did i tell u guys i got into an argument on twitter bc i said foxes are dogs and someone tried to bring up their actual fuckin. classification or whatever and i just said “foxes are dogs cause they are fluffye” and they kept arguing with me. the entire time i was like “you will not survive the immigration to tumblr you are lucky we are not there right now”
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warriorprincess1995 · 1 month
Israel doing well in Eurovision is a completely predictable result of the boycott. The people who are watching & voting in Eurovision are now at best willfully ignorant and apathetic and at worst actively pro-Israel, meaning there will be a disproportionate amount of people willing to vote for Israel and even people voting for them because of the boycott.
But saying that means that boycotting Eurovision was the wrong call completely misses the point of the boycott. The point is not "Israel should not win Eurovision", it is "Israel should not be allowed to compete in the first place". The point of the boycott is not to give the EBU views or money, so if you've been boycotting... don't give them money or legitimacy by voting for someone tomorrow to prevent Israel from winning. If Israel does win, that does not mean boycotting failed; it only further delegitimizes the competition and confirms we should burn the whole thing down.
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warriorprincess1995 · 1 month
Concentration camp.
They built a concentration camp.
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I don't think words can describe what this other than genocide.
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warriorprincess1995 · 1 month
we can't even get you to stop calling us "dude"
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warriorprincess1995 · 1 month
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glad to see those spreading the truth
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warriorprincess1995 · 1 month
Hi I just need to tell you something. I REALLY need you to know. You can still get/transmit herpes even while wearing a condom.
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warriorprincess1995 · 2 months
so apparently “asexual reproduction” is no longer the preferred scientific term, so if anyone makes a sponge joke or whatever just scream “IT’S AGAMETIC KNOW YOUR SCIENCE” and throw a textbook at them
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warriorprincess1995 · 2 months
you should be able to say "line" if you don't know what to say in a social situation
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warriorprincess1995 · 2 months
We (The Panthers) were out doing food distribution yesterday and there was a homeless trans woman with cerebral palsy.
And just. Fuck me, man. It was all we could do to get her some estrogen. We gave her some razors but like. Can she even use them?
It felt more personal. Here was one of my sisters at the lowest she could possibly be and there was nothing I could fucking do.
I haven't been able to get her out of my mind.
She couldn't speak. She was terrified of men. She was on the corner begging for cigarettes. There was a smear going down her cheek from where she had applied her lipstick. She started crying when she saw another black transwoman. When she held me I could feel her drowning.
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warriorprincess1995 · 2 months
hey I wonder what happens if I put powdered milk into carbonated water
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warriorprincess1995 · 2 months
"crochet can't be made by machines" went from being a cool fun fact to being a call to action of "so if you see mass manufactured crochet in Target, that was made by a person and they were underpaid and you should boycott it" which is true, it was made by a person, but EVERY item of clothing you own (that you did not purchase from a company using ethical labor) was made by a person being underpaid (at *best*.)
Sewing machines are operated by *people*. Knitting machines are operated by *people*. Yes lots of the process is automated but you cannot tell a machine "make me a t-shirt" or "make me a knit cardigan".
Higher awareness of fast fashion, and the true human labor and abuse behind it, is GREAT, but let's not pretend that the crochet hat in target is THE problem. Every article of clothing in target is the problem. "All clothes are made by people" is the jumping off point here into understanding this issue it's not just crochet it's the whole thing ahhhhHHHHHHHHHH
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warriorprincess1995 · 2 months
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Echidna Statue, Sacro Bosco
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warriorprincess1995 · 2 months
I do love the positivity and sisterhood between trans women on this website lately, but I do want to ask you all to examine (Internally! Not on this post!) how you extend that energy to Black trans women.
Are you giving us the same grace? Showing us the same love? Creating space for us in your communities? Do you tell racists that their behavior is unacceptable? Do you listen when we point out microaggressions? Do you care about anti-racism?
If your trans love does not prioritize the safety of Black trans women then it is incomplete.
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warriorprincess1995 · 2 months
It's annoying how condescending Zionists can get, especially towards anyone who is pro-Palestine.
This often looks like Zionists saying things like "But this doesn't help Palestinians at all or do anything to achieve peace"
or even my fave "They don't even know which river or what sea!" and other mindless crap like that. Obviously it's important to keep certain things in mind and do our best to avoid anti-Semitism but for a lot of allies, for both who are new to this and those who have been around forever, you're doing great!
As Palestinians we're grateful to our allies who choose to stand in solidarity with us. Those who take the time to learn about the issue and spread awareness, those who put their comforts aside and boycott, those who donate to fundraisers and charities to help Palestinians in Gaza.
Important to keep in mind that this movement is a Palestinian-led one but that it is also a global one. Trust me, pro-Israelis hate to see people coming out and marching in support of Palestinians week after week in hundreds of cities. Keep up the great work.
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warriorprincess1995 · 2 months
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what??what the fuck? hello?
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warriorprincess1995 · 2 months
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An elderly Palestinian woman tries in vain to protect her olive trees as Israeli settlers, protected by the Israeli army, cut down 800 Palestinian-owned olive trees near the town of Shuyukh, east of Hebron.
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warriorprincess1995 · 2 months
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