wanderingstardoll · 10 years
//Gah, its still giving me issues DX
I'm gonna head offline and try again later. Sorry everyone ;n;
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wanderingstardoll · 10 years
//Something seems to be wrong with Tumblr on my end, since I can't send asks or reblog things ;n;
Once it's fixed I'll be more active I promise
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wanderingstardoll · 10 years
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"I hadn't thought about there being other princesses in the kingdom," Geno muttered.
Perhaps he's been out of touch longer than he thought...the only royals he knew of were Princess Toadstool, Bowser, and Mallow.
"My deepest apologies princess." Geno said with a slight bow of his wooden form.
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wanderingstardoll · 10 years
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"Well now, it's good to be back. Just had to check up on Star Road for a while, but now's time to see more of the kingdom."
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wanderingstardoll · 10 years
//Thanks to everyone who followed me today and RPed with me it was fun! :D I'm glad so many of you like Geno and this blog~
Unfortunately though, I'm flying to Florida for a week and a half tomorrow for a family vacation .-. so I probably won't be online for that time. I say probably because I'm not sure if I can sneak in my laptop for the trip.
Assuming I can't, I'll see you all in full force after the 27th of this month. Take care everyone! (; w;)/
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wanderingstardoll · 10 years
Geno quickly transformed his body into a large wooden cannon, aimed right at the laser charging Marx. He fired out a shot of napalm, which soon grew in radius once it exploded. "GENO FLASH!"
Marx folded his large wings and gave a demented, warped laugh. "Hello sir Geno! I have a good question for you!" The jester fixed his bow tie with his claws on his wings. "Would you care to fight me?" he said, showing his fangs off I the process.
Guess the kingdom wasn’t without more surprises, Geno thought.
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"Who are you exactly?" He asked.
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wanderingstardoll · 10 years
"A bit of both, more towards the second one." Geno said after a moment of after thought. "I possessed this doll because it was the strongest of those I found...and I needed its power to fix Star Road."
"So, I take it you are out of this world also?" Geno surmised, hearing him say planet.
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wanderingstardoll · 10 years
Geno thought this guy was a few eggs short of a Yoshi's nest, but that didn't mean he was gonna sit back and take a thrashing.
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"Consider it granted." He said.
As fast as he was, he quickly fired off a round of ammo from his arm, aimed at Marx. As a warrior of the stars, this was no time to mess around.
Marx folded his large wings and gave a demented, warped laugh. "Hello sir Geno! I have a good question for you!" The jester fixed his bow tie with his claws on his wings. "Would you care to fight me?" he said, showing his fangs off I the process.
Guess the kingdom wasn’t without more surprises, Geno thought.
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"Who are you exactly?" He asked.
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wanderingstardoll · 10 years
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"I'm borrowing this form for the time being. It feels...natural, after using it last time I was here." Geno explained. He then sat up a bit, putting a hand on his chest. "My true being is a star, from Star Road. That's where all the wishes come true in the kingdom."
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wanderingstardoll · 10 years
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Geno nodded and would follow Daisy to their first stop. "Right behind ya."
Perhaps there were secrets hidden beneath the sands? Geno wondered, and looked forward to the tour of the kingdom.
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wanderingstardoll · 10 years
"You'd be amazed what they put in toys back then," Geno said with a chuckle. "My arms have gun barrels in them. Same with my fingers."
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wanderingstardoll · 10 years
Marx folded his large wings and gave a demented, warped laugh. "Hello sir Geno! I have a good question for you!" The jester fixed his bow tie with his claws on his wings. "Would you care to fight me?" he said, showing his fangs off I the process.
Guess the kingdom wasn't without more surprises, Geno thought.
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"Who are you exactly?" He asked.
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wanderingstardoll · 10 years
As the sun shined down above the clouds, a thunderous racket could be heard. But it was just the prince playing with his Sonic Cymbals.
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"I forgot how fun these were! I really showed Smithy a thing or two back then! And one day, I’m gonna show Mario how high I can jump! Like really really high!"
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wanderingstardoll · 10 years
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"Geno." He said cooly. "I haven't caught your name either."
"That's no problem," Geno added, about his situation in Flipside. The Mushroom Kingdom wasn't going anywhere; he wanted to see what there was to see here. "I'd like to see more of Flipside before I depart. There's no rush anyway~"
Nastasia listened intently as he explained about the place. It honestly seemed a bit ridiculous to her…but then again, she supposed the Mushroom Kingdom already was a bit ridiculous to begin with, and she’d seen stranger things before. She let out a light snort at the mention of Bowser. “Yeah, I can understand that.”
She seemed to stare past him for a few moments after he finished. A fresh outlook…yeah, she could understand that. She focused her attention back on him, adjusting her glasses. “Well, like I said, you’re kind of far from the Mushroom Kingdom. You’ll need to take some kind of portal if you want to go there, or find somebody who can flip you there. 
"Oh, um, I don’t think I caught your name." And normally she was a bit more polite than this.
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wanderingstardoll · 10 years
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The sound of a gun being primed was heard. "Bad move Croco."
Suddenly, before you know it, your wallet is swiped out of your pocket. A chuckle was heard as you see a purple raptor-like creature looking through it nearby.
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"Alright, lets see… 230 coins, some personal crap… not a bad steal, heheheh…"
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wanderingstardoll · 10 years
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"Alright. One moment."
Geno pointed out one of his fingers to a piece of ground next to them, away from Olimar and the Pikmin so they wouldn't get hurt. Said finger then bent awkwardly, and with a little shake, a metal ball of ammo just rolled out and plopped on the ground. Geno didn't fire it out, but just let it fall out on its own so no one would get hurt.
"You think you can carry that?" Geno asked. The ball was probably Olimar's height, and weighed a decent amount; it was ammo after all!
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wanderingstardoll · 10 years
When You Wish Upon A Star (@pippymario)
Star Road...where wishes come true for all over the Mushroom Kingdom and beyond. No one knows how it does what it does...but it does for the sake of happiness.
And to make another wish come true, it would need a little help from a star itself...even if he didn't realize it.
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"Excuse me," Came Geno's voice behind the young woman. The walking doll thought he finally found his way to the Mushroom Kingdom, but wasn't exactly sure himself. Years away can do that to a star. "Is this the Mushroom Kingdom? I'm afraid I don't know my way around as well as I used to."
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