wannareact · 6 years
Wanna one reaction to their girlfriend being close with other male idols.
He doesn't mind it at all but when you pay less attention to him he brings up how you had time to meet up with minhyun but not him.
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He loves it. He can hangout if his girl and guy friends all at once and seening you interact and talk to male idols is the best thing to him.
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He gets jealous sometimes but he doesn't show it at all. He believes you and trusts you enough .
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He starts talking to your guy friends and gets closer to them than you. He likes it and finds you even more attractive.
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He has a love-hate relationship with this. He likes to see you super happy but also tells you to minimise the skin-ship.
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He likes it because more people can see how great you are and probably be jealous of him for having you. He is a total softie for your sociability.
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wannareact · 6 years
Little Heads Up
Any requests sent while the requests are closed will get deleted. We are very busy with school and such, so we apologize for the wait on requests being completed.
Thank you,
Admin Jia
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wannareact · 6 years
Wanna one reaction when their partner is being clingy because they are scared in the haunted house Pt2
Smiles widely when he feels you take a hold of his. Will be ready to fight anyone that comes close.
"I'll fight the monsters away if they get too close."
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Out of all of them I feel like he would be the one to be laughing the whole time, but gets shy when you start clinging onto him. Will probably freeze up and walk around stiffly.
“Uh, a-are you okay?”
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When he feels you take a hold of his arm, he glances down at you and gives you a smile hoping that it’ll comfort you.
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Poor kid is shaking. He doesn't like jump scares and scary stuff. But knowing his partner was scared, he would try to pretend he wasnt afraid and have a firm hold on his partners arm/hand.
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Doesn't think the house is scary. But gets a bit shy/flustered when you grab onto him. Is probably blushing or covering his face with a hand. Still watches over and takes care of you.
"W-why are you clinging to me? Be careful of tripping, it's dark in here"
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wannareact · 6 years
Wanna one reaction when their partner is being clingy because they are scared in the haunted house Pt 1
He’s probably also scared out of his mind and clinging right back onto you. Will most likely start screaming and may fall to the floor from his knees becoming weak.
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Sungwoon would get a bit startled by your touch thinking that it was one of the actors. He’s scared, but will put on a strong front.
“I’m here, don’t worry. They won’t hurt you.”
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Also one that will jump slightly at your touch. Will pull you close and hold your hand as you two continue on inside the house. Might be smiling at how cute you are.
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Will try to make funny faces and jokes to make you less scared. Holds your hand tightly to assure you that he’s right beside you and to not worry.
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Will laugh. He loves the fact that you’re clinging onto him.
“Stop being so cute. Why are you so scared?”
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Becomes a giggly boy. He really loves being close to you. He’s probably scared as well (since he’s so easily startled), but he calms down due to your touch.
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wannareact · 6 years
I’m so sorry TT_TT
It’s been kinda rough for me since I last posted and I hope you guys can forgive me for leaving for so long. I’ll do my best to start writing again if it’s alright with you all and Admin Luna.
~Admin Jia
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wannareact · 6 years
I'm going to close the requests again since Im alone and we have enough requests right now. They will be open again as soon as I am done with most of the inbox.
for everyone who has been following this blog and showing love, even after our death and comeback. Thank you so much.
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The Asks + submission are open
send me your requests for mtl /reactions.
check the rules before you request something please. as a reminder:
No sexualising of minors
if you want one or a few members, you can include their name in the request.
Much Love, admin Luna
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wannareact · 6 years
The Asks + submission are open
send me your requests for mtl /reactions.
check the rules before you request something please. as a reminder:
No sexualising of minors
if you want one or a few members, you can include their name in the request.
Much Love, admin Luna
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wannareact · 6 years
Wanna one's reaction to "falling for their best friend" pt2
He can't let his guard down after all he is the manliest man Park jihoon. He asks you out acting all manly but ends up jumping up and down and kissing all over your face after you say yes.
"would you be my girl? don't look at other men, they are all wolves"
"what are you"
"that is not my point woman"
"yes or no
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He just says it over text right after he figures it out. He is too comfortable with you to even bother to meet up for this. You just reply him saying you like him too and you call it a first day but don't meet up for a date until a few days later. Everyone used to call you guys a married couple and you are one stop closer to that.
"aye, Y/N "
"there is something I gotta tell ya bro"
"what bro?"
"I like you bro"
"I like you too bro"
"it's a first day bro?"
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He gets shy and all that around you at first. He starts second guessing everything he does and tries to be more careful but every time he does something to be proud of, he remembers that one time you guys had a burping battle and he tried too hard that he farted.
"YES ?"
flashbacks of war and fart
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He asks you to meet him in the practice room. When You walk in the lights go on and he starts dancing and singing to twice's heart shaker. He gives you chocolate and asks you out.
"wanna be my baby?"
"yes,, I can't say no to chocolate can I"
"That was my strongest move"
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He ignores you for a whole week as if you don't exist and when you ask him about it. He just coldly replied until one day he texts you to meet him at rooftop.
"you asked me why I ignored you?"
"yes, whatssup ? did I do anything wrong?"
" no, just .. I don't want to be your friend anymore"
"what, please gualin I only have you "
"I want to be your boyfriend, "
"then be stupid"
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wannareact · 6 years
Wanna one's reaction for "falling for their best friend" pt1
He would try to distract himself from the feelings even thought at the end he finds it impossible to conceal his interest and asks you out after a nice meal or a half date at park.
"I think my feelings have upgraded, I can't be your friend I want to be your boyfriend"
"so from today you are a boofie?"
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From the first realisation he talks to you about it and tries going on dates.
"hey lazy ass?"
"yes stupid?"
"I think I'm starting to like you as a potential life ruiner, what do you think"
"well, let's try?"
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This is both good and bad for him, he already feels home around him, but what if something goes wrong or what if his confession changes your view of him? He avoids you at all costs until he is clear with his feelings and see if he can get over them. surprisingly enough he can.
"where have you been lately minhyun? are you mad at me?"
"No, I just had something to focus on"
"but seonho said you guys had food together everyday"
"well he is an exception to everything"
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Most likey to even like the idea of dating his best friend as you both are used to each other's weird habits and have seen any possible awkward moment of each other. Nothing worse could happen.
"Y/N let's go for a short trip, we both need some time off"
"sure, we can take daniel too, he said he was craving a vacation "
"we don't need any blocker babe, let's use it as a date?"
"idiot, you are still too bad with words"
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He panics at first. He knows everyone you dated or liked at past and is now comparing himself to them. Calculating the chance of dating someone like him.
"Y/N, can you rate my face from 1 ~10? I need it for a friend of mine"
"why does your friend need your face rating?"
"don't ask just answer"
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He knows everything about you, what you like to eat, to wear and all of your pet peeves. He knows if he does this right he can melt your heart. He prepares the best dinner table and cooks everything you like cheating getting help from his mom on the phone. Everything goes wrong at the end. you run late the candles melt into the food.
"Neil, why are you on your knees?"
"Well, I think I've been- what?"
the light bulb goes off
"no I'm scared,, help niel"
"I'll hug you if you promise to stay there forever"
"be mine"
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wannareact · 6 years
We are back!!!
Hello everyone,
Admin @danieloholic 's here. I know we took a long hiatus and were super busy with life, which I apologize for. I managed to free up some time for this blog and I will be updating regularly. For the time being it will be only me until we sort it out with the other admins and maybe get some new helping hands.
Again, I apologize for the long hiatus and I hope to make up for it.
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wannareact · 6 years
For whoever is interested to be an admin,text me on instagram @/kattehxx .I rarely check my tumblr so yeah.Thank you.
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wannareact · 6 years
I will not post anymore.
So guys I'm really sorry for not posting.I know some of you still enjoy the content I made,but I personally don't feel like I did a good job.If someone is interested to take over the blog I'll be very happy to see it back to life,but if that doesn't happen I guess this is the end of it.I'm really sorry.
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wannareact · 6 years
Are you still doing reactions? I don't mean taking requests, but just posting reactions in general. I just discovered your site and I LOVE it. Had pretty much binge read all the reactions you've made.
My heart hurts when I get this kind of messages.Thank you a lot for enjoying what I did until now but unfortunately I will not do it anymore.Thank you and I'm sorry.
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wannareact · 6 years
Just want to let you know I love the reactions you make! Will you be making more/in the process of making more? Not trying to rush you or anything
I'm sorry but I don't think I'll make any reactions from now on.I personally don't feel happy with the way I wrote them so I guess here it ends.I'll keep the blog so others can see the other posts.I'm sorry.
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wannareact · 6 years
idk everytime i visits your blog it crashes both mobile and web
I have no idea why.Sorry.
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wannareact · 6 years
hi, i want to ask you, may anyone translate your reactions?
Sorry for the late reply,and sure.I have no problem with it
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wannareact · 7 years
Wanna One reaction to their girlfriend being scared of a thunderstorm
Would probably do his best to comfort you and stop you from crying (if you were crying). Might start crying with you at one point.
“Ah my poor Jagiya. Please stop crying. Here let me give you a hug.”
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He would probably pull a blanket around the both of you, hug you, and whisper sweet words into your ear to calm you down.
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Minhyun would probably be at a loss with what to do at first before asking if there was anything he could do to help.
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Seongwoo would pull jokes and try to get you to laugh in order to get your mind off of the storm.
“Hey what do you call someone who is afraid of Santa?”
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If it was at night and he was asleep, I don’t think he would wake up at all. If it was during the day though, he might tease you at first until he realized how bad your fear was.
*insert Jaehwan’s insane laughter here* “What are you so afraid for? It’s just some storm.”
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This boy would immedietely wrap his arms around you and pull you into the biggest and warmest hug. He’d whisper sweet words into your ears to try to comfort you.
“Don’t worry kid, I’ll protect you.”
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This boy would probably just try to talk a lot in an effort to relax you. maybe use his aegyo as well to cheer you up.
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Woojin would give you head/earphones to block out everything and just pull you into his arms. This boy would be such a softie for his loved one.
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Jinyoung seems like the one to be a confused puppy. He wouldn't be able to understand your fear, but he would still try to help you calm down.
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I feel like Daehwi would be afraid of it at first, like right when it first starts. He’d jump in surprise before noticing how scared you were.
“Don’t be scared. I’m here with you.”
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Guanlin would probably fool around and make you guys some food to make you forget the storm was even happening.
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