Hello new followers. So this is an inactive blog. But if I were to start reblogging old posts, would you guys share them?
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Tag list under the cut, to filter by subject or author, now updated with working links!
Here are the tags that I use:
every soul here is a monster: ficlets that focus on Purgatory itself and Dean and Castiel’s interactions with it I’ll go with you: ficlets that focus on Dean and Castiel’s relationship we should play twister: humour I don’t have a soul to sell: ficlets that feature angels in some way well and truly alone: Sam’s tag claws and sympathy: Lenore chained to a comet: Claire Novak I was the best of those sons of bitches: Ruby remember to let her under your skin: Mary Winchester I don’t like poetry: Meg  but there’s still me: Anna  it’s been a tough sweet sixteen: Emma a mother would never abandon her children: Eve  this is all that’s left: Madison  not a good guy: Benny
Writing Challenges
group challenge group challenge 1 solo challenge solo challenge 1 solo challenge 2 solo challenge 3 solo challenge 4 solo challenge 5
Denizens of Purgatory
a-walking-blasphemy ali-kay amonitrate amoreprofoundblog angel-with-a-tardis anneretic astaraels aufgehen axisofsymmetry blueberrytoast boazpriestly callowyn catboatventure cas-hole comictuesdays crowleyshouseplant deanosaur demon-hunting-wench dirtyovercoats dotfic fallingfraudsandwaywardsons footstepsoftheelephant gutsandachangeup hard-core-troubadour ilovehowyouletmefall jacksonisasub julietfoxtrot killthegiant lizchester m0nst3rj3n mishasmeatstick moreofadeficitsugarglider myjusticecake obsessedkuroi oneinchwonder padapooper partofmealwaysbelieved passingknightly penisvakarian profoundlyunbound proxydialogue pumpkincollins rantothedevil rococorendezvous rubato saltfree sargraf serricoj shabbytiger sistabro siterlas teamfreewolf thecorruptedquietone timeywimeyimpala tsadde veneredirimmel voldemort-grrl wallmakerrelict wherenonagoes wingeddildos zatnikatel
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Well this just gave me feelings
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1. to feel sorrow over; repent of; regret bitterly. 
2. to wish that (something) had never been done, taken place, etc.
3. to feel sorrow, repentance, or regret. 
4. sorrow; repentance; regret. 
5. pity or compassion.
Etymology: from Middle English ruen, rewen, Old English hrēowan; cognate with Dutch rouwen, German reuen; (noun) Middle English rewe, reowe,Old English hrēow; cognate with Dutch rouw, German Reue.
[Caitlin Hackett]
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This blog is inactive now, but these pictures are perfect for purgatory fic.
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Cool ghost photography by surrealist photographer Cristopher McKenney.
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  #There's some woods outside the bunker  #Dean quickly develops a habit of going out there #Whenever the stress of the job gets to be too much  #and he needs to refocus  #It gives him a sense of calm that came with the single-minded purpose of Purgatory  #After the fall of the angels he finds Cas there one morning  #standing  #tension in his legs as if he's about to bolt  #'Cas?' he says  #and his friend turns and looks at him  #guilt in his eyes  #Dean just pins him with his gaze  #steady  #unwavering  #And slowly Cas relaxes #They sit under a tree  #and watch the sun rise through the branches
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(by Robin Halioua)
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(by ashley ree)
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Kiyo Murakami - Calling
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The summer hiatus in Purgatory is over. And the production of pic-fics has slowed considerably. So I'm not going to search around for them anymore. If someone writes something, and I happen to see it, I'll reblog it here, and of course you can still feel free to link me to ficlets. But I don't expect there to be many more updates. 
I have to say, I'm impressed with the volume of fic that has been written, and the fact that there was still stuff to reblog on here right up to the season premier. The creativity in this fandom is amazing. Let this blog stand as a testament to that. :)
Have an amazing season gr8, everyone! 
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Cages Asylum Series by Heather Huey - New York, NY
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#one day the fog just starts rolling in#dean might make some kind of lord of the rings joke; ''let's hope we don't run into gollum while we're traipsin' through these mountains'' #''they're foothills dean'' cas corrects him and dean just rolls his eyes #pulls his jacket in closer against the chill of the fog and walks closer to cas until their shoulders are nearly brushing #''we should be safe in the fog'' cas tells him; much to dean's surprise #''why is the fog safer?'' #''because it hides us from a number of things we don't want to find us'' 
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#they're always being watched#by eyes in the bushes#by eyes in the sky#by the very ground they walk upon
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Folding lava.
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 #daytime never seems to break through purgatory's shell   #sometimes it's as dark as a night with no moon   #but more often then not it's like this   #strange diaphanous light flitting in and out between the trees   #Dean actually prefers the darkness   #the light in purgatory plays tricks on you  #it can't be trusted
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Fog (via *** - Вадим Трунов - LensArt.ru)
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Gustave Dore “Harpies in the Forest of Suicides” (Canto XIII, Inferno, Divine Comedy, by Dante Alighieri)
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After what seemed like years of running and hiding, exhaustion settling in his bones as an never ending ache and soreness, Dean started to feel the tingling sensation one gets when you’re being observed. No matter how hard he tried he never got even as much as a glimpse of whatever new and horrifying thing chasing them. 
Castiel was constantly on edge and snappish, the frustration of running and running and running finally taking its toll on the angel, or whatever he was right now. Dean snorted at the thought, to which Cas sent him a glare over the shoulder. Oh, right, they were setting up a trap, how could he forget? The absurdity of the situation he never really got out of, who knows how long they’d been tucked away in the darkest corner of the known universe, was staring to get to him.  The shit-hole God made.
Dean had to press his hand against his mouth in order to not let the sobbing laugh of bordering hysteria out and scare their game, chupacabras were, surprisingly enough, edible despite their foul appearance.
A snap of a dry twig instantly pulled his mind to alertness and he slowly moved around, observing the surroundings of his and Cas’ temporary hide-out. 
The forest was dim and seemingly empty to the naked eye, a low mist  rising from the ground made it hard to see in the distance.
A flicker of something dark made Dean pause and strain his eyes to see better, it had almost looked something like a sweater. He frowned a bit and was about to turn and tell Cas about it when he saw the flicker again, not too far away behind the trunk of a tree, and it wasn’t the only thing he saw. 
He hadn’t seen that particular set of shoulders since before he and Cas ended up in this pit of despair, and the few locks of hair he could see gently moving in the wind was more familiar than hos own. 
The blood ran cold in his body, he could feel every lick of warmth leave him in an instance as the ice settled in his stomach and his fingers started to tremble. 
“Cas.. Come on Cas, let’s go, we have to leave,” Dean whispered harshly, not taking his eyes off the shape behind the tree.
“I see no reason why we should leave Dean, we just set up the trap and-“
“Forget about the trap, we have to go now,” Dean urged as he reached behind him and managed to grab a hold of Cas’ coat.
“You see that? Behind the tree?” he asked the now turned around and increasingly displeased Castiel.
Castiel did look up however and went rigid.
“Is that..?” 
“No, this shit stain of a place may have scrambled my brains a bit, but I do know one thing. That? Ain’t Sam.”
With one last shared look of agreement, they ran.
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