claudia-kishi · 10 months
Just saw your Transplant gifset with your tags about Laurence Leboeuf and I wanted to ask if you've ever seen Durham County, in which she's one of the leads! Fair warning, the show is VERY dark--it's about a cop and his family who move next door to a murderer, and it's one of those "Look at how many ways people can be terrible to each other!" shows--and only the first two seasons are any good, but she's fantastic in it.
i have not! i was actually curious to see what else she's been in but nothing really seemed toooooo interesting lol but maybe i'll check it out! thanks for the info!!!
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deengoblue · 1 year
they gave me crabs!
(not every day you can say thanks for giving me crabs)
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lightedwindows · 3 months
Thanks for tagging me @forasecondtherewedwon
10 gifs, 10 fave shows
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I tag @moscarific @aprylynn @bossymarmalade @sidewaystime @zambonirider @zerotolove @serricoj
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zmediaoutlet · 5 months
hi! Do you have the link for that fic you recc'd (a tiny thing by serricoj)? I can't find it anywhere. Thanks in advance!
voila, mon frere:
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aurumcalendula · 10 months
Ten fandoms, ten characters, ten tags
I was tagged by @kuwdora!
(in roughly alphabetical order)
Chrisjen Avaserala (The Expanse)
Sarah Connor (The Terminator movies)
Elim Garak (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
Mirror Philippa Georgiou (Star Trek: Discovery)
Aneela Kin Rit (Killjoys)
Vala Mal Doran (Stargate: SG-1)
Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds)
Sameen Shaw (Person of Interest)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Zhou Zishu (Word of Honor)
tagging (if you want to do it): @beatriceeagle @collsssss @edgeoflight @isagrimorie @moocowmoocow @profiterole-reads @sandraugiga @serricoj @skillzyo @sweeter-than
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siterlas · 5 months
soooooo yonks ago (2 months) @serricoj tagged me for "rules: we’re snooping in your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then choose 10 victims."
unfortch i don't have a real music library anymore because i am a spotify subscriber, so here is my Liked Songs playlist on shuffle instead.
"wade in the water" by the war and the treaty, the blind boys of alabama, matt rollings
"st. clarity" by the paper kites
"someone else" by thomas newman (meet joe black ost)
"mariners apartment complex" by lana del rey
"weaker girl" by banks
"bubbles" by yosi horikawa
"the hindu times" by oasis
"too little, too late" by jojo
"norr" by pølaroit
"wild & wicked world" by hayley kiyoko
i tag those of you who have watched "across the spiderverse", one of the new "dune" movies, or the spn finale. go!
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topaz-eyes · 2 years
Rules: pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the mid point, pick a line, and share it! then tag 10 people.
Nabbed from @serricoj!
I took their excellent advice and used a random number generator to pick my fics.  Numbering goes from #1 (newest) to #211 (oldest).
And soon enough there she was, peeking from a crack in the door, the alien who’d usurped Lucy Cartwright and wore her face.  "Hello, Sister-of-Mine," he greeted.
#58,  A Kinder Fate, Doctor Who (2005)
You set out the modest meal on the table and wait, icy shaking hands wrapped around the steaming mug, hoping for calm, peace maybe, something soothing to settle the frayed thoughts of past friendship and uneasy forgiveness and what the hell do we do now?
#207,  Small Comforts, Harry Potter
Ten years later, in her bedroom, in front of the larger-than-life image of Grandma Louise on her wall, Dad says, "There's something I want to tell you, Em."
#79,  Love You Forever (The Heart Remembers Overdub), Lie to Me
Suddenly fed up with just sitting and drowning his sorrows, Wyatt jumped to his feet and slid out of the booth, knocking his empty mug over with his elbow.  Mac winced visibly at the crash.
#35,  Ouroboros, Strike Back
"That's pretty cold even for you, Jimmy," he said, but without malice. "Wanting your missing brother to have frozen to death on the bitter streets of New York City."
#143,  In Confidence, House MD
That alone was fascinating to contemplate, but he wasn't going to get the answer out of Wilson tonight.  He might as well continue the evening in bed, alone.
#137, Joker’s Wild, House MD
It had been in the set of Jack's jaw, the slight slump of his shoulders, the way he'd avoided Tony's searching eyes and flinched at Tony's hand on his shoulder when Tony broke the bittersweet news.
#201, In Narrow Daylight, 24
Twenty years later at another one-thirty AM, Dixie McCall RN, Head Nurse of the Emergency Department at Rampart General Hospital, was perched at her supply desk by the communications centre filling out the interminable paperwork, when a Roy DeSoto shaped shadow fell across her papers.
#11, Pay It Forward, Emergency! / M*A*S*H*
Neil exhaled, reluctantly pulled the paper from Aurora's grasp, and scanned for where she had left off.  As he read aloud, he could have sworn he heard Tom reading right along with him.
#53,  Larks Still Bravely Singing, X Company
“But now I think we should move the wedding up as soon as possible given the circumstances.  That is, if you want to get married.  To me.”  He cleared his throat then, and shied away from Johnny’s astounded face.
#6, There’s Got To Be A Morning After (if we can hold on through the night), Emergency!
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this!
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cosmic-llin · 4 years
I would like to know about Keiko on Bajor and Ro dentist fic, please! (If I can only have one, Ro dentist.)
Keiko on Bajor is sort of a companion piece to this fic? It follows Keiko during her time working on Bajor, including meeting her Bajoran colleagues and dealing with their various attitudes towards her, raising Molly among Bajorans, and getting to know Kira better. I started it years ago and it doesn’t even need to be super long, I just haven’t quite managed to get it working right yet. I worry at it now and then and will probably finish it eventually!
The Ro dentist fic is one that I probably won’t finish at this point. I last edited it in 2012, apparently. It was going to be a sequel to/expansion of this ficlet about Tasha and Ro at the Academy, and it was about Tasha guiding Ro through her first dental appointment, and more broadly about the kinds of experiences the two of them missed out on in their childhoods, and how they each cope differently with their feelings of not quite fitting in at the Academy. Here’s a wee snippet:
‘It’s nothing to be...’ - she was about to say afraid, but stopped herself - ‘concerned about,’ she amended. ‘They just scan you with a tricorder like in a regular medical, then if you need any work done you just sit in a special chair so that they can do a precision transport of any infected stuff, and then they just give you a hypo or two if anything needs regrowing or whatever. It hardly takes any time at all.’
Laren shrugged again. She was a very expressive shrugger.
Tasha thought it probably wouldn’t be helpful to mention her first dental examination. Fifteen years old, scared and confused, she had screamed and kicked and bitten the Starfleet nurse who tried to fit the head clamp for the microtransport.
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cosmictuesdays · 4 years
Oh, happy birthday! I hope the weather gave you a nice spring day.
Thank you! It did, very much, and I hope yours is just as seasonally pleasant when it arrives.
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thisisstarfleet · 4 years
You may have gotten an answer to this already, but O'Brien wrecking the cargo bay is from 'Hard Time'.
Thanks! That's probably why it didn't click right away. I like O'Brien, and that's one of the O'Brien Must Suffer episodes that is rough for me to watch.
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cacchieressa · 4 years
For the TV Show Ask Meme: 6, 8, 19.
6. which shows do you think are underrated and need more love?
Huh, that’s a good question. My current answers are 12 Monkeys! Killjoys! The Expanse! The first two are complete so you can watch the whole thing - 12 Monkeys especially is super tightly plotted. Killjoys is so much fun (Team Awesome Force!) and I love Dutch and Johnny’s relationship. Plus, FANCY LEE. And The Expanse has 4 complete seasons available for marathoning.
8. do you prefer week-to-week content, or just binging all in one go?
I prefer being able to watch all at once, but I think I get more out of shows I watch week-to-week in terms of thinking about them and absorbing them.
19. are there any shows on your “to watch” list right now?
So many! Killing Eve! Mrs. America! the latest seasons of Grace and Frankie and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel! Zumbo’s Just Desserts! Nadiya Hussein’s show!
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drivingsideways · 5 years
Oh Jayne. I started writing this SPN/Black Sails fusion in 2018, and it’s still not done. Not even close. Anyways, thought you might enjoy a bit of Castiel via Black Sails :D :
(under the cut for length)
“You know what this is, of course” shesays, softly.
Castiel nods. “The Tree of Knowledge”
“Yes” she says.
Then she sighs. “Castiel, how did you gethere?”
Thoughts-memories-feelings-tumble through their consciousness at the speed of light-Miranda’s pleading, James’ fear, Rachel’s body, a shell without her Grace,Yakub’s laughter, Malachi’s favourite song, Raphael’s grim face, Alistair’smocking look, Miranda’s joy when she’d held James again, James’ grip on theirarm-millennia of slaughter and blood and silence and-
“I was looking” Castiel says,” for ananswer”.
“Well, then, you’ve come to the rightplace, haven’t you?” she murmurs, “But-“she pauses. “Are you sure of thequestion?”
Castiel looks at her, helpless.
She doesn’t say anything further, justlooks at them, kind as ever.
“Eating of The Tree brought sorrow and lossinto the world” Castiel says-unsure why their voice sounds like a plea.
“Yes” she says, “Yes it did- and it does”.
She says nothing more.
“It brings doubt and misery” Castiel says.
“Yes” she says, “it does.”
“Then why-“Castiel starts- and is interrupted by the sound of laughter.
There are two- people-at the base of The Tree now, and the laughter is coming fromthem. The woman murmurs something, and the man next to her – he bends his headso he can hear her better, and whispers something back, that makes her gigglesome more. They have their backs to their audience- but Castiel already knows- even as Miranda turns to rest herback on the trunk, pulling James to her- and James is turning now toward Thomas,who’s loped up from the side, and takes his hand, smiling, before turning todrop a kiss on Miranda’s lips, and then reaches up to do the same to Thomas.
They look different, Castiel thinks, stillin shock: older- their faces lined, and their hair greyer. Thomas Hamilton’s faceis lined and stubbled, his head bare and hair unfashionably cropped, and James’hair is not held back with a ribbon, but shorter. There are lines around hiseyes that don’t belong to-
Castiel watches and feels something piercethem: something unnamed and sharp, something like longing and tenderness, likeenvy and desire and fear-something inchoate that slices rapier-like throughtheir Grace, and they are-
It’s Miranda who sees them- she murmurssomething to the other two, and they both turn- still holding each other-anchoring, familiar touches-and the smiles still on their faces as they seewho’s watching.
Miranda holds out her hand toward Castiel,her smile widening.
“Castiel!” she calls.
Castielis rooted to the ground, they are flying through space-Castiel is-
When they wake up, they are in a garden.
It’s not the same garden, but it isfamiliar.
It is Miranda’s garden, except that Mirandais not here.
Castiel still feels-
Castiel still feels.
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deengoblue · 10 months
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
tagged by @jessica-drewz
1. 3 ships: Crowley/Aziraphale, Good Omens. Kim Wexler/Jimmy McGill, Better Call Saul. Han/Leia, Star Wars (I am fascinated by the ways they both do and do not work).
2. First Ever Ship: probably Robin Hood/Maid Marian (exclusively the foxes from the Disney version). Or maybe it was Han/Leia.
3. Last Song: Wedding Song by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs
4. Last Movie: Auntie Mame (1958)
5. Currently Reading: re-reading (or rather, re-listening to) The Chalk Girl by Carol O'Connell
6. Currently Watching: old episodes of The Great British Baking Show
7. Currently Consuming: just finished my chicken & mushroom enchiladas
8. Currently Craving: a three day weekend and a clean apartment 😩
No pressure tagging: @lookslikeaquentinblakedrawing @of-roses-and-aces @readymadetaken @rexbasileus @serricoj @funyasm and anyone else who might want to share?
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punkascas · 7 years
Fic title: Hollow Planet
so i originally read this as hollow point bc i suck at reading things, and that made me think of a fic that’s more like inspired by x-men than actually a direct fusion with x-men or smth that takes place in that world. (read: i steal the bits i like the best and ignore everything else.) 
but ok so dean and sam, still hunters, still raised on the road by john, only they’re both mutants (john is not a mutant; mary’s status is currently unknown). dean has ferrokinesis; he can manipulate metal with his mind. very handy for fixing the impala, but also he can do the cool thing of arming and disarming guns, levitating them in the air, and pulling the trigger all without touching anything (and honestly could also just shoot bullets sans gun but he grew up shooting guns before his powers manifested at puberty and there’s still something satisfying about the chemical reaction in a gun blast - not to mention that john was kind of sort of a lot against mutant abilities so dean’s still kind of shackled with that). 
sam’s a telepath with telekinesis. a hella powerful one too. he has a medical degree.
cas is a bit different. there’s no angels or demons in this world. so cas isn’t an angel but he is a mutant, with the power to heal. from anything. and is who knows how old at this point bc he never does seem to stay dead. someone at some point tried to graph wings into his back, so he’s got the bone and muscle and ligaments of wings. but they’re hella ugly and disturbing, all scraggly scarred up patches of skin graph, and whoever did it clearly didn’t have a good grasp of either physics or muscle strength, bc he can’t use them to fly.
dean and cas both have issues. sam has issues. there’s probably politics and morality that drive the external plot. like the recent recognition of supernatural creatures as legal citizens, with rights, or as much as mutants have rights, which throws into question whether dean and sam are hunting their own kind. cas is a badass militant activist for mutant/supernatural creature rights. he and dean argue a lot. all of things they leave unsaid give sam monstrous migraines.   
the first couple lines goes: 
dean first meets the mutant castiel by shooting him in the head. two minutes later, castiel hauls himself up from the dust, armoured with a glare like death and a tiny trail of blood trickling in front of his left ear. 
and sam, with painful unfortunate clarity, hears dean think the twin thoughts of, oh shit, and, oh, here we go now, both sentiments alight in the same tenor of terrified murderous excitement.  
it might also be set in steampunk 1890s london. (except none of them are british.) 
send me a fic title and i’ll tell you what i’d write for it
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zmediaoutlet · 2 years
would you be interested in ever writing an unrequited destiel fic? (With wincest obvs, for the drama) if not - what are your thoughts on that?
I mean, yeah! Unrequited destiel is the best kind! But in that, obv I would go with the canon option of pining!Cas with a Dean who...
...here's the thing. I really like Dean as heteroflexible in the ways I've mentioned before -- regardless of how Jensen started to get increasingly shrill about how DEAN IS STRAIGHT (and who can blame him, considering the shit he was dealing with from Those People), it's trivially easy to insert something a little less straightforward (eh? eh?) in canon-as-presented. Like. Extremely easy, lol. The bi!truthers aren't exactly wrong, they're just... assholes.
With that said, though, I really like Dean definitely not reciprocating with Cas. Like, even with a Deanna where it would be 'obvious' for them to bone, I want it not to happen. And the reason why is -- PINING CAS IS SO FUCKIN GOOD. Whyyy would I ever want to get rid of that for some thin bone sesh?
There are a few times where a consummation does feel possible -- early s5 being obvious when Dean and Sam are separated; maybe with human!Cas in mid-s9, where Dean's so guilty about Sam and Cas is so pathetic, lol. But Dean's always looking away, back to Sam, and Cas knows for 100% definitely-certain true that Sam is always going to be Dean's priority number one. And Cas is pretty pathetic at a few points and he might really take sloppy seconds just to have anything at all, but --
I know it became a meme, but in isolation I really love the confession scene in 15.18. I think that Cas really believes that Dean's best feature is his capacity for love, and he knows that Dean's greatest love is reserved for Sam, and he finds that genuinely beautiful. Like -- it's the thing he loves best about Dean. He doesn't actually want to interfere with that. And for Dean -- Jensen's choices in that scene were really amazing. It's shock but not shock, surprise that it's being said but not that it's true. Like oh -- don't, because this has always been lurking between them but if it was never said then it never had to be acknowledged as something that would hurt. Because Dean's not going to reciprocate, but Cas is his friend (...occasionally), and this -- changes things. Of course, then Cas dies. So not really a change, after all.
My absolute favorite fic on this subject is a tiny thing by serricoj, which I think I've recced like... ten times. Anything I wrote would be somewhat copying that, lol. But the sense in that fic that a door is open, it could be, but it will never be walked through -- that's what I'd write. Kind of cruel, kind of bittersweet. Something to hope for, anyway. Poor Cas.
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aurumcalendula · 6 years
serricoj replied to your post:
                   Are Alicia, Billie, Charlie, Kaia, Kelly Kline,...                
   Would Meg and Ruby fit your criteria?    
Not for this particular vid (although now I kinda have a vague idea for a vid with them, and maybe Abaddon, Amara, Dagon, Eve, Lilith)
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