wangyulove · 4 years
I agree with this article! ❤️
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wangyulove · 4 years
Finally, someone that understands his brilliance! Read this review by Quentin Tarantino!
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wangyulove · 4 years
王羽, 生日快樂! Happy Birthday to Jimmy Wang Yu!
March 28th. I’m a few days late because I was sick. I hope you are surrounded by family! ❤️ Here are some puzzles I acquired recently.
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wangyulove · 4 years
手足情深 Boxer, Lover, Lawyer (1977)
Alias: Brotherhood
Alias: Dear Brother
Ocean Shores video release title: Brotherly Love
Alias: My Dear Brother
I can’t believe I finally got to see this! Even though I don’t understand Chinese, the plot is pretty easy to figure out. An innocent story of two brothers & a girl. I liked seeing Wang Yu on a bicycle. I thought it was funny when her artwork fell on his face 😅! Just a few fight scenes, so don’t expect martial arts. A rare one for the completist.
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wangyulove · 5 years
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Golden Horse Film Awards Nov 2019. Ang Lee was to present Jimmy Wang Yu the Lifetime Achievement Award, but Jimmy was reported to be unwell so his daughters received the Award for him.  Well deserved & congratulations ❤️!
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wangyulove · 5 years
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Honoring The One-Armed Swordsman.
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wangyulove · 5 years
祝賀 Congratulations to Wang Yu! A well-deserved achievement. I hope his health is good enough for him to comprehend the honor. ❤️
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wangyulove · 5 years
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I bet he’s an excellent chef 😍😋‼️
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wangyulove · 5 years
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Original lobby cards for “The Man From Hong Kong” that I recently purchased on eBay. ❤️
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wangyulove · 5 years
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Some of the lobby cards for “The Invincible Sword” that I recently purchased from eBay.
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wangyulove · 5 years
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Wang Yu recovering from his fall from the hang glider while filming “The Man From Hong Kong”. I’m sorry he was hurt, but I’m glad he healed fairly quickly.
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wangyulove · 5 years
王羽, 你永遠在我心中.❤️
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wangyulove · 5 years
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千人斬 The Beheaded 1000 (1993) Alias: The Executioner
This one definitely got better with my second viewing. This movie is really fun! And much to my surprise, Joey Wong is one of the stars. When I first watched this movie many years ago, I didn’t know who she was. So if you’re a fan of hers too, don’t miss out on this. Wang Yu plays an executioner who is an expert at beheading. The movie opens with him beheading three members of a rough and nasty gang. He is so good at beheading and his blade is so sharp that the heads don’t even come off of the bodies. He performs a ritual prayer before each beheading ceremony so that his victims do not suffer and this keeps his karma in tact. He has a goofy apprentice played by Chin Siu-Ho that practices on watermelons. Another member of the gang gets captured and he is the toughest, most brutish of them all with a neck like “an oak tree”. Wang Yu decides he’s ready to retire after 999 beheadings and tells his apprentice to get ready to perform his first beheading on this guy. Of course, it goes terribly awry and Chin Siu-Ho completely botches the beheading. He barely gets the blade into the guy’s neck so the brute becomes enraged and starts kicking the asses of anybody nearby. He is eventually contained by the guards and is properly beheaded by Wang Yu. Joey Wong plays Blood Lotus, a sister to this evil gang. She vows revenge. As a result of this botched beheading, Wang Yu and his family become haunted by ghosts invoked by Blood Lotus. There are lots of fun special effects and if you don’t take it too seriously, you will love it.
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wangyulove · 5 years
琴劍恩仇 The Sword and the Lute (1967)
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This is still my favorite of the “Temple of the Red Lotus” trilogy. The story flows really well and Fung Bo-bo steals the show. She really is the star of the movie. Wang Yu and Chin Ping do not have a lot of screen time even though they are billed as the stars. The story starts with our terribly naive couple, Gui Wu and Lianzhu, on the road with the beautiful but deadly lute that Scarlet Maid gifted them. They are attacked by bandits and Gui Wu uses the lute to fend them off even though he was told not to use it in public so that it’s secrets are not revealed. Some of the bandits get away but after seeing what the lute can do, one of them follows the couple and waits until they are not looking and steals it. But first he eavesdrops on their conversation and also finds out that the wounds inflicted by the lute’s darts can be healed with the Seven Star Stone that is kept at the Shen Family House. The injured must be cured within 5 days or they will die. After stealing the lute, the bandit returns to The Flying Tiger Gang and tells them everything. The chief’s son is on the verge of dying from an illness so he takes the gang to The Shen House and kills most of them in search of the Seven Star Stone to cure his son. He uses the lute to injure Shen Shu-Wen and tortures him to get him to reveal where the Stone is while the gang is robbing the house of all it’s treasures. Chin Chin Yu, the chief’s daughter, comes up with a plan to lock up Shu-Wen. She then convinces him that she’s on his side and helps him escape. In reality, she takes the gang and secretly follows him knowing that he will have to go to where the Seven Star Stone is so he can be cured of his injuries. Shu-Wen passes out from exhaustion in the grass where he is found by Jin Xiaoling (Fung Bo-bo) while she is hunting fowl. She is accompanied by her guardian, Daxin, and they help Shu-Wen on his feet so they can take him to be cured. On the way, they meet, Du Ying (Lo Lieh), who is selling a horse. Xiaoling buys the horse and Du Ying helps them carry Shu-Wen back to the house. They have to stop at an Inn overnight and Chin Chin Yu gets a glimpse of the special sword that Xiaoling possesses. If you remember from “The Twin Swords”, Grandma had gifted The Fish Intestine Sword to Xiaoling. It is also revealed that this sword is the only weapon that can destroy the lute. So now Chin Chin Yu wants to steal the sword. Lo Lieh plays his familiar role of the scoundrel that leaves you guessing whose side he is on and it appears that Du Ying wants to steal the sword as well. They finally make it back to the Jin House (It turns out the Seven Star Stone was gifted to a Jin daughter who is to be married to Shu-Wen)  and the Scarlet Maid uses the Stone to heal Shu-Wen while the rest of the family fends off the bandits of The Flying Tiger Gang.  And that’s just the beginning! Even though Wang Yu doesn’t have a lot of screen time, you will still have fun watching this, it’s a good one.
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wangyulove · 6 years
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王羽, 生日快樂! 愛. A lover & a fighter.
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wangyulove · 6 years
鴛鴦劍俠 The Twin Swords (1965)
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Part II of the “Temple of the Red Lotus” trilogy, "The Twin Swords” is a continuation of the the story of the Jin Family against the evil Red Lotus gang. It sort of picks up where the “Temple of the Red Lotus” ends however the escape scene from the first part is changed a bit. Scarlet Maid intervenes and rescues our young couple from the evil gang, but this time she leaves them two fortunes on her red darts warning Gui Wu and Lianzhu to “mind their own business”. The Red Lotus gang dressed as monks, make their prostitutes dress up as peasant women and stage a fake kidnapping of them. Gui Wu and Lianzhu, on their way back to the Jin Castle, witness the fake crime and naturally Lianzhu wants to rescue the women. Gui Wu reminds her of the fortune from the Scarlet Maid, but Lianzhu is insistent and so they fall right into the trap. Lianzhu gets captured by the evil gang, but Gui Wu is able to escape and runs back to the family to get help. When he arrives he is not allowed to enter the home because the men of the family have returned from their business trip and are angry that Gui Wu and Lianzhu left the family to begin with. Gui Wu pleads with them and finally the family agrees on sending Du Chuang (Lo Lieh) to go on a reconnaissance mission to assess how difficult it will be to rescue Lianzhu. I don’t want to give away too much of the plot so eventually, the whole family winds up going to The Red Lotus Temple to rescue Lianzhu. It’s a great movie with more action and less family drama than the first one. It’s also interesting to note that Chang Cheh wrote the lyrics to the songs.I love this trilogy and Wang Yu is amazing. 
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wangyulove · 6 years
江湖奇俠 Temple of the Red Lotus (1965)
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A long time ago, I watched “The Twin Swords” before I watched “Temple of the Red Lotus” not realizing these were part of a trilogy. Since so much time has passed, I re-started the trilogy by watching “Temple of the Red Lotus” last night. It’s such a great story and, of course, a fine example of Shaw Brothers’ quality film making. Wang Yu is the star but he doesn’t dominate the screen so much. It’s a tale of filial piety, revenge and righteousness over evil. Basically, Wang Yu is on a quest to avenge his family’s death but first he has to get married to his promised bride of the Jin Family. He convinces his new wife that they must leave the family home so he can fulfill his vow of vengeance. In order to do so they will have to fight the family members for their right to leave. The young couple chooses their moment based on the fact that the male members of the house are away on business so they will only have to battle the female members. Once they are out on their own, they encounter the evil Red Lotus gang who appear friendly at first. The Red Lady Swordswoman intervenes on their behalf and they are able to escape the Temple of the Red Lotus unharmed. All of the actors do a fine job and the story is engaging from beginning to end. I highly recommend this movie even if you’re not a Wang Yu fan.
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