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The 34th icon in your folder is what your muse looks like on their birthday.
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Reblog if you're a One Piece Indie RP Account!
OC’s & Alternate Versions of characters welcome
The list is here!
We’re creating a masterlist for anime/manga indie roleplayers - reblog this to be added to the list!
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Tagged by: @strawhat-sanji​
bold any fears which apply to your muse. italicize what makes them uncomfortable.
the dark. fire. open water. deep water. being alone. crowded spaces. confined spaces. change. failure. war. loss of control. powerlessness. prison. blood. drowning. suffocation. public speaking. natural animals. the supernatural. heights. death. dying. intimacy. rejection.abandonment. loss. the unknown. the future. not being good enough. scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty. loud noises. being touched.
Tag some people: @sxtchi, I honestly don’t remember a lot of URLs anymore let alone who is active so do this if you want. 
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Do you do the icons added with your rps or what??
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For the most part yes. Some prefer not to when they make really long posts though(novela) but I like to use them with replies that have a couple paragraphs or less(para/one liners). Icons are also very useful for shit posting which is basically crack like how thatch winked at Izo earlier. 
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Also you can see that I’m using Kakashi Icons right now because I’m using him for my FC(faceclaim) right now which is the stand in face or image for the mun. Since I have a Kakashi account I have a butt load of his icons so I’m putting them to good use. Depending on the character you chose it might be harder to get icons and that’s totally ok. It’s nice to have them but not required. The one thing that you want to keep in mind with icons though is that it’s really rude to just take them from another RP blog because they took their time making them(I have over 400 Kakashi icons and have spent hours cleaning them up and making them pretty). So it’s best to make your own or ask if you can use the other persons icons while crediting them on your blog(does not mean ask and still use them if the owner says no). 
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Just got back and now I have to go to Zumba. I’ll be back in like an hour
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How does one do an rp blog (just curious)
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Well hello there. Uh well I don’t really think it’s that difficult to make an RP blog on here. You just kinda have to find a series you want to RP in. Find a character that you enjoy writing for and feel comfortable being. Maybe check out other RP blogs in that fandom to see what they put on their blogs(rules page, character page, etc.). Then just go and make your blog. If you’re good at it make the theme all to your liking, add your pages, make some icons if you want. Then just go have fun and RP with other people. Just don’t force it that usually doesn’t work to well. 
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.....well that’s a face he’s missed... but what’s wrong with his eye?
     - winks @ izo -
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Guess who’s back for who knows how long. I need to get back into the Izo spirit for con, plus looking at @sxtchi‘s blog is making me miss him. Let me know if you want to start something short. I haven’t been rping for a bit so I’m pretty rusty forgive me. 
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izo (raising his voice slightly so he can speak to thatch and haruta at the other end of the grocery store aisle): hey do you want some chips?
thatch (at full volume): IM ALWAYS A SLUT FOR DORITOS
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“See these are one of the reasons as to why I hit you...”
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*falls asleep on--*
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“Not again-”
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“What? No-”
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“Now you are just sucking up… ya shit.”
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❝And hitting me was the first thing you could think of?❞
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“Been there, done that. I’m trying something new.”
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❝Oi, oi, what’s this all of a sudden?  Have a little faith.❞
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“In case you do something stupid of course... And we all know you will.”
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❝”Just in case?”  In case of what?❞
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‘ shoot me again baby ‘
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“Nope, that was just in case-”
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❝Need something?❞
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