wardeviant · 6 years
✉ (from warriorswithheart Kate to Sawyer)
ask meme // ✉ - push my muse back down when they try to get out of bed
Sawyer groaned as he was pushed back down on the thin mattress against his will, clear blues finding her greens with obvious annoyance. He was still weak after the high fever but he was never good at staying still, and specially in bed. “What am I your prisoner now, freckles?” he hissed through his teeth, adjusting his shoulder against the pillow as eyebrows furrowed in a manner akin to dangerous but there was no real bite in his words or attitude. If something, he was thankful she was here. 
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wardeviant · 6 years
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Sawyer Centric Episodes | Outlaws
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wardeviant · 6 years
“I wish I could share your serenity, brother for I believe sleep will not come for me in the near future.” he shared calmly, voice deep and husky, thick with emotion and regret. After the war, after the adrenaline started to settle in the thick quietness of the large spaceship, Thor found himself questioning everything. His life, his motives. His coming ruling. And with it came also the grieving of his family, his friends. For all he knew, all the people he ever loved were now solely Loki, Heimdall and Sif. 
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He turned to look at his brother, a deep furrow to light bushy eyebrows. “Have you no heart, brother? I am aware of what’s expected of me and I shall give the people what they need. They ARE my priority, hold no doubt of that. Yet I beg of you still- do not ask optimism of me in my chambers when I have just watched our home burst into pieces.”
🐍 @wardeviant / Grave Robber At Large 🐍
                    ❛❛ Though these deeds weigh heavy on my soul, I will no doubt sleep perfectly sound. ❜❜
He wasn’t just talking about triggering Ragnarok, either. Loki was weighed down by guilt about many things, but he had long since accepted that since there was point crying over the past, he shouldn’t lose sleep over it. What’s done is done, and the only thing he could do now was make sure that he never repeated those past mistakes.
But while it was easy to brush aside his attempted conquering of Earth or faking his own demise multiple times, the destruction of Asgard was not so easily forgotten. As much as he may act like he’d rejected the golden realm and all that it stood for, the truth was that it would always hold a special place in his heart. It would always be his home.
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                    ❛❛ What happened back there wasn’t pleasant for me, but there’s no point in dwelling on it. Our people are safe, and that’s all that matters. Asgard will be rebuilt, and it’s your duty as king to keep the morale high. You and I aren’t the only ones who are affected by this, and the people will look to you for guidance. Show some optimism. ❜❜
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wardeviant · 6 years
"Put. The. Weapon. Down." - for Thor * from icemutant
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Odinson turned towards the voice, lifting his free hand in assurance. “There is no need for fear, I am not the thread.” he assured, voice firm and deep as he kept his hammer in hand. The battle was over yet a side of New York was once more paying the price of the inhuman powers. “I am Thor, protector of Earth and I assume you belong to SHIELD. You can rest assured all damaged will be repaired on the care of Asgard.”
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wardeviant · 6 years
Sawyer’s annoyance was loud and visible as he licked at his lips yet nothing new coming from the man. Clear blues landed on John as he lifted his eyebrows towards the guy, spreading his arms. Maybe he was losing his mind. Maybe he was the one targeting the boar with his own unfinished business but it wasn’t as if he was telling knife psycho over his problems. “Why don’ ya ask the boar itself, huh, Sir David? I ain’t askin’ for it to come after me yet somehow it just keep targetin’ me and nothin’ else!”
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@wardeviant liked for a starter ♥
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               ❝Boar don’t hold any personal resentment or vindication towards mankind - despite hunting them down for hundreds of years for food. Why do you think one decided to target you and only you?❞  Amusing as it was to watch him grow more and more frustrated over believing a boar had it out to him, he figured James must have had a reason for it. So what was it?
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wardeviant · 6 years
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Many science fiction books tell the story of how machines become more intelligent than us and end up confronting us. Aren’t you worried about that possibility?
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wardeviant · 6 years
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wardeviant · 6 years
true love isn’t easy by Bnaz
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wardeviant · 6 years
Derek // lupuslxna‌.
      ⊰ ☾ ⊱~; Derek stops for a moment, blank expression flattening even further, the inquiry itself was already answered the moment it hit the air; they both knew how good the lycan was with opening up to anyone. A defense which seemed easy to tap into, walk pas by and sink one’s teeth deep into the wolf’s heart, alas, only when the first layer of skin is pierced they realize their mistake. There is fire running through his veins, and a spark still shimmering deep within even if his flesh had become steel, and the heart guarded was with the fierceness of a beast. Derek’s naivety still flickered with a weak flame, never to go out since the boy-now man, will always have a pureness which many lost once darkness introduced was to them.
     ’‘Those who did, are dead.“ Throwing that out there was perhaps a weak thing to do, pity play just to be left alone. But it was the truth. The old Derek was what his family knew, the broken boy was Laura’s to take care of, and then this…. this newest evolution of him was not known to anyone; something made him feel as if that was the best way. “No, you are the annoying parrot that won’t shut up.” There was the smallest twitched at the corners of his lips as he said that, Stiles could indeed be cockatoo prattling away as no one understands him fully-if they didn’t listen closely (which Derek won’t admit that he started doing.)
    Rolling his eyes the were made a tight left turn, avoiding one of the bikers that shifted onto the outer lane. “We don’t know, that’s why I nee-” There was a short pause, Derek swallowed quickly and added with a firmer tone- “..-why WE need you there. Something killed two girls, barely sixteen in a cabin in the woods. Can be anything.”
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Stiles’s gaze shifted away as he calmed down, bothered by Derek’s words. Not because he thought Derek was being ridiculous but because he knew he had gone too far with his attack. He might be a sardonic little shit but he still knew when his bites were too profound, even if that wouldn’t stop him. He heaved a quiet sigh through his nose, licking at his lips and he swallowed hard, eyebrows furrowing for a second before he was lifting his chin arrogantly. An act.
“Not me. Scott. Lydia. We’re not going anywhere. You better get used to that and the fact you’re part of it.” his tone, even when attempting to sound dismissive, was passionately expressive. That was just how the male was, nothing more to it. And the fact Derek meant a lot to him. Not that that mattered. 
He looked away, shaking his head as he shared an annoyed grin, tongue between his teeth, his physical way of rolling eyes at the other’s teasing. He looked at Derek as he almost said he needed him, heart skipping a beat at the ghost of actually being important for the older. But of course, Derek was as proud as him. Not that any of it was to dwell upon when there were dead bodies back in Beacon Hills.
“Did they have any marks? Animal attack sort of marks?”
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wardeviant · 6 years
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When tumblr recommends your own archived Thor blog. Yeah uh tumblr-- that me, baby, I’m here now, Thor is safe here now, I don’t need to follow myself. xD
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wardeviant · 6 years
Manhandling symbol starters
Send one for your muse to…
★ - drag my muse by the arm ⁂ - grab my muse by the front of their shirt, possibly shoving them back ✱ - take my muse by the hips to carefully move them out of their way ➜ - smack my muse upside the head ⌧ - grip my muse by the back of the neck © - put a hand on my muse’s back to steer them somewhere ✂ - point sternly at a chair and tell my muse to sit down ✉ - push my muse back down when they try to get out of bed (perhaps involving illness, injury, or sleep deprivation) ☛ - press a finger to my muse’s lips to shut them up ♚ - put a hand on my muse’s knee while sitting next to them, to discourage them from standing up ♧ - slap my muse’s hand away from something they shouldn’t touch ♦ - grab my muse’s hair and yank ♤ - slam a door shut before my muse can leave the room ♞ - physically pick my muse up and carry them ♭ - grip my muse’s jaw to make them look yours in the eye ♨ - rub my muse down with a sponge/wet cloth  ☀ - pin my muse with their arms behind their back ☠ - slam my muse into a wall ☾ - wrestle/pin my muse to the ground
Add as much or as little context as you’d like!
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wardeviant · 6 years
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wardeviant · 6 years
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Kill me.
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wardeviant · 6 years
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“What about you, Connor? You look human, you sound human, but what are you really?”
“I’m whatever you want me to be, Lieutenant. Your partner… Your buddy to drink with… Or just a machine… Designed to accomplish a task.”
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wardeviant · 6 years
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Bellamy shifted on his position, taking a steady step closer while long fingers curled firmly around the 9mm handgun, aimed towards the grounder. Unlike his sister, he failed to understand them and he wasn’t risking it. “Your hands where I can see them! Don’t play games with me, I know you’re alone.”
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wardeviant · 6 years
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                      This was pretty much a whole new level of confusion. Kicked out from the afterlife by the Empty was… appreciated. But Castiel had not expected to end up somewhere that looked quite this far from Kansas. “Is that a Lewis Carroll reference?” He frowned. “Where… How far from the United States am I?”
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“Ain’t you a smart one.” Sawyer replied with a mocking smile a narrowing to his gaze and he snorted, throwing the hair covering his eye to the side before running one hand through the locks. He parted his arms with a fake smile. “Great question. Why don’t ya let me know once you find out? We’re in the middle of nowhere, pal.” he frowned a bit, actually confused. How come the guy didn’t know? If there was something the others knew was shit about this island they weren’t telling.
“Y’crashed here too? Where the hell you come from?”
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wardeviant · 6 years
Loki tossed his iPhone, the latest model, of course, in the air, catching it handily. “There is so much delight in this little device, sweet brother, you just need to learn.” He cooed.
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Originally posted by cashmiere
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“I have no need for learning when I have no time for such mundane activities. I simply wonder your intentions.” he reasoned calmly as his brother’s act didn’t surprise the God in any manner. “I would expect you of all people to deny any midgardian outlets. Instead you embrace them.”
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