wantingwitch-blog · 7 years
Symbols on Tombstones (A - F)
Anchor, Sextant and Crossed Staff - An emblem that represents a mariner
Anchor/Ships - Hope or seafaring profession
Angels - Spirituality; in ancient Babylonia angels were winged lions carved above the doorway to protect the inhabitants If the angel is flying or trumpeting, is is a sign of resurrection. If the angel is a Cherub, it is a sign of innocence.
Arches - Victory in death
Arrow(s) - Mortality
Axe, Knife and Cleaver - An emblem that represents a butcher
Bird - Eternal life
Book - Books include the Holy Bible (found on Christian headstones), the Book of Mormon (found on Mormon headstones)
Bouquets or Flowers - Condolences, grief and sorrow; if the stems are broken, the person died at a very young age.
Bowl and Razor - An emblem that represents a barber
Broken Column - Loss of head of family
Broken Ring - Family circle severed
Buds/Rosebud - Morning of life or renewal of life
Bugles - Resurrection and the military
Butterfly - Short-lived; early death, a life cut short
Candle - If the candle is being snuffed, it is a symbol for death
Candle being snuffed - Time, mortality
Chalice - Sacrament; the chalice is an ancient symbol of preservation of the heart
Cherub - Angelic
Coffin, Father Time, Picks/Shovels, Darts - Mortality
Column - If it is broken, it is symbolic of the loss of the head of the family If there are doors with an unbroken column, it stands for ‘entrance into Heaven"
Corn - The person buried there lived to an old age
Cross - Emblem of Faith, Crosses include St Andrew’s Cross (an inverted cross since St Andrew couldn’t bear to be crucified the same way as Jesus), Celtic/Irish Cross (Episcopalian or Catholic priests or monks), the Crusader’s Cross, Egyptian or Coptic Cross (an Ankh that symbolizes Gnostic Christians or Coptic  Christians), the Greek Cross (an equal-armed cross), the Jerusalem Cross (associated with the Church of the Holy Sepulcher), the Orthodox or Eastern Cross (a regular cross), the Roman or Latin Cross, the Teutonic Cross (popular in Russia and worn by the Knights of Malta, it has two arms, and others
Crossed Swords - High-ranking military person
Crown - Achievements in Heaven
Crown, Hammer and Anvil - An emblem that represents a metalsmith
Dog - A person worthy of love
Dove - Innocence, gentleness, affection, purity
Drapes - mortality
Face - Usually winged, it represents the flight of the soul
Figure - If the figure has a dart, it is a symbol of mortality
Flame, Light or Lamp - Resurrection; if it is inverted, it means loss
Flying Birds - Flight of the soul
Fruit(s) - Eternal plenty
Full-Blown Rose - Prime of life
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wantingwitch-blog · 7 years
Incense for the Theoi
I was inspired by this post to make a list of incense associated with each of the Theoi (major AND minor gods + goddesses)
This is not the official post, I’m hoping people will add their own by reblogging or messaging me, and adding any Theoi I missed! (Then I’ll compile it into a masterlist). 
Aesteria – vanilla
Amphitrite – ocean, orchid
Aphrodite – rose
Apollo – cinnamon, frankincense
Ares – dragon’s blood
Artemis – lavender, spruce
Athena – green tea
Boreas – rain
Circe – sage, bergamot
Cronus – orange,
Demeter – myrrh, honey almond
Dionysus – wine,
Eos -  jasmine, rain
Eris – peppermint
Eros – apple
Gaia – peach, oak
Hades – coffee, dragon’s blood
Hecate - violet
Helios – coconut,
Hephaestus – sandlewood, patchouli
Hera – jasmine, linen
Hermes – musk, sandalwood
Hestia – amber,
Hygeia – linen, rain
Hypnos – chamomile,
Iris – strawberry,
Khione – lemongrass
Morpheus – honeysuckle
Nike - sandlewood
Nyx – cedarwood
Pan – cedar, patchouli
Persephone – cherry/blossom
Poseidon – pine, ocean
Prometheus – mulberry
Psyche – wisteria, peppermint
Selene – gardenia
Zeus – sage
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wantingwitch-blog · 7 years
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wantingwitch-blog · 7 years
Friendly Reminder
Some spirit shops are really unethical, for any number of reasons. They could be appropriating from closed cultures, binding a spirit against their will, overcharging for their services, or making fakes.
That said, that doesn’t mean the entire process is unethical or illegitimate, any more than a few hack tarot readers make all other readers cons. There are many shops out there with great ethics and take every care to make sure everything is fair and good for both the spirit and the consumers.
THE IMPORTANT THING to do is ask questions before you purchase a spirit. How does the conjurer assure their autonomy? How do they decide what to charge for their work, what does their work entail? What is the shop’s reputation? What are their reviews? How do they talk about their spirits on their listings, like people or like pets? It’s worth noting that a lot of “big name” shops are the unethical kind.
Just be mindful, kids.
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wantingwitch-blog · 7 years
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wantingwitch-blog · 7 years
Creativity Chant
Let my mind be free from the burdens of the world. Allow me to explore new dimensions, discover new thoughts, ideas and emotions.
Found here.
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wantingwitch-blog · 7 years
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wantingwitch-blog · 7 years
I do believe his mouth is heaven, his kisses falling over me like stars.
Richard Siken (via burning-house-of-love)
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wantingwitch-blog · 7 years
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wantingwitch-blog · 7 years
Lay with me above the graves & let’s dream of what happens when our souls sleep
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wantingwitch-blog · 7 years
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When you’re dead inside™ and prefer to hang out with the spirits of the dead on your vacation
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wantingwitch-blog · 7 years
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wantingwitch-blog · 7 years
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wantingwitch-blog · 7 years
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Grave of Joseph and Elizabeth Heaton and 7 of their children. The makers mark is that of Joseph Heaton, a master masons memorial to his lost children
Haworth Churchyard
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wantingwitch-blog · 7 years
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Beautiful stone angel
Graveyard near bone church in Kutna Hora, Czech.
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wantingwitch-blog · 7 years
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wantingwitch-blog · 7 years
End of the Year Moon phase Charts: 2017 🌒🌕🌘
🍁 September 
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🎃  October
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🦃  November
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❄️ December
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