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those middle fingers are directed at u gross old men who harass ed blogs, get in the bin
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Keep at it
Don’t quit. Don’t let those negative thoughts ruin your progress. Every day I look in the mirror and my thighs are a little further apart, my ribs a little sharper, my arms a little thinner. Even when the scale doesn’t drop as hard as I want it to and I want to quit, I try to remember the progress I’ve made and the progress I’m still making, and I’m not even low restricting right now! Push through those moments of doubt, of dissatisfaction, cause in a few days you’ll see that number drop again, or you’ll look in the mirror, or you’ll compare some photos, and you’ll thank yourself, because you will see progress. It just takes time.
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listen up hoes
since weight loss fairies usually don’t work, i’m now setting a curse on anyone who sees this to lose 10-20lbs within the next month, and to get so skinny that their pants are too damn loose on them. 
i’m also cursing you all to have rock hard abs and skinny legs and a cute butt by summertime. 
pass on the curse to another skinny legend.
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Reblog if you feel fat rn
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I’m sad and need you
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Repeat after me
Being full is never worth it.
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Safe Foods (when ya gotta eat out)
An important part of recovery is going out to eat again, so feeling safe is important during that process! As you work your way up to higher cal foods, these are some safe starting points. All items are under 300 cal. 
- grilled chicken nuggets 8 ct. (140 cal) (a 4-ct is only 70 calories but more suspicious)
- fruit cup (50-80 cal depending on size) 
- vegan lentil quinoa broth bowl (270) 
- kids yogurt squeezers (50) 
- mini scone (110-130) 
- half caesar salad (110) 
- half seasonal greens salad (60) 
- peach & blueberry smoothie w/ almond milk (180) 
- chicken noodle bowl (170)
- ten vegetable cup (70) 
- chicken go-wrap with grilled chicken (260) 
Red Robin 
- chicken tortilla soup cup (200) 
- french onion soup cup (210) 
- caesar salad (210)
- house salad (120) 
most of the kids menu is under 300 cal too! 
If you want me to add more restaurants, message me and I’ll add to the list. Whether you just want to be able to go out with friends, or you want to start baby steps towards recovery, I hope this helps! 
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Hi y’all I gained a million pounds, so here we are. Again. Always again.
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“ummmmm ur bra strap is showing :/ ”
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Here’s to a new year of skinny 🥂
•Like if you wanna get skinny in 2019💛
•Reblog for good luck ✨
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Thinspo tips I’ve learnt
…even though you’ve probably heard them all before. This is partly for myself as well as for others ☺️
🌸 as often as possible, wear something tight around your waist (e.g. a belt or clothing that is tight). This helps me so much, it helps you feel full quicker and idk how, it just helps??
🌹 occasionally allow yourself some treats: I’ve found it easier to train myself to binge less if I let myself have a small amount of something if I’m craving it (I read somewhere that Kaia Gerber does this!) rather than depriving myself of it then binging too much.
🌺 find out whether you do better with or without breakfast. Some people are more likely to binge if they skip it, so it’s best to have at least something. For me, I somehow end up eating more if I have breakfast, so I’ll usually try not to eat until midday (11 maybe 10 at the earliest).
🌻 drink lots of water! This one is obvious, but just have a water bottle with you constantly. I use an app called Plant Nanny to track my water - I never used to drink enough but this app is so cute and keeps me drinking enough water!
🌼 don’t specifically track your calories… many of you will probably call me crazy for this but I found using an app to track calories meant I was thinking about food and it was therefore harder to not eat. Instead, throughout the day I keep a rough estimate in my head. I find this helps me more: once you get through a few good days it gets easier!
🌷another obvious one - if you’re craving something unhealthy, even if you’re trying to eat nothing, just go eat something healthy! An apple, berries, veggies, anything healthy! They’re low calorie and having something healthy and fresh helps you feel good and makes the idea of eating something unhealthy feel disgusting.
Remember you’re all beautiful and stay safe 💕 feel free to message me if you need any support or just someone to talk to ☺️
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You can suck in your stomach, but you can’t suck in your thighs, you can’t suck in your arms….You can’t suck in your calves, fat chin and face. You can’t hide forever.
You’re disgusting. Stop sucking it in and start burning it off.
A note to myself.
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Holy fuck
I just noticed that valentines is in 3 more months so bish we better start restricting so you will get
Valentine cards
Reblog to lose 30 pounds by Valentine’s ❤❤
Ignore to gain 30 pounds by Valentine’s 😱😱
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Everyone reblog this as much as possible over the next two weeks for good luck
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