wardjn-blog · 13 years
Como llegar a fin de mes
Se fue todo en cubrir las cuotas de crédito. Olvidate de salir fuera de Chile o pintar la casa. A mitad del mes no queda nada de plata y no ahorré nada.. Uno nunca debería guiarse por los otros. No tengo muchos lujos, sino muchas cuotas: agua, luz, gas. Sólo en eso ya no me queda nada a fin de mes. Y lo que queremos por ejemplo las cortinas Blackout las compramos a cuotas.Si pasas mes tras mes sin un peso, despues de pagar el auto, la casa y las tarjetas es momento de cambiar las costumbres. Personalmente encuentro super preocupante. Me da pena que no todos tengan la seguridad. Esto de ser clase media aspiracional, pagar lo que uno quiere, por cosas que no necesita.
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wardjn-blog · 13 years
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wardjn-blog · 14 years
Machu Picchu - Travel on your own and take the challenge
 High above the clouds in the Andes of Peru sets out the legendary Inca city of Machu Picchu. No visitor should miss Peru incredible sight of this mysterious city. Hiram Bingham, Machu Picchu was discovered in 1911 with the help of local farmers. It is the most famous attraction in South America. Legendary, is the real purpose of Machu Picchu is still the subject of much debate. Many conflicting explanations for their existence and for the fact that it could not be found by the Spaniards appeared. One of the most popular explanations, it is said that Machu Picchu was a kind of holiday retreat for the royalty of Cusco. The Inca themself probably have forgotten, so that the Spaniards were not able to find not the city. To this day, cities still losing in the area. Choquequirau is another site was held recently and many others escape further discovery. The most famous of all is Paititi, the city of gold and last refuge of the Incas. No matter how much gold to keep any of these places, it might be hard to imagine that these cities can Machu Picchu in beauty rivals. high in the Andes, with breathtaking views of the valley and the Urubamba below and above Huayana Picchu, the beauty of Machu Picchu is perched difficult to understand. Upon entering the city for the first time you hear the sighs of many visitors who are affected only by the incredible sight. Pictures can not prepare you to experience what you will. No wonder the city attracts droves of New Age people every day. Machu Picchu is Peru's most popular attraction and probably the most visited place, although they in a remote area only reachable by train or bus and places by train and on foot along the Inca Trail. You have to take the train from Cusco to Aguas Calientes. You can either by a tourist train, train, or Vista Dome, the outrageously expensive Hiram Bingham train travel. The ride lasts betwen 3.5 to 4 hours one way. Aquas Calientes in you have several options accommodation. It lies at the foot of the mountain on which Machu Picchu is located. The Machu Picchu Sanctuary Lodge at the entrance of the city offers the best night view of the city for wealthy travelers. Shuttle buses will take you from Aquas Calientes to Machu Picchu. The journey takes about 20 minutes. Travelers get the best overview of the city by the caretakers hut uphill from the entrance. From here you can plan your attacks on the city. Machu Picchu is in three sectors that divided Royal District, the industrial area and the sacred area. Hitchhiking to the Sun (or Intiwatana) is probably the most famous of the archaeological treasures found in the sacred precinct. It is the best preserved in South America. Others were torn by the Spaniards in the conquest. The Temple of the Sun and the Temple of three windows are other important places in the Holy District. You can use a guide or take your time exploring the city on your own. Whatever you choose, you can discover amazing things, like a special stone in the quarry, impressively documented the stone splitting technique used by the Incas. You should bring plenty of water, a raincoat and something to eat. There is no food in the city and the only other restaurants in addition to the Sanctuary Lodge in Aquas Calientes be found. The train from Cusco is a 10 clock and clock runs at about 3 pm. There are many ways in Aquas Calientes food. As you might guess from the name of the city may already know, you can Aquas Calientes hot springs in. After a day of hiking in Machu Picchu, enjoy a relaxing bath. For more information on Machu Picchu: Machu Picchu Picture Guide
hotel altiplanico san alfonso
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wardjn-blog · 14 years
Getting the most from your travel agent
 Traveling is a fun fruitful. It gives you pleasure for travelers and makes them enjoy their life time from a trip to different destinations. Traveling is the core business was coming to human life. Humans began to travel before civilization grows. So, is the activity was mixed with human nature. So travel is not the fun of recent invention. In this article, I will explain the different categories of travelers. In general, travelers have been classified according to their needs, shapes, and gender. We see different kinds of travelers in detail. Backpacker: A traveler packs all of their animals in a backpack is named as "backpacker" These animals include food, water and shelter to sleep. They bring these gears in ways highly compacted like a backpack. Backpacking is an activity combined trekking and camping in a single trip. Generally, a backpacking trip must include at least one night in the desert. Women travelers: You can understand the significance and type of passengers with the same title. It refers to the single female traveler or a group of women traveling together. LGBT Travelers: LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Travellers who belong to those categories are known as the LGBT travelers. Travelers with disabilities: You can see the variety of travelers from this same title. People who travel with their disabilities are called as "disabled travelers." And 'necessary for them to take enough medication. Travelers who are blind will be helped by the Royal National Institute of Blind hail taxis, but a simple sign up is required before starting the journey. There are no restrictions and limitations for the disabled. Anyone can enjoy their tour. Festivals abroad: People who will travel throughout the country with the intention of parties are known as the type of "festival abroad." Would be leaving for vacation and will return after the season. Winter, water and extreme sports: Here are all the travelers who go to that particular season, in order to participate in the sport. For example, travelers who are all going to Christmas skiing or bungee jumping or any winter sports, etc. They should carry appropriate medication and well-prepared to prevent injuries. Overseas weddings and civil unions: These categories of passengers are the people who are willing to get married in other countries. They may need to travel to that country and should be clarified with the law. In such cases, the documentation required is perfect. Therefore, planning long before the wedding date is necessary. Some jobs require a few months. Pilgrims Hajj: Hajj Pilgrims are a variety of passengers traveling from one country to the Hajj, the largest annual pilgrimage in the world. They are a sort of spiritual journey. Only people who belong to Islam will go to Hajj. Visit friends and relatives abroad: These types of travelers begin their journey to other countries to visit their friends and family. Travelling abroad for medical care: People who travel abroad for medical treatment and special would come into this category. Supporters Travel: People traveling to other countries to enjoy the football tournament falls in this genre. Passengers on cruise ships: persons traveling through cruise ship passengers are called as cruise. This is one of the safest way to travel. Visitors Antarctica: Antarctica is a unique travel destination and highly protected place on earth. People who are all traveling to Antarctica Antarctica is named as visitors. Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games: Sports fans who are all on the road to enjoy the winter Olympic Games and Paralympic Games are comes under this category of passengers. These are the different types separate according to the purpose and the identity of travelers.
Diego de Almagro Santiago Hotel
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wardjn-blog · 14 years
Get the most from your Travel Agent
The trick to successful and stress-free travel is before the planning. Difficult, but it may seem, your goal is may come every possible case, and take action before it happens to think. What will you do if your luggage is lost? If you get sick? If the blue pumps? Being proactive is the possibility of a serious crisis to reduce during your trip. Budgeting for YOUR TRAVEL Travel, do not break the bank to be - not when you are ready to advance your holiday spending plan. First, decide how much you can afford, then you make your travel plans. Start searching early for travel deals - talk to your travel agency, flights for Internet specials, and check with travel clubs for discounts. Here are some great bargains in package deals that combine hotel and airfare at a discounted rate. If holidays tend to get in trouble on your credit card, consider a savings account just for travel - where a small amount each month on your next trip. You should also plan to stay traveler's checks instead of using credit cards within your budget. It's amazing how easy it is to go overboard when Start is handing over the plastic! And be sure to track how much you are paying to keep - as your budget in comparison - on the whole trip. You could keep a small piece of paper with you for recording and counting your total expenses for each day. If you do not seem to happen to it on your budget, should be of lower priority expenses compromise in exchange for the higher priority. When my husband and I travel, we are always willing to stay in a budget hotel so that we can afford to eat and attend cultural events. We decided that expensive hotels wasted on us because we spend very little time in our room and we would rather spend our money elsewhere. Where are you willing to compromise? Packing Made Easy Have you ever been away from home and suddenly realize you forgot your toothbrush, shoes, or your swimsuit? After hurrying to the replacement of parts that you leave not only waste time and money but also reduces your enjoyment of the trip. And sometimes you might forget an item, replace the not so easy - like your check book or report, you should at tomorrow's meeting were present. But you can save a lot of grief by the guesswork out of the package. Start by developing packing lists both short trips (one to three days) and longer tours. You can even have different lists for different types of travel - camping, business, foreign travel, trips to the beach, cold weather travel, etc. Try to any and all generic terms, you might need include: - clothing, toiletries, alarm clock, night light what you want to take with you. Then use these lists as memory-joggers as you travel for each package. You can also reduce the time you spend preparing for the trip, by making a "pre-packed" toiletry bag with duplicates of the items you use in your home. Fill your kit with samples of shampoo, soap, lotion, cosmetics, toothpaste and shaving cream - even miniature toothbrushes and razors. This travel size tag take up less space in your suitcase and you are less likely to leave something important behind. And do not forget your important documents - especially if you are traveling abroad. Organize the proof of citizenship, an official of the government photo ID (driver's license or military ID is fine), bring to a state-issued birth certificate with a raised seal and a pass. Note that children and infants are also required to be a state-issued birth certificate for travel have. LESS IS MORE If you can away with it, try not to check your luggage. I bought a very spacious Pullman, who long for that space up to a week of clothes - so I have to leave out, to take care of my bags. If you pack "mix-and-match outfits and you plan to do some washing up liquid on the way, you do not need 15 different outfits for a week-long trip. And if you check a piece, you have these elements that could live you do not, without having to hold in you drive - toiletries, clothes to change into clean clothes, medicine, maps, travel confirmations, and all materials that you need for an upcoming business meeting. But try not to take more than one medium and one carry on bag per person. Remember, you can always remedy document, but not overpacking! However, heavy suitcase, when at the beginning, it is twice as hard when you get home. When you complete a purchase, while on the trip, you decide to bring an extra bag for carrying your purchases to plan home. Place your bags packed into a slightly larger empty - or get take a collapsible tote that is very little space in your bag. But the easiest way (though perhaps not the cheapest) is that each store your treasures sent directly to your home. This is a particularly good politics, if you bring home are a bit bulky on a plane because the airlines often a surcharge for oversized packages. And every piece of luggage you have to lug around limits your transportation options. Heavy suitcases mean cabs and vehicles and inconvenience and fatigue - during a mild case equal freedom to travel. Protect your property and want to be paranoid While no one about their safety when traveling, it's a good idea to err on the side of caution when planning your trip. So let's with the "stuff" Start - list the contents of each bag and keep your list handy any time your bags are out of your sight. This saves you a lot of frustration if your luggage gets lost and you will have to replace a claim file or your belongings. And do not forget to mark your luggage for easy retrieval - all begin this black Pullman, look the same, and it is for someone else to pick up your bag simple. While making lists, create a written record of your credit card number, traveler's checks, health insurance, emergency phone numbers and other important information to take with you when you travel. And again this information hidden away somewhere safe - a hotel safe is a good choice - if you can easily access them when you need it. Not - I repeat not - keep this record in your purse or wallet. Think about it. These are the first things that will last a thief - if you keep your list of credit cards and traveler's checks, it does not much help if they are stolen. They are better tuned to stick it in your shoe (as long as your feet do not sweat a lot!) Finally, you must have a starting point at home - anyone know where you are and how we do achieve. Be sure to give this person any information that could be important in an emergency - the phone number and address where you are, the code in your alarm system, your doctor's name, etc. It is easy to know your opinion that you will be contacted if something goes wrong at home to be - and that someone can act on your behalf if something goes wrong on your side. KEEP YOUR HOME SAFE Nothing can ruin a fabulous vacation more than worrying about your home while you are away. But a few simple precautions can help your mind and keep your home safe. Before you go, the police or a very trusted neighbors know that you are gone - especially if you are planning a longer trip. Nothing says "not home" more than a stack of newspapers in your driveway or magazines pouring out of your mailbox - so avoid collecting your e-mail and newspaper delivery or neighbors. Investing in times for your lights, radios, etc. - and makes them go on and off at random times during the day - your home will look lived in and keep away burglars. And if you're not comfortable leaving your house, hire a house sitter. Insure your TRIP One thing that very few people not to remember before you leave home it is to check their insurance policies. This is especially important if you are traveling abroad. First make sure that you have the proper personal liability insurance. This is the loss or theft of personal property, injury (to yourself or someone else), your legal defense (do not operate like the U.S. in other countries - Recall that child in Singapore, was chastised) to insure, and the return of your remains should you die overseas (not a nice thought, but it happens). Check with your insurance carrier - can your homeowner policy coverage for your possessions while away from home are, and your credit card company probably offers inexpensive life insurance. If you operate a vehicle during your trip, check to see what covers your car insurance. If you are in an accident in a rented car, which will be paid? Are you insured if you are in an accident abroad? Are there any hidden costs that you expect to pay to be? You should also familiarize yourself with your health insurance. What measures need your insurance if you are sick or injured, while of the state? From the country? They are a package or an expensive trip if you visit a dangerous and unpredictable parts of the world, or if you have a personal or medical situation that could disrupt your travels, you should also consider trip cancellation insurance and business interruption insurance. , Illness, family emergency, and also the default or bankruptcy of your travel provider, this type of reporting can be in bad weather (canceled a cruise because of a hurricane that is) to protect. But remember that certain situations - such as pre-existing medical conditions, terrorism, kidnapping, and war - you can make your trip cancellation coverage void. Make sure you probably understand, buy all the terms, requirements and exclusions, before your insurance. Is it only for cases when someone is sick in your party, or if someone at home sick as well? When your coverage will begin and end? Does "medical evacuation" mean you to the nearest medical facility or evacuated to return home? Maybe you want to the insurance company itself, as many travel agents can not understand all the terms of your policy. Do not assume that everything is covered until it yourself to check out. SCHEDULING AS A SCIENCE Some of the biggest frustrations people face to be out of their problems SCHEDULE - flight delays, traffic jams, getting lost, long lines, you name it. But you can have a number of measures taken to ensure that you are able to stick your route on the road. Do not wait until you learn at your destination, to get the situation of the country. Take the time to make your trip before leaving the research - developing at least a superficial knowledge of the distances, directions, attractions, transportation systems and weather. Check out your options and get a few sights you really want to see while on the trip - just remember that not everything! Then as many advance reservations as possible when making your travel route set to keep in mind to build the travel time from the moment in your itinerary. Be sure to confirm all appointments and reservations before leaving - and then confirm everything when you arrive. There is no such thing as double-checking too much! We talked a lot about physical preparations for your vacation - but preparing yourself mentally is just as important. Determine ahead of time what your expectations are for your trip. What has to happen so that a successful trip? Which activities or sights you it would disappoint you to miss? Which activities or sights you it would not bother to miss? And what problems you on other trips that you would have liked to avoid at this stage? Try to admit to himself that things go may not be perfect during the entire trip. Be flexible and have other options ready (reading, other activities), if your timing is off track. Understand that you can not control every (or any!) Aspect of travel. The more you are willing to accept difficulties and delays that are less disruptive if they occur. Happy journey!
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