wardenofsalt · 5 years
My life in a nutshell.
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I have so much to do
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wardenofsalt · 7 years
See i wish the scotsman part was added in. That would have had more impact for me
How Episode CI went down in my head.
@dipschtick provided Ashi’s voice for this.
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wardenofsalt · 7 years
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The team up I’d pay to see. 
From All New Wolverine: 21
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wardenofsalt · 7 years
Samurai Jack Finale (and how it could have been better)(spoiler warning)
The finale was almost everything I could have hoped it could be yet I cant be the one who feels unsatisfied.
Don’t get me wrong I thought it was great. It truly was the final climactic battle.(Spoilers from here don’t keep reading if you don’t want to know) And how it opened panning between all of Jacks allies and even using the original opening was very creative. Akus attempt to demoralize them only to rally them together against Aku was very satisfying. Even Ashi breaking free of Akus control (WITH THE POWER OF LOVE!) was fine with me. I especially loved the irony that it was technically Aku, or at least a piece of him, that made it possible for jack to succeed. But when Ashi uses her newfound powers to send Jack back, that’s where it kinda goes downhill for me. Im not blaming the creators all that much, as i think everyone can agree that this last season felt rushed. They just wanted to resolve a story 13 years in the making and up until this point i have been fine with it. Yet after watching and rewatching I was still plagued with a lot of questions. 
1) If Ashi disappeared does that mean her entire timeline disappeared? Are all of Jack’s friends and allies just non-existent? 
Because what people don’t realize is that a lot of what exist in the world of Samurai Jack would not exist without Aku. He introduced more magic and monsters and aliens and bounty hunters into the world when he took over. So all the things that made the characters of that time themselves relied on being oppressed by Aku. With him gone Jack not only wiped away his history but all of their history. The Archers, The Woolies, The Dogs, The Ravers, The Spartans, even the Scotsman and his daughters might no longer exist or exist in a form that’s not even recognizable. That’s the thing with altering the past, Despite Jack’s intentions he could have done more harm than good.
2) Is Jack still immortal?
The writers never elaborate on just how immortal he is, or if he still is immortal after coming back. Its briefly explained by Aku in the second episode that Jack’s initial trip to the future made it so his body is unaffected by time. Would Ashi who was just learning how to use her powers really reverse that effect. and if it were reversed wouldnt time catch up to jack and he would age like 50 years. 
3) Did anything he did in the future other than come back really matter?
While not as important as the other questions i cant help think would Jack remember the future Aku’s timeline if it ceased to exist along with Ashi. I would imagine It would be like a dream or a hallucination because it would have never actually happened. 
All of that being said, There are many ways the writers could have resolved this issue.
1)Multi-worlds theory
I think me and a lot of other fans were really putting are hopes into this theory. It solves a lot of the issues in the first question and even the last question and would have been a lot more profound and meaningful. Aku ruled the world, the damage was done, Jack has seen it for himself for the past 50 years. Yet this dying world is where he met all the people and allies he’s come to cherish. Destroying Aku in this time would liberated said allies without having to erase them from existence. And even if he did go back not only would he create a timeline without Aku but if he killed him in the future as well(With Ashi, an army, and celtic magic on his side) the world he left behind would still exist without a tyrannical ruler. And yes Ashi would still be alive, still exist and we wouldn’t have to put up with the whole Gurren Lagann Ending.
2)See Future Aku Destroyed
One of the main issues with the ending  is that we don’t see the future Aku get destroyed! Its simply implied with his reaction to Jacks return, Past Akus death, and Ashi’s disappearance. Even if everyone died I imagined future Aku breaking apart in a beam of white light which would spread across the world he created. While it would be bittersweet I think the Characters like the scotsman and the woollies would be content, having their awful future erased in place of a better one.
3)Guardian Timeline
A lot of fans thought the Guardian and his time portal showing future Jack would be how the story ended. What if it did? What the Guardian wasn’t killed and the portal destroyed. What if Jack killed future Aku lived a couple hundred years as a wise and benevolent king and when the time came, he would face the guardian again, win, go back in time, and kill Aku again. That I would have liked to see. And because its time travel he could go home anytime he wants(literally).
As stated before this season felt rushed. Theres no denying it. Despite its masterful storytelling a lot of the issues Ive have stated could have been resolved with some more episodes to develop the plot. Or even an hour long finale that could have resolved the loose ends. Jacks Deserved something like that.
That being said My final verdict is that while the first half of the episode was great, the second half could have resolved the story just a bit better. It was bittersweet. Not to good but not to bad either. Im gonna miss this series and hope others learn something from it. 
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wardenofsalt · 7 years
I am trying to find a webcomic. It involves a red haired protagonist who withs his douchebag brother and adoptive father travel to a native american esc land. He comes across a mountain lion who is actually his father’s reincarnated love. Its also revealed that she is also apart of a council of spirits who want to destroy humanity for messing with the earth while she the cougar spirit who tries to prove that humanity is worth keeping alive. She was originally reincarnated as a human to live among a native tribe and fell in love with the protagonists adoptive father. But the village was later attack by the protagonist real father who was a military colonist and she was killed. But not before she poisoned him with a poison arrow. Realising he had little time to live he went home with the captive future adoptive father and teaches him his ways before succumbing to the poison years later and leaving the adoptive father to care for his two children and his wife. Together they discover the red heads real father was a reincarnated spirit himself making the redhead and his brother half spirit. Now the doucebrother wants to kidnapp the couger so she can teach him how to control his powers and rule the world. I tried searching on google based on this plot but It keeps leading me to other webcomics( and sometimes porn sites).Any sort of links or names would be helpful. I am desperate because it has been bugging me that I seem to recall the entire plot but can’t remember the artist or the name of the comic. HELP!
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wardenofsalt · 8 years
Just discovered how crappy the tumblr player is. Should have listened to JelloApocalypse.
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wardenofsalt · 8 years
Made it to College
Im here. Im a college freshman. And Im still figuring out how Tumblr works.
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