounds she makes are quiet sniffling and sobbing.  wings shudder as the last of the rainwater drips off, creating dark spots on the wood below.  compared to her energetic self earlier in the day, she seemed like a completely different girl now.  it’s only a miracle that she hadn’t broken anything.
     ❝  ————  uu  …  ugh  …  ❞
     that the embodiment of destruction itself was reduced to a shriveling mess, it was almost laughable.
Hailey slips in right after Flan does, retrieving her coat and slipping into it rather uncomfortably. There’s not a dry spot on her body, she’s been completely soaked through with rainwater. It’s rather... uncomfortable, having her clothes glued to her body, but she ignores it. There’s a degree of self-pitying, self-loathing charm to being cold and wet.
“Well... we are now out of the rain,” Hailey mutters.
She sneezes, loudly, covering her mouth with her left hand. Maybe she’s also been out in the rain for too long. If only she had fire magic, she could dry herself off in a heartbeat.
“You would not happen to be able to use your power to destroy water, would you? It would be... convenient... right now...”
She sneezes again. Flan doesn’t look to be in much shape to do anything besides crying, but maybe the little vampire was just so distressed that she hasn’t thought about ways to dry herself off quickly-
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wanderinghellkitten · 3 years
     the vampire’s only response is a quiet, unintelligible mutter before being left alone.  when she looks up into the sky, all there is to see are dark clouds and the torrential downpour, drowning out any other sound.  the village’s empty streets seemed just as lonely.
     leaning against the wall, she felt as though her legs might give way.  flandre clutched at the hem of her dress, trying to think of something to distract herself from her situation.  but try as she might, all she could think of was how much she wanted to release her frustration.
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     ❝ won’t cry … i won’t … break anything … ❞  but how desperately she wanted to.  her fear of disappointing just barely overpowered that desire.  if she were to stay out here any longer, though …
     for now, she kept her head down, heels digging into the dirt, willing herself not to cry.
It’s a real rollercoaster with Flan today... from that tackle of a hug earlier to this right now. But then again, this vampire is practically... Hailey does not know the term for it, but something to do with bouncing around emotionally. But then again, that’s nothing new.
Hailey’s as good as her word, or at least, as close to it as she can manage. She’s back within five minutes, now so thoroughly drenched that her shirt is practically glued to her skin. It’s particularly noticeable with her right arm; the shirt sleeve is wrapped very tightly around the bones, and the stump of her elbow is quite visible.
“Flan, the shopkeeper has said that we can come inside, provided that we do not eat him, damage anything, or draw too much attention to ourselves. There are no customers in this weather anyways.”
She’s still hovering her bones there, in the air, holding her coat up like a canvas above Flan. Even if Hailey herself is being soaked through, this should delay vampire-melting for a while...
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wanderinghellkitten · 3 years
     ❝ really?  really?  could you do that?  really? ❞  an inquisitive tilt of the head this way and that way.  permission to enter a public building was unnecessary, but she always figured it was rude to enter a shop and just leave.  feral little vampire she may be, but she still has manners.  somewhat.
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      ❝anywhere would be fine at this point  …  ❞  the words come out as barely a mutter.  the weather is starting to take a noticeable toll on her, her liveliness from earlier completely gone.  ❝‘m getting soggy  …  am i gonna melt?❞ 
     the tears forming at the corners of her eyes might be mistaken for rain drops.  a sad flandre usually evolves into an angry flandre, and 8 out of 10 cases that results in  …
      ❝this place  …  doesn’t have a library? ❞ 
“Anywhere does not narrow it down much...”
It’s annoying taking instructions from someone who’s not being very specific but Flan probably doesn’t give a-
“I do not know about a library. I usually have little use for books, so I would not pay attention to such a place anyways, but I can have a look around if you will it...”
Flan’s face is pretty wet huh? Hailey’s used to being soaked through but she still hates it. It’s probably equally unfun for the little vampire... She’s getting a little bit quiet...
“Good grief- Forget the library, I will ask this shop’s keeper if we can take some shelter inside for the time being. It would not do for you to turn into a vaguely vampire-scented puddle.”
Hailey slips her coat off, appointing a few select bones from her hand to slip into parts of the sleeves and the pockets. By making the bones hover in place, she can make the coat float above Flan and keep some of the rain off her.
“I will be back... momentarily.”
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wanderinghellkitten · 3 years
     flandre looks left and right, here and there, searching for a place to escape the rain.  she hops over to an overhang of a shop nearby.  with the angle of the rain, it wasn’t complete shelter, but it would do for now.
     ❝ over here!  come over here! ❞  she calls out, beckoning the hellcat over.  she leans back on the wall, shoulders slumped and gaze towards the sky.  the storm showed no signs of letting up any time soon.
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      ❝hate it, hate it, hate it out here … ❞  she muttered to herself, seeming annoyed rather than worried.  as much as she would like to get inside somewhere and wait out the rain, she had other concerns.
      ❝hey … it’d be bad if we went inside somewhere without asking, right?  and if we went inside a shop without intending to buy anything  … that’d be really, really, really rude, right?❞   (  the troubles of being a vampire  )
Ah, Flan’s already found a place to hide. It’s not perfect, but Hailey steps over and stands over the little vampire. With Flan being so much shorter than her, Hailey can just use her body to shield the vampire against the excess rain. The Hellcat sticks out a hand, leaning against the wall. Most of the rain that gets past the overhang is hitting her head or her back now.
“Well, unless you have any money on you, we might have to take that course if we want to get out of the rain,” the Hellcat says. “I do not have any human currency on me right now.”
There’s a little bit of rainwater dripping off her nose and her chin, onto Flan’s face... the Hellcat shudders. It’s starting to soak all the way through her coat...
“I could ask on your behalf if you want. I doubt they would be too happy to see us, being as we are, a vampire and a Hellcat, but it might be better than standing out here.”
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wanderinghellkitten · 3 years
     ❝ mm … ❞  she allows hailey to get down, finding the arrangement to be rather unwieldy.  rubbing her face, the burns heal quickly enough, but the effects of her natural weakness leaves her feeling exhausted. 
     the sound of crystals clinking together is obscured by the rain.  she instinctively moves to dry herself, stretching out her arms, but there’s no opportunity to do so.   they’re still exposed to the elements, she realizes, and without answering the hellcat’s concerns, the little vampire bounds ahead.
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      ❝let’s go somewhere else.  i hate it out here.❞  the question of where that somewhere else has yet to be answered, but flandre isn’t concerned about the where or how, so long as she gets somewhere dry.
It’s good to have her feet back on the ground. That was awkward, embarrassing, and she’d be lying if it didn’t make her feel a little bit... appreciated... but she’d rather not do it again.
“Good grief, it really is coming down, is it not?”
The Hellcat’s brushing her coat with her hands, wiping off some of the larger droplets of water before they can sink into the fabric. It’s not completely waterproof, but it does the job.
“Are you sure you do not want to- Flan!”
Hailey can’t help but roll her eyes. Led around as if on a leash... she’s chasing after the little vampire already. It’s not hard to keep up, but Flan had a bit of a head start.
“Some shelter, then?”
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wanderinghellkitten · 3 years
Send me a ♥ and I’ll fill out
If we kissed?
[] Quickie. [] Tongue. [] Softly bite your lip. [] We wouldn’t. [] Long and meaningful. [] Let’s hit up the bedroom. [] You remember last time? [] Awkward… [] Lol no. Would I go out with you? [] Yes, definitely. [] No. [] I want to, but it wouldn’t work. [] Maybe. [] Nope, you’re like family. [] You’re cute, but probably not. [] Just simply not my type. [] If I knew you better. [] Already did. [] I don’t know. If we took a picture together, we’d be… [] Hugging each other. [] Just chilling. [] Holding hands. [] Kissing. [] Acting dumb. [] Normal picture. [] You holding me from behind. You are… [] Cute/Pretty. [] Good looking. [] Sexy. [] All of the above You + me + room = … [] Movies. [] Cuddling. [] Hanging out. [] Kissing. [] Playing games. [] Everything. [] Wouldn’t let you in. You should… [] Hit me up. [] Be mine. [] Marry me. [] Reblog this so I can send you a heart. [] be studying If we got married, I’d… [] Divorce you. [] Make kids. [] Take your money and bounce. [] Smash every day. [] I would cheat on you. [] Be faithful. [] Kill you in your sleep [] We wouldn’t
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wanderinghellkitten · 3 years
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       ————  SHE WAS A LITTLE MONSTER    (  was born in an end of eastern  )    on her back there’s an awkward feather      THAT’S BIG ENOUGH TO CARRY ONE WHOLE PLANET   
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wanderinghellkitten · 3 years
     ❝ hawawawa … ❞  clearly, the little vampire is just a tad too little to be carrying anyone that isn’t as small as her comfortably.  the only thing keeping her from stumbling is the thought that it would be rude to drop hailey.  better get this done quickly.  a moment to collect her bearings, and in another, she’s up in the air.
      ❝ ‘kay!  full speed ahead! ❞  as if kicking off of a wall, she blasts forward, skillfully dodging any obstacles.
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     however, her speed is not what it could be.  although the rain that soaks into her clothes could be ignored, the downpour now hitting her face and hands was distracting enough to make her falter.  still, she keeps a tight grip, not allowing herself to let up even for a second.
      ❝… tch.❞  she skids to a stop at the entrance of the village, heels digging into the dirt.  the trip only took a few minutes, but it leaves her quite ragged.  what seemed to be slight burn marks were left on her skin, although not quite as severe as if it had been the sun. breath in, breath out.
      ❝i think we made it.❞  barely.
The relative sizes... For a moment, Hailey had wondered if she was somehow too heavy for Flan to lift, but the relative sizes makes a lot more sense. Given how tall she is compared to the little vampire, it’s no surprise that she barely even fits in Flan’s arms...
And Flan lifts her high up into the air. The cat tries not to look down... She’s not used to being this high. In fact, the last time she looked down on scenery like this was when she fell off a cliff-
“I am... not used to see the world from this perspec-”
Flan accelerates before Hailey can finish her sentence, and the words end up shoved right back down the Hellcat’s mouth. She ends up wincing, squeezing her eyes shut as they soar and zoom across the skies. It’s a meek, vulnerable expression, one that would be embarrassing if she had time to register it.
It’s not until they’re on the ground again that the Hellcat opens her eyes, and immediately she finds herself looking at Flan’s haggard expression.
“Did we make it? Are you alright?”
A blunt way to put things, but she has no reason to hide her concern.
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wanderinghellkitten · 3 years
     ❝ oh  …  ah …  mm  …  hmm  … ❞  for a brief moment, the little vampire taps her fingers together, looking left and right.  just how was she going to go about this?  she couldn’t carry hailey on her back, and on the shoulders might not be the best either.  with a lot more hmms and ahs, she blinks, and a light bulb seems to go off in her head.
     maybe, maybe, maybe  …
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      ❝——  got it!  let’s do it like this! ❞  she stretches out as far as her little arms could manage ― which, admittedly, wasn’t much ― with her palms facing upward.  ❝if you lie down like this  …  see?  i’ve seen people do it before. ❞  (  one might be inclined to wonder where she was snooping around to have seen such a thing  )
     such a position might be considered rather intimate to some, but flandre doesn’t know anything about that, evidenced by her childlike smile.  ❝ well?  what are you waiting for?  let’s go, let’s go!❞
Oh she’s-
“Ah... Even if you are a little too... short... to pull it off convincingly, that would be just about the only way to do it, would it not?”
Hailey... smiles. It’s a nostalgic smile... because a whole world away, in an entirely different universe, there was once a little vampire with crystal wings who always insisted on carrying her ‘pet’ Hellcat like this. At the same time, though, this isn’t going to be very dignified...
“Very... well. Let us... proceed.”
For the first time in a long, long time, Hailey feels heat creeping into her cheeks. If she’s blushing (and she dearly hopes not...) then it will probably be quite... apparent, especially given how flat-faced she usually is. Clearing her throat awkwardly, the Hellcat does as Flan suggests, lying down on those outstretched palms, allowing them to shift naturally to accommodate her weight. With how strong Flan is, this shouldn’t be a problem.
“Well, I... Let’s just go.”
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wanderinghellkitten · 3 years
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     ❝ eh?  really?  would that be fine?  really? ❞  her rapid inquiry is accompanied by an inquisitive tilt of the head.  she has no doubt that she could fly there while carrying the hellcat, at the cost of a few seconds of speed.  ❝cause, if i carried you, it’d be like  …  whoosh, and we’d be there now!  or like  …  now! ❞
     that said, she’d never tried to carry someone much bigger than her while flying.  in fact, she’d never carried anyone while flying at all.  but she didn’t have much time to think about it.  if they continued to stand around discussing it, the window of opportunity would quickly disappear.
      ❝i can do it, if you really want me to.❞  unsure, she decides to leave it up to hailey.  ❝but choose quickly, or i’m really gonna melt.  and i don’t like melting.❞ 
     luckily, the few drops of rain that fall down only barely soak into her clothes.  and like a child, she hops from one foot to another, staring at hailey with wide and expectant eyes.
“I would not mind at all,” Hailey replies, glancing upwards. A raindrop hits her in the eye and she wastes a moment slowly blinking it out again. “So long as you do not drop me, of course. I think plummeting to the earth might prove to be... unhealthy.”
How the Hell is Flan going to carry her though? It’ll work out, the little vampire’s more than strong enough to handle it, but it might get quite uncomfortable. Perhaps it’d be best for her to ask... but the rain’s only getting heavier.
“Seeing as the downpour is getting more intense, I think we should just go. Pick me up, and go.”
For a moment, the Hellcat is distracted by horrific visions of herself being dangled by her feet or her tails. Flan is sensible enough to avoid it, right?
“Just... try not to make it too uncomfortable,” Hailey adds with almost indecent, uncharacteristic haste.
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wanderinghellkitten · 3 years
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     “  yeah.  i hate being out in the rain.  it makes me feel like i’m melting.  “  and she does, quite literally.  such minor yet debilitating events could put a stop to her menacing entirely.  although, it’s not being hurt that she’s worried about.  if it’s raining, then it means she can’t play.  and if she can’t play, then she gets bored.  and there’s nothing more dangerous than a bored flan.
     she had previously considered just zooming over to the village.  with her speed, it would be no problem.  but she’d leave hailey behind, and she can’t do that.  so, all that’s left is  …
     “  oh  …  thanks, but i’ll be fine.  “  she declines the offer.  she didn’t want to inconvenience hailey for her own comfort.  “  you’ll get cold without it.  and i’m super tough!  if we go to the village quickly, it’ll be okay.  “
“We should probably make sure you remain solid, should we not?”
Hailey smiles very subtly, the smile of a Hellcat humouring someone. She has no idea how much of an exaggeration it is. Would Flan actually melt? Would she just... fizzle a bit and collapse? Either way, it would be easier for them to simply avoid that outcome.
“If we run to the village from here, it could still take long enough for the rain to start getting heavy. Are you sure you do not want to fly over? If you are worried about leaving me behind, I could try to keep up with you on the ground. Or... I suppose I could give you permission to carry me.”
The Hellcat slips her coat back on. The cold is annoying, so if Flan’s not going to take it, she’ll keep it for herself.
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wanderinghellkitten · 3 years
     “  ooh  …  so it has.  “  now that she’s been told, the little vampire becomes aware of the rain coming down.  the sound reminds her of days where she had nothing better to do than watch the rain drip down the window, glass cold to the touch.  but this was no time to reminisce, she thought.  the rain could actually be harmful, should it come down any harder.
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     “  i was going to go to the village, anyway  …  “  she hadn’t intended to originally, but it was her best option at the moment.  surely she could find an overhang or something, just for a little bit.  “  there are a lot of places to hide there.  were you also going there?  “
     most people generally don’t take too kindly to her suddenly appearing, but  …  well, she always makes things work.
“Indeed. I try to avoid  the human village because they do not always look highly upon Youkai there, but it is admittedly one of the safer places to take shelter from the rain.”
At the very least, the humans aren’t powerful, mythical entities... well, not most of them at least. But then again, if she has Flan with her, she doesn’t really have to worry about that as much.
“Will rain be a problem for you? I believe that enough of it can be dangerous for a vampire because of running water, correct?”
Back in her world, Flan always wore a coat and a hat so it was slightly less of a problem but...
Hailey shakes her head. It could still be a problem. She tugs her coat off and hands it over, although she’s not sure it’ll help.
“Do you think it would help if you put this on? Or should I just hold it over your head?”
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wanderinghellkitten · 3 years
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     “  yeah!  doing just fine!  “  she kicks her legs as she floats in the air, not unlike an excited child.  with that happy expression, she acts as if she hadn’t just rocketed herself at the hellcat with all her strength.  “  but i’m bored  ….  really, really reaaallly– bored.  “
     she finally lets go, hopping back and landing on the ground with a soft tap.  above them was the sound of rain hitting the leaves, gradually becoming heavier by the minute.  the little vampire takes no notice of that, however.  there are more important things to worry about at the moment.
     “  although–  you look like something happened to you.  is something wrong?  “  evidently, her sense of self awareness is not very strong.
“Is that so? Might we do something to alleviate that problem?”
Hailey smiles, although it’s a little strained. As pleased as she is to see the little vampire again... being attacked every time they meet is not exactly a fun experience. Sure, Flan likes to tussle, but being tackled all the time is...
The Hellcat spares a moment to glance up. It sounds like the rain is getting heavier, but no chance of her getting under shelter now. She might as well as just... deal with it, since most of the rain is hitting the leaves anyways. Hopefully she doesn’t catch a cold, like the last time she trudged through a rainstorm...
“In any case, nothing happened to me... beyond the usual over-exposure to the elements,” she says, tugging absently on the glove covering her skeletal hand. “I might just be a bit... em... winded. From running to seek shelter. Since the clouds are gray, and rain has begun to fall.”
And vampires are tackling her with a little more affection than she can handle... well, just one vampire. If any more showed up she would not be pleased...
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wanderinghellkitten · 3 years
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           ——  she  died  by  the  bullet,  and  then  there  were  none.
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wanderinghellkitten · 3 years
     “  fu-fuu~~n.  “
     she takes no notice of the rain beginning to fall as she spots her target.  rusted crystals clink together as she makes her move, somehow without attracting too much attention.  she was far too distracted to notice who it was she had her eye on.
     what she lacks in stealth she certainly makes up for in speed.  poised behind the other and ready to strike, in the split second an opportunity presents itself, she launches herself at the target.  however, just before she makes contact  …
…  ah.  could that be  …  ?
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     “  yay!  hailey!!  “  she practically smothers the hellcat, small arms hugging her.  not exactly the most standard greeting, but at least she doesn’t weigh too much.
Approaching! Brace for attack!
Hailey shifts her stance, planting both of her feet very firmly in the ground. Grunting, the Hellcat pivots to meet her assailant head on, her skeletal hand in position to parry any-
Confusion colours her voice for just a moment as she realises who it is that’s leaping on her right now. She hasn’t seen-
Vampire hits Hellcat with a solid whump. Hailey manages to catch her with surprising dexterity... although perhaps that shouldn’t be surprising for a Hellcat, but it still takes the breath out of her for a moment. Even if Flan’s not heavy, she’s strong and that means that when she launches herself...
“Flan- How have you been?” she wheezes, almost stumbling from the impact.
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