warfares-bridge · 6 years
Sighing as all he got was static, the rifleman tried to spot his team on any of the platforms below him, noticing Douglas on what seemed like the only truly solid ground, holes that seemed to be the original location of the platforms obvious from the height he was at. Managing to find one close enough to jump down to, Jacob slowly began to move through what could almost be considered a maze, going from platform to platform until he could get down far enough to be heard by the pilot. “Hey pilot, any idea as to where the hell we are!?” the grunt yelled down at him, hoping he had some idea where they were.
Jacob suddenly shot up, scanning the environment around him. It was completely foreign, a multitude of floating platforms of compacted sot surrounded by a purple, swirling storm. Getting to his feet and desperately trying to remember how he even got there, he tried to call the rest of his squad, “Elix, J, Alex, do you read?” As he called out, he quickly realized he didn’t have his rifle, finding it next to him and picking it up as he looked over the area in front of him.
Douglas rolled over in his sleep. Something seemed a little… off, but he’d just gotten out of a hot zone and he didn’t want to worry about anything that wasn’t either an urgent deployment request or the Monaco going to condition red.
Something pressed into his chest in a very strange way, though, which forced him to open his eyes and take in the grass that he was staring at through his HUD visor. He didn’t have a first thought; he stared blankly at the organic material for a few moments, heedless of everything else going on around him. This wasn’t his room.
After a few moments, he’d finally woke enough to form a coherent thought; this isn’t right. He looked up.
The sky was purple. Clouds billowed about, like one of Apogee’s hurricanes. Wind blew against the combat armor he’d found himself in. Douglas took a second to look around, taking stock of the situation he’d managed to find himself in as his training kicked in. Step One was figuring out where he was. Step Two was taking inventory. Step Three was securing a means of survival.
Step Four was getting out.
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warfares-bridge · 6 years
Jacob suddenly shot up, scanning the environment around him. It was completely foreign, a multitude of floating platforms of compacted sot surrounded by a purple, swirling storm. Getting to his feet and desperately trying to remember how he even got there, he tried to call the rest of his squad, “Elix, J, Alex, do you read?” As he called out, he quickly realized he didn’t have his rifle, finding it next to him and picking it up as he looked over the area in front of him.
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warfares-bridge · 6 years
Blog’s finally set up!
So I may have rushed this slightly, but I’ve finally got this blog up and running! Right now I’ve only got two muses; the Cabal Bracus Zuvur’uom and the Miltia Rifleman Jacob, but I’ve got a lot more characters being worked on, so expect more muses as I ACTUALLY START RPING.
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warfares-bridge · 6 years
soccom-operations ---> warfares-bridge
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warfares-bridge · 6 years
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warfares-bridge · 6 years
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to my mutuals & followers
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warfares-bridge · 8 years
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“Glaciem, retributionem. Ex rationis, victoria.”
Independent, group run blog for the crew of the MAS Retribution based out of Mantle. And a compilation of headcanons and lore shamelessly borrowed from series other than RWBY.
Indie OC Friendly SFW/NSFW Multi-Muse Multi-Mun
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warfares-bridge · 8 years
/Oh hey I haven’t done something in forever-
*UNSC forces are rioting with massive holographic signs saying “Viva La Revolution!!!!!!”*
/Fucking... god damnit why is this coup shit happening.
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warfares-bridge · 8 years
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Wise words from a wise man
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warfares-bridge · 8 years
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The US be like…
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warfares-bridge · 8 years
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warfares-bridge · 8 years
Tumblr Code.
If I ever see any of you in public, the code is “I like your shoelaces”
that way we know we’re from tumblr without revealing anything
I’m just going to say this to strangers until i find a tumblr person
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must keep reblogering!! Im going to be so suspicious if any one tells me this now!
Remember the answer is: I stole them from the president.
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always reblog tumblr identification
This is an absolute tumblr relic. I feel like an archaeologist right now. This is incredible that this is on my dash.
I ran into someone I knew HAD to have a tumblr and we both remembered shoelaces and president and nothing else, BUT WE KNEW.
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warfares-bridge · 8 years
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warfares-bridge · 8 years
Local Starship lands on planet, finds shadow monsters and animal/human hybrids. (I know you didn't reblog the meme)
What… what even???? Who are you anon? Because I came here to have a fun time and I feel attacked. This is still hilarious though XD
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warfares-bridge · 8 years
TMW something you build up to and are so excited about immediately falls flat on it’s face.
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warfares-bridge · 8 years
I'm so fucking gitty right now god damnit @huntsman-ash I NEED TO SLEEP
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warfares-bridge · 8 years
That would be beautiful, though I’d have to wonder how schematics for a mech would effect what’s essentially a battleship with C&C capabilities
@soccom-operations @huntsman-ash
Okay but
Mantle using what they learn from the Loki blueprints to refit the Angel and traveling the galaxy blowing shit up
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